3 Build Process and Testing 21
3.1 Building your Project with sbt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
3.1.1 Source Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.1.2 Running sbt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.1.3 Tool Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.2 Testing with Chisel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.2.1 PeekPokeTester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
3.2.2 Using ScalaTest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.2.3 Waveforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.2.4 printf Debugging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
3.3 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.3.1 A Minimal Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.3.2 A Testing Exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
3 Build Process and Testing
第三章 构建过程和测试
To get started with more interesting Chisel code we first need to learn how to compile Chisel programs,
how to generate Verilog code for execution in an FPGA,
and how to write tests for debugging and to verify that our circuits are correct.
Chisel is written in Scala, so any build process that supports Scala is possible with a Chisel project.
One popular build tool for Scala is sbt, which stands for the Scala interactive build tool.
Besides driving the build and test process, sbt also downloads the correct version of Scala and the Chisel libraries.
3.1 Building your Project with sbt
3.1 使用sbt构建你的项目
The Scala library that represents Chisel and the Chisel testers are automatically downloaded
during the build process from a Maven repository.
实现了Chisel和Chisel Tester的Scala库,在构建过程中,会自动从Maven 仓库下载下来。
The libraries are referenced by build.sbt.
It is possible to configure build.sbt with latest.release to always use the most actual version of Chisel.
把build.sbt配置成latest.release 这样可以总是使用最新版本的Chisel。
However, this means on each build the version is looked up from the Maven repository.
This lookup needs an Internet connection for the build to succeed.
Better use a dedicated version of Chisel and all other Scala libraries in your build.sbt.
Maybe sometimes it is also good to be able to write hardware code and test it without an Internet connection.
For example, it is cool to do hardware design on a plane.
3.1.1 Source Organization
3.1.1 源码组织
sbt inherits the source convention from the Maven build automation tool. Maven also
organizes repositories of open-source Java libraries.1
sbt 继承了Maven自动构建工具的习惯。Maven以用来管理开源java库的仓库。
Figure 3.1 shows the organization of the source tree of a typical Chisel project. The
root of the project is the project home, which contains build.sbt.
Figure 3.1 展示了一个典型的Chisel项目的源码树的组织方式。源码的根节点是项目的home,这里也保存着build.sbt文件。
It may also include a Makefile for the build process, a README, and a LICENSE file. Folder src contains all source code.
From there it is split between main, containing the hardware sources and test containing testers.
1That is also the place where you downloaded the Chisel library on your first build: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/edu.berkeley.cs/chisel3.
如下网址是你第一次构建项目时下载Chisel的地方: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/edu.berkeley.cs/chisel3.
Figure 3.1: Source tree of a Chisel project (using sbt)
Figure 3.1:使用sbt构建的Chisel项目的源码树
Chisel inherits from Scala, which inherits from Java the organization of source in packages.
Packages organize your Chisel code into namespaces. Packages can also contain sub-packages.
一些Package 把你的Chisel源码组织进一些命名空间。包还可以包含子包。
The folder target contains the class files and other generated files.
I recommend to also use a folder for generated Verilog files, which is usually call generated.
To use the facility of namespaces in Chisel,
you need to declare that a class/module is defined in a package, in this example in mypacket:
为了使用Chisel中的命名空间设施,你需要声明,一个类或者module 时定义在一个package中的,在这个示例里是在mapacket中声明的:
package mypack
import chisel3._
class Abc extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle{})
Note that in this example we see the import of the chisel3 packet to use Chisel classes.
To use the module Abc in a different context (packet name space), the components of packet mypacket need to be imported.
为了在一个不同的上下文中使用刚刚定义的这个Abc module,这个包需要被导入到那个上下文中。
The underscore (_) acts as wildcard, meaning that all classes of mypacket are imported.
import mypack._
class AbcUser extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle{})
val abc = new Abc()
It is also possible to not import all types from mypacket, but use the fully qualified name
mypack.Abc to refer to the module Abc in packet mypack.
不导入包中的全部类型也是可能的,但是这时候需要使用全称,maypack.Abc,来引用mypack这个包中特定Abc module,例如:
class AbcUser2 extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle{})
val abc = new mypack.Abc()
It is also possible to import just a single class and create an instance of it:
import mypack.Abc
class AbcUser3 extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle{})
val abc = new Abc()
3.1.2 Running sbt
3.1.2 运行sbt
A Chisel project can be compiled and executed with a simple sbt command:
$ sbt run
This command will compile all your Chisel code from the source tree and searches
for classes that contain an object that includes a main method, or simpler that extends App.
If there is more than one such object, all objects are listed and one can be selected.
You can also directly specify the object that shall be executed as a parameter to sbt:
$ sbt "runMain mypacket.MyObject"
Per default sbt searches only the main part of the source tree and not the test part.2
However, Chisel testers, as described here, contain a main, but shall be placed in the test part of the source tree.
2This is a convention form Java/Scala that the test folder contains unit tests and not objects with a main.
To execute a main in the tester tree use following sbt command:
$ sbt "test:runMain mypacket.MyTester"
Now that we know the basic structure of a Chisel project and how to compile and run
it with sbt, we can continue with a simple testing framework.
3.1.3 Tool Flow
3.1.3 涉及到工具链流程
Figure 3.2 shows the tool flow of Chisel.
Figure 3.2 展示了这个Chisel的工具流程
The digital circuit is described in a Chisel class shown as Hello.scala.
The Scala compiler compiles this class, together with the Chisel and Scala libraries,
and generates the Java class Hello.class that can be executed by a standard Java virtual machine (JVM).
Executing this class with a Chisel driver generates the so-called flexible intermediate representation
for RTL (FIRRTL), an intermediate representation of digital circuits.
In our example the file is Hello.fir.
The FIRRTL compiler performs transformations on the circuit.
Treadle is a FIRRTL interpreter to simulate the circuit.
Together with the Chisel tester it can be used to debug and test Chisel circuits.
与Chisel tester一道,它可以对Chisel电路进行调试和测试。
With assertions we can provide test results.
Treadle can also generate waveform files (Hello.vcd) that can be viewed with a waveform viewer
(e.g., the free viewer GTKWave or Modelsim).
Treadle 还能够产生波形文件(Hello.vcd),这样的文件可以使用波形查看软件进行观察(例如免费自由的GTKWave或者ModelSim)。
One FIRRTL transformation, the Verilog emitter, generates Verilog code for synthesis (Hello.v).
A circuit synthesize tool (e.g., Intel Quartus, Xilinx Vivado, or an ASIC tool) synthesizes the circuit.
用一个电路综合工具就可以综合成实际的电路版图了(例如:Intel Quartus, Xilinx Vivado, 或者一个ASIC 工具)。
In an FPGA design flow, the tool generates the FPGA bitstream that is used to configure the FPGA, e.g., Hello.bit.
3.2 Testing with Chisel
3.2 用Chisel进行测试
Tests of hardware designs are usually called test benches.
对硬件设计的测试,通常成为test benches。
The test bench instantiates the design under test (DUT), drives input ports, observes output ports,
and compares them with expected values.
3.2.1 PeekPokeTester
3.2.1 PeekPokeTester
Chisel provides test benches in the form of a PeekPokeTester.
One strength of Chisel is that it can use the full power of Scala to write those test benches.
One can, for example, code the expected functionality of the hardware in a software simulator and compare the
simulation of the hardware with the software simulation.
This method is very efficient when testing an implementation of a processor [6].
Figure 3.2: Tool flow of the Chisel ecosystem.
Figure 3.2:Chisel生态系统的工具流
To use the PeekPokeTester, following packages need to be imported:
import chisel3._
import chisel3.iotesters._
Testing a circuit contains (at least) three components:
(1) the device under test (often called DUT),
(2) the testing logic, also called test bench, and
(3) the tester objects that contains the main function to start the testing.
The following code shows our simple design under test.
It contains two input ports and one output port, all with a 2-bit width.
The circuit does a bit-wise AND to it returns on the output:
class DeviceUnderTest extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val a = Input(UInt(2.W))
val b = Input(UInt(2.W))
val out = Output(UInt(2.W))
io.out := io.a & io.b
The test bench for this DUT extends PeekPokeTester and has the DUT as a parameter for the constructor:
class TesterSimple(dut: DeviceUnderTest) extends
PeekPokeTester(dut) {
poke(dut.io.a, 0.U)
poke(dut.io.b, 1.U)
println("Result is: " + peek(dut.io.out).toString)
poke(dut.io.a, 3.U)
poke(dut.io.b, 2.U)
println("Result is: " + peek(dut.io.out).toString)
A PeekPokeTester can set input values with poke() and read back output values with peek().
The tester advances the simulation by one step (= one clock cycle) with step(1).
We can print the values of the outputs with println().
The test is created and run with the following tester main:
object TesterSimple extends App {
chisel3.iotesters.Driver(() => new DeviceUnderTest()) { c =>
new TesterSimple(c)
When you run the test, you will see the results printed to the terminal (besides other information):
[info] [0.004] SEED 1544207645120
[info] [0.008] Result is: 0
[info] [0.009] Result is: 2
test DeviceUnderTest Success: 0 tests passed in 7 cycles
taking 0.021820 seconds
[info] [0.010] RAN 2 CYCLES PASSED
We see that 0 AND 1 results in 0; 3 AND 2 results in 2.
我们看到 0与上1的结果是0;3与上2的结果是2.
Besides manually inspecting printouts, which is an excellent starting point,
we can also express our expectations in the test bench itself with expect(),
having the output port and the expected value as parameters.
The following example shows testing with expect():
class Tester(dut: DeviceUnderTest) extends PeekPokeTester(dut) {
poke(dut.io.a, 3.U)
poke(dut.io.b, 1.U)
expect(dut.io.out, 1)
poke(dut.io.a, 2.U)
poke(dut.io.b, 0.U)
expect(dut.io.out, 0)
Executing this test does not print out any values from the hardware,
but that all tests passed as all expect values are correct.
[info] [0.001] SEED 1544208437832
test DeviceUnderTest Success: 2 tests passed in 7 cycles
taking 0.018000 seconds
[info] [0.009] RAN 2 CYCLES PASSED
A failed test, when either the DUT or the test bench contains an error,
produces an error message describing the difference between the expected and actual value.
In the following, we changed the test bench to expect a 4, which is an error:
[info] [0.002] SEED 1544208642263
[info] [0.011] EXPECT AT 2 io_out got 0 expected 4 FAIL
test DeviceUnderTest Success: 1 tests passed in 7 cycles
taking 0.022101 seconds
In this section, we described the basic testing facility with Chisel for simple tests.
However, in Chisel, the full power of Scala is available to write testers.
然而, 在Chisel中, Scala的全部功能都可以用于写测试。
3.2.2 Using ScalaTest
3.2.2 使用ScalaTest做Chisel测试
ScalaTest is a testing tool for Scala (and Java), which we can use to run Chisel testers.
To use it, include the library in your build.sbt with the following line:
libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.0.5" % "test"
Tests are usually found in src/test/scala and can be run with:
Test程序源码通常可以在 src/test/scala 文件夹下找到,我们可以运行如下命令:
$ sbt test
A minimal test (a testing hello world) to test a Scala Integer addition:
一个最小的测试 (测试中的Hello world) 来测试Scala中的整数加法:
import org.scalatest._
class ExampleSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
"Integers" should "add" in {
val i = 2
val j = 3
i + j should be (5)
Although Chisel testing is more heavyweight than unit testing of Scala programs,
we can wrap a Chisel test into a ScalaTest class.
For the Tester shown before this is:
class SimpleSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
"Tester" should "pass" in {
chisel3.iotesters.Driver(() => new DeviceUnderTest()) { c =>
new Tester(c)
} should be (true)
The main benefit of this exercise is to be able to run all tests with a simple sbt test
(instead of a running main). You can run just a single test with sbt, as follows:
这个实例的主要好处是能够在一个简单的sbt 测试中运行所有的测试。你可以用sbt命令运行单个测试,如下:
$ sbt "testOnly SimpleSpec"
3.2.3 Waveforms
3.2.3 波形
Testers, as described above, work well for small designs and for unit testing,
as it is common in software development.
A collection of unit tests can also serve for regression testing.
However, for debugging more complex designs, one would like to investigate several signals at once.
A classic approach to debug digital designs is displaying the signals in a waveform.
In a waveform the signals are displayed over time.
Chisel testers can generate a waveform that includes all registers and all IO signals.
Chisel 测试能够产生所有寄存器和IO信号的波形。
In the following examples we show waveform testers for the DeviceUnderTest
from the former example (the 2-bit AND function).
For the following example we import following classes:
import chisel3.iotesters.PeekPokeTester
import chisel3.iotesters.Driver
import org.scalatest._
We start with a simple tester that pokes values to the inputs and advances the clock with step.
We do not read any output or compare it with expect.
class WaveformTester(dut: DeviceUnderTest) extends
PeekPokeTester(dut) {
poke(dut.io.a, 0)
poke(dut.io.b, 0)
poke(dut.io.a, 1)
poke(dut.io.b, 0)
poke(dut.io.a, 0)
poke(dut.io.b, 1)
poke(dut.io.a, 1)
poke(dut.io.b, 1)
Instead we call Driver.execute with parameters to generate waveform files (.vcd files).
class WaveformSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
"Waveform" should "pass" in {
Driver.execute(Array("--generate -vcd-output", "on"), () =>
new DeviceUnderTest()) { c =>
new WaveformTester(c)
} should be (true)
You can view the waveform with the free viewer GTKWave or with ModelSim.
Start GTKWave and select File – Open New Window and navigate to the folder where the Chisel tester put the .vcd file.
操作步骤:在GTKWave的"File"–> "Open New Window",导航到存储了Chisel 测试器输出.vcd波形文件的文件夹。
Per default the generated files are in test run dir then the name of the tester appended with a number.
Within this folder you should be able to find DeviceUnderTest.vcd.
You can select the signals from the left side and drag them into the main window.
If you want to save a configuration of signals you can do so with File – Write Save File
and load it later with File – Read Save File.
如果你想保存信号的一个配置,你可以通过 "File" –> "Write Save File"来保存,并且时候通过 "File" ->"Read Save File"来重新加载。
Explicitly enumerating all possible input values does not scale.
Therefore, we will use some Scala code to drive the DUT.
Following tester enumerates all possible values for the 2 2-bit input signals.
class WaveformCounterTester(dut: DeviceUnderTest) extends
PeekPokeTester(dut) {
for (a <- 0 until 4) {
for (b <- 0 until 4) {
poke(dut.io.a, a)
poke(dut.io.b, b)
We add a ScalaTest spec for this new tester
class WaveformCounterSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
"WaveformCounter" should "pass" in {
Driver.execute(Array("--generate -vcd-output", "on"), () =>
new DeviceUnderTest()) { c =>
new WaveformCounterTester(c)
} should be (true)
and execute it with
sbt "testOnly WaveformCounterSpec"
3.2.4 printf Debugging
3.2.4 打印调试
Another form of debugging is the so-called “printf debugging”.
This form comes from simply putting printf statements in C code
to print variables of interest during the execution of the program.
This printf debugging is also available during testing of Chisel circuits.
The printing happens at the rising edge of the clock.
A printf statement can be inserted just anywhere in the module definition,
as shown in the printf debugging version of the DUT.
class DeviceUnderTestPrintf extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val a = Input(UInt(2.W))
val b = Input(UInt(2.W))
val out = Output(UInt(2.W))
io.out := io.a & io.b
printf("dut: %d %d %d\n", io.a, io.b, io.out)
When testing this module with the counter based tester, which iterates over all possible values,
we get following output, verifying that the AND function is correct:
Circuit state created
[info] [0.001] SEED 1579707298694
dut: 0 0 0
dut: 0 1 0
dut: 0 2 0
dut: 0 3 0
dut: 1 0 0
dut: 1 1 1
dut: 1 2 0
dut: 1 3 1
dut: 2 0 0
dut: 2 1 0
dut: 2 2 2
dut: 2 3 2
dut: 3 0 0
dut: 3 1 1
dut: 3 2 2
dut: 3 3 3
test DeviceUnderTestPrintf Success: 0 tests passed in 21 cycles
taking 0.036380 seconds
[info] [0.024] RAN 16 CYCLES PASSED
Chisel printf supports C and Scala style formatting.
3.3 Exercises
3.3 练习
For this exercise, we will revisit the blinking LED from chisel-examples and explore Chisel testing.
3.3.1 A Minimal Project
3.3.1 一个最小的项目
First, let us find out what a minimal Chisel project is.
Explore the files in the Hello World example. The Hello.scala is the single hardware source file.
慢慢探索一下Hello World示例中的这些文件。其中,Hello.scala是一个单独的硬件设计源文件。
It contains the hardware description of the blinking LED (class Hello) and an App that generates the Verilog code.
Each file starts with the import of Chisel and related packages:
import chisel3._
Then follows the hardware description, as shown in Listing 1.1.
To generate the Verilog description, we need an application.
A Scala object that extends App is an application
that implicitly generates the main function where the application starts.
The only action of this application is to create a new HelloWorld object
and pass it to the Chisel driver execute function.
这个应用程序的唯一动作就是创建一个HeloWorld对象,并且把它传递到Chisel driver的execute()函数。
The first argument is an array of Strings, where build options can be set (e.g., the output folder).
The following code will generate the Verilog file Hello.v.
object Hello extends App {
chisel3.Driver.execute(Array[String](), () => new Hello())
Run the generation of the example manually with
$ sbt "runMain Hello"
and explore the generated Hello.v with an editor.
The generated Verilog code may not be very readable, but we can find out some details.
The file starts with a module Hello, which is the same name as our Chisel module.
We can identify our LED port as output io_led. Pin names are the Chisel names with a prepended io .
我们可以看出来对应我们的LED的输出端口 io_led. 管脚的名字和Chisel中的名字一样,都是用io_作为前缀的。
Besides our LED pin, the module also contains clock and reset input signals.
Those two signals are added automatically by Chisel.
Furthermore, we can identify the definition of our two registers cntReg and blkReg.
We may also find the reset and update of those registers at the end of the module definition.
Note, that Chisel generates a synchronous reset.
For sbt to be able to fetch the correct Scala compiler and the Chisel library, we need a build.sbt:
scalaVersion := "2.11.7"
resolvers ++= Seq(
libraryDependencies += "edu.berkeley.cs" %% "chisel3" % "3.2.2"
libraryDependencies += "edu.berkeley.cs" %% "chisel -iotesters" % "1.3.2"
Note that in this example, we have a concrete Chisel version number to avoid checking on each run for a new version
(which will fail if we are not connected to the Internet, e.g., when doing hardware design during a flight).
Change the build.sbt configuration to use the latest Chisel version by changing the library dependency to
libraryDependencies += "edu.berkeley.cs" %% "chisel3" % "latest.release"
and rerun the build with sbt. Is there a newer version of Chisel available and will it be automatically downloaded?
For convenience, the project also contains a Makefile. It just contains the sbt command,
so we do not need to remember it and can generate the Verilog code with:
为了便利,这个项目中还包含了一个Make file文件。它只是包含了sbt命令,
Besides a README file, the example project also contains project files for different FPGA board.
E.g., in quartus/altde2-115 you can find the two project files to define a Quartus project for the DE2-115 board.
例如,在文件夹 quartus/altde2-115 文件夹中,你能够找到两个项目文件,它定义了一个针对DE2-115板子的Quartus项目。
The main definitions (source files, device, pin assignments) can be found in a plain text file hello.qsf.
Explore the file and find out which pins are connected to which signals.
If you need to adapt the project to a different board, there is where the changes are applied.
If you have Quartus installed, open that project, compile with the green Play button, and then configure the FPGA.
Note that the Hello World is a minimal Chisel project.
注意,这个Hello World是一个最小的Chisel项目。
More realistic projects have their source files organized in packages and contain testers.
The next exercise will explore such a project.
3.3.2 A Testing Exercise
3.3.2 一个测试练习
In the last chapter’s exercise, you have extended the blinking LED example with some
input to build an AND gate and a multiplexer and run this hardware in an FPGA.
We will now use this example and test the functionality with a Chisel tester to automate testing
and also to be independent of an FPGA.
Use your designs from the previous chapter and add a Chisel tester to test the functionality.
Try to enumerate all possible inputs and test the output with except().
Testing within Chisel can speed up the debugging of your design.
However, it is always a good idea to synthesize your design for an FPGA and run tests with the FPGA.
There you can perform a reality check on the size of your design (usually in LUTs and
flip-flops) and your performance of your design in maximum clocking frequency.
As a reference point, a textbook style pipelined RISC processor may consume about 3000
4-bit LUTs and may run around 100 MHz in a low-cost FPGA (Intel Cyclone or Xilinx Spartan).
作为要给参考,一个教科书风格的RISC处理器大概要消耗3000个4比特的LUT,而且在低成本的FPGA上可以跑到大概100MHz,比如在Intel Cyclone or Xilinx Spartan上。