


Our first trip to Africa with a baby was to Arusha, Tanzania when the older boy was just one. Because we were planning to go into the bush we got our shots, and had our pediatrician suggest the correct shots for the baby given his age and where we were going. Our town also has a dedicated Travel Clinic that is a great resource if you're heading anywhere off the beaten path (anywhere without an airport nearby, for example).

我们第一次带婴儿去非洲旅行是在坦桑尼亚的阿鲁沙,当时大男孩只有一个。 因为我们正打算进入丛林,所以我们得到了镜头,并让儿科医生根据婴儿的年龄和行进路线为婴儿建议了正确的镜头。 我们镇上还设有专门的旅行诊所,如果您前往人迹罕至的地方(例如,附近没有机场的任何地方),这将是一个很好的资源。

This trip, the older boy is 3 and the new baby just turned one. The flights on the way here were a short one hour hop to Seattle, followed by a 10 hour flight to Amsterdam, then an 11 hour flight to Johannesburg. There were layovers between them, as well. Total wheels-up, wheels-down flight time was about 22 hours, but door to door time was about 30 hours total. Here's a few of the techniques that we've used/developed to make it possible.

这次旅行,年龄较大的男孩3岁,刚出生的婴儿刚满1岁。 途中的航班到西雅图只有一小时的路程,然后是飞往阿姆斯特丹的10个小时,然后是飞往约翰内斯堡的11个小时。 他们之间也有中途停留。 向上,向下的总飞行时间约为22小时,但门到门的总时间约为30小时。 这是我们已经使用/开发的使之成为可能的一些技术。

  • Adult Sleep - Make sure the parents (that's you) get enough sleep the week before. More than usual even. We tried to get an extra 2 hours a night for the week prior to the trip. This not only cuts down on parents sniping at each other, but it goes a long way towards general sanity. Your kids will be tired. They will be tired beyond reason. If you are also, it'll suck for everyone.

    成人睡眠-确保父母(就是你)在一周前有足够的睡眠。 比平时还要多。 在旅行之前的一周中,我们试图每晚额外增加2个小时。 这不仅减少了父母互相嘲笑的可能性,而且对实现全面理智大有帮助。 你的孩子很累。 他们会无理取闹。 如果您也是,它将为所有人所吸引。

  • Packing - We've done more than a dozen international trips now, so we pack at least a week in advance now and we do it at a very leisurely pace. You'd be surprised how much stress can be avoided by being packed days before your trip. If you pack the night before you will forget something. My wife makes a list of the necessities, and we go back and forth over the list. I tend to pack very light (I did Malaysia for two weeks once with only one carry on), while Mo tends to push the limit by weighing her bags and trying to take the full 100 lbs. I lean more towards Tim Ferriss' style and I'd encourage you to. Depending on where you are going, chances are that they have the same stuff there that they do where you live. You can always buy toothpaste. You can buy diapers. Carry the stuff that your destination doesn't have. Carry special toys, books and blankets. Carry media and medical stuff. You can buy shampoo.

    包装-我们已经进行了十几次国际旅行,所以我们现在至少提前一周进行包装,而且我们的步伐非常轻松。 您会感到惊讶,在出行前几天被打包可以避免多少压力。 如果您在晚上收拾行李,忘记一些东西。 我的妻子列出了必需品清单,我们来回浏览清单。 我倾向于打包很轻(我在马来西亚做了两次,只带了一个手提包),而Mo倾向于通过称重她的行李并试图装满100磅来突破极限。 我更倾向于蒂姆·费里斯(Tim Ferriss)的风格,我鼓励你这样做。 根据您要去的地方,他们所拥有的东西很可能与您居住的地方相同。 您可以随时购买牙膏。 您可以购买尿布。 携带目的地没有的东西。 携带特殊玩具,书籍和毯子。 携带媒体和医疗用品。 你可以买洗发水。

  • Entertainment - Before each trip, we go to the Dollar Store (or Goodwill) and get a bunch of cheap toys and books that the boys haven't seen before. We don't unveil the toys until we are on the plane. We ration them as slowly as possible so there's still toys to be discovered on the flight back. We also picked up a portable Sony DVP-FX820 DVD player. We're not big on TV as it tends to hypnotize little minds, but when you're in hour 13 of a 30 hour  journey, your ideals go out the window. I'd encourage you to embrace this fact and make it work for you. We brought Thomas the Train, the Electric Company DVDs, and School House Rock. They were good enough for me in the 70s and they're good enough for my kids today.

    娱乐-每次旅行之前,我们去美元店(或Goodwill),买一堆男孩从未见过的廉价玩具和书籍。 在上飞机之前,我们不会揭开玩具的面纱。 我们尽可能缓慢地对它们进行配给,因此在返航中仍会发现玩具。 我们还购买了便携式Sony DVP-FX820 DVD播放器。 我们在电视上并不占优势,因为它倾向于催眠小头脑,但是当您处于30小时旅行的第13小时时,您的理想就会消失。 我鼓励您接受这一事实,并使其为您服务。 我们带来了火车托马斯,电力公司的DVD和School House Rock。 在20世纪70年代,它们对我来说已经足够了,今天对我的孩子们来说已经足够了。

  • Food/Snacks - Don't count on crappy airline food to pacify your kids. We avoid bribing the kids with treats, except on long flights. At this time, all bets are off. If a box of raisins will buy me 20 minutes of peace, bam, here's some raisins. Take lots of fun, but nutritious snacks and full your kids full of them. Full bellies usually mean longer naps. We brought tiny raisin boxes, organic fruit rollups, granola bars, basically anything that doesn't have corn syrup and doesn't need to be refrigerated. We also try to move the kids to the destination time zone sooner than later, so we'll feed them dinner or breakfast based on the time zone of where we're going, even while we're still on plane.

    食物/零食-不要依靠count脚的航空食物安抚孩子。 除了长途飞行,我们避免给孩子贿赂。 目前,所有赌注均关闭。 如果一盒葡萄干能给我20分钟的平安时间,宝贝,这是一些葡萄干。 带上很多有趣但又营养丰富的小吃,让孩子们吃饱。 饱腹通常意味着更长的午睡。 我们带来了小小的葡萄干盒子,有机水果卷,格兰诺拉麦片棒,基本上是没有玉米糖浆并且不需要冷藏的任何东西。 我们还会尽早将孩子们移到目的地时区,因此即使我们还在飞机上,我们也会根据要去的时区为他们喂晚餐或早餐。

    One other random food-related point, we encourage our kids to eat whatever's out there. As long as you make sure fruits are washed, and avoid ice at restaurants, we let the kids eat everything. Makes for strong stomachs. We do carry a doctor-prescribed dose of Cipro just in case something intestinal comes up, and we also travel with medical-trip insurance to cover all bases.

    与食物随机相关的另一点是,我们鼓励孩子们吃外面的东西。 只要您确保将水果洗净,并避免在餐厅结冰,我们就可以让孩子们吃一切。 使腹部强健。 如果确实有肠子出现,我们会携带医生处方的Cipro剂量,并且我们还提供医疗旅行保险以覆盖所有基地。

  • Baby Jet-Lag - The difference between a 1-year old and a 3-year old when it comes to jet-lag is extreme. The 3-year old can be psychologically manipulated, the 1-year old not so much. Our three year old bounds into our room each morning announcing "the sun is up, it's time to wake up!" This was a problem for us, as we prefer to NOT get up at 5am, so we covered his window with a blanket and now he sleeps until 8am, when the sun is bright enough to shine through. We used the lights and the windows on the plane, as well as saying things like "it's soooo late!" to encourage him to sleep. He slept for 7 hours on one of the 10 hour flights, as did the little one (from exhaustion). When we arrived, however, the light tricks and encouragement have worked on the 3 year old, who, on this the third day, is back to sleeping 8pm to 8am. The infant however, is a mess, waking up at 3am (the time he'd usually wake up from his afternoon nap back in our time zone. So, we are taking a tip from science and getting him out in the sunshine early each day, making sure he gets exposed to it early and often, then removing the light in the evenings and trying to set a tone of "sleepy time." So far, he's starting to be up less each night and I suspect he'll be 90% local time by day 5. Most travelers say that it takes one day per time zone crossed to get your body truly oriented. I personally believe, baby or adult, that light exposure can cut that time in half.

    婴儿时差-1岁和3岁之间时差的差异非常大。 3岁的孩子可以在心理上受到操纵,而1岁的孩子则没有那么多。 我们三岁的孩子每天早晨进入我们的房间,宣布“太阳升起了,该醒了!” 这对我们来说是个问题,因为我们不想在凌晨5点起床,所以我们用毯子盖住了他的窗户,现在他睡到了凌晨8点,此时阳光足够明亮。 我们所使用的灯和飞机上的窗户,并说这样的话“这是SOOOO晚了!” 鼓励他睡觉。 在10个小时的飞行中,他睡了7个小时,而小飞机(疲惫)也睡了7个小时。 但是,当我们到达时,三岁的孩子开始了轻松的玩法和鼓励,在这第三天,他又回到了晚上8点至早上8点睡觉。 但是,这个婴儿是一团糟,凌晨3点起床(通常是他在我们时区的午睡后醒来时间因此,我们从科学中获取一些小知识,每天早些时候把他带到阳光下,请确保他早点和经常接触它,然后在晚上关闭灯光,并尝试设定“昏昏欲睡的时间”的语气。到目前为止,他每天晚上起床的时间都减少了,我怀疑他会90岁每天当地时间的百分比5.大多数旅行者说,每个时区需要一天的时间才能使您的身体真正定向,我个人相信,无论是婴儿还是成人,光线照射都可以将时间缩短一半。

  • Routine and Resilience - Everyone wants a baby who can "roll with it" but babies love routine. In fact, if you do something twice, you may think nothing of it, but your baby may now consider it a routine. You can use this to your advantage. We mix routine with new stuff to make baby travel easier. For example, we may not be able to control the sleeping arrangements, but we can control if the baby sleeps on his favorite blanket. There may be a different bathtub each night, but the favorite rubber duck or bath toys can be there. We do the exact same bath time/bed time routine no matter where we are. Bath, Books, Bed. Same motions, same conversations. This routine assures the child that even though things have changed, nothing has changed.

    例行性和韧性-每个人都想要一个可以“顺其自然”但婴儿喜欢例行性的婴儿。 实际上,如果您两次做某事,您可能对此一无所知,但是您的宝宝现在可能会认为这是例行公事。 您可以利用此优势。 我们将日常工作与新事物混合在一起,使婴儿旅行变得更加轻松。 例如,我们可能无法控制睡眠安排,但是我们可以控制婴儿是否在自己喜欢的毯子上睡觉。 每晚可能会有一个不同的浴缸,但是喜欢的橡皮鸭或沐浴玩具可以在那里。 无论我们身在何处,我们都会执行完全相同的洗浴时间/上床时间程序。 浴室,书籍,床。 相同的动作,相同的对话。 此例程可确保孩子即使事情发生了变化,也没有任何变化。

  • Airlines and the Baby Bulkhead - If you're going internationally, your plane has a "baby bulkhead" row. There's a queue in the airline's roster for family's flying. On many big planes it's row 10, but you can check out SeatGuru to find out which row for which plane. However, as I understand it, the gate reserves the right to assign these seats at the last minute, depending on who gets to the gate first. We always call the airline directly (if you've got a lap child/infant) and request to be put in the queue for this row. Then we show up really early and talk to the gate agents to get confirmed. You can only use this row if your baby is under 20 lbs, but if you can manage to get it anyway, most airlines have a small cardboard box you can request to put the baby in at your feet. The only trick is that you'll need to pick the baby up if the Fasten Seat Belts light turns on. We got Row 10 on the flight to Amsterdam, which was cool, but the luck of the draw was not with us on the flight to Joburg, and we ended up in row 45. Yes, that's right, the ass of the plane. Last row, next to the Flight Attendant's area. We initially thought this would suck, but it positioned us near the toilet, near the snacks, near a half-dozen flight attendants who were happy to make smiles at the babies, and we could recline our seats really far as there was no one behind us. It wasn't ideal, but if you can't get the bulkhead, the last row is actually not too bad for babies.

    航空公司和婴儿舱壁-如果您要出国旅行,飞机上会有“婴儿舱壁”行。 航空公司的花名册上有排队等候家人飞行的信息。 在许多大型飞机上,它是第10行,但是您可以查看SeatGuru找出哪架飞机在哪一行。 但是,据我了解,登机口保留在最后一刻分配这些座位的权利,具体取决于谁先到达登机口。 我们始终会直接致电航空公司(如果您有一名膝上的孩子/婴儿),并要求将该行放入队列中。 然后我们真的很早出现,并与登机口代理进行确认。 如果您的婴儿体重不足20磅,则只能使用此行,但是如果您仍然可以设法做到这一点,则大多数航空公司都设有一个小纸板箱,您可以要求将婴儿放在脚下。 唯一的技巧是,如果“系好安全带”指示灯亮起,则需要接孩子。 在飞往阿姆斯特丹的航班上我们获得了第10行,这很酷,但是在飞往约堡的航班上却没有我们的幸运,我们最终进入了第45行。是的,没错,飞机的屁股。 最后一行,空乘人员区域旁边。 最初我们以为这会很烂,但是它使我们靠近马桶,小吃附近,六个空姐,他们很乐意对婴儿微笑,而且我们可以真正地坐下来,因为后面没有人我们。 这不是很理想,但是如果您无法获得舱壁,那么最后一行实际上对婴儿来说还算不错。

All this added up to a difficult, but not nightmarish or oppressive flight. Both boys did famously and are having a blast so far. I'd encourage you do try these tips (tweaking for your kids' personalities, of course) and get your kids of their home country and show them the world.

所有这些加起来是困难的,但不是噩梦般的或令人沮丧的飞行。 两个男孩的成绩都很出众,并且到目前为止都受到轰动。 我鼓励您尝试这些技巧(当然,要针对孩子的性格进行调整),并让孩子了解自己的祖国并向他们展示世界。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/south-africa-2008-travelling-long-distances-with-kids-and-babies






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