



1. 初始化

1.1 整个序列的码控参数初始化



  if ( m_RCEnableRateControl )
    m_cRateCtrl.init( m_framesToBeEncoded, m_RCTargetBitrate, (Int)( (Double)m_iFrameRate/m_temporalSubsampleRatio + 0.5), m_iGOPSize, m_iSourceWidth, m_iSourceHeight,
                      m_maxCUWidth, m_maxCUHeight,m_RCKeepHierarchicalBit, m_RCUseLCUSeparateModel, m_GOPList );

1.1.1 TEncRateCtrl::init()


Void TEncRateCtrl::init( Int totalFrames, Int targetBitrate, Int frameRate, Int GOPSize, Int picWidth, Int picHeight, Int LCUWidth, Int LCUHeight, Int keepHierBits, Bool useLCUSeparateModel, GOPEntry  GOPList[MAX_GOP] )

  // 默认低延时配置
  Bool isLowdelay = true;
  for ( Int i=0; i<GOPSize-1; i++ )
    if ( GOPList[i].m_POC > GOPList[i+1].m_POC )
      isLowdelay = false; // 此为随机接入配置

  Int numberOfLevel = 1;
  Int adaptiveBit = 0;
  if ( keepHierBits > 0 )
    numberOfLevel = Int( log((Double)GOPSize)/log(2.0) + 0.5 ) + 1;
  if ( !isLowdelay && GOPSize == 8 )
    numberOfLevel = Int( log((Double)GOPSize)/log(2.0) + 0.5 ) + 1;
  numberOfLevel++;    // intra picture
  numberOfLevel++;    // non-reference picture

  Int* bitsRatio; // 比特权重(w)
  bitsRatio = new Int[ GOPSize ];
  for ( Int i=0; i<GOPSize; i++ )
    bitsRatio[i] = 10;
    if ( !GOPList[i].m_refPic )
      bitsRatio[i] = 2;
  if ( keepHierBits > 0 )
    // K0103 式子(3)每像素的比特数,码率 / 帧率 = 一帧的比特数
    Double bpp = (Double)( targetBitrate / (Double)( frameRate*picWidth*picHeight ) );
    // K0103 table 1
    if ( GOPSize == 4 && isLowdelay ) 
      if ( bpp > 0.2 )
        bitsRatio[0] = 2;
        bitsRatio[1] = 3;
        bitsRatio[2] = 2;
        bitsRatio[3] = 6;
      else if( bpp > 0.1 )
        bitsRatio[0] = 2;
        bitsRatio[1] = 3;
        bitsRatio[2] = 2;
        bitsRatio[3] = 10;
      else if ( bpp > 0.05 )
        bitsRatio[0] = 2;
        bitsRatio[1] = 3;
        bitsRatio[2] = 2;
        bitsRatio[3] = 12;
        bitsRatio[0] = 2;
        bitsRatio[1] = 3;
        bitsRatio[2] = 2;
        bitsRatio[3] = 14;

      if ( keepHierBits == 2 )
        adaptiveBit = 1;
    // K0103 table 2
    else if ( GOPSize == 8 && !isLowdelay )
      if ( bpp > 0.2 )
        bitsRatio[0] = 15;
        bitsRatio[1] = 5;
        bitsRatio[2] = 4;
        bitsRatio[3] = 1;
        bitsRatio[4] = 1;
        bitsRatio[5] = 4;
        bitsRatio[6] = 1;
        bitsRatio[7] = 1;
      else if ( bpp > 0.1 )
        bitsRatio[0] = 20;
        bitsRatio[1] = 6;
        bitsRatio[2] = 4;
        bitsRatio[3] = 1;
        bitsRatio[4] = 1;
        bitsRatio[5] = 4;
        bitsRatio[6] = 1;
        bitsRatio[7] = 1;
      else if ( bpp > 0.05 )
        bitsRatio[0] = 25;
        bitsRatio[1] = 7;
        bitsRatio[2] = 4;
        bitsRatio[3] = 1;
        bitsRatio[4] = 1;
        bitsRatio[5] = 4;
        bitsRatio[6] = 1;
        bitsRatio[7] = 1;
        bitsRatio[0] = 30;
        bitsRatio[1] = 8;
        bitsRatio[2] = 4;
        bitsRatio[3] = 1;
        bitsRatio[4] = 1;
        bitsRatio[5] = 4;
        bitsRatio[6] = 1;
        bitsRatio[7] = 1;

      if ( keepHierBits == 2 )
        adaptiveBit = 2;
      printf( "\n hierarchical bit allocation is not support for the specified coding structure currently.\n" );

  // GOPID到时域层的映射
  Int* GOPID2Level = new Int[ GOPSize ];
  for ( Int i=0; i<GOPSize; i++ )
    GOPID2Level[i] = 1;
    if ( !GOPList[i].m_refPic )
      GOPID2Level[i] = 2;

  if ( keepHierBits > 0 )
    if ( GOPSize == 4 && isLowdelay )
      GOPID2Level[0] = 3;
      GOPID2Level[1] = 2;
      GOPID2Level[2] = 3;
      GOPID2Level[3] = 1;
    else if ( GOPSize == 8 && !isLowdelay )
      GOPID2Level[0] = 1;
      GOPID2Level[1] = 2;
      GOPID2Level[2] = 3;
      GOPID2Level[3] = 4;
      GOPID2Level[4] = 4;
      GOPID2Level[5] = 3;
      GOPID2Level[6] = 4;
      GOPID2Level[7] = 4;

  if ( !isLowdelay && GOPSize == 8 )
    GOPID2Level[0] = 1;
    GOPID2Level[1] = 2;
    GOPID2Level[2] = 3;
    GOPID2Level[3] = 4;
    GOPID2Level[4] = 4;
    GOPID2Level[5] = 3;
    GOPID2Level[6] = 4;
    GOPID2Level[7] = 4;

  m_encRCSeq = new TEncRCSeq; // 创建序列级码率控制对象,并将初始化好的参数传给此对象
  m_encRCSeq->create( totalFrames, targetBitrate, frameRate, GOPSize, picWidth, picHeight, LCUWidth, LCUHeight, numberOfLevel, useLCUSeparateModel, adaptiveBit );
  m_encRCSeq->initBitsRatio( bitsRatio );
  m_encRCSeq->initGOPID2Level( GOPID2Level );
  m_encRCSeq->initPicPara(); // 初始化alpha和beta参数
  if ( useLCUSeparateModel )
  m_CpbSaturationEnabled = false;
  m_cpbSize              = targetBitrate;
  m_cpbState             = (UInt)(m_cpbSize*0.5f);
  m_bufferingRate        = (Int)(targetBitrate / frameRate);

  delete[] bitsRatio;
  delete[] GOPID2Level;

1.1.2 TEncRCSeq::create()

Void TEncRCSeq::create( Int totalFrames, Int targetBitrate, Int frameRate, Int GOPSize, Int picWidth, Int picHeight, Int LCUWidth, Int LCUHeight, Int numberOfLevel, Bool useLCUSeparateModel, Int adaptiveBit )
  m_totalFrames         = totalFrames;
  m_targetRate          = targetBitrate;
  m_frameRate           = frameRate;
  m_GOPSize             = GOPSize;
  m_picWidth            = picWidth;
  m_picHeight           = picHeight;
  m_LCUWidth            = LCUWidth;
  m_LCUHeight           = LCUHeight;
  m_numberOfLevel       = numberOfLevel;
  m_useLCUSeparateModel = useLCUSeparateModel;

  m_numberOfPixel   = m_picWidth * m_picHeight;
  // 码率 / 帧率 = 一帧的比特数,分配的目标总比特数,即输出码流大小
  m_targetBits      = (Int64)m_totalFrames * (Int64)m_targetRate / (Int64)m_frameRate;
  // 每像素被分到的目标比特
  m_seqTargetBpp = (Double)m_targetRate / (Double)m_frameRate / (Double)m_numberOfPixel;
  if ( m_seqTargetBpp < 0.03 )
    m_alphaUpdate = 0.01;
    m_betaUpdate  = 0.005;
  else if ( m_seqTargetBpp < 0.08 )
    m_alphaUpdate = 0.05;
    m_betaUpdate  = 0.025;
  else if ( m_seqTargetBpp < 0.2 )
    m_alphaUpdate = 0.1;
    m_betaUpdate  = 0.05;
  else if ( m_seqTargetBpp < 0.5 )
    m_alphaUpdate = 0.2;
    m_betaUpdate  = 0.1;
    m_alphaUpdate = 0.4;
    m_betaUpdate  = 0.2;
  // 平均每帧占用的目标比特数
  m_averageBits     = (Int)(m_targetBits / totalFrames);
  Int picWidthInBU  = ( m_picWidth  % m_LCUWidth  ) == 0 ? m_picWidth  / m_LCUWidth  : m_picWidth  / m_LCUWidth  + 1;
  Int picHeightInBU = ( m_picHeight % m_LCUHeight ) == 0 ? m_picHeight / m_LCUHeight : m_picHeight / m_LCUHeight + 1;
  m_numberOfLCU     = picWidthInBU * picHeightInBU;

  m_bitsRatio   = new Int[m_GOPSize];
  for ( Int i=0; i<m_GOPSize; i++ )
    m_bitsRatio[i] = 1;

  m_GOPID2Level = new Int[m_GOPSize];
  for ( Int i=0; i<m_GOPSize; i++ )
    m_GOPID2Level[i] = 1;

  m_picPara = new TRCParameter[m_numberOfLevel];
  // 每个图像层的alpha和beta参数值
  for ( Int i=0; i<m_numberOfLevel; i++ )
    m_picPara[i].m_alpha = 0.0;
    m_picPara[i].m_beta  = 0.0;

  if ( m_useLCUSeparateModel ) // 每个LCU的alpha和beta都有各自的值
    m_LCUPara = new TRCParameter*[m_numberOfLevel];
    for ( Int i=0; i<m_numberOfLevel; i++ )
      m_LCUPara[i] = new TRCParameter[m_numberOfLCU];
      for ( Int j=0; j<m_numberOfLCU; j++)
        m_LCUPara[i][j].m_alpha = 0.0;
        m_LCUPara[i][j].m_beta  = 0.0;

  m_framesLeft = m_totalFrames; // 剩余帧数
  m_bitsLeft   = m_targetBits;  // 剩余可分配的比特数
  m_adaptiveBit = adaptiveBit;  
  m_lastLambda = 0.0;

1.2 GOP级码控参数初始化


  if ( m_RCEnableRateControl )
    m_cRateCtrl.initRCGOP( m_iNumPicRcvd );

1.2.1 TEncRCGOP::create()

Void TEncRCGOP::create( TEncRCSeq* encRCSeq, Int numPic )
  Int targetBits = xEstGOPTargetBits( encRCSeq, numPic );

  // 一般不进入此if判断,除非开启adaptiveBits
  if ( encRCSeq->getAdaptiveBits() > 0 && encRCSeq->getLastLambda() > 0.1 )
    Double targetBpp = (Double)targetBits / encRCSeq->getNumPixel();
    Double basicLambda = 0.0;
    Double* lambdaRatio = new Double[encRCSeq->getGOPSize()];
    Double* equaCoeffA = new Double[encRCSeq->getGOPSize()];
    Double* equaCoeffB = new Double[encRCSeq->getGOPSize()];

    if ( encRCSeq->getAdaptiveBits() == 1 )   // for GOP size =4, low delay case
      if ( encRCSeq->getLastLambda() < 120.0 )
        lambdaRatio[1] = 0.725 * log( encRCSeq->getLastLambda() ) + 0.5793;
        lambdaRatio[0] = 1.3 * lambdaRatio[1];
        lambdaRatio[2] = 1.3 * lambdaRatio[1];
        lambdaRatio[3] = 1.0;
        lambdaRatio[0] = 5.0;
        lambdaRatio[1] = 4.0;
        lambdaRatio[2] = 5.0;
        lambdaRatio[3] = 1.0;
    else if ( encRCSeq->getAdaptiveBits() == 2 )  // for GOP size = 8, random access case
      if ( encRCSeq->getLastLambda() < 90.0 )
        lambdaRatio[0] = 1.0;
        lambdaRatio[1] = 0.725 * log( encRCSeq->getLastLambda() ) + 0.7963;
        lambdaRatio[2] = 1.3 * lambdaRatio[1];
        lambdaRatio[3] = 3.25 * lambdaRatio[1];
        lambdaRatio[4] = 3.25 * lambdaRatio[1];
        lambdaRatio[5] = 1.3  * lambdaRatio[1];
        lambdaRatio[6] = 3.25 * lambdaRatio[1];
        lambdaRatio[7] = 3.25 * lambdaRatio[1];
        lambdaRatio[0] = 1.0;
        lambdaRatio[1] = 4.0;
        lambdaRatio[2] = 5.0;
        lambdaRatio[3] = 12.3;
        lambdaRatio[4] = 12.3;
        lambdaRatio[5] = 5.0;
        lambdaRatio[6] = 12.3;
        lambdaRatio[7] = 12.3;

    xCalEquaCoeff( encRCSeq, lambdaRatio, equaCoeffA, equaCoeffB, encRCSeq->getGOPSize() );
    basicLambda = xSolveEqua( targetBpp, equaCoeffA, equaCoeffB, encRCSeq->getGOPSize() );
    encRCSeq->setAllBitRatio( basicLambda, equaCoeffA, equaCoeffB );

    delete []lambdaRatio;
    delete []equaCoeffA;
    delete []equaCoeffB;
  m_picTargetBitInGOP = new Int[numPic];
  Int i;
  Int totalPicRatio = 0;
  Int currPicRatio = 0;
  for ( i=0; i<numPic; i++ )
    totalPicRatio += encRCSeq->getBitRatio( i );
  for ( i=0; i<numPic; i++ )
    currPicRatio = encRCSeq->getBitRatio( i );
    // K0103 式子(9),注意:由于是初始化,式子中的CodedGOP等于0
    m_picTargetBitInGOP[i] = (Int)( ((Double)targetBits) * currPicRatio / totalPicRatio );

  m_encRCSeq    = encRCSeq;
  m_numPic       = numPic;
  m_targetBits   = targetBits;
  m_picLeft      = m_numPic;
  m_bitsLeft     = m_targetBits;

1.2.2 TEncRCGOP::xEstGOPTargetBits()

Int TEncRCGOP::xEstGOPTargetBits( TEncRCSeq* encRCSeq, Int GOPSize )
  // 滑动窗口大小
  Int realInfluencePicture = min( g_RCSmoothWindowSize, encRCSeq->getFramesLeft() );
  // 平均每帧的比特数
  Int averageTargetBitsPerPic = (Int)( encRCSeq->getTargetBits() / encRCSeq->getTotalFrames() );
  // K0103 式(7)
  // TAvgPic,计算方法跟K0103不同,这里利用left的思路计算,而K0103利用coded的思路计算,但结果是一样的
  Int currentTargetBitsPerPic = (Int)( ( encRCSeq->getBitsLeft() - averageTargetBitsPerPic * (encRCSeq->getFramesLeft() - realInfluencePicture) ) / realInfluencePicture );
  // K0103 式(8)TGOP
  Int targetBits = currentTargetBitsPerPic * GOPSize;

  if ( targetBits < 200 )
    targetBits = 200;   // at least allocate 200 bits for one GOP

  return targetBits;

1.3 Picture级码控参数初始化


    if ( m_pcCfg->getUseRateCtrl() ) // TODO: does this work with multiple slices and slice-segments?
      Int frameLevel = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCSeq()->getGOPID2Level( iGOPid );
      if ( pcPic->getSlice(0)->getSliceType() == I_SLICE )
        frameLevel = 0;
      // 初始化Picture参数
      m_pcRateCtrl->initRCPic( frameLevel );
      estimatedBits = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->getTargetBits();

      if (m_pcRateCtrl->getCpbSaturationEnabled() && frameLevel != 0)
        Int estimatedCpbFullness = m_pcRateCtrl->getCpbState() + m_pcRateCtrl->getBufferingRate();

        // prevent overflow
        if (estimatedCpbFullness - estimatedBits > (Int)(m_pcRateCtrl->getCpbSize()*0.9f))
          estimatedBits = estimatedCpbFullness - (Int)(m_pcRateCtrl->getCpbSize()*0.9f);

        estimatedCpbFullness -= m_pcRateCtrl->getBufferingRate();
        // prevent underflow
        if (estimatedCpbFullness - estimatedBits < m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->getLowerBound())
          estimatedBits = max(200, estimatedCpbFullness - m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->getLowerBound());


      Int sliceQP = m_pcCfg->getInitialQP(); // 为配置文件中的InitialQP参数
      // 如果配置文件对序列第一帧指定了初始QP,则基于这个QP计算出lamda
      if ( ( pcSlice->getPOC() == 0 && m_pcCfg->getInitialQP() > 0 ) || ( frameLevel == 0 && m_pcCfg->getForceIntraQP() ) ) // QP is specified
        Int    NumberBFrames = ( m_pcCfg->getGOPSize() - 1 );
        Double dLambda_scale = 1.0 - Clip3( 0.0, 0.5, 0.05*(Double)NumberBFrames );
        Double dQPFactor     = 0.57*dLambda_scale;
        Int    SHIFT_QP      = 12;
        Int    bitdepth_luma_qp_scale = 0;
        Double qp_temp = (Double) sliceQP + bitdepth_luma_qp_scale - SHIFT_QP;
        lambda = dQPFactor*pow( 2.0, qp_temp/3.0 );
      else if ( frameLevel == 0 )   // intra case, but use the model
        m_pcSliceEncoder->calCostSliceI(pcPic); // TODO: This only analyses the first slice segment - what about the others?

        if ( m_pcCfg->getIntraPeriod() != 1 )   // do not refine allocated bits for all intra case
          Int bits = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCSeq()->getLeftAverageBits();
          bits = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->getRefineBitsForIntra( bits );

          if (m_pcRateCtrl->getCpbSaturationEnabled() )
            Int estimatedCpbFullness = m_pcRateCtrl->getCpbState() + m_pcRateCtrl->getBufferingRate();

            // prevent overflow
            if (estimatedCpbFullness - bits > (Int)(m_pcRateCtrl->getCpbSize()*0.9f))
              bits = estimatedCpbFullness - (Int)(m_pcRateCtrl->getCpbSize()*0.9f);

            estimatedCpbFullness -= m_pcRateCtrl->getBufferingRate();
            // prevent underflow
            if (estimatedCpbFullness - bits < m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->getLowerBound())
              bits = estimatedCpbFullness - m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->getLowerBound();

          if ( bits < 200 )
            bits = 200;
          m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->setTargetBits( bits );

        list<TEncRCPic*> listPreviousPicture = m_pcRateCtrl->getPicList();
        lambda  = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->estimatePicLambda( listPreviousPicture, pcSlice->getSliceType());
        sliceQP = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->estimatePicQP( lambda, listPreviousPicture );
      else    // normal case
        list<TEncRCPic*> listPreviousPicture = m_pcRateCtrl->getPicList();
        lambda  = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->estimatePicLambda( listPreviousPicture, pcSlice->getSliceType());
        sliceQP = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->estimatePicQP( lambda, listPreviousPicture );

      sliceQP = Clip3( -pcSlice->getSPS()->getQpBDOffset(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA), MAX_QP, sliceQP );
      m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->setPicEstQP( sliceQP );

      //!< 设置当前slice使用的QP, lambda,编码时用到
      m_pcSliceEncoder->resetQP( pcPic, sliceQP, lambda );

1.3.1 TEncRCPic::create()

Void TEncRCPic::create( TEncRCSeq* encRCSeq, TEncRCGOP* encRCGOP, Int frameLevel, list<TEncRCPic*>& listPreviousPictures )
  m_encRCSeq = encRCSeq;
  m_encRCGOP = encRCGOP;
  //!< K0103式子(9)
  Int targetBits    = xEstPicTargetBits( encRCSeq, encRCGOP );
  Int estHeaderBits = xEstPicHeaderBits( listPreviousPictures, frameLevel );

  if ( targetBits < estHeaderBits + 100 )
    targetBits = estHeaderBits + 100;   // at least allocate 100 bits for picture data

  m_frameLevel       = frameLevel;
  m_numberOfPixel    = encRCSeq->getNumPixel();
  m_numberOfLCU      = encRCSeq->getNumberOfLCU();
  m_estPicLambda     = 100.0;
  m_targetBits       = targetBits;
  m_estHeaderBits    = estHeaderBits;
  m_bitsLeft         = m_targetBits;
  Int picWidth       = encRCSeq->getPicWidth();
  Int picHeight      = encRCSeq->getPicHeight();
  Int LCUWidth       = encRCSeq->getLCUWidth();
  Int LCUHeight      = encRCSeq->getLCUHeight();
  Int picWidthInLCU  = ( picWidth  % LCUWidth  ) == 0 ? picWidth  / LCUWidth  : picWidth  / LCUWidth  + 1;
  Int picHeightInLCU = ( picHeight % LCUHeight ) == 0 ? picHeight / LCUHeight : picHeight / LCUHeight + 1;
  m_lowerBound       = xEstPicLowerBound( encRCSeq, encRCGOP );

  m_LCULeft         = m_numberOfLCU;
  m_bitsLeft       -= m_estHeaderBits;
  m_pixelsLeft      = m_numberOfPixel;

  m_LCUs           = new TRCLCU[m_numberOfLCU];
  Int i, j;
  Int LCUIdx;
  // 初始化每个LCU的参数
  for ( i=0; i<picWidthInLCU; i++ )
    for ( j=0; j<picHeightInLCU; j++ )
      LCUIdx = j*picWidthInLCU + i;
      m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_actualBits = 0;
      m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_QP         = 0;
      m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_lambda     = 0.0;
      m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_targetBits = 0;
      m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_bitWeight  = 1.0;
      Int currWidth  = ( (i == picWidthInLCU -1) ? picWidth  - LCUWidth *(picWidthInLCU -1) : LCUWidth  );
      Int currHeight = ( (j == picHeightInLCU-1) ? picHeight - LCUHeight*(picHeightInLCU-1) : LCUHeight );
      m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_numberOfPixel = currWidth * currHeight;
  m_picActualHeaderBits = 0;
  m_picActualBits       = 0;
  m_picQP               = 0;
  m_picLambda           = 0.0;

1.3.2 TEncRCPic::xEstPicTargetBits()

Int TEncRCPic::xEstPicTargetBits( TEncRCSeq* encRCSeq, TEncRCGOP* encRCGOP )
  Int targetBits        = 0;
  Int GOPbitsLeft       = encRCGOP->getBitsLeft();

  Int i;
  Int currPicPosition = encRCGOP->getNumPic()-encRCGOP->getPicLeft();
  Int currPicRatio    = encRCSeq->getBitRatio( currPicPosition );
  Int totalPicRatio   = 0;
  for ( i=currPicPosition; i<encRCGOP->getNumPic(); i++ )
    totalPicRatio += encRCSeq->getBitRatio( i );

  targetBits  = Int( ((Double)GOPbitsLeft) * currPicRatio / totalPicRatio );

  if ( targetBits < 100 )
    targetBits = 100;   // at least allocate 100 bits for one picture

  if ( m_encRCSeq->getFramesLeft() > 16 )
    targetBits = Int( g_RCWeightPicRargetBitInBuffer * targetBits + g_RCWeightPicTargetBitInGOP * m_encRCGOP->getTargetBitInGOP( currPicPosition ) );

  return targetBits;

1.3.3 TEncRCPic::xEstPicHeaderBits()

Int TEncRCPic::xEstPicHeaderBits( list<TEncRCPic*>& listPreviousPictures, Int frameLevel )
  Int numPreviousPics   = 0;
  Int totalPreviousBits = 0;

  list<TEncRCPic*>::iterator it;
  for ( it = listPreviousPictures.begin(); it != listPreviousPictures.end(); it++ )
    if ( (*it)->getFrameLevel() == frameLevel )
      totalPreviousBits += (*it)->getPicActualHeaderBits();

  Int estHeaderBits = 0;
  if ( numPreviousPics > 0 )
    estHeaderBits = totalPreviousBits / numPreviousPics;

  return estHeaderBits;

1.3.4 TEncRCPic::estimatePicLambda()


Double TEncRCPic::estimatePicLambda( list<TEncRCPic*>& listPreviousPictures, SliceType eSliceType)
  Double alpha         = m_encRCSeq->getPicPara( m_frameLevel ).m_alpha;
  Double beta          = m_encRCSeq->getPicPara( m_frameLevel ).m_beta;
  Double bpp       = (Double)m_targetBits/(Double)m_numberOfPixel;
  Double estLambda;
  if (eSliceType == I_SLICE)
    estLambda = calculateLambdaIntra(alpha, beta, pow(m_totalCostIntra/(Double)m_numberOfPixel, BETA1), bpp);
    estLambda = alpha * pow( bpp, beta ); //!< K0103 式子(10)

  Double lastLevelLambda = -1.0;
  Double lastPicLambda   = -1.0;
  Double lastValidLambda = -1.0;
  list<TEncRCPic*>::iterator it;
  for ( it = listPreviousPictures.begin(); it != listPreviousPictures.end(); it++ )
    if ( (*it)->getFrameLevel() == m_frameLevel )
      lastLevelLambda = (*it)->getPicActualLambda();
    lastPicLambda     = (*it)->getPicActualLambda();

    if ( lastPicLambda > 0.0 )
      lastValidLambda = lastPicLambda;

  //!< 以下对lastLevelLambda和estLambda进行clip,范围在K0103的section 3.2中进行了定义
  if ( lastLevelLambda > 0.0 )
    lastLevelLambda = Clip3( 0.1, 10000.0, lastLevelLambda );
    estLambda = Clip3( lastLevelLambda * pow( 2.0, -3.0/3.0 ), lastLevelLambda * pow( 2.0, 3.0/3.0 ), estLambda );

  if ( lastPicLambda > 0.0 )
    lastPicLambda = Clip3( 0.1, 2000.0, lastPicLambda );
    estLambda = Clip3( lastPicLambda * pow( 2.0, -10.0/3.0 ), lastPicLambda * pow( 2.0, 10.0/3.0 ), estLambda );
  else if ( lastValidLambda > 0.0 )
    lastValidLambda = Clip3( 0.1, 2000.0, lastValidLambda );
    estLambda = Clip3( lastValidLambda * pow(2.0, -10.0/3.0), lastValidLambda * pow(2.0, 10.0/3.0), estLambda );
    estLambda = Clip3( 0.1, 10000.0, estLambda );

  if ( estLambda < 0.1 )
    estLambda = 0.1;

  m_estPicLambda = estLambda;

  Double totalWeight = 0.0;
  // initial BU bit allocation weight
  for ( Int i=0; i<m_numberOfLCU; i++ )
    Double alphaLCU, betaLCU;
    if ( m_encRCSeq->getUseLCUSeparateModel() )
      alphaLCU = m_encRCSeq->getLCUPara( m_frameLevel, i ).m_alpha;
      betaLCU  = m_encRCSeq->getLCUPara( m_frameLevel, i ).m_beta;
      alphaLCU = m_encRCSeq->getPicPara( m_frameLevel ).m_alpha;
      betaLCU  = m_encRCSeq->getPicPara( m_frameLevel ).m_beta;

    m_LCUs[i].m_bitWeight =  m_LCUs[i].m_numberOfPixel * pow( estLambda/alphaLCU, 1.0/betaLCU );

    if ( m_LCUs[i].m_bitWeight < 0.01 )
      m_LCUs[i].m_bitWeight = 0.01;
    totalWeight += m_LCUs[i].m_bitWeight;
  for ( Int i=0; i<m_numberOfLCU; i++ )
    Double BUTargetBits = m_targetBits * m_LCUs[i].m_bitWeight / totalWeight;
    m_LCUs[i].m_bitWeight = BUTargetBits;

  return estLambda;

1.3.5 TEncRCPic::estimatePicQP()


Int TEncRCPic::estimatePicQP( Double lambda, list<TEncRCPic*>& listPreviousPictures )
  Int QP = Int( 4.2005 * log( lambda ) + 13.7122 + 0.5 ); // 经典R-λ模型

  Int lastLevelQP = g_RCInvalidQPValue;
  Int lastPicQP   = g_RCInvalidQPValue;
  Int lastValidQP = g_RCInvalidQPValue;
  list<TEncRCPic*>::iterator it;
  for ( it = listPreviousPictures.begin(); it != listPreviousPictures.end(); it++ )
    if ( (*it)->getFrameLevel() == m_frameLevel )
      lastLevelQP = (*it)->getPicActualQP();
    lastPicQP = (*it)->getPicActualQP();
    if ( lastPicQP > g_RCInvalidQPValue )
      lastValidQP = lastPicQP;

  //!< 以下对QP进行clip,范围在K0103的section 3.2进行了定义
  if ( lastLevelQP > g_RCInvalidQPValue )
    QP = Clip3( lastLevelQP - 3, lastLevelQP + 3, QP );

  if( lastPicQP > g_RCInvalidQPValue )
    QP = Clip3( lastPicQP - 10, lastPicQP + 10, QP );
  else if( lastValidQP > g_RCInvalidQPValue )
    QP = Clip3( lastValidQP - 10, lastValidQP + 10, QP );

  return QP;

1.4 LCU级码控参数初始化


    if ( m_pcCfg->getUseRateCtrl() ) // LCU的RC参数初始化
      Int estQP        = pcSlice->getSliceQp();
      Double estLambda = -1.0;
      Double bpp       = -1.0;

      if ( ( pcPic->getSlice( 0 )->getSliceType() == I_SLICE && m_pcCfg->getForceIntraQP() ) || !m_pcCfg->getLCULevelRC() )
        // 如果为I帧并且启用了RCForceIntraQP,或者没有启用LCULevelRateControl,则LCU直接使用当前slice的QP
        estQP = pcSlice->getSliceQp();
        bpp = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->getLCUTargetBpp(pcSlice->getSliceType());
        if ( pcPic->getSlice( 0 )->getSliceType() == I_SLICE)
          estLambda = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->getLCUEstLambdaAndQP(bpp, pcSlice->getSliceQp(), &estQP);
          estLambda = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->getLCUEstLambda( bpp );
          estQP     = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->getLCUEstQP    ( estLambda, pcSlice->getSliceQp() );

        estQP     = Clip3( -pcSlice->getSPS()->getQpBDOffset(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA), MAX_QP, estQP );

        m_pcRdCost->setLambda(estLambda, pcSlice->getSPS()->getBitDepths());

        // set lambda for RDOQ
        const Double chromaLambda = estLambda / m_pcRdCost->getChromaWeight();
        const Double lambdaArray[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT] = { estLambda, chromaLambda, chromaLambda };
        m_pcTrQuant->setLambdas( lambdaArray );
        m_pcTrQuant->setLambda( estLambda );

      m_pcRateCtrl->setRCQP( estQP ); 
      pCtu->getSlice()->setSliceQpBase( estQP ); //!< 设置编码时使用的QP值

1.4.1 TEncRCPic::getLCUTargetBpp()


Double TEncRCPic::getLCUTargetBpp(SliceType eSliceType)
  Int   LCUIdx    = getLCUCoded();
  Double bpp      = -1.0; 
  Int avgBits     = 0;

  if (eSliceType == I_SLICE)
    Int noOfLCUsLeft = m_numberOfLCU - LCUIdx + 1;
    Int bitrateWindow = min(4,noOfLCUsLeft);       // 类似于之前的滑动窗口
    Double MAD      = getLCU(LCUIdx).m_costIntra;  //计算出每个LCU对应的MAD值

    // m_remainingCostIntra为当前帧的总MAD
    // m_remainingCostIntra = m_totalCostIntra;
    if (m_remainingCostIntra > 0.1 )
      Double weightedBitsLeft = (m_bitsLeft*bitrateWindow+(m_bitsLeft-getLCU(LCUIdx).m_targetBitsLeft)*noOfLCUsLeft)/(Double)bitrateWindow;
      avgBits = Int( MAD*weightedBitsLeft/m_remainingCostIntra );
      avgBits = Int( m_bitsLeft / m_LCULeft );
    m_remainingCostIntra -= MAD;
  else // 非I帧
    Double totalWeight = 0;
    for ( Int i=LCUIdx; i<m_numberOfLCU; i++ )
      totalWeight += m_LCUs[i].m_bitWeight;
    Int realInfluenceLCU = min( g_RCLCUSmoothWindowSize, getLCULeft() );
    avgBits = (Int)( m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_bitWeight - ( totalWeight - m_bitsLeft ) / realInfluenceLCU + 0.5 );

  if ( avgBits < 1 )
    avgBits = 1;

  bpp = ( Double )avgBits/( Double )m_LCUs[ LCUIdx ].m_numberOfPixel;
  m_LCUs[ LCUIdx ].m_targetBits = avgBits;

  return bpp;

1.4.2 TEncRCPic::getLCUEstLambda()


Double TEncRCPic::getLCUEstLambda( Double bpp )
  Int   LCUIdx = getLCUCoded();
  Double alpha;
  Double beta;
  if ( m_encRCSeq->getUseLCUSeparateModel() ) //!< enable LCU level RC
    alpha = m_encRCSeq->getLCUPara( m_frameLevel, LCUIdx ).m_alpha;
    beta  = m_encRCSeq->getLCUPara( m_frameLevel, LCUIdx ).m_beta;
  else //!< 只进行picture level的RC,故alpha,beta使用的是picture level的值
    alpha = m_encRCSeq->getPicPara( m_frameLevel ).m_alpha;
    beta  = m_encRCSeq->getPicPara( m_frameLevel ).m_beta;

  Double estLambda = alpha * pow( bpp, beta );
  //for Lambda clip, picture level clip
  Double clipPicLambda = m_estPicLambda;

  //for Lambda clip, LCU level clip
  Double clipNeighbourLambda = -1.0;
  for ( Int i=LCUIdx - 1; i>=0; i-- )
    if ( m_LCUs[i].m_lambda > 0 )
      clipNeighbourLambda = m_LCUs[i].m_lambda;

  //!< 在K0103的section 3.2中进行了定义
  if ( clipNeighbourLambda > 0.0 )
    estLambda = Clip3( clipNeighbourLambda * pow( 2.0, -1.0/3.0 ), clipNeighbourLambda * pow( 2.0, 1.0/3.0 ), estLambda );

  if ( clipPicLambda > 0.0 )
    estLambda = Clip3( clipPicLambda * pow( 2.0, -2.0/3.0 ), clipPicLambda * pow( 2.0, 2.0/3.0 ), estLambda );
    estLambda = Clip3( 10.0, 1000.0, estLambda );

  if ( estLambda < 0.1 )
    estLambda = 0.1;

  return estLambda;

1.4.3 TEncRCPic::getLCUEstQP()


Int TEncRCPic::getLCUEstQP( Double lambda, Int clipPicQP )
  Int LCUIdx = getLCUCoded();
  Int estQP = Int( 4.2005 * log( lambda ) + 13.7122 + 0.5 );

  //for Lambda clip, LCU level clip
  Int clipNeighbourQP = g_RCInvalidQPValue;
  for ( Int i=LCUIdx - 1; i>=0; i-- )
    if ( (getLCU(i)).m_QP > g_RCInvalidQPValue )
      clipNeighbourQP = getLCU(i).m_QP;

  //!< 在K0103的section 3.2中进行了定义
  if ( clipNeighbourQP > g_RCInvalidQPValue )
    estQP = Clip3( clipNeighbourQP - 1, clipNeighbourQP + 1, estQP );

  estQP = Clip3( clipPicQP - 2, clipPicQP + 2, estQP );

  return estQP;

2. 参数更新

2.1 编码完一个LCU后,进行参数值更新


    if ( m_pcCfg->getUseRateCtrl() ) // 每编码完一个LCU,进行一次更新
      Int actualQP        = g_RCInvalidQPValue;
      Double actualLambda = m_pcRdCost->getLambda();
      Int actualBits      = pCtu->getTotalBits();

      Int numberOfEffectivePixels    = 0;
      for ( Int idx = 0; idx < pcPic->getNumPartitionsInCtu(); idx++ )
          //!< 不考虑skip模式
        if ( pCtu->getPredictionMode( idx ) != NUMBER_OF_PREDICTION_MODES && ( !pCtu->isSkipped( idx ) ) )
          numberOfEffectivePixels = numberOfEffectivePixels + 16;

      if ( numberOfEffectivePixels == 0 )
        actualQP = g_RCInvalidQPValue;
        actualQP = pCtu->getQP( 0 );
      m_pcRdCost->setLambda(oldLambda, pcSlice->getSPS()->getBitDepths());
      m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->updateAfterCTU( m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->getLCUCoded(), actualBits, actualQP, actualLambda,
                                                pCtu->getSlice()->getSliceType() == I_SLICE ? 0 : m_pcCfg->getLCULevelRC() );
2.1.1 TEncRCPic::updateAfterLCU()


Void TEncRCPic::updateAfterCTU( Int LCUIdx, Int bits, Int QP, Double lambda, Bool updateLCUParameter )
  m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_actualBits = bits;
  m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_QP         = QP;
  m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_lambda     = lambda;

  m_bitsLeft   -= bits; // frame中剩余比特数的更新
  m_pixelsLeft -= m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_numberOfPixel;

  if ( !updateLCUParameter )

  if ( !m_encRCSeq->getUseLCUSeparateModel() )

  Double alpha = m_encRCSeq->getLCUPara( m_frameLevel, LCUIdx ).m_alpha;
  Double beta  = m_encRCSeq->getLCUPara( m_frameLevel, LCUIdx ).m_beta;

  // 按照公式(12)-(13)更新参数
  Int LCUActualBits   = m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_actualBits;
  Int LCUTotalPixels  = m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_numberOfPixel;
  Double bpp         = ( Double )LCUActualBits/( Double )LCUTotalPixels;
  Double calLambda   = alpha * pow( bpp, beta );
  Double inputLambda = m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_lambda;

  if( inputLambda < 0.01 || calLambda < 0.01 || bpp < 0.0001 )
    alpha *= ( 1.0 - m_encRCSeq->getAlphaUpdate() / 2.0 );
    beta  *= ( 1.0 - m_encRCSeq->getBetaUpdate() / 2.0 );

    alpha = Clip3( g_RCAlphaMinValue, g_RCAlphaMaxValue, alpha );
    beta  = Clip3( g_RCBetaMinValue,  g_RCBetaMaxValue,  beta  );

    TRCParameter rcPara;
    rcPara.m_alpha = alpha;
    rcPara.m_beta  = beta;
    m_encRCSeq->setLCUPara( m_frameLevel, LCUIdx, rcPara );


  calLambda = Clip3( inputLambda / 10.0, inputLambda * 10.0, calLambda );
  alpha += m_encRCSeq->getAlphaUpdate() * ( log( inputLambda ) - log( calLambda ) ) * alpha;
  Double lnbpp = log( bpp );
  lnbpp = Clip3( -5.0, -0.1, lnbpp );
  beta  += m_encRCSeq->getBetaUpdate() * ( log( inputLambda ) - log( calLambda ) ) * lnbpp;

  alpha = Clip3( g_RCAlphaMinValue, g_RCAlphaMaxValue, alpha );
  beta  = Clip3( g_RCBetaMinValue,  g_RCBetaMaxValue,  beta  );

  TRCParameter rcPara;
  rcPara.m_alpha = alpha;
  rcPara.m_beta  = beta;
  m_encRCSeq->setLCUPara( m_frameLevel, LCUIdx, rcPara );


2.2 编码完一帧后,进行参数更新


    if ( m_pcCfg->getUseRateCtrl() )
      // 每个LCU都有自己的λ和QP
      // 整帧的λ为所有LCU的λ的几何平均值
      // 整帧的QP为所有LCU的QP的算术平均值
      Double avgQP     = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->calAverageQP();
      Double avgLambda = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->calAverageLambda();
      if ( avgLambda < 0.0 )
        avgLambda = lambda;

      m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->updateAfterPicture( actualHeadBits, actualTotalBits, avgQP, avgLambda, pcSlice->getSliceType());
      m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->addToPictureLsit( m_pcRateCtrl->getPicList() );

      m_pcRateCtrl->getRCSeq()->updateAfterPic( actualTotalBits );
      if ( pcSlice->getSliceType() != I_SLICE )
        m_pcRateCtrl->getRCGOP()->updateAfterPicture( actualTotalBits );
      else    // for intra picture, the estimated bits are used to update the current status in the GOP
        m_pcRateCtrl->getRCGOP()->updateAfterPicture( estimatedBits );
      if (m_pcRateCtrl->getCpbSaturationEnabled())
        printf(" [CPB %6d bits]", m_pcRateCtrl->getCpbState());
2.2.1 TEncRCPic::updateAfterPictur()


Void TEncRCPic::updateAfterPicture( Int actualHeaderBits, Int actualTotalBits, Double averageQP, Double averageLambda, SliceType eSliceType)
  m_picActualHeaderBits = actualHeaderBits;
  m_picActualBits       = actualTotalBits;
  if ( averageQP > 0.0 )
    m_picQP             = Int( averageQP + 0.5 );
    m_picQP             = g_RCInvalidQPValue;
  m_picLambda           = averageLambda;

  Double alpha = m_encRCSeq->getPicPara( m_frameLevel ).m_alpha;
  Double beta  = m_encRCSeq->getPicPara( m_frameLevel ).m_beta;

  if (eSliceType == I_SLICE)
    updateAlphaBetaIntra(&alpha, &beta);
    // update parameters
    // 按照公式(11)-(13)计算
    Double picActualBits = ( Double )m_picActualBits;
    Double picActualBpp  = picActualBits/(Double)m_numberOfPixel;
    Double calLambda     = alpha * pow( picActualBpp, beta );
    Double inputLambda   = m_picLambda;

    if ( inputLambda < 0.01 || calLambda < 0.01 || picActualBpp < 0.0001 )
      alpha *= ( 1.0 - m_encRCSeq->getAlphaUpdate() / 2.0 );
      beta  *= ( 1.0 - m_encRCSeq->getBetaUpdate() / 2.0 );

      alpha = Clip3( g_RCAlphaMinValue, g_RCAlphaMaxValue, alpha );
      beta  = Clip3( g_RCBetaMinValue,  g_RCBetaMaxValue,  beta  );

      TRCParameter rcPara;
      rcPara.m_alpha = alpha;
      rcPara.m_beta  = beta;
      m_encRCSeq->setPicPara( m_frameLevel, rcPara );


    calLambda = Clip3( inputLambda / 10.0, inputLambda * 10.0, calLambda );
    alpha += m_encRCSeq->getAlphaUpdate() * ( log( inputLambda ) - log( calLambda ) ) * alpha;
    Double lnbpp = log( picActualBpp );
    lnbpp = Clip3( -5.0, -0.1, lnbpp );

    beta  += m_encRCSeq->getBetaUpdate() * ( log( inputLambda ) - log( calLambda ) ) * lnbpp;

    alpha = Clip3( g_RCAlphaMinValue, g_RCAlphaMaxValue, alpha );
    beta  = Clip3( g_RCBetaMinValue,  g_RCBetaMaxValue,  beta  );

  TRCParameter rcPara;
  rcPara.m_alpha = alpha;
  rcPara.m_beta  = beta;

  m_encRCSeq->setPicPara( m_frameLevel, rcPara );

  if ( m_frameLevel == 1 )
    Double currLambda = Clip3( 0.1, 10000.0, m_picLambda );
    Double updateLastLambda = g_RCWeightHistoryLambda * m_encRCSeq->getLastLambda() + g_RCWeightCurrentLambda * currLambda;
    m_encRCSeq->setLastLambda( updateLastLambda );
2.2.2 TEncRCSeq::updateAfterPic()


Void TEncRCSeq::updateAfterPic ( Int bits )
  m_bitsLeft -= bits;
2.2.3 TEncRCGOP::updateAfterPicture()


Void TEncRCGOP::updateAfterPicture( Int bitsCost )
  m_bitsLeft -= bitsCost;
评论 2




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


