左倾堆(左偏树)和是堆的一种;和普通的二叉堆不同,它是一种可合并堆。可合并堆相比于普通的二叉堆在对两个堆进行合并的操作上具有很大的优势:对于基本的二叉堆合并,时间复杂度为O(n), 而对于可合并堆,其时间复杂度为O(log2n).
/* By Vamei */
* leftist heap
* bassed on binary tree
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct node *position;
typedef int ElementTP;
struct node {
ElementTP element;
int npl;
position lchild;
position rchild;
typedef struct node *LHEAP;
LHEAP insert(ElementTP, LHEAP);
ElementTP find_min(LHEAP);
LHEAP delete_min(LHEAP);
static LHEAP merge1(LHEAP, LHEAP);
static LHEAP swap_children(LHEAP);
int main(void)
h1 = insert(7, h1);
h1 = insert(3, h1);
h1 = insert(5, h1);
h2 = insert(2, h2);
h2 = insert(4, h2);
h2 = insert(8, h2);
h1 = merge(h1, h2);
printf("minimum: %d\n", find_min(h1));
return 0;
* insert:
* merge a single-node leftist heap with a leftist heap
* */
LHEAP insert(ElementTP value, LHEAP h)
LHEAP single;
single = (position) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
// initialze
single->element = value;
single->lchild = NULL;
single->rchild = NULL;
return merge(single, h);
* find_min:
* return root value in the tree
* */
ElementTP find_min(LHEAP h)
if(h != NULL) return h->element;
else exit(1);
* delete_min:
* remove root, then merge two subheaps
* */
LHEAP delete_min(LHEAP h)
LHEAP l,r;
l = h->lchild;
r = h->rchild;
return merge(l, r);
* merge two leftist heaps
* */
LHEAP merge(LHEAP h1, LHEAP h2)
// if one heap is null, return the other
if(h1 == NULL) return h2;
if(h2 == NULL) return h1;
// if both are not null
if (h1->element < h2->element) {
return merge1(h1, h2);
else {
return merge1(h2, h1);
// h1->element < h2->element
static LHEAP merge1(LHEAP h1, LHEAP h2)
if (h1->lchild == NULL) {
/* h1 is a single node, npl is 0 */
h1->lchild = h2;
/* rchild is NULL, npl of h1 is still 0 */
else {
// left is not NULL
// merge h2 to right
// swap if necessary
h1->rchild = merge(h1->rchild, h2);
if(h1->lchild->npl < h1->rchild->npl) {
h1->npl = h1->rchild->npl + 1; // update npl
return h1;
// swap: keep leftist property
static LHEAP swap_children(LHEAP h)
LHEAP tmp;
tmp = h->lchild;
h->lchild = h->rchild;
h->rchild = tmp;