locallow文件夹_Vista上的Adobe Acrobat 8​​-临时文件夹位于已满或无法访问的驱动器上,什么是LocalLow...



If you're going to put up an error message, try to make it one that the user can DO something about, and try to make it unambiguous. A good error message takes work, and error handling seems to be one of those things that gets worked on last.

如果您要提出一条错误消息,请尝试使其成为用户可以做的事情,并使其清晰。 一条好的错误消息会起作用,而错误处理似乎是最后需要解决的事情之一。

A few weeks back I installed Tim Heuer's excellent Foxit PDF Preview Handler for Outlook 2007. Worked great. I had (fervently) lamented the slowness of Acrobat, and folks in the comments - including an Adobe employee - commented that Acrobat 8 was way better and way faster than before. I figured today I'd give Acrobat 8 a try on Vista since Ryan Gregg just released a PDF Preview Handler that uses Adobe's ActiveX SDK.

几周前,我安装了Tim Heuer出色的Outlook 2007 Foxit PDF Preview Handler 。 很棒。 我曾经(热烈地)哀叹过Acrobat的运行缓慢,在评论中的所有人(包括Adobe员工)都评论说Acrobat 8​​比以前更好,更快。 由于Ryan Gregg刚发布了使用Adobe ActiveX SDK的PDF预览处理程序,因此我今天想在Acrobat 8​​上试用Vista。

Acrobat 8 on Vista is supposed to be nice because you get Thumbnail support and Search-ability for PDFs. I fired up the installer and was greeted with this error:

Vista上的Acrobat 8​​应该不错,因为您可以获得Thumbnail支持和PDF的搜索功能。 我启动了安装程序,并收到以下错误消息:

The Temp Folder is a on Drive that is Full or is inaccessible

Certainly they could have figured out if the drive was full by asking the drive if it was full. Instead, this error says (basically) "something went wrong writing to a file, and I'm not sure what. Go ahead and see what you can do about it, user."

当然,他们可以通过询问驱动器是否已满来确定驱动器是否已满。 相反,该错误表示(基本上)“写入文件时出了点问题,我不确定是什么。继续,看看用户可以对此做些什么。”

So what does user do? Well...

那么用户做什么呢? 好...

  • "Gosh! Is my hard drive full? How do I figure that out? Maybe My Computer:


    Nope, it's not full.


  • Permissions? Well, this is where Mom stops. How does she know where the Temp folder is? Heck, how does any user? I went to a command line and typed ECHO %TEMP% and was told C:\Users\Scott\AppData\Local\Temp, but it turns out that's not true! Acrobat (actually Netopsystem's Feed Squisher Installation Stuff) writes to C:\Users\Scott\AppData\LocalLow\Temp.

    权限? 好吧,这是妈妈停下来的地方。 她怎么知道Temp文件夹在哪里? 哎呀,用户如何? 我进入命令行并键入ECHO%TEMP%,并被告知C:\ Users \ Scott \ AppData \ Local \ Temp,但事实并非如此! Acrobat(实际上是Netopsystem的Feed Squisher安装资料)写入C:\ Users \ Scott \ AppData \ LocalLow \ Temp。

    LocalLow? What's that?

    LocalLow? 那是什么?

    Certainly I can either check the properties and permissions on that folder, or I can use


    icacls which tells me I do have permission:


    C:\>icacls \Users\scott\AppData\LocalLow
     \Users\scott\AppData\LocalLow ScottPC\Scott:(I)(OI)(CI)(F)
     Mandatory Label\Low Mandatory Level:(OI)(CI)(NW)

    C:\> icacls \ Users \ scott \ AppData \ LocalLow \ Users \ scott \ AppData \ LocalLow ScottPC \ Scott:(I)(OI)(CI)(F) NT AUTHORITY \ SYSTEM:(I)(OI)(CI)(F) Build \ Administrators:(I)(OI)(CI)(F) 强制标签\低强制级别:(OI)(CI)(NW)

    As an aside, there's a great blog post on Vista and IL (Integrity Levels) over on Joanna's Invisible Things.

    顺便说一句,关于Vista和IL(完整性级别)精彩博客文章超过了Joanna的Invisible Things

Adobe's installer is trying to be clever and it's first squishy installer unpacks the real MSI installed into a folder that installers that will be elevated don't have access to. This happens on machines, like mine, that have UAC (User Access Control) turned off. Then, after the unpack/install files the temporary files are deleted.

Adobe的安装程序正试图变得聪明,这是第一个狡猾的安装程序,将真正的MSI解压缩到一个文件夹中,该文件夹将无法被提升。 发生这种情况的机器,例如我的机器,已经关闭了UAC(用户访问控制)。 然后,在解压缩/安装文件后,将删除临时文件。

解决方案 (Solutions)

  1. I can certainly try to grab the files by copying them out before I dismiss the dialog.

  2. I can turn UAC back on. Nah.

    我可以重新打开UAC。 没事
  3. I can also unpack the Setup Files from the Netopsystem's package myself manually via (someone remind me what Netopsystems is good for again? Are their files so small that they are worth this pain over ZIP? Or just the MSI itself? I've only ever seen their stuff in Acrobat.):


    I can also unpack the Setup Files from the Netopsystem's package myself manually via (someone remind me what Netopsystems is good for again? Are their files so small that they are worth this pain over ZIP? Or just the MSI itself? I've only ever seen their stuff in Acrobat.):


    I can also unpack the Setup Files from the Netopsystem's package myself manually via (someone remind me what Netopsystems is good for again? Are their files so small that they are worth this pain over ZIP? Or just the MSI itself? I've only ever seen their stuff in Acrobat.):AdbeRdr80_en_US.exe -nos_s -nos_ne -nos_oC:\Users\Scott\Desktop\AdobeReader8

    我也可以自己通过以下方式手动从Netopsystem的程序包中解包安装文件:(有人提醒我,Netopsystems又有什么用?它们的文件太小以至于值得在ZIP上痛苦吗?或者只是MSI本身?我只曾经在Acrobat中看到了他们的东西。)AdbeRdr80_en_US.exe -nos_s -nos_ne -n​​os_oC:\ Users \ Scott \ Desktop \ Adob​​eReader8

  4. I can wait until this is fixed.


Adobe's known about this, surely, at least since December. Why isn't #4 an option here in late March?

至少自12月以来, Adobe就已经知道了这一点。 为什么三月下旬在这里没有#4选项?

Either way, I got Acrobat 8 install eventually and it IS faster and it works great with Ryan's Preview Handler. Now we can choose between either Acrobat or Foxit and have Preview Handlers for both. Huzzah!

无论哪种方式,我最终都安装了Acrobat 8​​,并且安装速度更快,并且可以与Ryan的Preview Handler一起使用。 现在,我们可以在Acrobat或Foxit中进行选择,并为两者提供预览处理程序。 晕!

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/adobe-acrobat-8-on-vista-the-temp-folder-is-on-a-drive-that-is-full-or-is-inaccessible-and-what-is-locallow






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