

//  KVNProgress.h

//  KVNProgress


//  Created by Kevin Hirsch on 24/05/14.

//  Copyright (c) 2014 Pinch. All rights reserved.


@import UIKit;

typedefNS_ENUM(NSUInteger, KVNProgressBackgroundType) {

/** Don't allow user interactions and show a blurred background. Default value. */


/** Don't allow user interactions and show a solid color background. */



/** @see showWithParameters: */

externNSString * const KVNProgressViewParameterFullScreen;

/** @see showWithParameters: */

externNSString * const KVNProgressViewParameterBackgroundType;

/** @see showWithParameters: */

externNSString * const KVNProgressViewParameterStatus;

/** @see showWithParameters: */

externNSString * const KVNProgressViewParameterSuperview;

/** The minimum time (in seconds) the hud will be displayed. No matter if <code>dismiss</code> is called. */

staticNSTimeInterval const KVNMinimumDisplayTime = 0.3;

/** The minimum time (in seconds) the success will be displayed. */

staticNSTimeInterval const KVNMinimumSuccessDisplayTime = 2.0;

/** The minimum time (in seconds) the error will be displayed. */

staticNSTimeInterval const KVNMinimumErrorDisplayTime = 1.3;

@interface KVNProgress :UIView

#pragma mark - Appearance

/** Color of the background view. Is not used when backgroundType is KVNProgressBackgroundTypeBlurred. */

@property (nonatomic)UIColor *backgroundFillColorNS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0)UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;

/** Tint color of the background view. Used to tint blurred background only when backgroundType is KVNProgressBackgroundTypeBlurred. */

@property (nonatomic)UIColor *backgroundTintColorNS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0)UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;

/** Color of the circle stroke. */

@property (nonatomic)UIColor *circleStrokeForegroundColor NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0) UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;

/** Background color of the circle stroke. Used only when view is showing with a progress circle. */

@property (nonatomic)UIColor *circleStrokeBackgroundColor NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0) UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;

/** background color of the circle. */

@property (nonatomic)UIColor *circleFillBackgroundColor NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0) UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;

/** color of the circle and checkmark when showing success. */

@property (nonatomic)UIColor *successColorNS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0)UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;

/** color of the circle and checkmark when showing error. */

@property (nonatomic)UIColor *errorColorNS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0)UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;

/** Color of the status label. */

@property (nonatomic)UIColor *statusColorNS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0)UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;

/** Font of the status label. */

@property (nonatomic)UIFont *statusFontNS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0)UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;

/** Size of the circle. */

@property (nonatomic)CGFloat circleSizeNS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0)UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;

/** Width of the circle stroke line */

@property (nonatomic)CGFloat lineWidthNS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0)UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;

#pragma mark - Loading

/** Shows an indeterminate progress view with blurred background and no status (not in fullscreen). */

+ (void)showNS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0);


 Shows an indeterminate progress view with blurred background and specified status (not in fullscreen).

 @param status The status to show on the displayed view.


+ (void)showWithStatus:(NSString *)statusNS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0);


 Shows a progress view with defined parameters.


 <br/><br/><code><b>KVNProgressViewParameterFullScreen</b></code>:<br/> to precise full screen or not HUD (<code>NSNumber</code> value from a boolean). <br/><i>Omit to set default non full screen.</i>

 <br/><br/><code><b>KVNProgressViewParameterBackgroundType</b></code>:<br/> to precise blurred or solid HUD background (<code>NSNumber</code> value from a <code>KVNProgressBackgroundType</code> enumeration value). <br/><i>Omit to set default blurred background type.</i>

 <br/><br/><code><b>KVNProgressViewParameterStatus</b></code>:<br/> to precise the HUD status (<code>NSString</code> value). <br/><i>Omit to set default no status.</i>

 <br/><br/><code><b>KVNProgressViewParameterSuperview</b></code>:<br/> to precise the superview of the HUD. <br/><i>Omit to set default current window superview.</i>




[KVNProgress showWithParameters:<br/>

  @{KVNProgressViewParameterFullScreen: @(YES),<br/>

    KVNProgressViewParameterBackgroundType: @(KVNProgressBackgroundTypeSolid),<br/>

    KVNProgressViewParameterStatus: \@"Loading",<br/>

    KVNProgressViewParameterSuperview: self.view<br/>



 @param parameters The parameters of the progress view.


+ (void)showWithParameters:(NSDictionary *)parametersNS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0);

#pragma mark - Progress


 Show a specified progress view with blurred background and no status (not in fullscreen).

 @param progress The progress to display between 0 and 1.


+ (void)showProgress:(CGFloat)progressNS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0);


 Show a specified progress view with blurred background and specified status (not in fullscreen).

 @param status The status to show on the displayed view.


+ (void)showProgress:(CGFloat)progress



 Shows a specified progress view with defined parameters.

 @see <code> showWithParameters:</code> method for more information on the possible parameters.

 @param progress The progress to display between 0 and 1.

 @param parameters The parameters of the progress view.


+ (void)showProgress:(CGFloat)progress

  parameters:(NSDictionary *)parametersNS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0);

#pragma mark - Success

/** Show a success view with blurred background and no status (not in fullscreen). */

+ (void)showSuccessNS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0);


 Show a success view with blurred background and specified status (not in fullscreen).

 @param status The status to show on the displayed view.


+ (void)showSuccessWithStatus:(NSString *)statusNS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0);


 Shows a success view with defined parameters.

 @see <code> showWithParameters:</code> method for more information on the possible parameters.

 @param parameters The parameters of the progress view.


+ (void)showSuccessWithParameters:(NSDictionary *)parametersNS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0);

#pragma mark - Error

/** Show an error view with blurred background and no status (not in fullscreen). */

+ (void)showErrorNS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0);


 Show an error view with blurred background and specified status (not in fullscreen).

 @param status The status to show on the displayed view.


+ (void)showErrorWithStatus:(NSString *)statusNS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0);


 Shows an error view with defined parameters.

 @see <code> showWithParameters:</code> method for more information on the possible parameters.

 @param parameters The parameters of the progress view.


+ (void)showErrorWithParameters:(NSDictionary *)parametersNS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0);

#pragma mark - Dimiss


 Dismiss progress view with a fade animation. Does nothing if the progress view is not on screen.

 <br/><br/><b>Remark:</b> You may want to use <code>dismissWithCompletion:</code> if <code>KVNMinimumDisplayTime</code> is greater than zero.

 @see dismissWithCompletion:


+ (void)dismissNS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0);


 Dismiss progress view with a fade animation and call a completion handler when the dismiss process is finished. Does nothing if the progress view is not on screen.

 <br/><br/><b>Remark:</b> This method can be usefull if the <code>KVNMinimumDisplayTime</code> constant is greater than zero to ensure the view is correctly dismissed.

 @param completion The completion handler called after the view is completely dismissed


+ (void)dismissWithCompletion:(void (^)(void))completionNS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0);

#pragma mark - Update


 Change the loading status while it's showing.

 Nothing happens when progress view isn't showing.

 @param status The status to show


+ (void)updateStatus:(NSString*)status;


 Update the progress loader while it's showing

 Nothing happens when progress view isn't showing.

 @param progress The progress value between 0 and 1

 @param animated Wether or not the change has to be animated


+ (void)updateProgress:(CGFloat)progress


#pragma mark - Information


 Tell if the progress view is on screen.

 @return YES if the progress view is on screen, otherwise NO.


+ (BOOL)isVisible;






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