网件交换机设置trunk_Xbox 360不会自动登录到实时状态-已修复,因为NetGear托管GS724TP交换机中的RSTP和生成树设置

博客讲述了作者遇到的一个问题,即Xbox无法自动登录Xbox Live,经过长时间排查,发现是由于Netgear GS724TP交换机上的Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP)设置导致的。RSTP是为防止网络环路而设计的,但某些设备(如Xbox)在启动时可能因端口初始化延迟而无法及时获取DHCP地址。解决方案是关闭RSTP或在交换机端口上启用portfast。


Victory pose, Halo Style

You change something months ago, then noticed an unrelated problem weeks later, then it takes a year to figure out that they were related.


"A butterfly flaps its wings in Brazil and my Xbox stops getting a DHCP lease reliably."


A few months back, as my wife recalls, the Xbox in the living room stopped automatically logging into Xbox live. It was irritating in that "First World Problem" kind of way. We use the Xbox for Netflix and Hulu and she uses Zumba and some other Kinect Fitness stuff so it was a daily reminder to me that "Daddy is a lousy IT guy."

正如我妻子回忆的那样,几个月前,客厅中的Xbox停止自动登录Xbox Live。 这种“第一世界问题”的方式令人恼火。 我们将Xbox用于Netflix和Hulu,而她使用Zumba和其他Kinect Fitness产品,因此每天都在提醒我:“爸爸是一个糟糕的IT专家。

I don't remember when it stopped working other than it did. I set static leases in the main router. Then I set static IP addresses in the router. The ONLY thing that would fix it was to get the Xbox to Refresh/Renew the IP Address (even when it was static!) by going into the System menu of My Xbox, then Network Settings, Configure Network, then Additional Settings, then Restore to Factory Defaults. <sarcasm>Let me say that the wife LOVED this.</sarcasm>

我不记得它什么时候停止工作了。 我在主路由器中设置了静态租约。 然后,我在路由器中设置静态IP地址。 唯一可以解决该问题的方法是,通过进入“我的Xbox”的“系统”菜单,“网络设置”,“配置网络”,“其他设置”,“还原”,使Xbox刷新/更新IP地址(即使它是静态的!)。恢复出厂默认设置。 <sarcasm>让我说妻子喜欢这个。</ sarcasm>

Unrelated to this issue, a few weeks back I lost some save games on my now dead PS3 so tonight I decided to go and backup all my Xbox save games onto a new USB stick. I started with the Xbox in my office, but it wouldn't log in. This set off a spark in my head. I've got literally 34 happy devices with IP Addresses in my house (don't ask) from various vendors but the two Xboxen won't login? OK, that can't be me.

与这个问题无关,几周前,我在已经死了的PS3上丢失了一些保存游戏,所以今晚我决定去将所有Xbox保存游戏备份到新的USB记忆棒上。 我从办公室里的Xbox开始,但无法登录。这在我脑海中燃起了火花。 我家中有34个带有IP地址的快乐设备,这些设备带有IP地址(不要问),但是有两个Xboxen无法登录? 好,那不可能是我。

All my nicely labeled network cables in a bundle.

At this point, of course, I'm unable to login to Xbox live easily so I get irritated and decide that I will shift gears and finally get this thing fixed.

当然,在这一点上,我无法轻松登录Xbox Live,所以我很恼火,并决定换档并最终解决此问题。

Even though there's no realistic way that I will bust out the IP Networking textbook from college, hook up WireShark and start sniffing traffic, I like to fool myself into believing that I am that good of a technologist (or that I care THAT much) but the thought brings me comfort.


I start following the wires around from the Xbox to the router, as they are all numbered and labeled in the wiring closet.


Aside: Here's a Bit.ly Bundled Link of the complete "Wiring your house for Gigabit Ethernet 5 PART SERIES" when I wired my house a few years back.


However, I get lost as there's just so darn many wires in the wiring closet. It's getting crowded.

但是,我迷路了,因为配线室里的电线太多了。 越来越拥挤。

I realize, however, that the wires aren't going directly into main Router that gives out IP addresses. They are actually plugged into a lovely Netgear 24-port Gigabit GS724TP Managed Switch. Because I wired the whole house for Gigabit and wanted basically hard drive speeds on the wire, I needed a switch with the chutzpah to push a lot of bandwidth, and this switch was the one. All the wires in the house go into it - including the Xboxen. But which ones?

但是我意识到,这些电线并没有直接进入分配IP地址的主路由器。 它们实际上已插入可爱的Netgear 24端口千兆GS724TP网管型交换机中。 因为我将整个房子都连接到千兆位,并且基本上希望提高硬盘速度,所以我需要一个带有chutzpah的交换机来推动大量带宽,而这个交换机就是其中之一。 房屋中的所有电线都插入其中-包括Xboxen。 但是哪一个呢?

I needed to figure out which cables were the two Xbox cables and plug them directly into the router. I know the MAC addresses of both Xboxes so I logged into the switch's admin console. After failing to remember the password (I set this up 4 years ago, you know) and starting to panic, I tried "password" out of frustration. It worked.

我需要弄清楚两条Xbox电缆是哪根电缆,然后将它们直接插入路由器。 我知道两个Xbox的MAC地址,所以我登录了交换机的管理控制台。 在忘记密码(我在4年前设置了密码)并开始感到恐慌之后,我出于无奈而尝试了“密码”。 有效。

It shouldn't have.


Why was my password a default password?


Something had changed. Oh! I flashed the firmware on this GS724TP switch last year with version It must have reset everything to the defaults.

事情发生了变化。 哦! 去年,我在GS724TP交换机使用版本5.0.0.15刷新了固件。 它必须将所有内容重置为默认值。

Now that I was logged in, I checked out the list of all the MAC Addresses and their associated ports.


My two Xboxes were plugged into g14 and g22

OK, so the two consoles are plugged into Ports 14 and 22, so I found them and moved the cables to plug directly into my router, rather than the managed switch.


They worked. Suddenly a year of obnoxious just stopped. Why?

他们工作了。 突然令人讨厌一年停了下来。 为什么?

What would cause one device (or class of device) to not get an IP address consistently via DHCP?


There's an article on Windows 2000 called DHCP Renewal Failures on Switched Networks that sounds familiar.

在Windows 2000上有一篇名为《交换网络上的DHCP更新失败》的文章听起来很耳熟。

A client connected to an Ethernet switch may not receive a renewed DHCP IP address during startup. Releasing and renewing the IP address manually works.

启动期间,连接到以太网交换机的客户端可能不会收到更新的DHCP IP地址。 手动释放和更新IP地址是可行的。

There's apparently a magical thing called STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) that is very useful but also totally confusing to me. I have read this Wikipedia twice and I have no idea what it does. I'm sure it's lovely, really.

显然有一种神奇的东西叫做STP(生成树协议) ,它非常有用,但也让我完全困惑。 我已经阅读了两次维基百科,但我不知道它的作用。 我敢肯定,这真的很可爱。

The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is a network protocol that ensures a loop-free topology for anybridged Ethernet local area network.

生成树协议( STP )是一种网络协议,可确保任何桥接的无环拓扑 乙太网路 局域网

Of COURSE it is.




That is my blank stare, right there, FYI.


Interestingly, if you Google with Bing or DuckDuckGo for "spanning tree DHCP" you'll get results with words like "failure," "blamed," "fixed, "slowed down," and "acting strange." Ya, spanning tree rocks.

有趣的是,如果您使用Bing或DuckDuckGo的Google来进行“生成树DHCP”操作,您将获得诸如“失败”,“责备”,“固定”,“速度慢”和“动作奇怪”之类的结果。 。

There's also a version of Spanning Tree called RSTP or Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol. All of these protocols are meant to make things work better and recover faster after a network failure and prevent routing loops. However, they appear to cause some trouble in certain clients, like my Xbox and possibly my iPhone and IPad as well.

还有一个称为RSTP或快速生成树协议的生成树版本。 所有这些协议的目的是使事情变得更好,并在网络故障后更快地恢复,并防止路由环路。 但是,它们似乎在某些客户端(例如我的Xbox和我的iPhone和iPad)上引起了一些麻烦。

Here's another explanation:


The problem might be related to what type of network device the DHCP client is connected to. If the client is connected to a switch that performs a spanning tree calculation during port initialization, then the port the client is connected to may not be available for 10-15 seconds. This is long enough to prevent the DHCP client from renewing or obtaining IP addressing information, and thus preventing the TCP/IP stack from initializing.

问题可能与DHCP客户端连接到哪种网络设备有关。 如果客户端连接到在端口初始化期间执行生成树计算的交换机,则客户端连接的端口可能在10到15秒钟内不可用。 这足够长,可以防止DHCP客户端更新或获取IP地址信息,从而防止TCP / IP堆栈初始化。

This is not a problem on all switches that perform spanning tree calculations. Some devices will perform the calculations in the background, and thus the port becomes available immediately. Also, this type of functionality is only required on ports that are connected to other switching devices. Therefore you don't really need it enabled on ports that have clients directly connected to them

在执行生成树计算的所有交换机上这不是问题。 某些设备将在后台执行计算,因此该端口将立即可用。 此外,仅在连接到其他交换设备的端口上才需要这种功能。 因此,您实际上不需要在直接将客户端连接到的端口上启用它

A buddy of mine says:


[Spanning Tree is] not bad, but it is there to prevent routing loops. If you are sure you won't ever connect that port to another switch and make a routing loop, an alternative to disabling spanning tree is to enable portfast and I bet that would fix it too. The problem is the normal startup procedure for a port running spanning tree is about 20-25 seconds of watching traffic on the port before enabling. Thus, when you turn your Xbox on, it only waits x seconds for a DHCP reply where x is definitely shorter than the time spanning tree takes to enable the port.

[生成树]不错,但是可以防止路由循环。 如果您确定永远不会将该端口连接到另一台交换机并进行路由循环,则禁用生成树的另一种方法是启用portfast,我敢打赌也可以修复该问题。 问题在于,运行生成树的端口的正常启动过程是在启用端口之前观察端口流量约20-25秒。 因此,当您打开Xbox时,它仅等待x秒进行DHCP答复,其中x肯定比启用端口所需的时间短。

Also, deep in this Australian forum was a comment:


Just to clarify that RSTP has a faster up time than STP. I don't think this is going to directly cause the "limited or no connectivity" issue.

只是为了澄清一下,RSTP的启动时间比STP快。 我认为这不会直接导致“连接受限或无连接”的问题。

However for some devices you need to have the port active right away. On a cisco switch this is called portfast and it skips the process of checking for loops(RSTP, STP). On some devices (xbox 360) this can cause DHCP issues when they're first turned on.

但是,对于某些设备,您需要立即启用端口。 在cisco交换机上,这称为portfast,它跳过检查循环(RSTP,STP)的过程。 在某些设备(xbox 360)上,这可能在首次打开时导致DHCP问题。

PCs are generally immune to this as they'll poll for a DHCP service several times while your media device might only try once.


And thus, this is how I fixed the issue with my Xboxes not logging into Live on the first try. I'd flashed a network switch without even thinking and it turned Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol on, which Xboxes (and some other network devices) don't like.

因此,这就是我如何解决Xbox首次尝试不登录Live的问题。 我什至没有想到就闪过一个网络交换机,它打开了快速生成树协议,而Xbox(和其他一些网络设备)不喜欢它。

My solution, check the router or switch and turn RSTP or "Spanning Tree" off.


As an aside, it turns out that I could have even turned off RSTP at the port level on this Netgear GS725TP switch. Amazing hardware, this switch. Love it. Except for when it reset settings to defaults and irritated me for a year.

顺便说一句,事实证明,我什至可以在此Netgear GS725TP交换机的端口级别上关闭RSTP。 惊人的硬件,这个开关。 爱它。 除了何时将设置重置为默认值并激怒了我一年。

Related Links


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/xbox-360-wont-auto-login-to-live-fixed-due-to-rstp-and-spanning-tree-setting-in-a-netgear-managed-gs724tp-switch






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