Scott Hanselman:开发人员生产力工具视频第4部分

When I was at TechEd I visited the INETA User Group and gave a (fairly ad-hoc) talk on Developer Productivity Tools. Jim Minatel loaned me his microphone and a copy of Camtasia and we recorded the talk. Thanks Jim!

当我在TechEd时,我访问了 INETA用户组,并就开发人员生产力工具进行了(非常特别的)演讲。 吉姆·米纳泰尔(Jim Minatel)向我借了他的麦克风和一份《 Camtasia》,我们录制了谈话。 谢谢吉姆

It was a great crowd, a lot of fun. We had a number of "off the cuff" discussions about random stuff so I hope it doesn't take away from the gist of the talk.

人群很大,很有趣。 关于随机内容,我们进行了许多“讨论”,所以我希望它不会脱离演讲的要旨。

The complete presentation was around 1 hour 45 minutes, so for online, Jim has split it into 4 segments. This week's final segment is #4 and is available now and is about 30 minutes long. If you watch it in your browser, I recommend you double click on Windows Media Player to make the video go full screen. You can also download the full video.

完整的演示大约需要1小时45分钟,因此,对于Jim而言,在线演示将其分为4个部分。 本周的最后一段是#4,现在可用,大约30分钟。 如果您在浏览器中观看,建议您双击Windows Media Player以使视频全屏显示。 您也可以下载完整的视频。

This episode covers mostly CodeRush and a number of questions are answered from the audience.


Here's a few notes about the video quality from Jim:


1. Why can't I fast forward or skip ahead through the video while it's streaming? Answer: We're running these off of a standard IIS server, not a Windows Media Server. IIS supports streaming, but not indexed playback during streaming to allow skipping ahead. If you want to do that, just download the whole video and all of the forwarding and timeline controls will be available in Windows Media Player.

1.为什么在流式传输视频时不能快进或跳过视频? 答:我们正在标准IIS服务器(而不是Windows Media Server)上运行这些程序。 IIS支持流传输,但在流传输期间不支持索引播放,以允许向前跳过。 如果要这样做,只需下载整个视频,所有转发和时间轴控件将在Windows Media Player中可用。

2. Why isn't the video quality better? Is Camtasia to blame? No, Camtasia rocks. The raw videos I'm getting in Camtasia format are 100% clear, as if you were looking right at the presenter's monitor. The problem I've discovered is with the Windows Media Encoder. It just isn't well suited to on-screen presentation videos like this. The blurring and color blotching seems worst in Scott Hanselman's videos and I think I know why. When I watch the raw presentation, he's flying back and forth between open windows, background tools that pop up, and his desktop. It's just faster switching between very varied images than the encoder can seem to keep up with. I've twidled all the settings and got the best I can for now without doubling or tripling the file sizes. The other option would be to post an alternate version in Camtasia format and a link to download their playback codec [Scott: or a large FLV]. Because WMV is universal for my .NET developer audience, that has to be my common choice though.

2.为什么视频质量没有更好? 是Camtasia的罪魁祸首吗? 不, Camtasia岩石 我以Camtasia格式获取的原始视频是100%清晰的,就像您正看着演示者的监视器一样。 我发现的问题与Windows Media编码器有关。 它不太适合像这样的屏幕演示视频。 在斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)的视频中,模糊和色彩斑点似乎最严重,我想我知道原因。 当我观看原始演示文稿时,他在打开的窗口,弹出的后台工具和他的桌面之间来回飞行。 这只是变化非常多的图像之间切换的速度,而编码器似乎无法跟上。 我已经将所有设置旋转了一下,并且在不使文件大小增加一倍或三倍的情况下,获得了目前可以得到的最好的设置。 另一个选择是发布Camtasia格式的备用版本,以及一个链接,以下载其播放编解码器[Scott:或大型FLV]。 因为WMV对我的.NET开发人员受众是通用的,所以这必须是我的常见选择。

There's also some other good screencasts up at Wrox. The growing list of videos is available at The first few videos in the series are:

Wrox还提供了其他一些不错的电视广播。 越来越多的视频列表可在wrox.com上找到。 该系列的前几个视频是:

If you want to download the files directly, do a SAVE AS on these links:


We'll be re-releasing them soon as reencoded high-quality Flash very soon, as well as one uber-large 2 hour Flash Video. I hope you enjoy them.

我们将尽快重新发布它们,因为很快就会重新编码高质量的Flash,以及一个超大型的2小时Flash视频。 我希望你喜欢它们。


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