




1. Write a comment on the education we need. The quality of education is a hot topic.

Different people, however, think differently on this matter. What kind of education do you need?

What kind of education do you think is suitable and meaningful? Write a passage about 120 words to

make a comment.

答: Education is a fundamental aspect of personal and societal development, and the

quality of education is indeed a topic of great importance. When considering the kind of

education that is needed, I believe that a holistic approach is crucial. This means that

education should encompass not only academic subjects, but also extracurricular

activities, social and emotional learning, and practical skills development.

Moreover, I think that education should be tailored to meet the individual needs of

students, recognizing their unique strengths, interests, and learning styles. A suitable and

meaningful education should foster critical thinking, creativity, and adaptability,

preparing students for the ever-changing world. It should also instill values such as

empathy, responsibility, and global awareness, equipping students to become

contributing members of society. In essence, the education we need is one that promotes

whole-person growth and prepares students for both personal success and meaningful

contributions to the wider community.

2. Write a passage about 120 words on how to improve the quality of education. You may follow the

ideas given below.

(1) Problems on the quality of education

(2) Possible causes of the problems

(3) Your suggestions and solutions

答: Improving the quality of education is a pressing issue that requires attention.

Currently, some problems persist, such as outdated curriculums, inadequate teacher

training, and limited access to resources, leading to a disconnect between education and

real-world applications. These problems may stem from insufficient funding, lack of

innovation, or ineffective policies.

To address these challenges, several solutions can be implemented. Firstly, increasing

education budgets can facilitate the development and implementation of modern

curriculums and resource acquisition. Secondly, investing in teacher professional

development programs can ensure educators are updated with best practices, enhancing

their teaching effectiveness. Lastly, integrating technology into the learning environment

can create engaging and interactive experiences, bridging the gap between theory and

practical applications. By addressing these aspects, we can enhance the quality of

education, preparing students for the demands of the modern world.

3. Write a passage on the importance of effective communication. The passage should be about 120

words. Your passage may be based on the following information.

(1) What factors are important in achieving effective communication?

(2) What benefits can effective communication bring about for your career?

(3) What are your suggestions to make communication more effective?

答: Effective communication is vital in any setting, be it personal or professional.

Achieving it hinges on several crucial factors. Firstly, clarity in expression and articulation

of thoughts is paramount. Secondly, active listening, empathy, and understanding are

essential for ensuring messages are correctly interpreted. When communication is

effective, it paves the way for numerous career benefits, including fostering strong

relationships, promoting teamwork and collaboration, preventing misunderstandings, and

enhancing problem-solving capabilities. This translates into a more productive and

efficient work environment. To bolster effective communication, I recommend adapting

the message to the audience, using simple and concise language, and practicing active

listening. Moreover, seeking feedback, continuously improving, and keeping an open mind

can significantly enhance communication effectiveness, leading to positive outcomes for

both individual careers and organizational goals.

4. A Memo

The Human Resource Manager Bruce asks you to prepare a memo for him briefing all staff about the

coming invited speech delivered by Dr. Jerry Anderson. You have been given the following


The time and the date: 14:00-16:00, April 11

The venue: function room on level 3

The invited speaker: Dr. Jerry Anderson

The content: sorting trash scientifically

The participants: all staff


To: All Staff

From: Human Resource Manager, Bruce

Subject: Invitation to Attend a Speech by Dr. Jerry Anderson

Date: April 8, 2023

Dear Staff,

I am pleased to inform you that we have invited Dr. Jerry Anderson to deliver a speech at

our organization. The event is scheduled to take place on April 11, from 14:00 to 16:00, in

the function room on level 3.

Dr. Anderson is a renowned expert in the field of waste management, and his talk will

focus on the topic of "Sorting Trash Scientifically." This promises to be an engaging and

informative session, and we encourage all staff to attend.

Please make a note of the date and time in your schedules and plan to attend the event.

Your participation is important to us, and we believe that you will find Dr. Anderson's

speech both educational and inspiring.






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