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My one-hundred-and-twenty-eighth and one-hundred-and-twenty-ninth podcasts are up. Both are on JavaScript and each has a very different perspective. I also talked to jQuery creator John Resig a few weeks ago so check that out. Watch for a possible upcoming podcast with the creator of JavaScript, Brendan Eich, soonish. I'm trying to give JavaScript pretty full coverage. If anyone wants to introduce me to Douglas Crockford, please do so. ;)

的一百二十八一百二十九播客已经播出。 两者都基于JavaScript,并且每个人都有非常不同的观点。 几周前,我还与jQuery的创建者John Resig进行了交谈,请检查一下。 敬请期待JavaScript的创建者Brendan Eich即将播出的播客。 我正在尝试为JavaScript进行全面介绍。 如果有人想向我介绍道格拉斯·克罗克福德(Douglas Crockford),请这样做。 ;)

Anyway, the first show is "Object Oriented AJAX with Scott Cate." Surprisingly, to me, a number of folks didn't agree with Scott's perspective and some even felt he "got it all wrong." However, Scott's go a very successful, very Javascript heavy product, so he must be doing something right. Scott's into MS-AJAX and is even a fan of the UpdatePanel. Apparently at this point some listeners cried. I love a pragmatist.

无论如何,第一个节目是“Scott Cate一起进行面向对象的AJAX ”令我惊讶的是,许多人不同意Scott的观点,甚至有人认为他“错了一切”。 但是,斯科特(Scott)是一个非常成功,非常用Javascript开发的产品,因此他必须做正确的事。 Scott涉足MS-AJAX,甚至是UpdatePanel的粉丝。 显然,此时有些听众哭了。 我爱实用主义者。

The second show is "Thoughts on Javascript with Bertrand Le Roy." Bertrand is the PM for MS-AJAX, and a JavaScript Ninja. We chat about where he thinks Javascript is going and how fast it'll really get. He also re-explains JavaScript's prototype model and how OOP works in a JS world. We finish up with a good understanding on how BLR's new JavaScript Templating system (preview) will let me write more Ajax-using sites with less JavaScript and more declarative HTML.

第二个节目是“Bertrand Le Roy一起的Java思考”。 Bertrand是MS-AJAX和JavaScript Ninja的PM。 我们聊聊他认为Javascript的发展方向以及它真正实现的速度。 他还重新解释了JavaScript的原型模型以及OOP在JS世界中的工作方式。 最后,我们对BLR的新JavaScript模板系统(预览版)将如何让我用更少JavaScript和更声明性HTML编写更多使用Ajax的网站有了一个很好的了解。



Do also remember the complete archives are always up and they have PDF Transcripts, a little known feature that show up a few weeks after each show.


Telerik is our sponsor for this show.


Telerik's new stuff is pretty sweet, check out the ONLINE DEMO of their new ASP.NET AJAX suite . RadGrid handles sorting, filtering, and paging of hundreds of thousands of records in milliseconds, and the RadEditor loads up to 4 times faster and the navigation controls now support binding to web services on the client.

Telerik的新功能非常不错,请查看其新ASP.NET AJAX套件在线演示 radgrid控件的句柄排序,筛选,并以毫秒为单位的记录数以十万计的分页和RadEditor加载速度较快高达4倍和导航控件现在支持客户端绑定到Web服务。

As I've said before this show comes to you with the audio expertise and stewardship of Carl Franklin. The name comes from Travis Illig, but the goal of the show is simple. Avoid wasting the listener's time. (and make the commute less boring)

就像我在节目之前所说的那样,卡尔富兰克林( Carl Franklin)具有音频专业知识和指导。 名称来自Travis Illig ,但演出的目标很简单。 避免浪费听众的时间。 (并使通勤变得更无聊)

Enjoy. Who knows what'll happen in the next show?

请享用。 谁知道下一场演出会发生什么?

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/hanselminutes-podcasts-128-and-129-ajax-with-scott-cate-and-javascript-with-bertrand-le-roy

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