ASP.NET 3.5扩展-以及MVC如何截屏

Darn that ScottGu, he's scooped me again. Just kidding. Around dinner time this evening we released the preview of the ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions at

该死的斯科特·古,他又把我,了。 开玩笑。 今晚大约在晚餐时间,我们在上发布了ASP.NET 3.5扩展的预览。

为什么? (Why?)

Why release extensions when we JUST released Visual Studio 2008? There's kind of a sine wave thing going on. We stagger the BIG releases of things like .NET or Visual Studio with smaller releases of things like MVC or the Ajax Framework. So, release Visual Studio 2005, then release Ajax, release Visual Studio 2008, release MVC, dynamic data, new controls, etc. It's sometimes confusing (and believe me, I'm working them) but it gets you fresh stuff sooner.

为什么在我们刚发行Visual Studio 2008时就发行扩展? 发生了某种正弦波现象。 我们将.NET或Visual Studio之类的BIG版本与MVC或Ajax Framework之类的较小版本错开。 因此,先发布Visual Studio 2005,再发布Ajax,再发布Visual Studio 2008,再发布MVC,动态数据,新控件等。有时会令人困惑(相信我,我正在使用它们),但是它会尽快为您带来新鲜感。

您应该害怕此版本吗? (Should You Fear This Release?)

No, it's pretty harmless. If you look in the Object Browser in Visual Studio you'll see that one assembly you already have has had some additions and its version rev'ed. You can see System.Web.Mvc there at the right.

不,这是无害的。 如果您在Visual Studio的“对象浏览器”中查看,将会看到您已经拥有的一个程序集已经进行了一些添加,并且其版本已修订。 您可以在右侧看到System.Web.Mvc。

I wouldn't go slapping it on a production machine unless you're living on the razor's edge, but it should be fine on a development machine if you know how to pay attention to what versions your projects reference.


为了我的自由,我会得到什么? (What do I get for My Free's Worth? )

Well, you get a number of things. You get (from the Gu) with my edits:

好吧,您得到了很多东西。 您从古镇得到我的编辑:

  • ASP.NET AJAX Improvements: Better browser history support (back/forward button integration, and server-side history management support), improved AJAX content linking support with permalinks

    ASP.NET AJAX改进:更好的浏览器历史记录支持(后退/前进按钮集成,以及服务器端历史记录管理支持),改进了具有永久链接的AJAX内容链接支持

  • ASP.NET MVC: This model view controller (MVC) framework for ASP.NET provides a structured model that enables a clear separation of concerns within web applications, and makes it easier to unit test your code and support a TDD workflow.

    ASP.NET MVC:用于ASP.NET的此模型视图控制器(MVC)框架提供了一种结构化的模型,该模型可以使Web应用程序中的关注点清晰分离,并使单元测试代码和支持TDD工作流变得更加容易。

  • ASP.NET Dynamic Data Support: New features that enable faster creation of data driven web sites.  It provides a rich scaffolding framework, and will enable rapid data driven site development using both ASP.NET WebForms and ASP.NET MVC. (This is hot...more on this soon...I demo'ed part of this at DevConnections)

    ASP.NET动态数据支持:可以更快地创建数据驱动的网站的新功能。 它提供了一个丰富的脚手架框架,并且将能够使用ASP.NET WebForms和ASP.NET MVC进行快速的数据驱动的站点开发。 (这很热门...稍后将进一步介绍...我在DevConnections演示了部分内容)

  • ASP.NET Silverlight Support: Included will be new controls that make it easy to integrate Silverlight video/media and interactive content within your sites.

    ASP.NET Silverlight支持:包括的新控件将使您可以轻松地在站点内集成Silverlight视频/媒体和交互式内容。

  • ADO.NET Data Services: In parallel with the ASP.NET Extensions release we will also be releasing the ADO.NET Entity Framework.  This provides a modeling framework that enables developers to define a conceptual model of a database schema that closely aligns to a real world view of the information.  We will also be shipping a new set of data services (codename "Astoria") that make it easy to expose REST based API endpoints from within your ASP.NET applications.

    ADO.NET数据服务:与ASP.NET扩展版本并行的同时,我们还将发布ADO.NET实体框架。 这提供了一个建模框架,使开发人员能够定义与信息的真实世界视图紧密匹配的数据库架构的概念模型。 我们还将发布一组新的数据服务(代号“ Astoria”),使您可以轻松地从ASP.NET应用程序中公开基于REST的API端点。

MVC指导视频截屏 (MVC How-To Video Screencast)

I also (as the last bit of work before paternity leave) put together a 40 minute How-To Screencast on the MVC Framework as part of a series that myself and the team will be releasing. There will be a number of screencasts released this week on the ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions, but here's a special preview for you, Dear Reader, because you're reading this blog. You can get a WMV of my screencast here day s ahead of the general public. ;) There will be a number of additional formats available in a few days up on the site, including iPod and other portable devices. I'm continuing to tweak my screencast style and I did my best to make sure this one looked good on smaller screens. Let me know.

我还(作为陪产假前的最后工作)在MVC框架上进行40分钟的“如何截屏” 作为我和团队将发布的系列的一部分。 本周将在ASP.NET 3.5扩展上发布许多截屏视频,但亲爱的读者,这里是对您的特别预览,因为您正在阅读此博客。 你可以得到我的截屏在这里的WMV普通大众的 日子 领先地位。 ;)几天后,网站上将提供许多其他格式,包括iPod和其他便携式设备。 我将继续调整我的截屏风格,并尽力确保这一点在较小的屏幕上看起来不错。 让我知道。

IMPORTANT CODE UPDATE: After I recorded this video, Rob Conery updated some things in his Toolkit codebase. You'll want to change the code for the HTML Helpers to either:

重要代码更新:录制完此视频后,Rob Conery在他的工具包代码库中更新了一些内容。 您需要将HTML Helpers的代码更改为:


<%using(Html.Form(“ action”,“ controller”,new {id = ViewData.ProductId})){%>




<%using(Html.Form <HomeController>(x => x.Update(ViewData.ProductId))){%>

在哪里可以获得更多信息? (Where do I get more info?)

Everywhere. Be sure to visit several times next week as there will be videos coming out every few days this week covering the whole release - not just MVC. There's a forum setup to discuss them, and Phil, ScottGu, myself and others will be blogging things, both good and bad, as we discover them.

到处。 下周一定要访问,因为本周每隔几天就会有视频播放整个发行版,而不仅仅是MVC。 有一个论坛可以讨论它们,而Phil,ScottGu,我本人和其他人将在我们发现它们的同时写博客,无论好坏。

Also, do check out Phil's blog as he's digging into some meaty topics while I'm changing diapers. He's got posts already on:

另外,在我更换尿布时, Phil正在研究一些肉类话题时,请查看Phil的博客。 他的帖子已经发布在:








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