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原创 Geettest 极验证破解

seriously。。。为了要高点工商信息~~me也是拼了~~~~没办法,只能破解了,还好网上很早就有人把这个破了~~开心~~~所以本人也就本着一边抄袭一边学习的方法,把这个破玩意给破了~~~哈哈哈~~~不过由于本人想看电视,不想train一个behaviou model出来~~所以就偷懒了~~~~直接用random int 的方法来搞定这个模拟人类的拖拽过程,网上有人

2017-10-01 22:13:04 1684

原创 hmm 算法(1)

最近研究hmm, 然后想说看看网上写好的代码,结果还有bug~~~我也是醉醉低~~~~自己稍微改了改,然后把代码贴到这里好了, 感觉囧囧的~~~之后还会写写自己对这个算法的体验,感觉这个算法确实很有用~~怪说不得翻几本书都能看到它的存在~~~HMM 代码# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# Copyright (c) 2012, Chi-En Wufrom ite

2017-09-05 08:44:40 483

原创 LEetCode(6)

8. String to Integer (atoi)Implement atoi to convert a string to an integer.Hint: Carefully consider all possible input cases. If you want a challenge, please do not see below and ask yourself

2017-06-26 06:31:19 309

原创 LeetCode(5)

7. Reverse IntegerReverse digits of an integer.Example1: x = 123, return 321Example2: x = -123, return -321click to show spoilers.Note:The input is assumed to be a 32-bit signed intege

2017-06-25 16:02:52 253

原创 LeetCode(4)

The string "PAYPALISHIRING" is written in a zigzag pattern on a given number of rows like this: (you may want to display this pattern in a fixed font for better legibility)P A H NA P L S I

2017-06-23 17:05:13 252

原创 LeetCode(3)

5. Given a string s, find the longest palindromic substring in s. You may assume that the maximum length of s is 1000.Example:Input: "babad"Output: "bab"Note: "aba" is also a valid ans

2017-06-23 10:50:12 195

原创 LeetCode(2)

4. Median of Two Sorted ArraysThere are two sorted arrays nums1 and nums2 of size m and n respectively.Find the median of the two sorted arrays. The overall run time complexity should be O(l

2017-06-23 08:37:57 133

原创 LeetCode (1)

今天刷了几道 leetcode 的题目 ,记录一下 人家 的想法 ,帮助自己成长。1. two sum:Given an array of integers, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to a specific target.You may assume that each input

2017-06-22 21:04:50 139

原创 java hashmap (how to generate hashcode

h.hashCode() ^ h.hashCode() >>> 16h & (length-1) == h % lengthlength = 2^n1. hashCode() --> 31 * c  +  --> hashCode 2. rehashCode --> h.hashCode() ^ h.hashCode() >>> 16

2016-08-15 12:56:54 209

原创 Issue @20160514

Today I met two issues with split function (1) When splitting string as pipeline , please use :String key = "1|2|3||||";String[] items = key.split("\\|")(2) When spliting string with empty values and

2016-05-14 16:14:05 213

原创 ExtJS5 +Spring MVC CRUD

I began to write one sample application via ExtJS5 +SpringMVC+CRUD.Compared to ExtJS4, big difference in ExtJS5 is MVVC. MVC is very traditional design pattern. But MVVC is quite new to me so that I wa

2016-05-02 15:37:27 937

原创 Maven Projects Setup

You can create project by maven. But basically, we don’t prefer to do it. We always use Eclipse/IntelliJ to create maven project.After creating project by maven project template in IntelliJ, we got bel

2016-05-01 20:14:15 391



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