CGAL中combinational map 的遍历方法


                         cm.number_of_attributes ()<i> const                                                       Returns the number of i-attributes in cm.                                       
cm.darts <i>()Returns a range of all the darts in cm.
cm.attributes<i> ()Returns a range of all the i-attributes in cm.
cm.one_dart_per_cell<i,j,dim=dimension> () Returns a range of one dart of each i-cell in cm. Cells are considered in dim dimension.


cm.darts_of_orbit <i>( Dart_handle dh)Returns a range of all the darts of the orbit <Beta...>(dh)
cm.darts_of_cell <i,dim=dimension>( Dart_handle dh)Returns a range of all the darts of the i-cell containing dh. i-cells are considered in dim dimension.
cm.one_dart_per_incident_cell<i,j,dim=dimensioin> ( Dart_handle dh)Returns a range of one dart of each i-cell incident to the j-cell containing dh.


  1 Assembly_su* assembly;
  2 Dart_handle dh;
  3 void print_lcc(){
  4     cout<<"summary : "<<endl;
  5     assembly->display_characteristics(cout);
  6     cout<<endl;
  7 }
  8 void setLabel2(){
  9     static int faceIndices[]={1,2,5,4,0,3};
 10     int n=0;
 11     Assembly_su::One_dart_per_incident_cell_range<2,3>
 12             dr=assembly->one_dart_per_incident_cell<2,3>(dh);
 13     for(Assembly_su::One_dart_per_incident_cell_range<2,3>::iterator itr=dr.begin();itr!=dr.end();++itr){
 14         Dart_handle dh1=itr;
 15         assembly->set_attribute<2>(dh1,assembly->create_attribute<2>());
 16         dh1->attribute<2>()->info().setLabel(faceIndices[n]);
 17         n++;
 18     }
 19 }
 20 void setLabel3(){
 21     int n=0;
 22     Assembly_su::One_dart_per_incident_cell_range<3,3>
 23             dr=assembly->one_dart_per_incident_cell<3,3>(dh);
 24     for(Assembly_su::One_dart_per_incident_cell_range<3,3>::iterator itr=dr.begin();itr!=dr.end();++itr){
 25         Dart_handle dh1=itr;
 26         assembly->set_attribute<3>(dh1,assembly->create_attribute<3>());
 27         dh1->attribute<3>()->info().setLabel(n);
 28         n++;
 29     }
 30 }
 31 void setLabel0(){
 32     Assembly_su::One_dart_per_incident_cell_range<0,3>
 33             dr=assembly->one_dart_per_incident_cell<0,3>(dh);
 34     for(Assembly_su::One_dart_per_incident_cell_range<0,3>::iterator itr=dr.begin();itr!=dr.end();++itr){
 35         Dart_handle dh1=itr;
 36         int l=int(assembly->point(dh1).x());
 37         dh1->attribute<0>()->info().setLabel(l);
 38     }
 39 }
 40 void setLabel(){
 41     setLabel0();
 42     setLabel2();
 43     setLabel3();
 44 }
 45 int size_of_face(const Dart_handle& dh){
 46     Assembly_su::One_dart_per_incident_cell_range<0,2> dr_02=assembly->one_dart_per_incident_cell<0,2>(dh);
 47     return dr_02.size();
 48 }
 49 void print_node(const Dart_handle& dh){
 50     cout<<dh->attribute<0>()->info().label()<<"(";
 51     cout<<dh->attribute<2>()->info().label()<<")";
 52 }
 53 void print_face(const Dart_handle& dh){
 54     cout<<"nodes of face ";
 55     cout<<dh->attribute<2>()->info().label()<<" : ";
 56     Assembly_su::One_dart_per_incident_cell_range<0,2> dr=assembly->one_dart_per_incident_cell<0,2>(dh);
 57     for(Assembly_su::One_dart_per_incident_cell_range<0,2>::iterator itr=dr.begin();itr!=dr.end();++itr){
 58         print_node(itr);
 59         cout<<"  ";
 60     }
 61     cout<<", size : "<<size_of_face(dh);
 62     cout<<endl;
 63 }
 64 void test_one_dart_per_incident_cell(){
 65     cout<<"one_dart_per_incident_cell<0,3>(dh) : "<<endl;
 66     Assembly_su::One_dart_per_incident_cell_range<0,3> dr=assembly->one_dart_per_incident_cell<0,3>(dh);
 67     for(Assembly_su::One_dart_per_incident_cell_range<0,3>::iterator itr=dr.begin();itr!=dr.end();++itr){
 68         print_node(itr);
 69         cout<<assembly->point(itr);
 70         cout<<endl;
 71     }
 72     cout<<"one_dart_per_incident_cell<2,3>(dh) : "<<endl;
 73     Assembly_su::One_dart_per_incident_cell_range<2,3> dr_23=assembly->one_dart_per_incident_cell<2,3>(dh);
 74     for(Assembly_su::One_dart_per_incident_cell_range<2,3>::iterator itr=dr_23.begin();itr!=dr_23.end();++itr){
 75         print_face(itr);
 76     }
 77     cout<<"one_dart_per_incident_cell<0,2>(dh) : "<<endl;
 78     Assembly_su::One_dart_per_incident_cell_range<0,2> dr_02=assembly->one_dart_per_incident_cell<0,2>(dh);
 79     for(Assembly_su::One_dart_per_incident_cell_range<0,2>::iterator itr=dr_02.begin();itr!=dr_02.end();++itr){
 80         print_node(itr);
 81         cout<<"  ";
 82     }
 83     cout<<endl;
 84 }
 85 void test_darts_of_orbit(){
 86     cout<<"nodes of orbit 0 : "<<endl;
 87     Assembly_su::Dart_of_orbit_range<0> do_0=assembly->darts_of_orbit<0>(dh);
 88     for(Assembly_su::Dart_of_orbit_range<0>::iterator itr=do_0.begin();itr!=do_0.end();++itr){
 89         cout<<"\t";
 90         print_node(itr);
 91         cout<<endl;
 92     }
 93     cout<<"nodes of orbit 1 : "<<endl;
 94     Assembly_su::Dart_of_orbit_range<1> do_1=assembly->darts_of_orbit<1>(dh);
 95     for(Assembly_su::Dart_of_orbit_range<1>::iterator itr=do_1.begin();itr!=do_1.end();++itr){
 96         cout<<"\t";
 97         print_node(itr);
 98         cout<<endl;
 99     }
100     cout<<"nodes of orbit 2 : "<<endl;
101     Assembly_su::Dart_of_orbit_range<2> do_2=assembly->darts_of_orbit<2>(dh);
102     for(Assembly_su::Dart_of_orbit_range<2>::iterator itr=do_2.begin();itr!=do_2.end();++itr){
103         cout<<"\t";
104         print_node(itr);
105         cout<<endl;
106     }
107     cout<<"nodes of orbit 3 : "<<endl;
108     Assembly_su::Dart_of_orbit_range<3> do_3=assembly->darts_of_orbit<3>(dh);
109     for(Assembly_su::Dart_of_orbit_range<3>::iterator itr=do_3.begin();itr!=do_3.end();++itr){
110         cout<<"\t";
111         print_node(itr);
112         cout<<endl;
113     }
114 }
115 void test_darts_of_cell(){
116     cout<<"nodes of cell 0 : "<<endl;
117     Assembly_su::Dart_of_cell_range<0> do_0=assembly->darts_of_cell<0>(dh);
118     for(Assembly_su::Dart_of_cell_range<0>::iterator itr=do_0.begin();itr!=do_0.end();++itr){
119         cout<<"\t";
120         print_node(itr);
121         cout<<endl;
122     }
123     cout<<"nodes of cell 1 : "<<endl;
124     Assembly_su::Dart_of_cell_range<1> do_1=assembly->darts_of_cell<1>(dh);
125     for(Assembly_su::Dart_of_cell_range<1>::iterator itr=do_1.begin();itr!=do_1.end();++itr){
126         cout<<"\t";
127         print_node(itr);
128         cout<<endl;
129     }
130     cout<<"nodes of cell 2 : "<<endl;
131     Assembly_su::Dart_of_cell_range<2> do_2=assembly->darts_of_cell<2>(dh);
132     for(Assembly_su::Dart_of_cell_range<2>::iterator itr=do_2.begin();itr!=do_2.end();++itr){
133         cout<<"\t";
134         print_node(itr);
135         cout<<endl;
136     }
137     cout<<"nodes of cell 3 : "<<endl;
138     Assembly_su::Dart_of_cell_range<3> do_3=assembly->darts_of_cell<3>(dh);
139     for(Assembly_su::Dart_of_cell_range<3>::iterator itr=do_3.begin();itr!=do_3.end();++itr){
140         cout<<"\t";
141         print_node(itr);
142         cout<<endl;
143     }
144 }
145 int main(){
146     system("echo %time%");
147     assembly=new Assembly_su;
148     vector<Point> p(8);
149     for(int i=0;i<8;i++){
150         p[i]=Point((double)i,0.,0.);
151     }
152     dh=assembly->make_hexahedron(p[0],p[3],p[2],p[1],p[5],p[4],p[7],p[6]);
153     setLabel();
154     print_lcc();
155     test_one_dart_per_incident_cell();
156     test_darts_of_orbit();
157     test_darts_of_cell();
158     delete assembly;
159     system("echo %time%");
160     return 0;
161 }


summary :
#Darts=24, #0-cells=8, #1-cells=12, #2-cells=6, #3-cells=1, #ccs=1
one_dart_per_incident_cell<0,3>(dh) :
0(1)0 0 0
4(1)4 0 0
7(1)7 0 0
3(1)3 0 0
1(2)1 0 0
5(2)5 0 0
6(5)6 0 0
2(4)2 0 0
one_dart_per_incident_cell<2,3>(dh) :
nodes of face 1 : 0(1)  4(1)  7(1)  3(1)  , size : 4
nodes of face 2 : 4(2)  0(2)  1(2)  5(2)  , size : 4
nodes of face 5 : 7(5)  4(5)  5(5)  6(5)  , size : 4
nodes of face 4 : 3(4)  7(4)  6(4)  2(4)  , size : 4
nodes of face 0 : 0(0)  3(0)  2(0)  1(0)  , size : 4
nodes of face 3 : 5(3)  1(3)  2(3)  6(3)  , size : 4
one_dart_per_incident_cell<0,2>(dh) :
0(1)  4(1)  7(1)  3(1) 
nodes of orbit 0 :
nodes of orbit 1 :
nodes of orbit 2 :
nodes of orbit 3 :
nodes of cell 0 :
nodes of cell 1 :
nodes of cell 2 :
nodes of cell 3 :



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