
There is no shortage of information floating around today. There are a multitude of books, magazines, newspapers, blog posts, articles, videos and podcasts just clamoring for our attention. It’s an incredible thing, this wealth of information we have at our fingertips. Never before has so much knowledge been so easily accessible.

今天不缺乏信息。 有很多书籍,杂志,报纸,博客文章,文章,视频和播客只是吸引我们的注意力。 这是不可思议的事情,我们触手可及的是如此丰富的信息。 从来没有如此容易获得如此多的知识。

We’ve responded by creating a lot of tools that help us collect this information. We can easily store quotes, snippets or even full articles in any one of a hundred different sites and services. We can save links to the videos and recordings that moved us on some level. RSS feeds make it incredibly easy to consume massive quantities of online articles and blog posts. Tools like the incredible Ifttt help make our many online services interact with each other, further easing the process of collecting information.

为此,我们创建了许多工具来帮助我们收集这些信息。 我们可以在一百种不同的站点和服务中的任何一种中轻松存储报价,摘要甚至完整的文章。 我们可以保存指向在某种程度上使我们感动的视频和录音的链接。 RSS提要使消费大量在线文章和博客文章变得异常容易。 令人难以置信的Ifttt等工具有助于使我们的许多在线服务彼此交互,从而进一步简化了收集信息的过程。

But what happens to that information after it has been carefully tagged and stored away? The more new information we collect, the more old information gets buried. That post we read that sparked an idea, that quote that stirred something deep within—lost and buried. Forgotten amongst the piles of all the other information we’ve collected.

但是,在对这些信息进行仔细标记并存储之后,该怎么办? 我们收集的新信息越多,埋藏的信息就越多。 我们读到的那篇文章引发了一个主意,那句话引起了人们内心深处的迷失和掩埋。 在我们收集的所有其他信息中被遗忘了。

Certainly this is nothing new—the issue has merely been amplified. Technology, though, is supposed to work for us. It’s supposed to help us solve issues we’ve had in the past. Why not push our tools to not merely collect, but to remind us what is already there?

当然,这并不是什么新鲜事物-这个问题只是被放大了。 但是,技术应该为我们工作。 它应该可以帮助我们解决过去遇到的问题。 为什么不推动我们的工具不仅要收集,还要提醒我们已经有什么?

We need more services like the Kindle Daily Review and Timehop. Kindle’s Daily Review delivers “flash-cards” of a book you’ve read in the past. It displays notes and highlights that you made. It’s fantastic! I love seeing a passage from a book that I had forgotten all about, but that still sparks something within me. Timehop is similar—it lets you know what you posted on Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare or Instagram a year ago. I’ve only been using that service for a short time, but already I’ve found several articles and conversations that I had forgotten about.

我们需要Kindle Daily ReviewTimehop​​之类的更多服务。 Kindle的每日评论提供了您过去阅读过的书的“闪存卡”。 它显示注释和突出显示的内容。 这是梦幻般的! 我喜欢看一本我已经遗忘的书中的一段话,但是那仍然激发着我的内心。 Timehop​​与此类似-它使您知道一年前在Twitter,Facebook,Foursquare或Instagram上发布的内容。 我使用该服务的时间很短,但是已经找到了一些我已经忘记的文章和对话。

Why is this important? Because serendipity is a stimulant. In his book, “Marshall McLuhan: You Know Nothing of My Work”, Douglas Coupland had this to say about Marshall McLuhan, one of the most prescient minds of the last century: “For Marshall, the fun of ideas lay in crashing them together to see what emerged from the collision.“ When you rub two stones together, you can make a spark that starts a fire. Put two seemingly unrelated ideas next to each other and the effect is the same.

为什么这很重要? 因为偶然性是一种刺激。 道格拉斯·库普兰(Douglas Coupland)在他的著作《马歇尔·麦克卢汉(Marshall McLuhan):你对我的工作一无所知》中谈到了上个世纪最有先见之明的思想家马歇尔·麦克卢汉(Marshall McLuhan):“对马歇尔来说,思想的乐趣在于将它们融合在一起“当您将两块石头摩擦在一起时,您可以发出火花,引发火灾。” 将两个看似无关的想法彼此相邻,效果是相同的。

Searching, for the most part, eliminates those kinds of serendipitous discoveries. It’s a more or less direct path to the very specific type of information we are looking for. A service like the Kindle Daily Review, a service that provides automated nostalgia—that’s the kind of tool that encourages the mixing of ideas, the friction that causes the spark.

在大多数情况下,搜索会消除那些偶然的发现。 这是我们正在寻找的非常特定类型的信息的直接路径。 像Kindle Daily Review这样的服务,提供了自动怀旧的服务,这是一种鼓励思想融合,引起火花的工具。

We have enough piles. What we need are more shovels.

我们有足够的堆。 我们需要的是更多的铁锹。

翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/2012/01/more-shovels/





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