-- 1、With 不能嵌套
-- 2、With 之间要用逗号【,】隔开
-- 3、新建的With,一定要在下面引用,比如a,如没有【select * from a】,会报错。
with a as
select * from us_aaa
-- 下面是第二个 with
b as (
select * from a
select * from b
with a as
SELECT top 100000 substring(substring(Driver,2,20) , 1 , CHARINDEX (',',substring(Driver,2,20))-1) as Driver, busid, sum(days) as days,max(ActTime) as acttime
WHERE busid>800 and busid<850 and (ActTime >= '2012-7-26') AND (ActTime <= '2012-08-25') and CHARINDEX (',',substring(Driver,2,20))>0 and substring(substring(Driver,2,100),1,CHARINDEX (',',substring(Driver,2,100))-1) in
(SELECT EmployeeName FROM Pub_Employee WHERE (Position LIKE '%司机%') AND (BelongsLine = '线'))
group by MIS_RoadBill.Driver,MIS_RoadBill.busid order by MIS_RoadBill.Driver,MIS_RoadBill.busid
select * from a