Windows 7-Windows Virtual PC(Virtual XP)中的无缝应用程序和应用程序兼容性

I'm running the Windows 7 RC and I'm the Windows Virtual PC Beta along with Virtual Windows XP (a separate download). If you have an application that won't run in Windows 7 by default (they're out there) then you have two choices, aside from getting a version that does work.

我正在运行Windows 7 RC,并且是Windows Virtual PC BetaVirtual Windows XP (单独下载)。 如果您有一个默认情况下不会在Windows 7中运行的应用程序(它们不在那儿),那么除了获得可以正常工作的版本外,您还有两种选择。

第一次尝试:兼容模式 (First Try: Compatibility Mode)

You have two choices with Compatibility Mode. You can always just right click on the program's Icon and click Compatibility Mode, and "lie" to the program about what version of Windows this is. This isn't just a version fib, it also patches up APIs and generally makes things friendly for your old application.

兼容模式有两种选择。 您始终可以右键单击程序的图标,然后单击“兼容模式”,然后对程序“撒谎”这是什么版本的Windows。 这不仅是版本fib,还修补了API,通常使您的旧应用程序变得更友好。

Alternatively, you can type in "Compatibility" in your Start Menu and select "Run Programs made for previous version of Windows. This will start a troubleshooter that will help you select your app and figure out what it needs.


You walk through a Wizard, explaining what worked before (different OS, etc) and it'll suggest what it can do about it.


第二次尝试:无缝的“虚拟XP模式” (Second Try: Seamless "Virtual XP Mode")

People who know what Virtualization usually assume this means that they'll need to run a Windows XP VM (which they do) and it'll be a hassle (which it isn't) as they'll have a "window of an OS inside their OS."

知道虚拟化的人通常都认为这意味着他们需要运行Windows XP VM(这样做),并且麻烦(不是),因为他们会有一个“操作系统窗口”。在他们的操作系统中。”

Here's the process, once you've installed Windows Virtual PC and Virtual XP. Run Virtual XP from the Start Menu, or from your "Virtual Machines" folder.

安装Windows Virtual PC和Virtual XP之后,就是下面的过程。 从“开始”菜单或“虚拟机”文件夹中运行Virtual XP。

Once it's started, install the old application you want. I'm going to install FileZilla, an FTP client.

启动后,安装所需的旧应用程序。 我将安装FTP客户端FileZilla。

NOTE: There's NOTHING wrong with FileZilla under Windows7. This is JUST an example.

注意:Windows7下的FileZilla没什么问题。 这只是一个例子。

Select "for all users of this computer" during the installation, as you want the icon published to the "All Users" part of the Start Menu. If you don't have this option, you can always move the icon later.

在安装过程中,选择“针对此计算机的所有用户”,因为您希望将图标发布到“开始”菜单的“所有用户”部分。 如果没有此选项,则以后随时可以移动图标。

Now, shut down the Virtual XP machine by clicking the close icon. It will hibernate.

现在,通过单击关闭图标关闭Virtual XP计算机。 它将Hibernate。

Notice in your Windows 7 Start Menu that FileZilla (or whatever) has's in the Windows 7 Start Menu.

请注意,在Windows 7的“开始”菜单中,出现了FileZilla(或其他文件)……它在Windows 7的“开始”菜单中


Run FileZIlla it from here, like you would any other program. You can, of course, even pin it to the Windows 7 Taskbar. When you run it, there may be a moment where you'll see 'Initializing Virtual Environment, and you might see this dialog:

从这里运行FileZIlla,就像其他任何程序一样。 当然,您甚至可以将其固定到Windows 7任务栏。 当您运行它时,可能会有片刻会看到“正在初始化虚拟环境,并且您可能会看到以下对话框:

Here you can decide to run the App or the Machine. I'll run the App. After I start running Apps, I'll not see this dialog again, unless I start the Machine again directly.

在这里,您可以决定运行应用程序还是计算机。 我将运行该应用程序。 开始运行Apps后,除非再次直接启动计算机,否则不会再显示此对话框。

Here's FileZilla running from inside the Windows XP VM. It looks like Windows XP (notice the Crayola Colors) but the Windows 7 Task Manager is running over the top of it.

这是从Windows XP VM内部运行的FileZilla。 看起来像Windows XP(请注意Crayola颜色),但Windows 7任务管理器在其顶部运行。

You can see the Virtual PC Host Process in the task manager. There's also a "Virtual PC Application Launcher" that you might see.

您可以在任务管理器中看到Virtual PC Host Process。 您可能还会看到一个“ Virtual PC Application Launcher”。

If I hover over the icon in the Windows 7 Taskbar, it says "remote."

如果将鼠标悬停在Windows 7任务栏中的图标上,它将显示“远程”。

You'll even see Tray Notifications from the Virtual XP machine (like Security Center, etc) published to the "host" tray. (Yes, I know it's not officially called the tray, but it is de facto "The Tray.")

您甚至还会看到从Virtual XP计算机(例如Security Center等)发布到“主机”托盘的托盘通知。 (是的,我知道它没有正式称为纸盘,但实际上是“纸盘”。)

You can even "publish" Internet Explorer 6, by copying its icon to the All Users Start Menu. I right-clicked on the Start Menu from within Virtual XP and clicked "Open All Users", then right-dragged the Internet Explorer icon to the All Users Start Menu. Now IE6 is a choice:

您甚至可以通过将其图标复制到“所有用户开始”菜单来“发布” Internet Explorer 6。 我在Virtual XP中右键单击“开始”菜单,然后单击“打开所有用户”,然后将Internet Explorer图标右拖到“所有用户开始”菜单。 现在,IE6是一个选择:


...and I have an unholy alliance between IE6 and IE8, as you can see them both running here on my Win7 machine:


It's also worth pointing out that this trick works with Vista Virtual Machines as well. So, while Windows 7 (I hear) is profoundly compatible with Windows Vista (basically everything works) you can still run a Vista SP1+ VM and have "Seamless Apps" jump out of it by making sure the right integration features are enabled. I tried this running Visual Studio 2003 under Vista and Visual Studio 2002 under XP, then publishing them both so I could work on them seamlessly under Win 7.

还值得指出的是,该技巧也适用于Vista虚拟机。 因此,尽管Windows 7(我听说)与Windows Vista完全兼容(基本上一切正常),但您仍然可以运行Vista SP1 + VM,并通过确保启用正确的集成功能使“无缝应用程序”跳出。 我尝试在Vista下运行Visual Studio 2003,在XP下运行Visual Studio 2002,然后将它们都发布,这样我就可以在Win 7下无缝地处理它们。

This is all stuff you can do NOW, so go have fun.







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