



Microsoft appears to run on Outlook and Exchange. Seems like an obvious statement as many places run on Outlook and Exchange. But I'm saying it with emphasis. These guys used Outlook like it's an IM client. There's also a distribution list for everything.

Microsoft似乎可以在Outlook和Exchange上运行。 看起来很明显,因为许多地方都在Outlook和Exchange上运行。 但我是强调地说。 这些人像使用IM客户端一样使用Outlook 。 还有所有内容的分发列表。

New job, new fresh email box, time to get organized and serious about ZEB (Zero Email Bounce.) You can't really get your Inbox to zero and stay there but you can "bounce" against zero, which I do a few times a day. If it's in your inbox it's not been processed.

新工作,新的电子邮件框,组织起来的时间以及对ZEB(零电子邮件退回)的重视。您真的无法将收件箱设为零并停留在那儿,但是您可以针对零“退回”,我做了几次一天。 如果在您的收件箱中,则尚未处理。

I used a number of techniques and features in Outlook to make my life (theoretically) easier:


资料夹 (Folders)


I use a "Getting Things Done" style of organization. I've got my folders laid out like this.

我使用“完成工作”的组织风格。 我的文件夹这样布置。

I've got Outlook Rules for the Various Mailing Lists I've gotten myself on in the last few weeks. That's the other other "Inboxes" are for.

在过去的几周中,我已经掌握了各种邮件列表的Outlook规则。 这就是其他“收件箱”的用途。

The "Inbox - CC" folder is for when I'm cc'ed on an email. The actual Inbox itself is only for when an email is sent directly to me. Everything else goes somewhere else.

收件箱-CC ”文件夹用于在我通过电子邮件抄送时。 实际的收件箱本身仅用于将电子邮件直接发送给我的情况。 其他所有其他地方。

The Action folders start with an @ sign and are at the top.


  • There's things that require @Action that aren't projects.


  • Topics to @Blog about


  • People to see and things to do on my @Next Redmond Trip.

    @Next Redmond Trip上看到的人和要做的事情。

  • Emails I need to @Reply to that will take longer than 5 minutes to respond.


  • There's things I'll do @Someday soon, but just not now.


  • Things I'm @Snooze-ing on, but I'm not willing to move them completely out of mind.

    我正在@ Snooze-ing上,但我不愿意完全忽略它们。

  • Finally there's things I'm @Waiting For other people do to for me.


  • The Conversation History folder is where internal Instant Message conversations go. This is REALLY useful for reference. Missed IMs appear in the Inbox and are filed as needed.

    对话历史记录”文件夹是内部即时消息对话所在的位置。 这对于参考确实有用。 丢失的IM出现在收件箱中,并根据需要进行归档。

Anything that comes into the inbox needs to be processed and one of the following GTD things needs to happen:


  • Do It

  • Drop It

  • Defer It

  • Delegate It


Then there's the Projects folder. These are long-running (more than a few days) projects that I'm actively working on. Emails that are important to those Projects go in those folders. It's pretty minimal reference stuff.

然后是Projects文件夹。 这些是我正在积极开展的长期(超过几天)的项目。 对这些项目很重要的电子邮件将放在这些文件夹中。 这是最少的参考资料。

The Reference folder is just that, it's Reference stuff. Things I'll want to search for later, and under it is the IT Issues folder which is also for reference, but specific to IT stuff I'm suffering with working through.

Reference文件夹就是它,它是Reference的东西。 事情我会想搜索后,并根据它是IT问题文件夹,这也是供参考,但具体到IT的东西我 一起 工作过 的痛苦

When my inbox is at zero I do a quick sweep through my @ folders before continuing work on a Project.


行事历 (Calendars)

I really like Outlook 2007's calendaring and it grows on me more and more. I use colors to categories my appointments, but I also use multiple calendars more and more using the ICS Webcal standard. I've got four different calendars in addition to my standard calendar.

我真的很喜欢Outlook 2007的日历,并且日历在我身上越来越多。 我使用颜色对约会进行分类,但是我也越来越多地使用ICS Webcal标准使用多个日历。 除了标准日历外,我还有四个不同的日历。

  • One is fed from TripIt.com - I'll blog about them later, but they're freaking brilliant.

    一个来自TripIt.com ,我稍后会在博客中介绍它们,但是它们的表现非常出色。

  • One is the feed from my wife's Google Calendar (this is also fantastic)

  • One is fed from my wife and my Project at BaseCamp. We're building a house and we're managing the project, the move and appointments with many subcontractors via this tool and I'm subscribed to the Milestones in Outlook, and she in Google Calendar.

    一个是我的妻子和我在BaseCamp的Project提供的。 我们正在盖房子,正在通过该工具管理项目,搬迁和与许多分包商的约会,我在Outlook中订阅了里程碑,在Google日历中订阅了她。

  • One is from my publisher something we're working on.


Note that the tabs are next to each other near the top (under where it says "October 2007"). This way, rather than split-screen, each calendar is transparently overlaid over the other. I've found this to be a REALLY effective way of visualizing up to six different calendars while keeping each one separate.

请注意,选项卡在顶部附近(在其下显示“ 2007年10月”的位置)彼此相邻。 这样,每个日历(而不是分屏显示)都透明地覆盖在另一个日历上。 我发现这是可视化多达六个不同日历同时保持每个日历独立的一种有效方法。


If you're not using this feature, I'd encourage you to check it out.


The last thing I've done to make it easier for external folks to schedule meetings with me is I've made a redirect from http://www.hanselman.com/freebusy to my published Free/Busy information. This can be done by right-clicking on your calendar and publishing just the free/busy information to the Internet. I just made a single default.aspx file to rediect to the ultimate URL. This makes scheduling meetings with folks outside Microsoft just that much easier.

为了使外部人员更轻松地安排与我的会议,我要做的最后一件事是我已从http://www.hanselman.com/freebusy重定向到我发布的忙/闲信息。 可以通过右键单击日历并仅将忙/闲信息发布到Internet来完成。 我只是制作了一个default.aspx文件来重定向到最终URL。 这使得与Microsoft以外的人安排会议变得非常容易。

移动 (Mobile)


Last and least, I've got a Windows Mobile phone and it's hooked up to Exchange and I've made the (difficult) conscious decision to only sync the "Inbox" and the "Inbox - CC" Folders to the device.

最后,也是最不重要的一点,我有Windows Mobile手机,并且已连接到Exchange,并且做出了(艰难的)决定(仅将“收件箱”和“ Inbox-CC”文件夹同步到设备)。

The thinking being that there's little that's totally crucial that could happen on a Mailing List (as I don't yet own any) that would require my immediate and mobile attention.


This system has worked for me so far - three-plus weeks. We'll see if it holds up under the weight of the unknown future.

到目前为止,这个系统已经为我工作了三周以上。 我们将看看它是否在未知未来的重压下保持住。

I'd be interested to see if there's anything in this system that you find either interesting/compelling or totally lame. You and your 6000 inbox emails. You freak. ;)

我很想看看这个系统中是否有什么有趣或令人信服的或完全or脚的。 您和您的6000个收件箱电子邮件。 你这家伙;)

P.S. The fire hose child is not my son .

PS 消防水带的孩子不是我的儿子

Update: The flickr member who took the Fire House photo asked me to take it down. I replaced it with another. Bummer. Fair-use and copy-right is a confusing thing.

更新:拍了消防局照片的flickr成员要求我将其取下来。 我换了另一个。 笨蛋合理使用和版权是一件令人困惑的事情。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/getting-organized-while-drinking-from-the-outlook-fire-hose






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