ankhsvn 使用
Congrats to Arild for releasing AhknSVN RC2. If you're looking to use Subversion within Visual Studio, perhaps at work or perhaps you're working on an Open Source project at SourceForge, this is the tool for you.
祝贺Arild发布了AhknSVN RC2 。 如果您希望在Visual Studio中使用Subversion,或者正在使用中,或者正在SourceForge上从事开放源代码项目,那么这是适合您的工具。
NOTE: If you do use TortoiseSVN at the same time as Ankh, do note that they are linked to Subversion 1.4, so they will upgrade your local SVN working copies. Make sure you upgrade both at the same time.
注意:如果确实与Ankh同时使用TortoiseSVN ,请注意它们已链接到Subversion 1.4,因此它们将升级您的本地SVN工作副本。 确保同时升级两个。
To be clear:
IMPORTANT NOTE: TortoiseSVN 1.4.0-RC1 is linked with the Subversion 1.4.0-RC4 libraries. Due to various improvements made to the working copy library, the working copy format has changed. Using TortoiseSVN 1.4.0-rc1 on any working copy created by previous versions of Subversion/TSVN will TRANSPARENTLY upgrade your working copy, which means that production-ready versions of Subversion/TSVN (1.3.x and earlier) will no longer be able to read it! Please be careful, if you use other Subversion clients (eg. the 1.3.x command line client), not to use the TortoiseSVN 1.4.x release candidate on a production working copy.
重要说明: TortoiseSVN 1.4.0-RC1与Subversion 1.4.0-RC4库链接。 由于对工作副本库进行了各种改进,因此工作副本格式已更改。 在由Subversion / TSVN的早期版本创建的任何工作副本上使用TortoiseSVN 1.4.0-rc1将透明升级您的工作副本,这意味着Subversion / TSVN(1.3.x和更早版本)的生产就绪版本将不再能够阅读! 请注意,如果您使用其他Subversion客户端(例如1.3.x命令行客户端),请不要在生产工作副本上使用TortoiseSVN 1.4.x发行候选版。
Download TortoiseSVN 1.4.0 RC1 here (not required to use Ankh, but DO get it if you already have a 1.3 version of Tortoise on your system) 在此处下载TortoiseSVN 1.4.0 RC1 (不需要使用Ankh,但如果您的系统上已经有1.3版的Tortoise,请下载该工具)
As with all things, YMMV and back up your life.
ADDITIONAL NOTE: If you get "Unable to retrieve folder information from the server" when using VS2003 in a Web Project, you may need to go into your TortoiseSVN settings and set "use ASP.NET Hack" which tells Tortoise to use folders name "_svn" to store details rather than folders named ".svn".
附加说明:如果在Web项目中使用VS2003时出现“无法从服务器检索文件夹信息”,则可能需要进入TortoiseSVN设置并设置“ use ASP.NET Hack”,告诉Tortoise使用文件夹名称“ _svn”来存储详细信息,而不是存储名为“ .svn”的文件夹。
ankhsvn 使用