


There is an active, and very interesting, debate taking place right now in the web community about the merits of responsive web design—particularly how it applies to mobile. On one side of the fence you have the “one web” group who believe that you should be delivering the same content to both mobile and desktop users, typically anchored by a responsive approach. On the other side of the fence are people who believe that mobile requires much more than responsive design is capable of and therefore write the technique off as little more than a band-aid on a gunshot wound.

Web社区目前正在就响应式Web设计的优点(尤其是如何将其应用于移动设备)进行积极而有趣的辩论 。 在篱笆的一侧,您有一个“单一网络”小组,他们认为您应该向移动和桌面用户提供相同的内容,通常以响应方式为基础。 在围栏的另一侧,人们相信移动设备所需要的远远超过了响应式设计所能提供的能力,因此,将这项技术付诸东流的效果只不过是在枪伤上的创可贴。

The primary issue that those opposed to the one web approach tend to mention is that responsive web design ignores the mobile context. This, of course, broaches the question: What exactly is the mobile context? The answer is not particularly clear.

那些反对单一Web方法的人倾向于提到的主要问题是响应式Web设计忽略了移动环境。 当然,这提出了一个问题:移动环境到底是什么? 答案不是特别清楚。

It used to be. The mobile user used to be always on the go; trying to consume location related and task-oriented content very quickly. The problem is that this is not necessarily the case anymore. Phones are getting more and more capable and the browsing experience on many of them can be downright enjoyable. That has resulted in more people partaking in casual browsing on their mobile devices. Jeremy Keith hits it on the head in his comment to Paul Boag’s thought provoking post:

它曾经是。 移动用户过去一直在旅途中; 尝试快速消费与位置相关的和面向任务的内容。 问题在于,情况已不必再如此了。 手机正变得越来越强大,并且其中许多手机的浏览体验令人愉悦。 这导致更多的人开始在其移动设备上随意浏览。 杰里米·基思(Jeremy Keith)在评论保罗·博阿格(Paul Boag)令人发指的帖子时大赞:

There’s also this assumption that mobile users have just one context (“I’m in a hurry! I need to find a time or a location!”) while desktop users have another (“I’ve got all the time in the world; I don’t mind wading through a bunch of irrelevant crap”) whereas, as Stephanie rightly pointed out—and I believe Luke Wroblewski is also doing user research in this area—this simply isn’t true.

还有一种假设是,移动用户只有一个上下文(“我很急!我需要找到时间或位置!”),而台式机用户则具有另一个上下文(“我有很多时间;世界上所有的时间;我不介意经历一堆无关紧要的废话”),而正如Stephanie正确指出的那样-我相信Luke Wroblewski也在这一领域进行用户研究-这根本不是事实。

People will use their Android phones or iPod Touches over WiFi while they are lounging on the sofa and people will use their laptops over 3G while traveling on a train.

人们在沙发上闲逛时将使用WiFi上的Android手机或iPod Touch,而在火车上旅行时,人们将通过3G使用笔记本电脑。

Now tell me: which is the mobile context?


The issue is that there is no longer a clear mobile context. The stats seem to support this fact. Luke Wroblewski posted a summary of stats taken from Compete’s Quarterly Smartphone Report that pertained to where people are using their mobile devices to access the internet. The results were varied:

问题在于不再有明确的移动环境。 统计数据似乎支持这一事实。 卢克·罗布洛夫斯基(Luke Wroblewski)发布了一份摘要,摘自Compete的《智能手机季度报告》,该报告涉及人们使用移动设备访问互联网的位置。 结果各不相同:

  • 84% at home


  • 80% during miscellaneous downtime throughout the day


  • 76% waiting in lines of waiting for appointments


  • 69% while shopping


  • 64% at work


  • 62% while watching TV (alt. study claims 84%)

    看电视时占62%( 替代研究声称占84% )

  • 47% during commute in to work


One could argue that a few of these settings might lean towards our traditional view of the mobile context. I’m willing to bet that a large portion of the 69% of the people browsing the web while shopping are looking for information to help them make their purchase, perform price comparisons etc. Take a look at those top two results though—those aren’t your traditional scenarios of mobile use.

有人可能会争辩说,其中一些设置可能会倾向于我们对移动环境的传统观点。 我敢打赌,购物时浏览网络的69%的人中有很大一部分正在寻找信息,以帮助他们进行购买,进行价格比较等。不过,请看一下前两个结果-不是您传统的移动使用场景。

Let me be clear—I’m not saying that there is never a need to tailor the content of a mobile site. I’m also not saying that responsive design and one web is an end all be all for mobile. It’s not a black and white issue—there are many, many shades of gray. We shouldn’t ignore the unique needs and characteristics of mobile devices and their users—it would be irresponsible to do so. However, we should be very careful not to assume too much. Mobile context is important, but first we need to figure out what the heck it is.

让我清楚一点-我并不是说永远不需要定制移动网站的内容。 我并不是说响应式设计和一个网站就是移动的终点。 这不是一个黑白问题-有很多很多的灰色阴影。 我们不应该忽略移动设备及其用户的独特需求和特征,这样做是不负责任的。 但是,我们应该非常小心,不要承担太多。 移动环境很重要,但是首先我们需要弄清楚它到底是什么。

Responsive design is just one piece of the puzzle. By itself it is, in many cases, an incomplete solution. It’s a tool, however, that when leveraged properly and in conjunction with the proper techniques (see http://yiibu.com for an example of what I mean) can greatly aid in optimizing for multiple devices. To assume it is the entire solution is a mistake; to discount it as a hack seems to me to be just as bad.

自适应设计只是难题的一小部分。 在许多情况下,它本身就是一个不完整的解决方案。 但是,它是一种工具,当适当利用并结合适当的技术(有关我的意思的示例,请参阅http://yiibu.com )可以极大地帮助优化多个设备。 认为这是整个解决方案是一个错误; 在我看来,将其打折是一件很糟糕的事情。

翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/2011/03/responsive-web-design-and-mobile-context/






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