




Tessera Multimedia was founded in 1997 and specializes in design and    1    of web, multimedia and mobile applications.

With headquarters in Thessaloniki, Tessera has developed business activities covering the whole Greece and has developed a significant partner network and a large customer base    2    investing in long-term relationships of trust and reliability.

Our company has designed and successfully implemented a significant number of complex software    3    in a wide range of sectors.Tessera has gained exceptional experience in designing web sites and portals, educational games, e-commerce applications and mobile apps.

Tessera seeks to be always    4    with current trends and advancements in software technology, constantly investing in new technologies and human resources. 
The development department consists of    5    staff ensuring high quality, integrated services.At the same time, our personnel is trained systematically in deploying new technologies, aiming that our productions are always on the cutting edge of technology.

答案是:development||by||projects||up to date||qualified


If you want your product description appealing and informative, write your article linking features and benefits first. It's often not enough to just list the features of a product as your audience may not always understand them. Use    1    language to convey how any one feature will benefit the buyer and   2   purchasing the item will make the consumer's life easier. Potential buyers want to know what the product will do for them.Second, use clear and decisive language. It's important when writing product descriptions to be concise. Use common language and terms that are easy to   3   . Clearly describe the product without   4    too technical or boring so the reader stays engaged. Last but not the least, include a call-to-action. The best product descriptions always   5    a sale. Be creative and encourage the potential buyer to purchase your product by telling them exactly how to do it.



 A. In case of any   clarifications

 B. During the three months’   probation period with our company

 C. which indicates the cost to   company and other benefits

 D. Congratulations on your   continuous success.

 E. We are happy to inform you   that you have been confirmed to the position of sales manager at our company

1th, May 2016

Room 3544

London Street

Vancouver, 424495

Dear Mrs. Sue Read,

  1   .Your salary has been revised to $1, 000 per month with effect from the confirmation date    2   .

  3   , we have reviewed your performance and are pleased with your performance. You have achieved all your targets and finished all your work in time.

  4   , please reach the general manager. His telephone number is +86-10-42823957. E-mail: billsales@smithgroup.com. 

  5   .


Bill Smith




Michael: They are testing the 3D printer. Don’t you come and see it?

Lucas: What? Never heard of it.

Michael: It is one of the most latest technological innovations.

Lucas: Really?   1   .

Michael: Come on! You should learn to be open-minded.

Lucas:   2  

Michael: The 3D printing technology could be used in construction, engineering, biomedicine, and many other fields. It can print anything, a house, a car, even a liver!

Lucas: That can’t be true. I will never believe this.

Michael:   3   .All these will be absolutely carried out by 3D printers. There’s a company called Natural Machines has introduced a 3D printer for food producing.

Lucas: I guess that there are a lot of procedures involved in this process. So this printer must be very big.

Michael:   4   . It can print all kinds of dessert and starter.

Lucas: Is it expensive?

Michael:   5   .

A. It is about $.1,000

B. Maybe its functions are questionable

C. It is really true.

D. What are the main functions of it?

E. In fact, it is as big as an oven



Climate change has caused a rise in sea levels. This has increased   1    salt in fresh water used on coastal farms. As a result farmers are increasingly   2    to use fields close to the sea.

Scientists call this process “salinization” which means a mixture of salt and water. Salinization is reducing the world’s irrigated lands   3    1 to 2 percent every year.

But a farmer in the Netherlands is now using a mixture of sea and fresh water to grow healthy and tasty vegetables. Marc Van started with an   4   . “We put in a lot of plants in the fields and then we put in, put them in fresh water and in sea water and all the varieties between it, and then we see which variety is surviving and which variety is   5   .”

答案是:the amount of||unable||by||experiment||dying



Wide World of Robots

Engineers who build and program robots have fascinating jobs. These researchers tinker (修补) with machines in the lab and write computer software to control these devices. "They're the best toys out there," says Howle Choset at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Choset is a roboticist, a person who designs, builds or programs robots.

When Choset was a kid, he was interested in anything that moved--cars, trains, animals. He put motors on Tinkertoy cars to make them move. Later, in high school, he built mobile robots similar to small cars.

Hoping to continue working on robots, he studied computer science in college. But when he got to graduate school at the Califomia Institute of Technology in Pasadena, Choset's labmates were working on something even cooler than remotely controlled cars: robotic snakes. Some robots can move only forward, backward, left and right. But snakes can twist (扭曲 ) in many directions and travel over a lot of different types of terrain (地形) . "Snakes are far more interesting than the cars," Choset concluded.

After he started working at Carnegie Mellon, Choset and his colleagues there bagan developing their own snake robots. Choset's team programmed robots to perform the same movements as real snakes, such as sliding and inching forward. The robots also moved in ways that snakes usually don't, such as rolling.

Choset's snake robots could crawl (爬行) through the grass, swim in a pond and even climb a flagpole.

But Choset wondered if his snakes might be useful for medicine as well. For some heart surgeries, the doctor has to open a patient's chest, cutting through the breastbone. Recovering from these surgeries can be very painful. What if the doctor could perform the operation by instead making a small hole in the body and sending in a thin robotic snake?

Choset teamed up with Marco Zenati, a heart surgeon now at Harvard Medical School, to investigate the idea. Zenati practiced using the robot on a plastic model of the chest and they tested the robot in pigs.

A company called Medrobotics in Boston is now adapting the technology to surgeries on people.

Even after 15 years of working with his team's creations, "I still don't get bored of watching the motion of my robots," Choset says.

Choset began to build robots in high school.   1  

2. Snake robots could move in only four directions.   2  

3. Choset didn't begin developing his own snake robots until he started working at Carnegie Mellon.   3  

4. Zenati tested the robot on people after using it in pigs.   4  

5. The robotic technology for surgeries on people has brought a handsome profit to Medrobotics.   5  




According to experts, the advantage of modified food is that it helps in preventing the occurrence of allergies and also has a long shelf life. However, a major portion of the population is against the consumption of genetically modified food and is concerned about its disadvantages. If you are also confused about the consumption of genetically modified food, read through the pros and cons given below and decide for yourself.

Advantages of Genetically Modified Foods

●One of the most prominent advantages of genetically modified food is that it helps in controlling the occurrence of certain diseases. Certain foods cause allergy to people. Their genetic modification alters the DNA system of these foods, thereby making them non-allergic.

●Another major advantage of such type of foods is that they grow faster than their traditionally grown counterparts. As a result, there is greater productivity and more food.

●A person need not bother about any additional costs, such as buying chemicals and pesticides, when it comes to genetically engineered food. The food is naturally pest-resistant.

●Farming these foods can be a great way to fight world hunger. Since these crops grow faster or more effectively, increased production would help countries wherein crops may not normally prosper because of less than desirable environmental conditions.

●The increased shelf life of these food products helps in reducing the quantity of rotten food.

Disadvantages of Genetically Modified Foods

●The biggest disadvantage of genetically modified food is that they have harmful effects on the human body. The consumption of these genetically engineered foods can lead to development of diseases that are immune to antibiotics.

●Chances of developing cancer are high in people who regularly consume engineered food.

●Since it is an unnatural way of producing foods, there is an increased health hazard such as allergens, transfer of antibiotic resistance markers and unknown effects.

●Since the production of engineered food involves infusing animal genes in the crops and tampering with nature, it might not be good for consumption in the long run.

How does genetically modified food control the occurrence of certain diseases?   1  

A. By cross-pollinating.

B. By conventional crossbreeding.

C. By altering the DNA system of these foods.

2. Do farmers need to buy any chemicals and pesticides if they plant genetically modified food?   2  

A. Yes, they need to. Because the food is not resist to pests.

B. No, they don’t need to. Because the food is naturally pest-resistant.

C. No, they don’t need to. Because the chemicals and pesticides are provided by the government.

3. Which statement is not the advantage of genetically modified food?   3  

A. It may have harmful effects on human body.

B. Genetically modified food grows faster than their traditionally grown counterparts.

C. Farming genetically modified food can help fight world hunger.

4. What would happen to a person if he regularly consume genetically modified food?   4  

A. He would get cold.

B. He would lose some weight.

C. He would have cancer.

5. Which title is the best for this passage?   5  

A. Can genetically modified foods combat world hunger?

B. Genetically modified mood: our answer is no

C. Genetically modified foods: pros and cons




Diary of a Space Zucchini         July 1

Today Gardener and his crew will depart in their seed pod; the replacement crew is ready to   1    in their place. He is wearing his space suit undergarments. Not too stylish but   2   . He gave all of us an extra long smell. His nose twitched with the slightest tickle from the leaf hairs on little Zuc. He said that what will be is for the best. It has been a wonderful journey; one chapter is closing, another is   3   . He had tears in his eyes, not just a small drop at the corners but a pool that was making him   4   . He reached up and   5    the light. In the frontier you should not be afraid of the dark.

答案是:carry on||functional||opening||blink||turned out


Roby Mini is just 40 centimeters tall, has a large round screen for a head and has been designed to help senior citizens living alone.

Manufactured by robotics company Shanghai PT Info, the brightly colored robot, which costs 5,000 yuan ($790), was launched on Aug 14 to help entertain and monitor elderly people.

In Shanghai last year, the number of registered residents at least 60 years old was 4 million. That was nearly 30 percent of the population. By 2018, the figure is projected to rise to 5 million.

With many living alone, robots such as Roby Mini can help play a crucial role in caring for the elderly. "It will change the way people interact with digital products," Hong says.

Founded in May, Shanghai PT Info had already done the groundwork. In fact, the research team spent three years developing the speech recognition system before the firm was officially launched.

With 360-degree wheels hidden under its body, Roby Mini can follow a person through face recognition and strike up a conversation, tell jokes or provide information.

The robot also works as a computer terminal, supplying weather information, ordering groceries online and even booking taxis. Roby Mini can be connected to other gadgets as well, such as smart wristbands or magnetic devices on doors.

Roby Mini can also connect an elderly owner to a doctor through its high-definition screen.Already Shanghai PT Info is talking to three community hospitals in Shanghai's Minhang district. Since the robot is linked to the Internet, it can support long-distance audio and video calls.

Mass production started this month and Shanghai PT Info plans to manufacture 200,000 units this year.

But the future is not easy for Shanghai PT Info. Earlier this year, Flyingwings Intelligent Robot Technology (Shanghai) introduced a machine with sensors that will ring an alarm when an elderly person falls down.Tianjin ShangjiuShengyuan Technology Group also developed a robot for seniors in 2014. Owners can turn on the lights and air-conditioning units by pressing buttons on the machine.It can also remind elderly owners to take pills, and inform them of hospital checkups and family birthdays.

Roby Mini is the name of.   1  

A. a robotics company

B. a robot

C. a senior citizen living alone

2. Roby Mini is designed to.   2  

A. help look after children living alone in senior high school

B. help entertain and monitor senior citizens

C. change the way people interact with digital products

3. According to this passage, the number of registered residents at least 60 years old will be.   3  

A. 4 million next year

B. 30 percent of the population

C. increase to 5 million by 2018

4. The writer thinks “the future is not easy for Shanghai PT Info” because.   4  

A.there are too many elder people in Shanghai

B. Roby Mini cannot ring an alarm when an elderly person falls down.

C. the company will face tough competition in the marketplace

5. The best title for this passage is.   5  

A. How to Use a Robot

B. Elder People Increase in Shanghai

C. Robot Gives Help to Older People



Passage 1 (教材课文原文)

With a teeny waist, exaggerated breasts, icy-blue eyes, 21-year-old Valeria says she is the real natural deal. A real-life Barbie, that is.

That’s what she claims anyway, but many people doubt to her claims. Whether she underwent plastic surgery or uses Photoshop remains unclear. On her blog, the model notes that she is the most famous woman on the Russian Internet because of her doll-like appeal. Hundreds of photos on her Facebook page show a wide-eyed, nearly fake-looking Valeria posing in a variety of outfits.

The model did not return requests for comment. If Photoshop is not a factor in getting Valeria’s look, she likely underwent a barrage of plastic surgery. The president of American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)said, plastic surgery should never be used to transform oneself into a favorite celebrity or, in this case, a play toy. He also warns patients to keep in mind that plastic surgery is real surgery with real risks, just as with any operation, so the decision should not be taken lightly.

Valeria thinks that she is a real-life Barbie.   1  

2. Valeria used to accept plastic surgery.   2  

3. Valeria writes that she is the most famous woman on the Russian Internet because she posts a lot of pictures on her blog..   3  

4. The author thinks Valeria neither Photoshops her, nor accepts a series of plastic surgery.   4  

5. The president of ASPS thinks that plastic surgery is of risks.   5  



Passage 1 (教材课文原文)

"The printer did not always manage to spread the plastic evenly, making some of the ribs of the honeycomb structure of the block uneven," reported ARN (Australian Radio Network) to the surprise of no one who has used a 3D printer. But the architects remain optimistic. The first few printed blocks are meant to be test pieces as they improve the process.

It takes about a week to print a 3-meter high block right now. The project's leaders hope to eventually get that down to two hours and finish the first of 12 rooms in a year, and the entire house in less than 3 years.

Ultimately, 3D Print Canal House is an architectural research project, one that is very much being conducted in the public eye: you can actually buy tickets to visit the construction site for 2.50 Euros.

The top floors will become more ornate, for example, as newer techniques are incorporated. They'll explore the possibilities of 3D printing, like the honeycomb walls or an entire room recycled, redesigned, and built anew. Nobody's going to move into a 3D printed house soon, but, if anyone ever does, something might be learned from this experiment by the canal.

According to the passage, the 3D printer can type with plastic evenly.   1  

2. This 3D printer printed some blocks to test its work.   2  

3. The project's leaders will finish the entire house in less than 3 years.   3  

4. 3D Print Canal House is printed to live.   4  

5. The canal house will be decorated more.   5  




When computer servers operate a complex program, they can get very hot. Cooling the servers can be costly. So researchers asked what would happen if the heat created by the servers could be captured and used?

Data centers of large Internet companies such as Google and Microsoft have thousands of computer servers. As these servers process information, they create large amounts of heat, so they need huge cooling systems. These systems send the heat into the air. The Dutch company Nerdalize thinks paying for electricity to operate the servers and then paying again to cool them is a waste of energy. So it developed a device called the e-Radiator. It is a computer server that also works as a heating source. Boaz Leupe is the chief executive officer of Nerdalize. He says the e-Radiator saves money because companies don't have to pay to cool their servers.

"The kilowatt(千瓦)hour you are using is used twice -- once to heat the home and once to compute the client's task without the cooling overhead." He says five homeowners in the Netherlands are testing the heating device in their homes. "We reimburse the electricity the server uses, and that we can do because of the computer clients on the other side, and, in that way, homeowners actually get heating for free, and computer users don't have to pay for the overhead of the data center."

Jan Visser is one of the participants in the year-long experiment. He says the amount of heat produced by the e-Radiator depends on the work being done by the computer server. He says it cannot be used as the primary source of heat. But he is ready to try it.

He says if it provides enough warmth, he will be able to use his home's heating system less, which will save him money. Nerdalize says e-Radiators create heat temperatures of up to 55℃. It says the devices could save users up to $440 in heating costs a year.

Why did researchers ask what would happen if the heat created by the servers could be captured and used?   1  

A. Because computers can get very hot.

B. Computer servers is a complex program.

C. Cooling computer servers costs a lot of money.

2.The computer servers in large Internet companies such as Google and Microsoft can   2   .

A. create large amounts of information

B. create large quantity of heat

C. manage the huge cooling systems

3. Nerdalize developed the e-Radiator because   3   .

A. e-Radiator cost less energy

B. e-Radiator can cool the servers for free

C. e-Radiator can create cold air for free

4.According to Jan Visser, the amount of heat produced by the e-Radiator   4   .

A. depends on the work being processed by PC

B. cannot be used as the home's heating system

C. cannot be used as the main source of heat

5.The best title for this passage is   5  

A. The New Way to Heat Homes

B. The New Way to Cool Homes

C. Hot Computers Could Be Used for Free




Marry: What do you plan to do for your holiday?

Jeff: Come on, it went up in smoke.   1  

Marry: Wow,you are going for a business trip next week? Where?

Jeff: Xiamen.

Marry:   2  

Jeff: By train. You know our boss is afraid to take a plane because of high anxiety.

Marry: Actually, it's not so awful to take a plane if you don't look out the window.

Jeff: Good idea!

Marry: Well, Xiamen is a perfect place to be on holiday, you know.

Jeff: I know. But a business trip is tiring to me.

Marry: Oh, take it easy.   3   I like taking occasional business trip for a change of pace.

Jeff: I hope so.

Marry: I think you should take advantage of this good opportunity to go on a business trip with our boss and gain the boss's favor.

Jeff:   4   . I think it makes sense.

Marry: You know, I've dreamed a thousand times that I could lie down on the beach of Xiamen to relax myself.

Jeff: So have I. But it's not always nice and sunny there, sometimes cloudy and rainy.

Marry: Come on, I don't think it will spoil your trip.   5  

Jeff: Thanks a lot.

A. By plane or by train?

B. Maybe it's not so bad as you imagined.

C. I have to go on a business trip with my boss.

D. Anyhow, I hope you'll have a nice trip.

E. Hey, that sounds like a really good idea.




The Company Leading the Future of Farming

Here's a crazy idea: Combine bioprinting and tissue engineering to "print" animal products and tackle some of the planet's biggest problems. Animal farming, after all, accounts for about half of all human-caused greenhouse gases, taking place on one-third of the available, non-frozen land on Earth. All to feed people's appetites for 300 million tons of meat a year.

Modern Meadow is a Missouri-based startup that engineers tissues to create lab-grown edible meat, in a process that eliminates many of the negative environment effects associated with traditional livestock practices.

The company claims that by carefully layering mixtures of cells of different types in a specific structure, in-vitro meat production becomes feasible. It’s set a short-term goal of printing a sliver of meat around two centimeters by one centimeter, and less than half a millimeter thick, which is edible.

The company explains in a submission to the United States Department of Agriculture: “The technology has several advantages in comparison to earlier attempts to engineer meat in vitro. The bio-ink particles can be reproducibly prepared with mixtures of cells of different type. Printing ensures consistent shape, while post-printing structure formation and maturation in the bioreactor facilitates conditioning.”

However, it admits that the road ahead is strewn with difficulties. “The consumer acceptance of such products may not be without challenges. We expect it will first appeal to culinary early-adopter consumers and the segment of the vegetarian community that rejects meat for ethical reasons. With reduction in price, it can reach the masses with religious restrictions on meat consumption (people restricted to Hindu, Kosher, Halal diets) and finally populations with limited access to safe meat production.”

Whatever the final outcome, lab-grown edible meat is no longer in the realm of science fiction. It is coming.

Animal farming is responsible for the occurrence of greenhouse gases.   1  

2. Modern Meadow is a newly-started business which aims to make profits by producing lab-grown edible meat.   2  

3. The method Modern Meadow adopted to produce in-virto meat is by layering mixtures of cells of different types in a specific structure.   3  

4. There is no meat engineered outside living bodies before.   4  

5. This lab-grown meat has already widely received by the masses.   5  




Janet: Hey, how about getting together for a movie tonight?

Danny: Sure.   1  

Janet: Well, let me check the Internet. What about the Interstellar?

Danny: Wow, I learn that it stars Anne Hathaway, my favorite actress.

Janet: Well,   2   , but I am more interested in the film director.

Danny: Who is it?

Janet: Christopher Nolan, a British-American film director. You must have watched the Inception, one of his masterpieces.

Danny: Absolutely, that movie took my breath away and I must admit that its director is brilliant.   3  

Janet: Obviously it is a sci-fi film, which features a crew of astronauts who travel through a wormhole in search of a new home for humanity.

Danny:   4  

Janet: The screenplay was written by Christopher and his brother Jonathan Nolan.

Danny: You are such a great fan of sci-fi movie.

Janet: Yeah, I am really into this. So let’s go to this movie and see what exciting experience it will bring to us.

Danny:   5  

A. she is amazing

B. What about the screenplay?

C. Can’t wait to watch it.

D. So could you tell me more about Interstellar?

E. What’s playing?



Baidu, China's leading search engine company, has unveiled its own eyewear called Baidu Eye. It is said to be a different product from Google Glass in terms of functionality.

The company demonstrated a working prototype on September 3 at its annual Technology Innovation Conference in Beijing. It bears a similarity to Google Glass, but it has no screen. Instead, the device uses a camera to scan objects, and focuses on analyzing information around its user and beaming that to a smartphone.

Baidu says the device is designed to support image search. The company's CEO Robin Li believes in five years' time, people will get used to searching by image and audio rather than text. Li has given an example of how one can take advantage of Baidu Eye, "If you are in a shopping mall and come across a woman whose skirt looks really attractive, you take a photo of her skirt using Baidu Eye, and you'll get to know where to buy one for yourself."

According to Kaiser Kuo, Baidu's director of international communications, Baidu Eye can also recognize voice and gesture, "You can use voice commands, or gesture commands - like expanding to zoom, or circling an object in your field of view with your finger."

Baidu is yet to announce a release date or marketing plans for Baidu Eye.

Baidu is China's leading search engine company.   1  

2.Baidulaunched a product that has more functions than Google Glasson September 3.   2  

3.Baidu Eyecanscan objects with its small screen.   3  

4.The company’s CEO Robin Li believes thatpeople will get used to searching by text.   4  

5. Baidu has already announced the release of Baidu Eye.   5  



If you want your product description appealing and informative, write your article linking features and benefits first. It's often not enough to just list the features of a product as your audience may not always understand them. Use   1    language to convey how any one feature will benefit the buyer and   2   purchasing the item will make the consumer's life easier. Potential buyers want to know what the product will do for them.Second, use clear and decisive language. It's important when writing product descriptions to be concise. Use common language and terms that are easy to   3   . Clearly describe the product without   4    too technical or boring so the reader stays engaged. Last but not the least, include a call-to-action. The best product descriptions always   5    a sale. Be creative and encourage the potential buyer to purchase your product by telling them exactly how to do it.




    I am very happy to share my story about breast enlargement in Thailand. Anyone who is not sure about breast enlargement should read this story first.

Firstly, I was amazed at the level of care I received at the Thailand private hospital. It was like being in a luxury hotel. The nursing staffs were also better than those who I have ever met in all my years in America. Not only were they professional, but kinder and more patient than Western nurses.

The hospital food was excellent, so I was able to choose from a large and varied Menu. In my private room, there was cable T. V., a fridge, a phone, and impressive views of Bangkok(曼谷). My Translator was able to communicate with me, and the plastic surgeons arranged the whole operation without me lifting a finger.

The operation cost me a third of the price of the U. K. With the low cost of the air tickets and a holiday, it worked out at about half UK's price, because the cost in Thailand is so cheap.

Combining a plastic surgery with a holiday in an amazing place is an unforgettable experience. From the moment I arrived in Bangkok airport, I felt relaxed and welcomed by the Plastic Surgery & Holiday team, it made me feel that I had friends here already.

Where did the author have her breast-enlargement operation?   1  

  A. In Thailand.

  B. In America.

  C. In U. K.

2. Was the author satisfied with the nursing staffs for her?   2  

  A. No, because they were no better than America nurses.

 B. Yes, because they were more patient than Western nurses.

 C. No, because the care was very poor.

3. Which of the following statement is TRUE?   3  

 A. The author was content with the food in the hospital.

 B. When the author was in the hospital, she lived in a public room.

 C. There was cable T. V., a bridge and a phone in the author’s room.

4. What does the underlined phrase lifting a finger mean in paragraph three?   4  

  A. Doing something with only one finger.

  B. Helping with something.

  C. Carrying something.

5. Why did the author think her experience unforgettable?   5  

  A. Because she had an operation there.

  B. Because she was satisfied with everything there.

  C. Because she was satisfied with the service and price there.




In the grass, a baby duck was hatched (孵化) out in a college biology lab with a backward left foot. At the time, it probably wouldn’t have survived, if Mike Gary didn’t recommend a proper operation to cut off that bad foot.

Months after the healing process, engineers at Novacopy Company produced a 3D printed model that would be used to create a prosthetic (修复的) foot for the duck. Considering that ABS plastics were not flexible enough for this type of exercise, the Novacopy company made a three-dimensionally modeled foot made of silicone, with the hope to create a permanent prosthesis(假肢) for the duck.

It took just 13 hours to produce. This 3D prosthesis demonstrated the 3D technologies can be used not only for human application, but also in foreign subjects such as animals and other medical treatments.

Where was the baby duck hatched out?   1  

  A. In a college biology lab.

  B. In a back yard.

  C. In Noacopy Company.

2. What was wrong with the baby duck?   2  

  A. It didn’t survived.

  B. It was born with a backward left foot.

C. Mike Gary cut off that bad foot.

3. Could ABS plastics be used to produce a 3D printed model that would be used to create a prosthetic foot for the duck?   3  

  A. No, because ABS plastics were not flexible enough.

  B. Yes, but it could only be produced by Novacopy Company.

  C. Yes, because it was made of silicone.

4. How long did it take to create a permanent prosthesis for the duck?   4  

  A. 10 hours.

  B. 13 hours.

  C. 30 hours.

5. What did the last sentence of this passage indicate?   5  

  A. 3D technologies can be used only for human application.

  B. 3D technologies can be used only for foreigners.

  C. 3D technologies can be used to human, animals and other medical treatments.




Jeff: Morning, Roger.

Roger: Good morning, Jeff.   1    Would you mind going to get me a cup of coffeeat the Starbucks across the street? I know you just got here, but I would really appreciate it.

Jeff:   2  

Roger: Yes. Impressed that you remember!

Jeff:Your flavour I never forget.

Jeff leaves to go get a coffee, and then comes back with it.

Jeff: Here you go, Roger.

Roger: Thanks. Oh, Jeff,   3   with the opening speech I'm giving next week at our company.

Jeff: Well, it's pretty busythis morning, but I'll have some time between five and six p.m. Would that be okay?

Roger:   4   I'm going to talk about the new energy storage material, and I think you have an excellent grasp of the subject.

Jeff: Thank you.

Roger: Oh, by the way,   5   ?

Jeff: It's going pretty well.

Roger: I'd like to see it sometime. Do you think you could get it on my desk by 4 p.m. today?

Jeff: No problem. I'll get it to you.

Roger: Great. Have a good one, Jeff.

Jeff: You too.

A. how was your report of the new batteries coming along?

B. I'd appreciateit if you could help me

C. No problem! You want the usual?

D. It's good to see you.

E. Yes, that would be great.




  1    2050, the world's population   2    to rise to 9 billion from just over 7 billion currently. Proponents of genetically modified foods say they are safe and can boost harvests   3    in bad conditions by protecting against pests, weeds and drought. This, they argue, will be essential to meeting the needs of a booming population in decades to come and avoiding starvation.

  4    Doug Gurian-Sherman, senior scientist for the food and environment program at the Union of Concerned Scientists, an advocacy group, said genetic engineering for insect resistance has provided only a modest increase in yields since the 1990s and drought-resistant strains have only   5    reduced losses from drought.



Henry: Good afternoon! Lucy, I am telling you something urgent. We have found several cases of golden staph infected in our patients. They were caused by your products.

Lucy: Are you sure? Our bandages are very safe.   1   .

Henry: I know that. But only patients who have used your bandages are infected.

Lucy: All of our products were made with the utmost care.   2   . And why didn’t you put the bandages into the sterilizer before you used them?  

Henry: Lucy,   3   . I’ve already asked the hospital to do a re-examination of your supplies right now.

Lucy: Henry, you’re making things difficult.

Henry: The safety of our patients is most important,   4   . 

Lucy: But I have already posted your recent order. They are now on the way.

Henry: Sorry, Lucy. As soon as they arrive,   5   .

A. May be they were polluted in your hospital.

B. so I will stop all orders with your company.

C. This is the first time we’ve received a complaint of this nature.

D. they will be returned to your factory immediately.

E. it’s your job to do that, not ours.



Something else that could be coming soon to a vehicle near you. More technology. The kind that could help your car talk to others around it.   1    some proposed cars of the futures it would not actually do the driving for you. But it could warn you about what other drivers are doing. The U.S. government may require this feature in the future, but it would   2    the cost of the car.

It's the vehicle of the future, cars that talk to the driver and each other. The U.S. government wants it on the road soon,   3    technology that would warn drivers of danger coming from any direction.

It's called vehicle to vehicle technology. Cars would send wireless message to each other   4    about 300-yard. Communicating information like speed, direction and GPS position ten times per second.When cars share this information, they can   5    all the vehicles around them, which means they are able to identify possible crashes.


It is _______ an interesting story that I want to read it again.





If Gardener, who will take care of us? 


will leave



There are ____ calls for lawmakers to consider copyright laws. 





 The plastic surgeon may provide several plans for your facial ____





It ______me that I had a choice.





 _______, he knows a lot about computer. 

As he is a child

Child as is he

Child as he is


We trust this new product of ours will ____________ to your market. 





She is ______ tall as you are.





Flowers grow well in a warm climate. Similarly, technology ____ in a harmonious society. 

is flourishing

will flourish



__________ this multimedia product has some shortcomings, it has also some good points.



Not only


— According to a report of what holidays in the future might look like, a trip to the Moon or a stay in space will be the most mouthwatering destination for 2024 holidaymakers.

— , especially for thrill-seeking travelers like me.





Our part of the mission is nearly complete and the new crew willfor us. 

take over

take out

take off


Youthe Inception, since I remember once you discussed its main plot with Cathy.

could have watched

should have watched

must have watched


— Space travel must be very very expensive.

— . The cost of a seat on the Virgin craft is $ 250,000. 

That’s not true.

Of course. 

Why do you think so?


The atlas is normally kept by the big window but now it isto the wall right next to Broccoli. 



take off


When we were students weoften stay up all night.





—Do you mind my using my mobile phone here?

— ________________.

Yes, use it please.

No, of course not


—Oh. Dear! I’ve lost my new watch.


 I’m sad.

That’s all right.

What a pity!


Considering the needsof the new generation, we propose the concept of the _______ network. 





You will quickly get used to_______ this new digital camera. 



be ran


The speed with which digital cameras can take, process and _______ an image is phenomenal. 






Baidu, China's leading search engine company, has unveiled its own eyewear called Baidu Eye. It is said to be a different product from Google Glass in terms of functionality.

The company demonstrated a working prototype on September 3 at its annual Technology Innovation Conference in Beijing. It bears a similarity to Google Glass, but it has no screen. Instead, the device uses a camera to scan objects, and focuses on analyzing information around its user and beaming that to a smartphone.

Baidu says the device is designed to support image search. The company's CEO Robin Li believes in five years' time, people will get used to searching by image and audio rather than text. Li has given an example of how one can take advantage of Baidu Eye, "If you are in a shopping mall and come across a woman whose skirt looks really attractive, you take a photo of her skirt using Baidu Eye, and you'll get to know where to buy one for yourself."

According to Kaiser Kuo, Baidu's director of international communications, Baidu Eye can also recognize voice and gesture, "You can use voice commands, or gesture commands - like expanding to zoom, or circling an object in your field of view with your finger."

Baidu is yet to announce a release date or marketing plans for Baidu Eye.

Baidu is China's leading search engine company.

2.Baidulaunched a product that has more functions than Google Glasson September 3.

3.Baidu Eyecanscan objects with its small screen.

4.The company’s CEO Robin Li believes thatpeople will get used to searching by text.

5. Baidu has already announced the release of Baidu Eye.


—Perhaps you have heard our products. Would you like to know something more?


Sure. Go ahead.

I don’t need anything.

I‘ve heard lot about you. 


Spaceships are stocked with a variety of___________ foods.   





The reason why he didn’t come to school was _________ he was ill.





They built a robot capable of ___________ spoken commands. 





 It is known to all that a lot of South Korean ____ accepted plastic surgery. 





Doctor,please let me know ____ you can reconstruct my face.





— Would you have cosmetic surgery if it was free?

  — .

No. Good diet and exercise are great alternatives.

Yes, I would not have it.

 No, I would have it.



Passage 1 (教材课文原文)

With a teeny waist, exaggerated breasts, icy-blue eyes, 21-year-old Valeria says she is the real natural deal. A real-life Barbie, that is.

That’s what she claims anyway, but many people doubt to her claims. Whether she underwent plastic surgery or uses Photoshop remains unclear. On her blog, the model notes that she is the most famous woman on the Russian Internet because of her doll-like appeal. Hundreds of photos on her Facebook page show a wide-eyed, nearly fake-looking Valeria posing in a variety of outfits.

The model did not return requests for comment. If Photoshop is not a factor in getting Valeria’s look, she likely underwent a barrage of plastic surgery. The president of American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)said, plastic surgery should never be used to transform oneself into a favorite celebrity or, in this case, a play toy. He also warns patients to keep in mind that plastic surgery is real surgery with real risks, just as with any operation, so the decision should not be taken lightly.

Valeria thinks that she is a real-life Barbie.

2. Valeria used to accept plastic surgery.

3. Valeria writes that she is the most famous woman on the Russian Internet because she posts a lot of pictures on her blog..

4. The author thinks Valeria neither Photoshops her, nor accepts a series of plastic surgery.

5. The president of ASPS thinks that plastic surgery is of risks.


 I accepted my nose surgery, the ____ and patient doctor was really helpful during my recovery period.





Cosmetic surgery involves ____ reshaping the body features.





— Is it better to be physically attractive or intelligent?

   — . 

Yes, it is very attractive.

No, it is not attractive.

For me, be intelligent is better, but that depends on.


She's not very optimistic ____ the development of 3D printing. 





This 3D printer was designed ____ produce snacks.







In the grass, a baby duck was hatched (孵化) out in a college biology lab with a backward left foot. At the time, it probably wouldn’t have survived, if Mike Gary didn’t recommend a proper operation to cut off that bad foot.

Months after the healing process, engineers at Novacopy Company produced a 3D printed model that would be used to create a prosthetic (修复的) foot for the duck. Considering that ABS plastics were not flexible enough for this type of exercise, the Novacopy company made a three-dimensionally modeled foot made of silicone, with the hope to create a permanent prosthesis(假肢) for the duck.

It took just 13 hours to produce. This 3D prosthesis demonstrated the 3D technologies can be used not only for human application, but also in foreign subjects such as animals and other medical treatments.

Where was the baby duck hatched out?

  A. In a college biology lab.

  B. In a back yard.

  C. In Noacopy Company.

2. What was wrong with the baby duck?

  A. It didn’t survived.

  B. It was born with a backward left foot.

C. Mike Gary cut off that bad foot.

3. Could ABS plastics be used to produce a 3D printed model that would be used to create a prosthetic foot for the duck?

  A. No, because ABS plastics were not flexible enough.

  B. Yes, but it could only be produced by Novacopy Company.

  C. Yes, because it was made of silicone.

4. How long did it take to create a permanent prosthesis for the duck?

  A. 10 hours.

  B. 13 hours.

  C. 30 hours.

5. What did the last sentence of this passage indicate?

  A. 3D technologies can be used only for human application.

  B. 3D technologies can be used only for foreigners.

  C. 3D technologies can be used to human, animals and other medical treatments.


— What do you want to be?

— . 

I want to have a cup of coffee.

 I want to be honest.

 I would study computer science than dancer.


—They are testing the 3D printer. Don’t you come and see it?


Where is it displayed?

 It really matters.

That’s fine. 


3D printing is just at the beginning stage. It is not ____.





3D printers have spread from labs to industrial factories, ____ they are being cheaper and cheaper. 





—You know a good schedule brings efficiency to the work.


Not at all. I enjoyed it.

I see your point.

I think it's a bad idea.


—Good morning, Jeff. Would you mind going to get me a cup of coffee at the Starbucks?


Thank you for reminding me.

No problem! You want the usual?

You must be joking.


Combining carbon and super-capacitors _______ a perfect marriage.

seems like

see like

really like


The box is  hold these things.

too small not to

too small to

so small to


He would much ______ it if you could do him the favor.





The current death rate is reduced _______ 10% compared with that of the year of 1980.







Jeff: Morning, Roger.

Roger: Good morning, Jeff.   Would you mind going to get me a cup of coffeeat the Starbucks across the street? I know you just got here, but I would really appreciate it.


Roger: Yes. Impressed that you remember!

Jeff:Your flavour I never forget.

Jeff leaves to go get a coffee, and then comes back with it.

Jeff: Here you go, Roger.

Roger: Thanks. Oh, Jeff,  with the opening speech I'm giving next week at our company.

Jeff: Well, it's pretty busythis morning, but I'll have some time between five and six p.m. Would that be okay?

Roger:  I'm going to talk about the new energy storage material, and I think you have an excellent grasp of the subject.

Jeff: Thank you.

Roger: Oh, by the way,  ?

Jeff: It's going pretty well.

Roger: I'd like to see it sometime. Do you think you could get it on my desk by 4 p.m. today?

Jeff: No problem. I'll get it to you.

Roger: Great. Have a good one, Jeff.

Jeff: You too.

A. how was your report of the new batteries coming along?

B. I'd appreciateit if you could help me

C. No problem! You want the usual?

D. It's good to see you.

E. Yes, that would be great.


—This apple pie is too sweet, don't you think so?

—_________________________. I think it's just right, actually. 

Not really

I hope so

Sounds good


—What are you going to do this weekend?

一_________________________. If time permits, I may go to Shanghai with my friends.

It depends

It doesn't matter 

Forget it


I couldn't stand London! Bloody ______ place.







Wide World of Robots

Engineers who build and program robots have fascinating jobs. These researchers tinker (修补) with machines in the lab and write computer software to control these devices. "They're the best toys out there," says Howle Choset at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Choset is a roboticist, a person who designs, builds or programs robots.

When Choset was a kid, he was interested in anything that moved--cars, trains, animals. He put motors on Tinkertoy cars to make them move. Later, in high school, he built mobile robots similar to small cars.

Hoping to continue working on robots, he studied computer science in college. But when he got to graduate school at the Califomia Institute of Technology in Pasadena, Choset's labmates were working on something even cooler than remotely controlled cars: robotic snakes. Some robots can move only forward, backward, left and right. But snakes can twist (扭曲 ) in many directions and travel over a lot of different types of terrain (地形) . "Snakes are far more interesting than the cars," Choset concluded.

After he started working at Carnegie Mellon, Choset and his colleagues there bagan developing their own snake robots. Choset's team programmed robots to perform the same movements as real snakes, such as sliding and inching forward. The robots also moved in ways that snakes usually don't, such as rolling.

Choset's snake robots could crawl (爬行) through the grass, swim in a pond and even climb a flagpole.

But Choset wondered if his snakes might be useful for medicine as well. For some heart surgeries, the doctor has to open a patient's chest, cutting through the breastbone. Recovering from these surgeries can be very painful. What if the doctor could perform the operation by instead making a small hole in the body and sending in a thin robotic snake?

Choset teamed up with Marco Zenati, a heart surgeon now at Harvard Medical School, to investigate the idea. Zenati practiced using the robot on a plastic model of the chest and they tested the robot in pigs.

A company called Medrobotics in Boston is now adapting the technology to surgeries on people.

Even after 15 years of working with his team's creations, "I still don't get bored of watching the motion of my robots," Choset says.

Choset began to build robots in high school.

2. Snake robots could move in only four directions.

3. Choset didn't begin developing his own snake robots until he started working at Carnegie Mellon.

4. Zenati tested the robot on people after using it in pigs.

5. The robotic technology for surgeries on people has brought a handsome profit to Medrobotics.


He ______ his baggage among hundreds of others. 



conscious of


— I think the other reason can be identified from the industrialization of food production.

— . Some illegal traders care about nothing but making money. 

That bothers me too

I sincerely hope that the whole society pay much more attention to food safety

Yes, you bet


The technology has several advantagesearlier attempts to engineer meat in vitro .

in comparison of

in comparison to

compare with


They should never try to pursue profithealth and life of people.

in terms of

at sight of

at the expense of




According to experts, the advantage of modified food is that it helps in preventing the occurrence of allergies and also has a long shelf life. However, a major portion of the population is against the consumption of genetically modified food and is concerned about its disadvantages. If you are also confused about the consumption of genetically modified food, read through the pros and cons given below and decide for yourself.

Advantages of Genetically Modified Foods

●One of the most prominent advantages of genetically modified food is that it helps in controlling the occurrence of certain diseases. Certain foods cause allergy to people. Their genetic modification alters the DNA system of these foods, thereby making them non-allergic.

●Another major advantage of such type of foods is that they grow faster than their traditionally grown counterparts. As a result, there is greater productivity and more food.

●A person need not bother about any additional costs, such as buying chemicals and pesticides, when it comes to genetically engineered food. The food is naturally pest-resistant.

●Farming these foods can be a great way to fight world hunger. Since these crops grow faster or more effectively, increased production would help countries wherein crops may not normally prosper because of less than desirable environmental conditions.

●The increased shelf life of these food products helps in reducing the quantity of rotten food.

Disadvantages of Genetically Modified Foods

●The biggest disadvantage of genetically modified food is that they have harmful effects on the human body. The consumption of these genetically engineered foods can lead to development of diseases that are immune to antibiotics.

●Chances of developing cancer are high in people who regularly consume engineered food.

●Since it is an unnatural way of producing foods, there is an increased health hazard such as allergens, transfer of antibiotic resistance markers and unknown effects.

●Since the production of engineered food involves infusing animal genes in the crops and tampering with nature, it might not be good for consumption in the long run.

How does genetically modified food control the occurrence of certain diseases?

A. By cross-pollinating.

B. By conventional crossbreeding.

C. By altering the DNA system of these foods.

2. Do farmers need to buy any chemicals and pesticides if they plant genetically modified food?

A. Yes, they need to. Because the food is not resist to pests.

B. No, they don’t need to. Because the food is naturally pest-resistant.

C. No, they don’t need to. Because the chemicals and pesticides are provided by the government.

3. Which statement is not the advantage of genetically modified food?

A. It may have harmful effects on human body.

B. Genetically modified food grows faster than their traditionally grown counterparts.

C. Farming genetically modified food can help fight world hunger.

4. What would happen to a person if he regularly consume genetically modified food?

A. He would get cold.

B. He would lose some weight.

C. He would have cancer.

5. Which title is the best for this passage?

A. Can genetically modified foods combat world hunger?

B. Genetically modified mood: our answer is no

C. Genetically modified foods: pros and cons


— Do you eat porridge every day?

— .

Porridge is my favorite

No, sometimes I’d have a cup of soybean milk, a boiled egg and a steamed bun for my breakfast

I seldom eat fast food because it’s rich in fat


Modern Meadow is a startup that engineers tissues to create lab-grown _____ meat.





people are no longer worried about whether their food is safe or notthey enjoy a better life.

Only if……can

If only ……can

What if……can




The Company Leading the Future of Farming

Here's a crazy idea: Combine bioprinting and tissue engineering to "print" animal products and tackle some of the planet's biggest problems. Animal farming, after all, accounts for about half of all human-caused greenhouse gases, taking place on one-third of the available, non-frozen land on Earth. All to feed people's appetites for 300 million tons of meat a year.

Modern Meadow is a Missouri-based startup that engineers tissues to create lab-grown edible meat, in a process that eliminates many of the negative environment effects associated with traditional livestock practices.

The company claims that by carefully layering mixtures of cells of different types in a specific structure, in-vitro meat production becomes feasible. It’s set a short-term goal of printing a sliver of meat around two centimeters by one centimeter, and less than half a millimeter thick, which is edible.

The company explains in a submission to the United States Department of Agriculture: “The technology has several advantages in comparison to earlier attempts to engineer meat in vitro. The bio-ink particles can be reproducibly prepared with mixtures of cells of different type. Printing ensures consistent shape, while post-printing structure formation and maturation in the bioreactor facilitates conditioning.”

However, it admits that the road ahead is strewn with difficulties. “The consumer acceptance of such products may not be without challenges. We expect it will first appeal to culinary early-adopter consumers and the segment of the vegetarian community that rejects meat for ethical reasons. With reduction in price, it can reach the masses with religious restrictions on meat consumption (people restricted to Hindu, Kosher, Halal diets) and finally populations with limited access to safe meat production.”

Whatever the final outcome, lab-grown edible meat is no longer in the realm of science fiction. It is coming.

Animal farming is responsible for the occurrence of greenhouse gases.

2. Modern Meadow is a newly-started business which aims to make profits by producing lab-grown edible meat.

3. The method Modern Meadow adopted to produce in-virto meat is by layering mixtures of cells of different types in a specific structure.

4. There is no meat engineered outside living bodies before.

5. This lab-grown meat has already widely received by the masses.




Diary of a Space Zucchini         July 1

Today Gardener and his crew will depart in their seed pod; the replacement crew is ready to   in their place. He is wearing his space suit undergarments. Not too stylish but  . He gave all of us an extra long smell. His nose twitched with the slightest tickle from the leaf hairs on little Zuc. He said that what will be is for the best. It has been a wonderful journey; one chapter is closing, another is  . He had tears in his eyes, not just a small drop at the corners but a pool that was making him  . He reached up and   the light. In the frontier you should not be afraid of the dark.


They are _______ make an announcement later on today. 

wish to

expected to 

looking forward to 


— ________________

—Can you tell me something about your new product?

What do you do, sir?

what do you want to buy?

Can I help you, sir?


You can turn on the toy robot by__________ this button. 





 What's ____  issue here is the difference between cosmetic and plastic surgery.






 A. In case of any   clarifications

 B. During the three months’   probation period with our company

 C. which indicates the cost to   company and other benefits

 D. Congratulations on your   continuous success.

 E. We are happy to inform you   that you have been confirmed to the position of sales manager at our company

1th, May 2016

Room 3544

London Street

Vancouver, 424495

Dear Mrs. Sue Read,

.Your salary has been revised to $1, 000 per month with effect from the confirmation date  .

, we have reviewed your performance and are pleased with your performance. You have achieved all your targets and finished all your work in time.

, please reach the general manager. His telephone number is +86-10-42823957. E-mail: billsales@smithgroup.com. 



Bill Smith


This is a highly ______ new heating system.





Success can breed success, if you ______ it.

take care of

take charge of 

take advantage of


______no modern telecommunications, we would have to wait for weeks to get news from around the world.

Were there

If there are

If there have been






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