
I used to hate podcasts, but that didn't last long. I got a longer commute, bandwidth became less of an issue and podcasts, frankly, got better. Of course, I'm a smidge biased.

我曾经讨厌播客,但这并没有持续多久。 我的通勤时间更长,带宽不再是问题,播客坦率地说也变得更好。 当然,我是一个有偏见的人

I listen to a number of podcasts, not all technical, of course. I also watch the nightly news and a number of other news and political TV shows delivered not over the air or via cable, but by podcast.

我当然听了很多播客,但不是全部都是技术播客。 我还观看每晚新闻,以及其他一些新闻和政治电视节目,这些广播和新闻不是通过空中或有线方式而是通过播客播出的。

Here's some technical podcasts, collected and recommended by my folks and friends on Twitter. I've heard some, and added my thoughts. Others I look forward to listening to. They are listed in no particular order. I threw mine in there as well. ;)

这是我的亲朋好友在Twitter上收集并推荐的一些技术播客。 我听到了一些,并补充了我的想法。 我期待其他人的倾听。 它们以不特定的顺序列出。 我也把我扔在那里。 ;)

NOTE: If you've created a list of YOUR favorite .NET Podcasts, send me a link to your blog and I'll add it here:


And here's mine:


.NET和软件播客的Hanselman的超级空手道死亡汽车列表 (Hanselman's Super Karate Death Car List of .NET and Software Podcasts)

Thoughtworks IT Matters - I respect a lot of the guys over at Thoughtworks so I'll give this a listen just based on that. It looks like it's updated infrequently, and there's no dates on their shows on the site (the RSS includes them), so hopefully they'll get a nice meter going and perhaps commit to a monthly or weekly schedule. Looks promising and fairy platform-agnostic, so likely useful for anyone programming in any language.

Thoughtworks IT问题 -我尊重Thoughtworks的很多人,因此我将以此为基础进行倾听。 看来它的更新频率不高,并且网站上的节目没有日期(RSS包括它们),因此希望他们能获得一个不错的成绩,并可能每月或每周执行一次时间表。 看起来很有前途且与平台无关,因此对于以任何语言进行编程的任何人都可能有用。

Hanselminutes  - I'll let Scott Bellware's tweeted review of my show speak, rather than toot my own horn: "the one i look forward to is hanselminutes. know it? host is a bit of a nut, but ethical and with a heart :)"

Hanselminutes -我要让Scott Bellware对我的演出发表推特评论,而不是吹牛角: “我期望的是Hanselminutes。知道吗?主持人有点儿胡说,但是道德和心地:) ”

I'm a .NET person, but I also dabble in Ruby and did some time at Nike coding Java. I also like gadgets so the show has become all of the above plus (I think) interesting interviews.

我是.NET人士,但我也涉猎Ruby,并在Nike编码Java做过一段时间。 我也喜欢小玩意,所以演出已成为以上所有内容(我认为)很有趣的采访。

.NET Rocks - The first and longest running, now on show #418 which is CRAZY. Richard and Carl set the standard for those that followed them. Often interviews, sometimes random, always interesting, .NET Rocks is the gold standard.

.NET Rocks-第一个也是运行时间最长的,现在正在显示#418,这很疯狂。 理查德和卡尔为跟随他们的人树立了标准。 .NET Rocks经常是访谈,有时是随机的,总是很有趣,是黄金标准。

ALT.NET Podcast - "You're the type of developer who uses whatever works while keeping an eye out for a better way, you reach outside the mainstream to adopt the best of any community, you're not content with the status quo and you realize that tools are great, but they only take you so far..." this might be the podcast for you.


Sparkling Client - Entirely focused on Silverlight and RIA (Rich Internet Application) technologies, I'd call this an "up and comer" in the .NET podcast world.

Sparkling Client-完全专注于Silverlight和RIA(Rich Internet Application)技术,在.NET播客世界中,我将其称为“新潮”。

ASP.NET Podcast by Wally McClure - The site design is a little wacky, but Wally's got 130+ podcasts focused entirely on ASP.NET and the content continues. He has covered Azure, lots of ASP.NET AJAX, jQuery and many other topics.

Wally McClure的ASP.NET播客 -网站设计有些古怪,但是Wally的130多个播客完全专注于ASP.NET,并且内容还在继续。 他涵盖了Azure,许多ASP.NET AJAX,jQuery和许多其他主题。

Polymorphic Podcast - Craig Shoemaker works for Infragistics and hosts this .NET focused podcast. It's a little spotty as far as the frequency of updates, but he has an easy style and focuses a lot of ASP.NET. He's also had a couple of killer interviews like his one with craigslist founder Craig Newmark.

多态播客-Craig Shoemaker为Infragistics工作,并主持此.NET重点播客。 就更新频率而言,它有点参差不齐,但是他的风格很简单,并且专注于许多ASP.NET。 他还接受了几次杀手面试,例如与craigslist创始人Craig Newmark的访谈。

Herding Code - Hosted by K. Scott Allen, Kevin Dente, Scott Koon and Jon Galloway, this is kind of the TWiT of .NET podcasts. If you ever wish you could go to coffee and shoot the sh*t with some really smart folks, but you just can't find enough find enough smart guys or enough coffee, look no farther than Herding Code. Each host has a different perspective that adds to the conversation. The sound quality and leveling can be a little off, but not enough to distract from the good content.

放牧代码-由K.Scott Allen,Kevin Dente,Scott Koon和Jon Galloway主持,这是.NET播客的TWiT 。 如果您希望可以和一些真正聪明的人一起喝咖啡和射击,但是您找不到足够的人找到足够的聪明人或咖啡,那就没有什么比Herding Code更远了。 每个主持人都有不同的观点,这增加了对话。 声音质量和水平可能会有所下降,但不足以分散良好的内容。

Deep Fried BytesDeep Fried Bytes- Keith Elder and Keith ElderChris Woodruff." Also tends to be a little irregular as far as publish dates, but they always have interesting guests. Mostly Windows focused, but not in a fanboy way, they've had a Linux/Gnome guest and are off to a fine start.   Chris Woodruff主持,具有南方风味。” 就发布日期而言,也往往有些不规律,但他们总是有有趣的客人。 他们大多专注于Windows,但并非以狂热的方式,他们拥有Linux / Gnome来宾,并且开端良好。

Software Engineering Radio - A language and platform agnostic show, these folks have over 120 shows in the can. The audio quality has been a little inconsistent, but the content is diverse and the guests are first class. Frankly this is one of the most diverse podcasts out there, and they do it without sacrificing depth. Recommended.

软件工程电台-一种与语言和平台无关的节目,这些人罐中有120多个节目。 音频质量有些不一致,但是内容多种多样,来宾是一流的。 坦白地说,这是目前为止种类最多的播客之一,他们在不牺牲深度的情况下做到了。 推荐的。

The Java Posse - To understand .NET, one has to understand that which came before. The Java Posse has hosts from Sun, Google and Navigenics and is a really quick and terse way to get up to speed on what's happening in the world of Java. It tends to be a little random and conversational, but they have VERY thorough show notes and links. If you're into Java or selling against Java, a podcast to watch.

Java Posse-要了解.NET,必须了解以前的版本。 Java Posse拥有来自Sun,Google和Navigenics的托管服务,这是一种非常快速,简洁的方法,可以快速掌握Java世界中正在发生的事情。 它往往有点随意和对话,但它们有非常透彻的表演说明和链接。 如果您喜欢Java或反对Java,请观看播客。

OpenWeb Podcast - It's new, but it's got John Resig. They are still getting the handle of the audio and tend to have problems overdriving the microphone and have issues with leveling and so that's a little distracting. However, it's got some really smart Google and Mozilla employees talking about the Open Web and how to keep it open. They also get +2 Charisma for publishing not only in MP3 but also in (the kind of irrelevant but totally open) OGG Vorbis format.

OpenWeb播客-它是新的,但是有了John Resig。 他们仍然可以控制音频,往往会在使麦克风过度驱动时遇到问题,并在调平方面遇到问题,因此这会分散注意力。 但是,确实有一些非常聪明的Google和Mozilla员工在谈论开放网络以及如何保持开放。 他们还获得了+2魅力,不仅可以以MP3格式发布,而且可以OGG Vorbis格式(无关紧要,但完全开放)发布。

They have been REALLY spotty, publishing only every month or two, but that's probably because they are DOING things to make the web better. Let's pressure them to publish more.

他们真的很参差不齐,只每个一两个月发布一次,但这可能是因为他们在做一些事情来改善网络。 让我们向他们施加压力,要求他们发表更多作品。

Ruby on Rails Podcast - Also pretty spotting on their publish dates, but always a good overview about what's going on in the world of Ruby on Rails. Tends to be a little chattier than I like in a technical podcast "Hey, how's it going, good, how's the weather" but that's a stylistic thing.

Ruby on Rails播客-在发布日期上也很引人注目,但总是对Ruby on Rails的世界有一个很好的概述。 在我喜欢的技术播客中,我可能会觉得有点闲聊,“嘿,最近怎么样,很好,天气怎么样”,但这是一种风格。

This Week on Channel 9本周第9频道 I visit this show in person every few months, and it's a lot of fun and a great rollup of the week's goings on. 我每隔几个月都会亲自去看这个节目,这很有趣,而且本周的进展非常好。

Elegant CodeCast - With a spin towards the Agile/TDD crowd, Elegant CodeCast puts on a show on a roughly twice a month basis.

Elegant CodeCast-面向敏捷/ TDD人群,Elegant CodeCast大约每月进行两次展示。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/hanselman-list-of-podcasts-for-net-programmers

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