Papers-GVC-international & Geography

1.Heterogeneity in international value chains: The economic function of French brokers in the fresh fruit and vegetables import industry
  LATOUCHE Karine ROUVIERE Elodie (2016) 

    主旨:1. In this article, we have aimed at showing that intermediaries in food supply chains are not homogenous agents. (中间商在价值链中的作用不同)
               2. Accounting for the heterogeneity among trade intermediaries we identify differentiated supply chains and differentiated behavior in the way they are providing safety efforts. (中间商行为不同)

    目标: These intermediaries do have specific economic and market function in the market, they do provide a value added at least on safety requirements, which really question the idea of capture of value added from southern exporting countries by Northern agents. (中间商在价值链中作用不同,在市场经济中起重要作用)

     创新点:“ In this article, we have aimed at showing that intermediaries in food supply chains are not homogenous agents. While the literature in its different strand has demonstrated this heterogeneity, this has not been really empirically shown yet. ”(食品价值链中的中间商作用不同,之前没有实证检验过)

¨方法:We adopt a two steps approach.
      “First, we conduct a data analysis that allows us to provide a typology of supply chains depending on the products, the country of origin and the customer of intermediaries.(MCA)(多元对应数据分析)”
     ¨Three kinds: (by survey and literature)(文献研究、数据调研)
     1.retailers certified importers(零售许可进口商)
     2.hybrid group (混合组)
     3.traditional channel(传统渠道)
    “Second, we run econometric analyses to qualify how individual safety behaviors are influenced by the different supply chains (理论分析)
      1.retailers certified importers :certified and provide fresh produce with retailers’ brand
      2.hybrid group: as liability shield by upstream firms
      3.traditional channel:as matchmakers by coordinating transactions between buyers and sellers 

2.  On the Geography of Global Value Chains
   Pol Antras and Alonso de Gortari (2016)

   主旨:  1.“This paper studies the optimal location of production for the different stages in a sequential global value chain.”
               2.“It shows that, with other things equal, it is optimal to locate relatively downstream stages of production in relatively  central or well-connected locations, while  upstream stages of production are optimally assigned to more r emote locations”

    AIM:1.“This paper describes ongoing and future research aimed at studying the specialization of countries within global value chains in a world with barriers to international trade.”
              2.“This specific paper will focus on outlining the implications of the existence of exogenously(外生) given trade costs for the optimal and equilibrium shape of global value chains.”

    NEW:1.¨The role of natural trade barriers on the geography of global value chains is interesting in its own right and has been under explored in the literature. 
            2.¨Perhaps more importantly, however, the analysis in this proposal can be viewed as a stepping stone for afuture normative analysis of the costs and benefits of using certain policies(suchas man-made trade barriers) to   move countries up or down global value chains.

¨2 The Model(单一供应链)
¨2.1 General Environment(运输成本,生产阶段,劳动力市场出清,国家占供应链Pareto权重)
¨2.2 A Proximity-Concentration Tradeoff(一个国家只生产一个阶段)
¨3 Complete Specialization in the Even Case(完全专业化生产)
¨3.1 Geography and Specialization(类似于哈密顿回路:最小运输成本/也有不同)
¨3.2 Centrality and Downstreamness:Some Examples(2-5个国家的理论分析)
¨3.3 An Application to Factory Asia(引入引力模型验证12国数据:用计算机计算实际值)
¨4 Incomplete Specialization: A MultipleSupply Chain Framework(不完全分工,多条供应链,一个国家可生产多个阶段,若加入工资及双边贸易成本仍在研究中)
¨5 Incomplete Specialization: AProbabilistic Approach(难点:不完全分工分配与李嘉图多国贸易模型有相似点)
¨5.1 Theoretical Framework: Preliminaries(单一价值链、CES效用函数、每个国家劳动力异质、研究贸易成本工资及劳动生产率对位置和价值链的影响)
¨5.2 Theoretical Framework: A Feasible Approach(对于消费国来说贸易成本和工资如何影响)
¨5.3 Downstreamness and Centrality(不完全分工下该国地位在价值链中的影响)
¨5.4 An Empirical Illustration: FactoryAsia
¨6 Conclusion(无)

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