vb.net c#.net_VB.NET和C#-是否重复工作?

vb.net c#.net

vb.net c#.net

Patrick Hynds recently used a military analogy to contrast C# and VB.NET and their growing and increasingly obvious similarities. (I've always thought that the differences were just skins over IL myself.) Rocky Lhotka extended the analogy brilliantly:

帕特里克·海因茨(Patrick Hynds)最近用军事类比来对比C#和VB.NET及其日益增长的相似性。 (我一直认为差异只是IL自己的皮肤。) Rocky Lhotka巧妙地扩展了类比:

The problem we have today, in my opinion, is that C# is a flying tank and VB is a heavily armored attack plane.


Microsoft did wonderful things when creating .NET and these two languages - simply wonderful. But the end result is that no sane person would purchase either a tank or an A-10 [ed: a plane] now, because both features can be had in a single product. Well, actually two products that are virtually identical except for their heritage.

微软在创建.NET和这两种语言时做得非常好-简直太好了。 但是最终结果是,现在没有一个理智的人会购买坦克或A-10(ed:一架飞机),因为这两个功能都可以在一个产品中拥有。 好吧,实际上,除了其遗产外,两种产品几乎完全相同。

Of course both hold baggage from history. For instance, C# clings to the obsolete concept of case-sensitivity, and VB clings to the equally obsolete idea of line continuation characters.

当然,两者都保留了历史的包bag。 例如,C#坚持使用过时的区分大小写的概念,而VB坚持使用同样过时的换行符。

Unfortunately the idea of creating a whole new language where the focus is on the compiler doing more work and the programmer doing less just isn't in the cards. It doesn't seem like there's any meaningful language innovation going on, nor has there been for many, many years... [Rockford Lhotka]

不幸的是,创建一种专注于编译器完成更多工作而程序员做更少工作的全新语言的想法并没有实现。 似乎没有正在进行任何有意义的语言创新,也没有出现很多年…… [ Rockford Lhotka ]

Personally at this point, I don't see a reason for us to have two languages other than we always have. It started with C++/MFC versus VB1/2/3 in the early 90s and we'll never come back together. Some folks think that this is good because humans crave choice. Others think it's just wasting time and effort as we design language and development tools twice.

就个人而言,我不认为我们拥有不同于以往的两种语言的理由。 它始于90年代初期的C ++ / MFC与VB1 / 2/3,我们再也不会在一起。 有些人认为这很好,因为人类渴望选择。 其他人则认为这是浪费时间和精力,因为我们两次设计语言和开发工具。

There seems there's always a need to have vanilla out there to balance out chocolate. Take a look at Billy Hollis' Tongue-in-Cheek "History of BASIC" and "History of C." Personally, I'll write in any language that makes me productive. VB.NET, Ruby, C#, Zulu, Amharic or Spanish. It's all just a way for us to express our intent to the machine.

似乎总需要香草来平衡巧克力。 看一看Billy Hollis的“舌头上的“ BASIC的历史”和“ C的历史” 。 就个人而言,我会用任何能使我提高工作效率的语言来写作。 VB.NET,Ruby,C#,Zulu,Amharic或西班牙语。 这只是我们表达对机器的意图的一种方式。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/vbnet-and-c-duplication-of-effort

vb.net c#.net





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