


I've been thinking about AJAX - not the Greek Hero, the technology - a lot lately. Of course, it's nothing new, blah blah Outlook Web Access blah blah DHTML blah blah IE 4.0. I totally hear you and I agree. It sucks that the folks that really conceived of DHTML aren't getting the props they deserve. But, that's the way of the 'net. That said, it's clear that folks are galvanized by the technology getting a sexy makeover (AJAX = sexy vs. DHTML = less so) but more that the technology really works. Sure Outlook Web Access is pretty, but it looks like crap in Firefox because it renders downlevel.  (Aside, it'll be interesting to see if there will be an ASP.NET 2.5 or something earth-shattering coming soon. From what I hear from contacts at public facing MS properties there's some amazing things coming that will melt our faces if we knew.)

我最近一直在考虑AJAX,而不是希腊英雄技术。 当然,这不是什么新东西,而是Outlook Web Access,是DHTML,还是IE 4.0。 我完全听见您的意见,我也同意。 令人吃惊的是,真正想到DHTML的人们没有得到他们应得的道具。 但是,这就是网络的方式。 就是说,很明显,人们对该技术进行了性感的改头换面(AJAX =性感vs. DHTML =不太那么高兴),但更多的是该技术真正起作用。 当然,Outlook Web Access很漂亮,但是在Firefox中看起来像废话,因为它呈现了下层。 (题外话,这将是有趣的,看看是否会有一个ASP.NET 2.5什么惊天动地的即将上市。从我从通讯录中听到的面向公众的MS性能一些令人惊奇的事情来了会熔化我们的脸,如果我们知道的。 )

Anyway, I've been collecting AJAX stuff in an attempt to grok what's coming and reconcile it with many years of JavaScript (née LiveScript) and these past years of ASP.NET. There a number of things happening all at the same time and the confluence of standards like XML, ECMAScript, the new data format JSON (pronounced "Jason" - The JavaScript Object Notation) along with specs to make the J and X in AJAX work better together plus broad browser support for XHTML and CSS is really bringing the promise of a Web that we were originally promised in 1996. The young people are calling it Web 2.0. Um, OK. If you lived through the BBS days, VT100, Lynx, Mosaic, AOL in DOS, CompuServe, Prodigy, and the pox that was Netscape 4, you realize it's Web 13.0.

无论如何,我一直在收集AJAX的东西,试图神交什么是未来,并具有多年JavaScript(为LiveScript),这些过去几年ASP.NET的调和。 有很多事情同时发生,并且诸如XML,ECMAScript,新的数据格式JSON (发音为“ Jason”-JavaScript对象表示法)之类的标准融合在一起,以及使AJAX中的J和X更好地工作的规范。加上对XHTML和CSS的广泛浏览器支持,确实带来了我们最初在1996年所承诺的Web的希望。年轻人将其称为Web 2.0 。 嗯好如果您过着BBS时代,VT100,Lynx,Mosaic,DOS中的AOL,CompuServe,Prodigy和Netscape 4的痘痘,那么您就会意识到它是Web 13.0

Anil also makes a good point about the coming of dampening (another word for common sense + good design) as a design feature. Some folks may poo-poo the shiny and glare that is Windows Vista (and CodeRush for that matter) as eye-candy, but they will eventually die off and fade away. Well, they won't fade away, they will disappear instantly without a visual cue as to why they left. Regardless, let's put these Pentium 4s to work doing something more interesting than rebooting quickly.

Anil还很好地指出了阻尼(作为设计常识+好的设计)的到来。 有些人可能会把Windows Vista (以及相应的CodeRush )的光泽和眩光视作糖果,但是他们最终会死掉并消失。 好吧,它们不会消失,它们会立即消失,而看不到它们离开的原因。 无论如何,让我们将这些奔腾4s投入工作,而不是快速重启。

Here's some AJAX useful links I've collected. Incidently, some were found during my recent GTD obsession/adoption.

这是我收集的一些AJAX有用链接。 顺便说一句,在我最近对GTD的痴迷/领养期间发现了一些。

Now playing: Musiq Soulchild - Just Friends

现在播放: Musiq Soulchild - Just Friends

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/the-coming-return-of-ajax






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