FreeMiniMac已经到来,乐趣会永远开始吗? was NOT a lie my friends. You wondered, what's Hanselman doing with that Free Mini Mac banner on his site? Well, it arrived today and it's the bomb. It was free and I didn't even have to pay shipping. I want to thank everyone who signed up with the program to help me get the Mac, and I hope you get yours also!

http://macminis.freepay.com并不是我的朋友的谎言。 您想知道,汉瑟尔曼(Hanselman)在他的网站上使用Free Mini Mac横幅广告做什么? 好吧,今天到了,是炸弹。 它是免费的,我什至不必支付运费。 我要感谢所有注册该程序以帮助我获得Mac的人,也希望您也能获得它!

Here's the specs:


  • 1.42GHz PowerPC G4

    1.42GHz PowerPC G4
  • 512MB DDR333 SDRAM

    512MB DDR333 SDRAM
  • 80GB hard drive

  • ATI Radeon 9200 with 32MB DDR video memory

    带有32MB DDR视频内存的ATI Radeon 9200
  • DVD/CD-RW combo drive

    DVD / CD-RW组合驱动器
  • Integrated AirPort Extreme and Bluetooth capability

    集成的AirPort Extreme和蓝牙功能
  • DVI or VGA video output

  • Mac OS X Tiger, iLife 2005 software

    Mac OS X Tiger,iLife 2005软件
  • 6.5 inches wide and 2 inches tall

  • Weighs only 2.9 lbs


I'll probably double the memory, and I've got at least three firewire drives I could use if I needed to, but it integrated so nicely with my network I may not bother. It's a pretty amazing and tiny little thing, this Mini Mac.

我可能会加倍内存,如果需要的话,我至少可以使用三个火线驱动器,但是它与我的网络集成得很好,我可能不会打扰。 这款Mini Mac,这是一件非常了不起的小事情。

Impressive Things


  • The OOBE (out of box experience) as with all things Apple, is amazing. Completely. The box, the plastic, the manuals, hell, the foam - everything is pristine, clean and classy.

    OOBE(开箱即用的体验)与Apple的所有功能一样令人赞叹。 完全可以盒子,塑料,手册,地狱,泡沫-一切都很原始,干净,优雅。
  • I grabbed an old USB mouse and keyboard, and plugged it into my Dell 20". During the setup wizard it asked if I had an Apple ID, so I entered my iTunes credentials. At this point it hadn't even asked about the Internet. Seems like a small thing, but it's a nice detail. After entering my Apple ID it (of course) knew everything about me. It set the time, my timezone, my user name. All I did was enter a password and I was at a usable desktop.

    我抓住了一个旧的USB鼠标和键盘,然后将其插入我的Dell 20“中。在设置向导中,它询问我是否具有Apple ID,因此我输入了我的iTunes凭据。这时甚至没有询问过Internet似乎是一件小事,但这是一个不错的细节。输入我的Apple ID后,它(当然)就知道有关我的所有信息。它设置了时间,我的时区和我的用户名。我所做的就是输入密码,在可用的桌面上。
  • I didn't realize until I re-read the specs that wireless was built in. I gave it my SSID and WEP details and I was on the wireless, which allowed me to remove the ethernet cable I'd stolen from my wife's machine. I noticed also that IPv6 was installed by default. Bluetooth is also built in, so I may pickup a wireless/bluetooth Apple Keyboard and Mouse.

    直到我重新阅读了内置无线的规格后,我才意识到。我给它提供了我的SSID和WEP详细信息,并且我正在使用无线,这使我能够从妻子的机器上卸下偷来的以太网电缆。 我还注意到默认情况下安装了IPv6。 蓝牙也是内置的,因此我可以使用无线/蓝牙Apple键盘和鼠标。
    • ASIDE: For Windows XP, Microsoft will be sneaking IPv6 onto your machines during the installation of the new WinFX .NET Class Libraries.

      旁白:对于Windows XP,Microsoft将在安装新的WinFX .NET类库的过程中将IPv6潜入您的计算机。
  • I poked around in the System Preferences and noticed that it not only had identified my Dell 2001FP monitor, but it had already applied the correct color profile.

    我在“系统偏好设置”中四处寻找,它不仅识别了我的Dell 2001FP显示器,而且已经应用​​了正确的颜色配置文件。
  • The machine is totally silent which is awesome compared to the jet engine that is my Pentium 4.

  • Screen rotation is just built in...this is still something we have to look to the Display Driver people on the Windows side.

    屏幕旋转只是内置的...这仍然是我们必须向Windows方面的Display Driver人员寻求的东西。
  • Printer and File sharing JUST WORKS. I shared my Mac Desktop and my Windows Desktop. However, I ended up just using FolderShare for synchronization (see below.)

    打印机和文件共享就可以了。 我共享了Mac桌面和Windows桌面。 但是,我最终仅使用FolderShare进行同步(请参见下文)。

Here's the dirty little secret. If you want to do ANYTHING even remotely interesting on Mac OS 10.4, you have to shatter the illusion and start messing around in *nix. It took me 20 minutes to remember how to edit my .bash_profile to add a path to the MANPATH using VI. I couldn't figure out how to get the Finder to show hidden files. It's like someone has put a Ferrari engine in one of those Fisher Price plastic cars that you push with your feet.

这是肮脏的小秘密。 如果您想在Mac OS 10.4上做什至遥不可及的事情,都必须打破这种幻想,并开始在* nix中搞乱。 我花了20分钟的时间来记住如何编辑.bash_profile以使用VI添加到MANPATH的路径。 我不知道如何使Finder显示隐藏文件。 就像有人将法拉利发动机放在您用脚踩的费舍尔价格塑料车中的其中一辆上一样。

Applications I started with


  • I've got a copy of Mac Office 2004 that I picked up at the Microsoft Company Store so I've got the Word, Excel, etc stuff covered. But the real reason I wanted this Mac was to build Mono applications. More specifically I wanted to work on the DasBlog port to Mono. I believe DasBlog 1.6 is ported to Mono already, but now that MSBUILD can build Mono apps I thought it'd be nice to get the current DasBlog (and any future versions or derivatives) running on Mono.

    我有一份在Microsoft Company Store购得的Mac Office 2004副本,因此涵盖了Word,Excel等内容。 但是我想要这台Mac的真正原因是构建Mono应用程序。 更具体地说,我想在通向Mono的DasBlog端口上工作。 我相信DasBlog 1.6已经移植到Mono了,但是现在MSBUILD可以构建Mono应用了,我认为最好在Mono上运行当前的DasBlog(以及将来的任何版本或衍生版本)。

  • Steven Frank's uber-famous 史蒂文·弗兰克的超级著名的《 Panic and downloaded everything they offer. Panic personifies all things Mac and all things Portland, Oregon. They are decorated and awarded. I got 恐慌》中,下载了他们提供的所有内容。 Panic代表了Mac和俄勒冈州波特兰的所有事物。 他们被装饰和授予。 我得到了 Unison (USENET) and Unison (USENET)和 Transmit (FTP) as well as all the lil' apps. Transmit (FTP)以及所有lil的应用程序。
  • NetNewsWire because it's basically NetNewsWire,因为它基本上是Mac的 FeedDemon for the Mac, now FeedDemon ,现在 even more so. Hopefully soon it'll be hooked up to Newsgator Online. I exported everything from my Windows installation of FeedDemon into an OPML and imported it into NetNewsWire. Boom. 更是如此。 希望不久它将被连接到Newsgator Online。 我将Windows安装的FeedDemon的所有内容导出到OPML,并将其导入到NetNewsWire。 繁荣。
  • FolderShare - just when I thought it couldn't kick more ass, it does. I installed the Mac version and boom, my "Shared Desktop" lives on.
    FolderShare-就在我认为无法 胜任的时候,它做到了。 我安装了Mac版本并获得繁荣,我的“共享桌面”继续存在。
  • BuildingMonoEXEsOnMac
    Mono for Mac. Installing it is easy, as is most all graphical installers on Mac. Installers download as mountable "disk images" with all the schmutz inside. Safari, the Mac's default browser, starts installing as soon as you give the OK. They are all the same interface. It's damn-near ClickOnce in its behavior. Pretty slick. However, the Mono Mac installer just installs the libraries, and not even the graphical ones for real application development. All this took me 3 hours. Notice that I haven't even gotten mysql or apache or Mono's ASP.NET support installed. We'll see how XSP/Mod_mono works. However, for regular development you have to:
    Mac版 Mono 。 与Mac上的所有图形安装程序一样,安装起来很容易。 安装程序将内部所有schmutz下载为可安装的“磁盘映像”。 Mac的默认浏览器Safari,在您单击确定后即开始安装。 它们都是相同的界面。 它的行为与该死的ClickOnce差不多。 很漂亮但是,Mono Mac安装程序仅安装库,甚至不安装用于实际应用程序开发的图形库。 这一切花了我3个小时。 注意,我什至没有安装mysql或apache或Mono的ASP.NET支持。 我们将了解XSP / Mod_mono的工作方式。 但是,对于常规开发,您必须:
    • Install Mono
    • Fink, a porting and distribution system for Unix Open Source software on Mac OS X Fink ,这是Mac OS X上Unix开源软件的移植和分发系统
    • Update fink via CVS (yes, it's getting scary now)
    • Update fink to unstable by modifying fink.config
    • Update all fink's core packages
    • Install Apple's X11 support from the Optional Packages stuff on the Tiger DVD (interesting that X11 isn't installed by default.
      从Tiger DVD上的Optional Packages中安装Apple对X11的支持(有趣的是,默认情况下未安装X11。
    • Install ghome and gtkhtml3 via fink. MaxOS X has its own GUI stuff in the form of Aqua and Cocoa but since Mono builds against GTK# and there's no total package to bridge the ginormous gap you have to do this dance.
      通过芬克安装ghome和gtkhtml3。 MaxOS X具有自己的GUI材质,例如Aqua和Cocoa形式,但是由于Mono是针对GTK#构建的,并且没有弥合巨大差距的完整软件包,因此您必须进行这种舞蹈。
    • Build all this from source...woof.
      从源代码构建所有这些... woof。
    • Add a bunch of paths and goo to your path and environment.
    • Get Monodoc, gecko-sharp, gtksourceview-sharp.
    • Install MonoDevelop.
  • It's really amazing what this thing can do with only 512M of RAM. I have been pounding on it and it just keeps on running.
    仅用512M的RAM就能完成此任务,真是令人惊讶。 我一直在努力,它一直在运行。

Crappy Things


  • From what I can see, Mono .NET development on a Mac is years away from even Visual Studio 2002. It's just brutal. I'll plan on doing my development using Mono on Windows and copying the results over. We'll see how that works out.

    据我所知,在Mac上进行Mono .NET开发距Visual Studio 2002尚有数年之遥。这简直是残酷的。 我将计划在Windows上使用Mono进行开发并复制结果。 我们将看到效果如何。
    • I'm tried using XCode and Mono to see if that's better. I was able to get XCode to build a Mono .NET exe and run it using a custom Makefile, but I wasn't able to get the error recognition to work. Of course, without a debugger it's a step back.

      我尝试使用XCode和Mono看看是否更好。 我能够获得XCode来构建Mono .NET exe并使用自定义的Makefile来运行它,但是我无法使错误识别正常工作。 当然,如果没有调试器,那就倒退了。

    • NOTE: The screenshot above is XCode using the custom makefile. The output is in the Run Log in the upper corner. The syntax highlighting in XCode for C# is actually just the Java syntax highlighter.

      注意:上面的屏幕截图是使用自定义生成文件的XCode。 输出位于右上角的“运行日志”中。 XCode for C#中的语法突出显示实际上只是Java语法突出显示。

  • Maybe I've turned into a Microsoft whore (more than even you think) but even though I started out in C, worked on Palm in C, worked on Unix in Java, worked on device drivers in C, using C (even Objective-C) on Mac for development seems like SUCH a step back.

    也许我已经变成了Microsoft妓女(甚至比您想像的还多),但是即使我是从C开始的,在Palm的Palm的工作,在Java的Unix的工作,在C的设备驱动程序的使用,甚至使用C的(甚至是Objective- C)在Mac上进行开发似乎有点后退。
    • VNCingIntoTheMiniMac

Things I'm Not Sure About


  • What Mac application is best for Remote Desktop-like behavior from a Windows Client? Is it just VNC?

    哪种Mac应用程序最适合Windows客户端的类似远程桌面的行为? 只是VNC吗?
    • NOTE: To the right is a shot of me VNC'ing into the Mac while writing this very post.


  • What Mac/Windows thing could I get that would act as a software KVM, so that when I move my mouse to the right of my Windows machine it would start controlling the Mac?

    我可以得到什么Mac / Windows东西作为软件KVM,这样当我将鼠标移到Windows机器右侧时,它将开始控制Mac?
  • When is installing Mono on a Mac going to suck way less? (which is argubly a Linux/*nix question more than it's a Mac question.)

    什么时候在Mac上安装Mono会减少麻烦? (这比Linux问题更重要是Linux / * nix问题。)

Now playing: P Money & Scribe - Stop the Music (Featuring Scribe)

现在播放: P Money和抄写员-停止音乐(抄写员)






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