


This is a tough year for me to list my top three non-fiction and fiction books because there were a lot of really good ones—particularly in fiction. The fact that there were so many great books probably contributes to why I was able to reverse the downward trend in my book count the past few years.

对我来说,这是艰难的一年,因为我列出了前三本非小说类和小说类书籍,因为其中有很多非常好的书籍,尤其是小说类书籍。 这么多好书的事实可能是为什么我能够扭转过去几年来我的书数下降趋势的原因

That being said, for fiction I’d have probably have to rank Lexicon, Dust and Ocean at the End of the Lane as my top three. For non-fiction: The Reading Promise, Jim Henson: The Biography and Designing and Engineering Time. For web-specific titles: Content Everywhere, Responsive Design Workflow and The Mobile Book.

话虽如此,对于小说而言,我可能不得不将《巷尾》中的《 词典》 ,《 尘埃》和《 海洋》列为我的前三名。 非小说类: 《阅读的承诺》吉姆·亨森 ( Jim Henson):传记设计与工程时间 。 对于特定于网络的标题: 随处可见的内容响应式设计工作流移动书

Each year that I post the list I hear from someone who wanted a little more information about the books. So part way through the year I started jotting down short reviews of each one. The reviews are nothing earth-shattering, but hopefully they provide at least a little extra glimpse into why I enjoyed a book.

每年我发布清单时,都会听到有人想要更多有关这些书籍的信息。 因此,在这一年的一部分中,我开始记下每个评论的简短评论。 这篇评论没什么大不了的,但是希望它们至少让我更加了解我为什么喜欢这本书。

As is always the case, if a book is on the list then I enjoyed it on some level. The lowest rating I’ve ever given to a book is three stars out of five—if it was headed toward 2 or 1 star territory, I don’t finish it. Some people are strong enough to grit their teeth and finish books they don’t like. I’m not one of those people.

像往常一样,如果书在清单上,那么我一定程度上会喜欢它。 我对这本书所给予的最低评分是五分之三。如果它朝着2或1星的方向发展,那么我还没有完成。 有些人足够坚强,可以咬紧牙关,完成自己不喜欢的书。 我不是那些人之一。

  1. Work for Money, Design for Love by David Airey 45


  2. Content Everywhere by Sara Wachter-Boettcher 55


  3. The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway 45


  4. Shift: Omnibus Edition by Hugh Howey 55


  5. Program or Be Programmed by Douglas Rushkoff 45


  6. The Reading Promise by Alice Orzman 55

    阅读无极爱丽丝Orzman 10/10

    I confess—as a dad who loves to read to his daughters, I’m very biased towards this topic. It’s a book written by the daughter of an avid reader. He read to her every single night for 3,218 consecutive nights. I loved hearing about the streak, what it meant for Alice and the efforts they went to in order to keep it alive. This is my favorite non-fiction read of the year.

    我承认,作为一个爱读书的爸爸,我对这个话题非常有偏见。 这是一本热心读者的女儿写的书。 他每天晚上都连续3,218夜读给她听。 我喜欢听到有关条纹的信息,这对爱丽丝意味着什么,以及他们为使之保持生命而付出的努力。 这是我今年最喜欢的非小说类读物。

  7. Money, Real Quick by Tonny Omwansa and Nicholas Sullivan 45


  8. To Sell is Human by Daniel Pink 45


  9. Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut 45


  10. A Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink 45


  11. Responsive Design Workflow by Stephen Hay 55


    I wrote up a full review of this one earlier this year. If you’d prefer I just cut to the chase: whenever anyone is asking about a workflow for responsive design, I hand them this book.

    我在今年早些时候写了一篇完整的评论 。 如果您愿意,我会紧追其后:每当有人询问响应式设计的工作流程时,我都会把这本书交给他们。

  12. Building Touch Interfaces with HTML5 by Stephen Woods 45


    Lots of interesting insights and I love all the focus on performance! There were a few topics that I thought he zoomed through a bit too quickly without really digging into, even for the intermediate to advanced audience that he was targeting. But that’s a relatively minor quibble considering all the good information he does discuss.

    很多有趣的见解,我都非常喜欢表现! 我认为他有几个话题过快了一点,没有真正深入,甚至对于他所针对的中高级观众也是如此。 但是考虑到他确实讨论过的所有好的信息,这只是一个相对较小的问题。

  13. The Mobile Book 55

    该移动图书 10/10

  14. The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells 55


    I don’t re-read many books, but I’ve now read this one 3 or 4 times.


  15. Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman 55


    Gaiman is so consistently good. The Ocean at the End of the Lane feels right at home with his past work and, like American Gods and Anansi Boys, explores the intersection of immortals and regular everyday folk. It’s a short, brisk read that sucks you in almost immediately. While not a “dense” book in any way, shape, or form, I did find myself highlight many sentences that were both funny and insightful. Great stuff!

    盖曼始终如一。 车道尽头的海洋让他过去的工作感觉如家一般,并且像美国众神阿南西男孩一样 ,探索神仙和日常平民的交汇处。 这是一篇简短而轻松的文章,几乎立即吸引了您。 尽管不是一本以任何形式,形式或形式出现的“致密”书籍,但我的确发现自己突出了许多有趣而有见地的句子。 好东西!

  16. Stardust by Neil Gaiman 45


    Enjoyed it and blew right through it, but it’s not quite on the same level as American Gods, Neverwhere or Ocean at the End of the Lane. For most authors, probably 5 stars but Gaiman has set the bar so high for himself.

    享受它并从头到尾吹起来,但是它与美国人之神巷道尽头的 海洋无处不 。 对于大多数作者来说,可能是5星,但盖曼为自己设定了很高的标准。

  17. HBR Guide to Creating Persuasive Presentations by Nancy Duarte 45

    HBR指南创建说服力的演讲由Nancy Duarte的五分之四

    Great little book! Concise, to the point, and full of actionable advise for how to give a great presentation: from the earliest stages of planning through to on stage advice and everything in between. I would happily hand this to anyone getting started in public speaking as a fantastic place to begin.

    很棒的小书! 简明扼要,并就如何进行出色的演讲提供了切实可行的建议:从计划的早期阶段到阶段性建议,以及介于两者之间的所有内容。 我很乐意将其交给任何开始公开演讲的人,作为一个绝佳的起点。

    If, on the other hand, you’ve read Resonate or Garr Reynold’s books—you probably don’t need to rush out and grab this one. The information is very solid, but you’ll have heard a lot of it before.

    另一方面,如果您已经读过Resonate或Garr Reynold的书,则可能不必急忙抓住这本书。 该信息非常可靠,但是您之前已经听过很多。

  18. Designing and Engineering Time by Steve Seow 55


    Discussions of performance quickly turn into a discussion of stats and metrics. What really matters, though, is how users perceive the performance of your application/program/website. This book focuses on that: improving the perceived performance of your project. It’s a quick read, but each chapter offers up a wealth of handy references for digging deeper into a specific topic discussed.

    对性能的讨论很快就变成了对统计数据和指标的讨论。 但是,真正重要的是用户如何看待您的应用程序/程序/网站的性能。 本书着重于此:提高项目的可感知性能。 这是一本快速阅读的书,但是每一章都提供了许多方便的参考资料,可用于深入探讨所讨论的特定主题。

    An excellent introduction to time perception for any engineer, developer, or designer.


  19. Brilliance by Markus Sakey 55

    生辉通过马库斯Sakey5 分之5

    I was concerned at first from the synopsis that I was basically going to be reading an X-Men clone, but while there are similarities, that ended up not being the case. Brilliance does focus on norms and “abnorms”, but their abnorms are much more grounded in reality—people with exceptional analytical abilities, or the ability to read how people are going to act based on facial expressions/posture/muscle movement, etc. This meant that this alternate version of modern day still felt real.

    最初,我从大纲上担心我基本上将要阅读X战警克隆,但尽管有一些相似之处,但最终并非如此。 华晨确实专注于规范和“异常”,但它们的异常更多地基于现实-具有出色分析能力的人,或者具有基于面部表情/姿势/肌肉运动来理解人的行为方式的能力等。意味着现代的这个替代版本仍然让人感到真实。

    It’s not a deep, meaningful read—he touches on some interesting social topics, but doesn’t really explore them in much depth—but its a darn fun one. Even though a couple of the plot points were fairly predictable, the way Sakey tells the story kept me enthralled from page one. A hard book to put down.

    这不是一本深入而有意义的书,他谈到了一些有趣的社会话题,但并没有真正深入地探讨它们,而是一本有趣的书。 即使有几个情节点是可以预测的,萨基讲故事的方式也让我从第一页开始就着迷了。 一本很难放下的书。

  20. Lexicon by Max Barry 55


    Incredibly fast-paced, smart, engaging characters, and enough twists to keep you guessing a bit. Thoroughly enjoyed it!

    快节奏,聪明,引人入胜的角色,以及足够的曲折感,让您有所猜测。 彻底喜欢它!

  21. Dust by Hugh Howey 55


    Wool was fantastic. Shift was very, very good (though perhaps not quite as excellent, still a very fun read). Dust? Might be my favorite of the trilogy.

    羊毛很棒。 Shift非常非常好(尽管可能不那么出色,但仍然很有趣)。 灰尘 ? 可能是我最喜欢的三部曲。

    Quick-paced with lots of answers to questions that had come up throughout the first two books, and a satisfying conclusion. If you liked the other two books, picking this up is a no-brainer.

    快速解决了前两本书中提出的许多问题,并给出了令人满意的结论。 如果您喜欢其他两本书,那么不费吹灰之力就可以了。

  22. The Great Indian Phone Book by Assa Doron & Robin Jeffrey 45


    An incredibly thorough look at the mobile technology industry, and its impact, in India. Loads of fascinating examples of how mobile, even the most mundane capabilities of the technology, is significantly altering life throughout India. The research is exhaustive in detail, though at times a little repetitive.

    对印度移动技术行业及其影响进行了令人难以置信的全面了解。 大量有趣的例子说明了移动技术,甚至是该技术最平凡的功能如何正在极大地改变整个印度的生活。 尽管有时有些重复,但研究工作详尽无遗。

    Recommended for anyone interested in seeing how sometimes the simplest technologies can have the most profound impact on society.


  23. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline 45


    It was loads of fun—quickly paced, funny and enthralling. Sort of a Willy Wonka meets sci-fi sort of thing.

    充满乐趣-快速的步调,有趣和令人着迷。 Willy Wonka有点像科幻小说。

    The only reason I won’t quite give it 5 stars is because while I enjoyed the references to 80’s music, games and film, it did get a little excessive at one point early in. One of the early chapters seemed to be an excuse to just list all of the authors favorites in one place. For the most part, the references were fun—but this chapter was a little gratuitous.

    我之所以不给它五颗星,唯一的原因是,虽然我喜欢80年代的音乐,游戏和电影,但它在早期的某个时候确实有点过分。早期的章节之一似乎是一个借口。只需在一个地方列出所有作者的收藏夹。 在大多数情况下,参考文献很有趣,但是本章有点多余。

    Minor complaint, though. After that chapter the author settled into a nice rhythm and I was hooked.

    轻微的抱怨。 在那章之后,作者沉稳地节奏了,我迷上了。

  24. Just Enough Research by Erika Hall 55


    In typical A Book Apart fashion, Just Enough Research is one you’ll want to keep nearby so that you can go back to it frequently. Erika manages to pack a ton of information into a small package (154 pages!) without making it a chore to read.

    在典型的A Book Apart方式中, Just Enough Research是您想要留在附近的一种,以便您可以经常返回。 埃里卡(Erika)设法将大量信息打包成一个小包装(154页!),而不会造成阅读的麻烦。

    This book should be on the shelf of anyone involved in building websites.


  25. The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson 45


    The book’s title very aptly describes the begging of the story—the interesting bit of course is what happens after that. The chapters bounce back and forth between telling us about the main characters current adventures on the run from both the police and a notorious criminal gang and telling us about his life up to that point—a rich story in itself that weaves together major historical figures such as Churchill, Stalin, Truman, Nixon and more.

    这本书的标题非常恰当地描述了这个故事的乞讨-当然,有趣的是那之后发生的事情。 这些章节在向我们介绍警察和一个臭名昭著的犯罪团伙在逃亡中当前主要冒险经历的主要故事,以及向我们讲述到那时为止他的生平之间的回荡-本身就是一个丰富的故事,将主要的历史人物编织在一起如丘吉尔,斯大林,杜鲁门,尼克松等等。

    Quirky and fun!


  26. Sass for Web Designers by Dan Cederholm 55


    This is now at the top of my list for resources for people just starting with Sass.


    If you’ve been using it for awhile, you might pick up a few tricks, but you’d mostly likely be better off picking up something else. If, however, you’re just starting to dip your toes into it (or are skeptical) this is pretty much perfect. Short, to the point, and very clearly explained.

    如果您已经使用了一段时间,则可能会掌握一些技巧,但最好还是选择其他一些东西。 但是,如果您只是开始涉足(或对此表示怀疑),那将是非常完美的。 简而言之,要点很明确。

  27. Jim Henson: The Biography by Brian Ray Jones 55


    Henson’s creations were so imaginative and timeless—it’s fascinating to get a behind-the-scenes look at how he brought them to life. Jones weaves a great story pulling in bits from Henson’s journal and anecdotes from his family and coworkers along the way.

    Henson的作品如此富于想象力和历久弥新,令人着迷的是如何在幕后看待他如何使它们栩栩如生。 琼斯编织了一个很棒的故事,从亨森的日记中汲取了点滴,并从他的家人和同事那里汲取了轶事。

    It’s not all praise. Jones does (respectfully) mention several flaws and mistakes—both professional and personal. The result is a well-rounded and thoroughly enjoyable look at a creative genius.

    并不是所有的赞美。 琼斯确实(尊重地)提到了一些缺陷和错误-专业的和个人的。 结果是对创意天才的全面理解和完全愉悦。

  28. Remote by Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson 45


    How much you’ll get out of this book depends on your current situation.


    If you’re already working remotely and are hoping that the book will give you new insights to do it better, then this book is just ok. You’ll probably get more validation than you will takeaways.

    如果您已经在远程工作,并且希望这本书可以为您提供更好的新见解,那么这本书就可以了。 与外卖相比,您获得的验证可能更多。

    However, if you are A) someone trying to decide whether to institute remote work at your company or B) someone trying to convince your boss to let you work remotely, then this is the ideal book for you. The case against remote work is carefully dismantled, piece by piece.

    但是,如果您是A)试图决定在公司进行远程工作的人,还是B)试图说服您的老板让您进行远程工作的人,那么这是适合您的理想书。 小心翼翼地拆解了反对远程工作的情况。

  29. Front-End Styleguides by Anna Debenham 55


    A brisk 60 pages or so of excellent information for anyone curious about styleguides. Kind of a no-brainer, particularly given the ridiculously low cost.

    轻快的60页左右的优秀信息可供任何对样式指南感兴趣的人使用。 毫无疑问,特别是考虑到成本低得可笑。

  30. Nexus by Ramez Naam 45


    Scientists have been experimenting with using the human mind to perform actions: everything from moving a mouse cursor to moving the tail of a rat. Ramez pushes this idea to the limit: what if humans could link their brains together. What if you could share thoughts and emotions with other humans? What if you could “enhance” this functionality with packages (such as one that steadies your nerves)? And what if you could actually control other people using this same technology?

    科学家们一直在尝试使用人类的思想来执行动作:从移动鼠标光标到移动老鼠尾巴的所有事情。 拉梅兹将这个想法推到了极限:如果人类可以将他们的大脑联系在一起呢? 如果您可以与其他人分享思想和情感怎么办? 如果您可以通过软件包“增强”该功能(例如使您神魂颠倒的软件包),该怎么办? 如果您实际上可以使用此相同技术控制其他人,该怎么办?

    Nexus hits the ground running on the first few pages and then never lets up. The concept is fantastic and the science seems pretty spot on (unsurprisingly given Ramez has also written a book about biological enhancement). There is a lot of good discussion about the ethical implications of a technology that powerful, though it’s not very subtle and can get a little heavy-handed at times. But that’s a relatively minor complaint for an otherwise great read.

    Nexus从头几页开始就开始运作,然后再不放松。 这个概念太棒了,科学似乎也很流行(不足为奇的是Ramez还写了一本有关生物增强的书)。 关于一项功能强大的技术的伦理含义,有很多很好的讨论,尽管它不是很微妙,有时会变得有些笨拙。 但这对于较小的阅读量来说是相对较小的抱怨。

  31. 14 by Peter Clines 35


    ‘14’ is a bit of a departure from my standard reading material. It’s a part mystery and part horror with humor mixed in throughout and just a shade of science-fiction.

    “ 14”与我的标准阅读材料有些偏离。 这是一个充满神秘感和部分恐怖的地方,充满幽默感,只是一种科幻小说。

    The first part of the book, as the characters try to figure things out, was pretty gripping. Each chapter provided a few clues and left me eager to find out what was going to happen next—I had a hard time putting the book down. Unfortunately, the ending didn’t do the rest of the book justice. It may be just personal taste, but from the moment where you find out what’s in room 14 on, it seemed to shift quickly from a taut mystery to a messy pile of whatever bizarre elements the author decided to toss into the story next.

    当角色试图弄清事情的时候,本书的第一部分非常吸引人。 每章都提供了一些线索,让我急于想知道接下来会发生什么—我很难把书放下来。 不幸的是,结局并没有使本书其余部分公道。 它可能只是个人喜好,但从您了解14号房的一刻起,它似乎很快就从紧张的谜团转变为一堆杂乱的杂物,作者决定接下来将其扔进故事中。

  32. The Lives of Tao by Wesley Chu 55


    This book was just plain old fun. An overweight, under-achieving IT tech gets inhabited by a member of an alien species who must now turn his new host into an agent capable of engaging in the age-old, secret war that has been taking place. Action, top-secret spy stuff, snarky humor and even a few brief philosophical discussions ensue. Reading the sequel next.

    这本书简直就是老乐子。 一个超重的,成就欠佳的IT技术被一个外来物种的成员所居住,他们现在必须将他的新主人变成能够参与已经发生的古老秘密战争的特工。 随之而来的是行动,绝密的间谍活动,狡猾的幽默甚至是简短的哲学讨论。 接下来阅读续集。

翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/2013/12/what-i-read-in-2013/


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