4. Median of Two Sorted Arrays
There are two sorted arrays nums1 and nums2 of size m and n respectively.
Find the median of the two sorted arrays. The overall run time complexity should be O(log (m+n)).
Example 1:
nums1 = [1, 3] nums2 = [2] The median is 2.0
Example 2:
nums1 = [1, 2] nums2 = [3, 4] The median is (2 + 3)/2 = 2.5
答案:有一个地方 走了小弯路,人家给出来的数组已经 sort 过了,然后不可以用set 这种东西,虽然可以自动排序(tree set), 但问题是 也会 去重 ,所以这个不可以有。 一种解法用的二叉树, 全部从中间开始找,如果 数组a的中位数比b 的中位数小,那代表我要对a 的中位数以上的1/4 (也就是3/4的地方找) ,相应b 的话也是这样,我要对b的中位数一下的1/4 找(也就是 1/4 位数的地方找)。
The key point of this problem is to ignore half part of A and B each step recursively by comparing the median of remaining A and B:
if (aMid < bMid) Keep [aRight + bLeft]
else Keep [bRight + aLeft]
As the following: time=O(log(m + n))
public double findMedianSortedArrays(int[] A, int[] B) {
int m = A.length, n = B.length;
int l = (m + n + 1) / 2;
int r = (m + n + 2) / 2;
return (getkth(A, 0, B, 0, l) + getkth(A, 0, B, 0, r)) / 2.0;
public double getkth(int[] A, int aStart, int[] B, int bStart, int k) {
if (aStart > A.length - 1) return B[bStart + k - 1];
if (bStart > B.length - 1) return A[aStart + k - 1];
if (k == 1) return Math.min(A[aStart], B[bStart]);
int aMid = Integer.MAX_VALUE, bMid = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if (aStart + k/2 - 1 < A.length) aMid = A[aStart + k/2 - 1];
if (bStart + k/2 - 1 < B.length) bMid = B[bStart + k/2 - 1];
if (aMid < bMid)
return getkth(A, aStart + k/2, B, bStart, k - k/2);// Check: aRight + bLeft
return getkth(A, aStart, B, bStart + k/2, k - k/2);// Check: bRight + aLeft