在 Golang 中,类型转换和类型断言是两种不同的操作。类型转换是将不同类型的变量进行转换,需要开发人员进行显式的类型转换操作。类型断言是将接口类型转换为具体的类型,或者将具体类型转换为接口。类型断言的成功与失败取决于接口值的动态类型是否与尝试断言的类型相匹配。
Go 语言类型断言
GoLang中的 interface{} 即 any 可以代表所有类型,包括基本类型string、int、int64,以及自定义的 struct 类型。
interface{} 好比 java 中的 Object,java 中的所有类都实现了Object。
下面这个函数接收一个 interface{} 的参数,就代表了它可以传递任何类型的变量。如果在代码中强转 a 为 string,如以下的代码:
func funcName(a interface{}) string {
return string(a)
cannot convert a (type interface{}) to type string: need type assertion
编译器提示我们用类型断言(type assertion)约束变量。接下来介绍几种使用类型断言的方法。
- 如果断言成功,则 变量b == 变量a
- 如果断言失败,则 panic
变量b :=变量a.(类型)
如果 断言为 string,则输出正常name type = string, name = tom
如果断言为 非 string,则 panic
package main
import "fmt"
import "reflect"
func testTypeAssertion1() {
var name any = "tom"
nameType := reflect.TypeOf(name)
fmt.Printf("name type = %v, name = %v\n", nameType, name.(string))
fmt.Printf("name type = %v, name = %v\n", nameType, name.(int))
func main() {
name type = string, name = tom
panic: interface conversion: interface {} is string, not int
从一些业务角度来讲,如果断言不成功直接 panic,程序会终止,显然并不能满足一些业务的需求,比如记录错误日志,或走其他分支等等,所以 GoLang 也提供了另一个参数,返回断言是否成功
- 如果断言成功,返回对应类型的值,即 变量b == 变量a,ok 为 true
- 如果断言失败,变量b为对应 断言类型的 默认值,ok 为 false
变量b, ok = 变量a.(类型)
func testTypeAssertion2() {
var name any = "tom"
nameStringData, ok1 := name.(string)
fmt.Printf("name type = %v, name = %v, assert success ? %v, ok type = %T\n", reflect.TypeOf(nameStringData), nameStringData, ok1, ok1)
nameIntData, ok2 := name.(int)
fmt.Printf("name type = %v, name = %v, assert success ? %v, ok type = %T\n", reflect.TypeOf(nameIntData), nameIntData, ok2, ok2)
输出结果,不出意外,没有 panic,可以看出,第二个参数 ok 返回了断言是否成功, bool类型
name type = string, name = tom, assert success ? true, ok type = bool
name type = int, name = 0, assert success ? false, ok type = bool
也可以看出转 int 未成功后的 nameIntData 为 int 类型,默认值是 0
断言成功或失败,结合 if 执行不同的操作
if ok1 {
name = "Mike"
fmt.Printf("ok1 true, change name to %v\n", name)
} else {
name = "mike"
fmt.Printf("ok1 false, change name to %v\n", name)
if ok2 {
name = "sara"
fmt.Printf("ok2 true, change name to %v\n", name)
} else {
name = ""
fmt.Printf("ok2 false, change name to %v\n", name)
name type = string, name = tom, assert success ? true, ok type = bool
name type = int, name = 0, assert success ? false, ok type = bool
ok1 true, change name to Mike
ok2 false, change name to
将断言语句与 if 结合起来使用
将断言语句与 if 结合 ,写在一行
if aData, ok := a.(T); ok {
fmt.Println(aData, ok)
func testTypeAssertion3() {
var name any = "tom"
if nameStringData, ok1 := name.(string); ok1 {
nameStringData = "Mike"
fmt.Printf("ok1 true, change name to %v\n", nameStringData)
} else {
nameStringData = "mike"
fmt.Printf("ok1 false, change name to %v\n", nameStringData)
if nameIntData, ok2 := name.(int); ok2 {
nameIntData = 10086
fmt.Printf("ok2 true, change name to %v\n", nameIntData)
} else {
nameIntData = 10010
fmt.Printf("ok2 false, change name to %v\n", nameIntData)
ok1 true, change name to Mike
ok2 false, change name to 10010
多说一句,出于代码可读性角度来讲,编码时可以使用类型语句减少代码复杂度,少用 if else,提前退出逻辑。
switch 断言类型
如果一次性断言多种类型,会写很多的 if else,也可以用 switch 减少代码复杂度,用 变量.(type) 作为判断条件,格式如下:
switch variable := variable.(type){
fmt.Printf("unexpected type %T", variable)
case string:
fmt.Printf("type is %T, variable = %v", variable, variable)
case int:
fmt.Printf("type is %T, variable = %v", variable, variable)
case bool:
fmt.Printf("type is %T, variable = %v", variable, variable)
case float32:
fmt.Printf("type is %T, variable = %v", variable, variable)
func testTypeAssertion4() {
var a any = 2
switch a := a.(type) {
fmt.Printf("unexpected type %T", a)
case string:
fmt.Printf("type is %T, value = %v", a, a)
case int:
fmt.Printf("type is %T, value = %v", a, a)
case bool:
fmt.Printf("type is %T, value = %v", a, a)
case float32:
fmt.Printf("type is %T, value = %v", a, a)
type is int, value = 2
type Color interface {
getColor() Color
setColor(value int64, content string)
type Red struct {
Value int64 `json:"value"`
Content string `json:"content"`
type Yellow struct {
Value int64 `json:"value"`
Content string `json:"content"`
然后让 Red 实现 Color, Yellow不实现Color
func (y Yellow) getColor2() *Yellow {
return &Yellow{
Value: 0xF6FF33,
Content: "黄色",
func (y Yellow) setColor(value int64, content string) {
y.Value = value
y.Content = content
func (r Red) getColor() Color {
return &Red{
Value: 0xFF5733,
Content: "红色",
func (r Red) setColor(value int64, content string) {
r.Value = value
r.Content = content
func testTypeAssertion5() {
var red interface{} = &Red{}
var yellow interface{} = &Yellow{}
if color, ok := red.(Color); ok {
fmt.Printf("red ok = %v, color = %v\n", ok, color.getColor())
} else {
fmt.Printf("red ok = %v, color = %v\n", ok, red)
if color, ok := yellow.(Color); ok {
fmt.Printf("yellow ok = %v, color = %v\n", ok, color.getColor())
} else {
fmt.Printf("yellow ok = %v, color = %v\n", ok, yellow)
switch red := red.(type) {
fmt.Printf("default no color, red = %v\n", red)
case Red:
fmt.Printf("color = Red, %v\n", red)
case *Red:
fmt.Printf("color = *Red, %v\n", red)
case Color:
fmt.Printf("color = Color, %v\n", red)
red ok = true, color = &{16734003 红色}
yellow ok = false, color = &{0 }
color = *Red, &{0 }
case *Red:
fmt.Printf("color = *Red, %v\n", red)
case Color:
fmt.Printf("color = Color, %v\n", red)
因为先匹配到了 *Red,再加上**switch **判断类型 不可以使用 fallthrough,所以如果切换顺序,会匹配到 Color
case Color:
fmt.Printf("color = Color, %v\n", red)
case *Red:
fmt.Printf("color = *Red, %v\n", red)
red ok = true, color = &{16734003 红色}
yellow ok = false, color = &{0 }
color = Color, &{0 }
var _ Color = &Red{}
var _ Color = Red{}
var _ Color =(*Red)(nil)
var _ Color = &Yellow{}
对 Red 使用可,对 Yellow 使用,编译器会提示错误
package main
import "fmt"
import "reflect"
func testTypeAssertion1() {
var name any = "tom"
nameType := reflect.TypeOf(name)
fmt.Printf("name type = %v, name = %v\n", nameType, name.(string))
fmt.Printf("name type = %v, name = %v\n", nameType, name.(int))
func testTypeAssertion2() {
var name any = "tom"
nameStringData, ok1 := name.(string)
fmt.Printf("name type = %v, name = %v, assert success ? %v, ok type = %T\n",
reflect.TypeOf(nameStringData), nameStringData, ok1, ok1)
nameIntData, ok2 := name.(int)
fmt.Printf("name type = %v, name = %v, assert success ? %v, ok type = %T\n",
reflect.TypeOf(nameIntData), nameIntData, ok2, ok2)
type Color interface {
getColor() Color
setColor(value int64, content string)
type Red struct {
Value int64 `json:"value"`
Content string `json:"content"`
type Yellow struct {
Value int64 `json:"value"`
Content string `json:"content"`
func (y Yellow) getColor2() *Yellow {
return &Yellow{
Value: 0xF6FF33,
Content: "黄色",
func (y Yellow) setColor(value int64, content string) {
y.Value = value
y.Content = content
func (r Red) getColor() Color {
return &Red{
Value: 0xFF5733,
Content: "红色",
func (r Red) setColor(value int64, content string) {
r.Value = value
r.Content = content
func testTypeAssertion5() {
var red interface{} = &Red{}
var yellow interface{} = &Yellow{}
if color, ok := red.(Color); ok {
fmt.Printf("red ok = %v, color = %v\n", ok, color.getColor())
} else {
fmt.Printf("red ok = %v, color = %v\n", ok, red)
if color, ok := yellow.(Color); ok {
fmt.Printf("yellow ok = %v, color = %v\n", ok, color.getColor())
} else {
fmt.Printf("yellow ok = %v, color = %v\n", ok, yellow)
switch red := red.(type) {
fmt.Printf("default no color, red = %v\n", red)
case Red:
fmt.Printf("color = Red, %v\n", red)
case *Red:
fmt.Printf("color = *Red, %v\n", red)
case Color:
fmt.Printf("color = Color, %v\n", red)
func main() {
//var _ Color = &Red{}
//var _ Color = Red{}
//var _ Color = (*Red)(nil)
//var _ Color = &Yellow{}
Go语言的类型断言(Type Assertion)和类型转换(Type Conversion)有什么区别