


There’s been an ongoing debate in the world of mobile development as to how mobile apps should be distributed, via an open system or a closed system, and consequently, how one should approach mobile development. We could probably also call this debate “Apple versus everyone else”.

在移动开发领域,关于如何通过开放式系统或封闭式系统分发移动应用程序以及因此如何进行移动开发的争论一直在进行。 我们可能也将这场辩论称为“苹果与其他人的对抗”。

The issue has been brought up many times, usually right after Apple announces some change in the way they accept applications into their store. With each change, invariably some apps, and some companies who have built a living off of those apps, get the short end of the stick and are no longer deemed acceptable for Apples’ standards (whatever they may be at that particular minute).

这个问题已经被提出很多次了,通常是在苹果公司宣布接受商店应用程序的方式发生变化之后。 每次更改都会使某些应用程序以及一些靠这些应用程序为生的公司变得一筹莫展,不再被苹果的标准所接受(无论在特定时刻它们可能是什么)。

Disclaimer first - I’m generally an Apple fan. I don’t care what you say - they know how to package an awesome user experience in their devices, and they do it better than anyone else I’ve seen. Honestly, I don’t even fault them for being so dictatorial in the policing of their app store. There are benefits in a controlled system, among which are an assurance of quality and security.

首先免责声明-我通常是Apple迷。 我不在乎您说什么-他们知道如何在他们的设备中打包出色的用户体验,并且他们做得比我见过的任何人都要好。 老实说,我什至不怪他们在应用商店监管中如此独裁。 受控系统有很多好处,其中包括质量和安全性的保证。

That being said, as developers, I think many of us miss the boat. The hot thing to do nowadays in mobile is to build an iPhone app. The problem is that in doing so, we limit our audience (even if it is a good sized one). Android alone has a wider user base than the iPhone, so should we be creating Android specific apps? Again, the answer is no.

话虽如此,作为开发人员,我认为我们很多人都怀念这艘船。 如今,在移动设备中最热门的事情是构建一个iPhone应用程序。 问题在于这样做会限制我们的听众(即使是一个合适的听众)。 仅Android拥有比iPhone更大的用户基础,那么我们是否应该创建Android专用的应用程序? 同样,答案是否定的。

What needs to be done is what Peter Paul Koch recently suggested - we should be building HTML5 apps. For the many constraints mobile development and design comes with, browser capabilities are becoming increasingly advanced in smartphones. Most of the major players (Android, iPhone, Blackberry for example) are using some form of WebKit right now which means that there is a plethora of CSS3 and HTML5 features we can be tapping into.

需要做的就是Peter Paul Koch最近提出的建议-我们应该构建HTML5应用程序。 由于移动开发和设计带来的诸多限制,浏览器功能在智能手机中正变得越来越先进。 大多数主要参与者(例如Android,iPhone,Blackberry)现在都在使用某种形式的WebKit,这意味着我们可以利用很多CSS3和HTML5功能。

Features like local storage and cache manifest’s make it possible to significantly improve the performance of our mobile apps, and in many cases, make them indistinguishable from a native app. The benefit is that we build once, and our content gets to be displayed on a variety of devices - not just one.

诸如本地存储和缓存清单之类的功能可以显着提高我们的移动应用程序的性能,并且在许多情况下,使其与本地应用程序没有区别。 好处是,我们只需构建一次,我们的内容就可以在多种设备上显示-而不仅仅是一种。

You could argue that the downside is monetization - which the App Store certainly provides (though for far less apps than some people believe). I’m not buying it though. As smartphones become more and more prevalent, I think we’ll see the mobile web emerge into a similar state as it is now with desktops. People will be able to purchase their apps and services via subscriptions and downloads from the web making the monetization argument a moot point.

您可能会辩称,不利之处在于货币化-App Store确实提供了货币化(尽管比某些人认为的少得多的应用程序)。 我不买。 随着智能手机越来越普及,我认为我们将看到移动网络的状态与台式机相似。 人们将能够通过从网络上进行订阅和下载来购买其应用和服务,从而使获利论点成为现实。

As the market becomes more and more saturated with web-capable phones, the mobile web is going to become more and more widely used by a variety of different devices, using many different operating systems. Targeting just one of them is rarely (if ever) going to be the right move to make - and the more devices that are released, the more painfully obvious that point will become. The question is not should you be developing mobile web apps - the question is are you going to start now or play catch up later on?

随着市场越来越多地支持网络电话,移动网络将越来越广泛地被使用许多不同操作系统的各种不同设备所使用。 仅针对其中一个目标很少(如果有的话)是正确的选择-发布的设备越多,这一点就越明显。 问题不在于您是否应该开发移动Web应用程序-问题是您现在要开始还是稍后再玩?

翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/2010/06/the-great-mobile-debate/






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