外刊精读123 / Wallstreet Journal / 人类到底有没有自由意志 (难度高)

在这里插入图片描述in charge 负责(responsible for sb or sth)
(The teacher put me in charge of organizing this project.)

rewind v.&n. 倒回(to go back)
clockwork n. 发条,钟表
like clockwork (sth that is like clockwork runs easily,
automatically, and always in the same way)

distinguished adj. 卓越的,杰出的
(used to describe a respected and admired person,
or their work)
(He is one of the most distinguished scholars in this field.)
opposing adj. 截然相反的
(competing or fighting against each other)
(The article tries to show opposing viewpoints on the issue.)
prosecution n. 起诉,控诉
provocative / prəˈvɑːkətɪv / adj. 启发性的(causing thought)
illusion n. 错觉,幻觉
(an idea or belief that is not true)
eloquent / ˈeləkwənt / adj. 有说服力的,口才流利的

deterministic / dɪˌtɜːrmɪˈnɪstɪk / adj. 确定的,不可抗拒的
roulette wheel / ruːˈlet / 转盘
subatomic / ˌsʌbəˈtɑːmɪk / adj. 亚原子的
concur v. 同意,赞成
(to agree or have the same opinion)
(The new report concurs with previous findings.)
causality / kɔːˈzæləti / n. 因果关系

compatibilism n. 相容论
(a thesis that free will is compatible with determinism)
(compatible adj. 相容的,能同时存在的)
incompatibilism n. 不相容主义

cede v. 割让,放弃
(Hongkong was ceded to Britain after the Opium War.)
extremist n. 极端主义者
(sb who has beliefs that most people think are
unreasonable and unacceptable)

electrode n. 电极
spike n. 猛增,脉冲尖峰
methodology n. 方法论
(a system of ways of doing, teaching, or studying sth)
at length 详细地,长时间地
(He talked at length about his visits to various Roman sites.)
artifact n. 艺术品 (BrE artefact)
intent n. 目的,意图
(the fact that you want and plan to do sth)
(It was not my intent to hurt anyone.)

invoke v. 使用(to cause sth to be used)
dualism n. 二元论(the belief that things are
divided into two often very different or opposing parts)
likewise adv. 同样地(in the same way)
indecisive / ˌɪndɪˈsaɪsɪv / adj. 非决定性的
messrs n. 各位先生 (Mr的复数形式)
explicitly adv. 直截了当地,清楚地
synapse / ˈsɪnæps / n. 突触
axon / ˈæksɑːn / n. 轴突
dendrite / ˈdendraɪt / n. 树突
replete with 充满
neurontransmitter 神经递质

a mass of 大量的
circumstantial evidence 间接证据
a range of 各种各样的
steer v. 引导,指导
(I’d like to steer our discussion back to our original topic.)
grant v. 给予,授予
(to give or allow sb sth, usually in an official way)
(They granted her an entry visa.)
parole / pəˈroʊl / n. 假释
loquaciously adv. 滔滔不绝地
prose n. 散文,白话
grating adj. 刺耳的
readable adj. 易读的,可读性强的

sober adj. 严肃的,冷静的
(serious and calm)
(Anthony was in a very sober mood.)
rigid adj. 严格的,僵化的
( not permitting any change)
quantum indeterminacy 量子不确定性
thermal fluctuation 热波动
fuzziness n. 不确定性

propose v. 提出,提议(to offer or suggest
a possible plan or action for other people to consider)
seed v. 使发展(to cause sth to exist and develop)
inhibit v. 抑制,约束
causal / ˈkɔːz(ə)l / adj. 因果关系的

get short shrift 被怠慢
tunneling n. 隧道效应
entanglement n. 纠缠
dismiss v. 不理会,驳回
decoherence n. 脱散,退相干
miss the mark 未达到预期目标
(Her speech missed the mark and failed to
generate the public support she had been hoping for.)

Geiger counter 盖革计数器(用于测量电离辐射的仪器)
every so often 偶尔 (sometimes but not often)
decay v. 衰落
macroscopic adj. 宏观的
dictate v. 支配,影响,命令
initiate / ɪˈnɪʃieɪt / v. 引起(to cause sth to begin)
ordain / ɔːrˈdeɪn / v. 注定

spell v. 意味着
dead heat 平局 (The race ended in a dead heat.)
yet to 还没发生
(They have yet to make a decision.)

deride v. 嘲笑
agnostic / æɡˈnɑːstɪk / n. 不可知论者
(sb who does not know or does not have an opinion)
as to 关于 (about)
self-proclaimed adj. 自称的
wrestle with 努力应付(to try very hard to deal
with a problem or to make a difficult decision)
entertain v. 抱有某种想法
(to hold sth in your mind)
wrong-doer n. 做错事的人,犯罪分子(criminal)

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