zune linux_解决:安装Zune后Windows Media Sharing变慢

zune linux

zune linux

We came back from Tanzania with over three gigs of photos and looked forward to having friends and family over to watch slideshows. We usually run the slide show on the Xbox360 talking to my main PC running Windows Media Sharing Service.

我们从坦桑尼亚回来时拿了三张以上的照片,并期待有朋友和家人过来观看幻灯片。 我们通常在Xbox360上运行幻灯片放映,与运行Windows Media共享服务的主PC通话。

I chose to setup our home network using wired 100Mbs Ethernet, rather than wireless as our main "backbone" as I find even the fastest wireless totally unacceptable for large file transfers. Small things like the ReplayTV and a few other appliances are wireless, but every room is has plates in the wall with at least two drops, and there's a formal wiring closet in our linen closet with a punchdown block so I can rewire the house. Maybe one day I'll post on all this.

我选择使用有线100Mbs以太网而不是无线作为我们的主要“骨干网”来设置我们的家庭网络,因为我发现即使对于大型文件传输来说,最快的无线也完全不可接受。 诸如ReplayTV之类的小物件和其他一些电器都是无线的,但每个房间的墙壁上都装有至少两滴水的盘子,而且我们的壁橱中有一个带有打Kong块的正式布线壁橱,所以我可以给房子重新布线。 也许有一天我会发布所有这些信息。

Anyway, back to the point. The pictures are 7.2 megapixels so they are 4-6 meg JPEGs depending. For last year the Xbox360 has been able to pull down a picture in less than 3 seconds, but just this last week it's taken 10-20 seconds, sometimes longer. Of course, this has significantly cramped our slide-showing style.

无论如何,回到重点。 图片为7.2兆像素,因此取决于4-6 meg JPEG。 去年,Xbox360能够在不到3秒的时间内提取图片,但是就在上周,它花了10到20秒,有时甚至更长。 当然,这极大地限制了我们的幻灯片显示风格。

I'm a firm believer, when debugging, that something must have changed. So I sat down and puzzled on what's changed on my machine.

我坚信调试时一定会有所改变。 所以我坐下来,对机器上发生的变化感到困惑。

Then I realized that the only thing that changed was the addition of the Zune. I puzzled when I installed the Zune why it'd need another 'Sharing Service' - It installs the Zune Network Sharing Service. I didn't think too much about it, but I remember wondering Why do we need another uPnP service? Is the Zune THAT different that it can't just talk to the regular Windows Media Sharing Service.

然后我意识到唯一改变的是Zune的添加。 当我安装Zune时为什么会需要另一个“共享服务”,我感到困惑-它安装了Zune网络共享服务。 我并没有考虑太多,但是我记得想知道为什么我们需要另一个uPnP服务? Zune的与众不同之处在于,它不能与常规Windows Media Sharing Service进行通信。

Long story short, I ran "services.msc" on my Windows Vista machine and set the Zune Network Sharing Service to Manual, and stopped it. Lo and behold, the Xbox360 suddenly could pull images down as fast as before. Your mileage may vary, but if you have a Zune, you might consider just disabling that service all together. It certainly has a problem with the Xbox, or the Xbox has a problem when it sees two seemingly identical uPnp servers on the same machine.

长话短说,我在Windows Vista计算机上运行“ services.msc”,并将Zune网络共享服务设置为“手动”,然后将其停止。 瞧,Xbox360突然可以像以前一样快将图像拉下。 您的里程可能会有所不同,但是如果您使用的是Zune,则可以考虑完全禁用该服务。 Xbox肯定有问题,或者Xbox在同一台计算机上看到两个看似相同的uPnp服务器时出现了问题。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/solved-windows-media-sharing-gets-slow-after-installing-zune

zune linux

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