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原创 x264 - x264_reference_build_list

static inline void x264_reference_build_list( x264_t *h, int i_poc ){    int b_ok;    /* build ref list 0/1 */    // 初始化 h->i_ref[0], h->i_ref[1]为0    // h->i_ref[0]为参考帧队列ref[0]的索引    // h

2014-06-19 20:49:04 1324 1

原创 x264 - x264_mb_analyse_inter_p16x16

static void x264_mb_analyse_inter_p16x16( x264_t *h, x264_mb_analysis_t *a ){    x264_me_t m;    int i_mvc;    ALIGNED_4( int16_t mvc[8][2] );    int i_halfpel_thresh = INT_MAX;    int *p_

2014-06-14 13:39:31 1483

原创 x264 - get_ref

static pixel *get_ref( pixel *dst,   intptr_t *i_dst_stride,                       pixel *src[4], intptr_t i_src_stride,                       int mvx, int mvy,                       int i_width

2014-06-12 14:15:44 991

原创 x264 - x264_macroblock_cache_load

1280x720 => w = 80 16x16mbs         => h = 45 16x16mbstotal mbs = 3600Now analysing mb 1, mb_x = 1, mb_y = 0static void ALWAYS_INLINE x264_macroblock_cache_load( x264_t *h, int mb_x, int mb_y,

2014-06-09 14:25:51 1347

原创 x264 - x264_mb_encode_i16x16

/* All encoding functions must output the correct CBP and NNZ values. * The entropy coding functions will check CBP first, then NNZ, before * actually reading the DCT coefficients.  NNZ still must

2014-06-05 10:19:42 1385

原创 x264 - x264_clip_pixel

static ALWAYS_INLINE pixel x264_clip_pixel( int x ){    return ( (x & ~PIXEL_MAX) ? (-x)>>31 & PIXEL_MAX : x );}// 这里假定pixel_bit_depth=8, 那么PIXEL_MAX=255// (x & ~PIXEL_MAX)为真, 表示x作为像素,其值溢出

2014-05-30 10:33:14 1017

原创 x264 - ALIGNED_ARRAY_32

#if HAVE_32B_STACK_ALIGNMENT#define ALIGNED_ARRAY_32( type, name, sub1, ... )\    ALIGNED_32( type name sub1 __VA_ARGS__ )#else#define ALIGNED_ARRAY_32( ... ) EXPAND( ALIGNED_ARRAY_EMU( 31, __

2014-05-29 10:00:46 1111

原创 x264 - x264_pixel_satd_8x4

static NOINLINE int x264_pixel_satd_8x4( pixel *pix1, intptr_t i_pix1, pixel *pix2, intptr_t i_pix2 ){// hadamard4 (Hadamard Ordered)// 1  1  1  1// 1 -1  1 -1// 1  1 -1 -1// 1 -1 -1  1/

2014-05-28 19:31:52 1196

原创 x264 - dct.c

/***************************************************************************** * dct.c: transform and zigzag ***************************************************************************** * Copyr

2013-06-29 18:15:47 2121

原创 x264 - predict.c

/**************************************************************************** * 16x16 prediction for intra luma block ****************************************************************************/

2013-06-27 14:38:12 1337

原创 x264 - x264_frame_init_lowres

void x264_frame_init_lowres( x264_t *h, x264_frame_t *frame ){    pixel *src = frame->plane[0];     // get luma plane    int i_stride = frame->i_stride[0];  // line stride of luma plane    int

2013-06-13 15:28:40 2057

转载 Wave


2018-01-24 18:56:22 518

转载 snow

https://www.cnblogs.com/gccbuaa/p/6842649.htmlShader "shadertoy/Flakes" { // https://www.shadertoy.com/view/4d2Xzc Properties{ iMouse ("Mouse Pos", Vector) = (100,100,0,0) iChann

2018-01-24 18:50:14 473

转载 water ripple shader

https://www.shadertoy.com/view/MsBSz1http://blog.csdn.net/chenxizhibi/article/details/51291930const float timeFactor = 10.0;float ripple(float dist, float rippleIntensity, float rippleScale)

2018-01-24 17:34:21 1105

转载 GLSL shader that draws a Bezier line given four control points

https://vicrucann.github.io/tutorials/bezier-shader/GLSL shader that draws a Bezier line given four control pointsContexthis post is a continuation of one of the previous examples on

2018-01-24 17:14:29 389

转载 Unreal4 VS Unity


2018-01-16 14:47:08 2005

转载 Stencil Shadow Volume

http://ogldev.atspace.co.uk/www/tutorial40/tutorial40.htmlStencil Shadow Volume Background In tutorials 23 & 24 we studied the shadow map technique which is a relatively simple way to g

2018-01-13 21:31:34 332

转载 Parallax Mapping

http://www.cnblogs.com/jim-game-dev/p/5410529.html视差贴图(Parallax Mapping)使用顶点光照的模型,当模型的面数很少的时候,光照效果会显得很奇怪,因为只有顶点上的光照是正确计算出来的,三角面上的光照都是通过硬件插值得到,所以难免会出现问题。基于像素的光照可以很好的改善这个问题。如果想要表现出

2018-01-11 18:47:59 325

转载 ffmpeg compile on android

FFMPEG:请参考FFMPEG官方给出的编译向导:https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/Android在此链接中有编译脚本的集合。下载后解压,将ffmpeg的源代码copy到解压缩目录的ffmpeg文件夹中。按照项目的github的主页上的说明步骤,就能顺利进行。需要注意的是:    1、脚本都是基于Ubunt

2018-01-08 00:44:55 356

转载 RGB to YUV using shader

1down votefavoriteI want to use fragment shader to convert RGB to YUV420P using shader.1,I figured out the coordinates of the current texture color.2,I calculated the 4 Y a

2017-12-31 01:13:43 1393

转载 Uncompressed Y´CbCr Video in QuickTime Files

Uncompressed Y´CbCr Video in QuickTime Fileshttps://developer.apple.com/library/content/technotes/tn2162/_index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS40013070-CH1-TNTAG8-V210__4_2_2_COMPRESSION_TYPE

2017-12-30 18:24:02 602

转载 YUV 422 10bit

http://adec.altervista.org/blog/yuv-422-v210-10-bit-packed-decoder-in-glsl/?doing_wp_cron=1514628553.2152769565582275390625YUV 4:2:2 v210 10-bit packed decoder in GLSLPosted on 201

2017-12-30 18:20:14 4694

转载 yuv 10 bits to 8bits

For 8 bit: Y range is [16..235] and U/V range is [16..240] For 10 bit: Y range is [64..940] and U/V range is [64..960] So shifting each component value 2 bits to right will provide correct con

2017-12-30 16:49:47 819

转载 YUVTools

http://www.sunrayimage.com/faq.htmlHome/ FAQFrequently Asked Questions About YUVTools:What's sampling format ?What's interlace/progressive format?What's pixel

2017-12-30 10:43:14 1251

转载 Conversion between quaternions and Euler angles

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conversion_between_quaternions_and_Euler_anglesFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search Spatial rotations in three dimension

2017-12-28 19:33:40 980

转载 A Simple Quaternion-based Camera

https://www.gamedev.net/articles/programming/math-and-physics/a-simple-quaternion-based-camera-r1997I looked through a thousand web pages for a good quaternion camera tutorial, and I could not f

2017-12-28 19:23:47 256

转载 三维旋转-旋转矩阵 欧拉角 四元数

http://www.cnblogs.com/yiyezhai/p/3176725.html原文见我的博客主站,欢迎大家过去评论。如何描述三维空间中刚体的旋转,是个有趣的问题。具体地说,就是刚体上的任意一个点P(x, y, z)围绕过原点的轴(i, j, k)旋转θ,求旋转后的点P\'(x\', y\', z\')。旋转矩阵旋转矩阵乘以点P的齐次坐标,得到旋

2017-12-28 10:45:12 630

转载 Quaternion and Euler Angle


2017-12-28 10:33:52 1364

转载 Unreal Engine 4 C++ Camera Pitch Yaw Roll

Unreal Engine 4 C++ Camera Pitch Yaw Rollhttp://blog.csdn.net/qq_20309931/article/details/53375517Unreal Engine 4 C Camera Pitch Yaw Roll 直观理解摄像机旋转概述根据Pitch旋转

2017-12-28 10:07:32 511

转载 Yaw Pitch and Roll Rotations

http://planning.cs.uiuc.edu/node102.htmlYaw Pitch and Roll RotationsA 3D body can be rotated about three orthogonal axes, as shown inFigure3.8. Borrowing aviation terminology,

2017-12-28 10:01:34 430

转载 离屏渲染(Pbuffer)


2017-12-22 11:53:35 5782 1

转载 pbuffer vs fbo in egl offscreen rendering

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28817777/pbuffer-vs-fbo-in-egl-offscreen-renderingI'm very confused at egl pbuffer surface. In my opinion, a pbuffer surface is a platform

2017-12-22 11:29:34 1070

转载 Normal Mapping

http://ogldev.atspace.co.uk/www/tutorial26/tutorial26.htmlTutorial 26: Normal Mapping Background Our lighting technique results are not too bad. The light is nicely interpolated over t

2017-12-11 01:08:33 1077

转载 Shadow Mapping

http://ogldev.atspace.co.uk/www/tutorial24/tutorial24.htmlTutorial 24: Shadow Mapping - Part 2 Background In the previous tutorial we learned the basic principle behind the shadow mapp

2017-12-10 23:59:12 228

转载 Order Independent Transparency

www.openglsuperbible.com/2013/08/20/is-order-independent-transparency-really-necessary/Order Independent TransparencyPosted on August 20, 2013 by grahamComments Off on Orde

2017-12-08 17:38:34 834

转载 OpenGL Blending

https://learnopengl.com/#!Advanced-OpenGL/BlendingBlendingAdvanced-OpenGL/BlendingBlending in OpenGL is also commonly known as the technique to implement transparency within objects. Tra

2017-12-08 17:12:12 279

转载 OpenGL Depth and Stencil Test

https://open.gl/depthstencilsExtra buffersUp until now there is only one type of output buffer you've made use of, the color buffer. This chapter will discuss two additional types, thede

2017-12-07 17:52:57 550

转载 OpenGL 4.0的Tessellation Shader(细分曲面着色器)

http://www.cnblogs.com/zenny-chen/p/4280100.html细分曲面着色器(Tessellation Shader)处于顶点着色器阶段的下一个阶段,我们可以看以下链接的OpenGL渲染流水线的图:https://www.opengl.org/wiki/Rendering_Pipeline_Overview(可能需要FQ)。它是由ATI在2001年

2017-12-06 18:01:50 1900

转载 Triangle Tessellation with OpenGL 4.0

Triangle Tessellation with OpenGL 4.0http://prideout.net/blog/?p=48Triangle Tessellation with OpenGL 4.0Reviewing Geometry ShadersThe New OpenGL 4.0+ PipelineInner and Outer

2017-12-06 17:28:16 213

转载 OpenGL Partical System by Transform Feedback

使用OpenGL的变换反馈(transform feedback)构造粒子系统粒子系统是三维计算机图形学中用来模拟火,爆炸,雾,雪,流行尾迹或者发光轨迹等视觉效果的技术。粒子系统模拟这些现象的步奏简单的分为以下两步:  1. 更新每个粒子的属性,如粒子的颜色、速度,位置等。  2. 渲染粒子。采用billboard和纹理渲染粒子对象。  粒子系统负责管理粒子的个数和属性,当

2017-12-05 16:43:52 258

嵌入式系统Linux内核开发实战指南 ARM平台 王洪辉.7z.003

王洪辉 潜心力作-嵌入式Linux开发 ARM 平台。pdf 文档, 被分割成三部分压缩。这是第三部分。


A First Course on Wavelets

Eugenio Hernandez graduated from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in 1977 and obtained his Ph.D. degree from Washington University in St. Louis in 1981. He has been a member of the faculty of the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid since 1982 and is now Professor of Mathematics. During the academic year 1987-88 Dr. Hernandez was a Fulbright Fellow and a member of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, California. He was a visiting professor at Washington University in St. Louis in 1994-95. His research interests lie in the areas of the theory of interpolation of operators, weighted inequalities, and most recently, in the theory of wavelets. Guido Weiss obtained his undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Chicago, receiving his Ph.D. degree in 1956. He served on the faculty at DePaul University from 1955 to 1960, and joined the faculty of Washington University in 1960 where he is now the Elinor Anheuser Professor of Mathematics. During the past 35 years he has had leaves of absence that have allowed him to be visiting professor in several different institutions: the Sorbonne, the University of Geneva, the University of Paris in Orsay, the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, California (in each case for an academic year). He also was visiting professor during semester academic leave at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Peking University, Beijing Normal University, and the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. His research involves a broad area of mathematical analysis, particularly harmonic analysis. Some of his work, especially his contributions to the atomic and molecular characterizations of certain function spaces (particularly the Hardy spaces), is closely related to the theory of wavelets, a subject that has commanded his attention during the last few years. He has been awarded several honorsamong them the Chauvenet Prize and honorary degrees from Beijing Normal University, the University of Milano, and the University of Barcelona.


VC-1 and H.264 video compression standards for broadband video services

The VC-1 and H.264 video compression standards for broadband video services pdf document, mpeg4 and h.264 classical english instruction book.


aes encrypt source code

aes cbc encrypt and decrypt source code from openssl source code.


x264 h264_find_frame_end flow diagram

x264 h264_find_frame_end state transfer diagram with visio format


ffmpeg analyse document

ffmpeg analyse document, including flow diagram in visio format.


Head First Design Patterns (English Edition)

Head First Design Patterns (English Edition), clear pdf document.



数字图像处理第二版(冈萨雷斯)习题答案 pdf document.


Android 技术内幕.系统卷

Android 技术内幕.系统卷, pdf document, 作者:杨丰盛 2011-05


OpenCV 2 Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook

OpenCV 2 Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook, including pdf document and source code.


Mastering OpenCV with Practical Computer Vision Projects (full version)

Mastering OpenCV with Practical Computer Vision Projects (full version) - by Daniel Lélis Baggio etc, pdf document.


Learning OpenCV

Learning OpenCV - by Gary Bradski and Adrian Kaehler, pdf document


OpenGL Programming Guide 8th Edition - 2013

OpenGL Programming Guide 8th Edition - 2013, pdf document



OPENCL异构计算, 中文, pdf 文档。 作者:Benedict Gaster 等


Heterogeneous Computing with OpenCL

Heterogeneous Computing with OpenCL, english, pdf document.


Network Programming for Microsoft Windows, 2nd Edition

Network Programming for Microsoft Windows, 2nd Edition, English. chm document


Windows via CC++ 5th edition

Windows via CC++ 5th edition, english. chm document



H264 And MPEG4 Video Compression Video Coding For Next Generation Multimedia pdf document


Discrete-Time Signal Processing 3rd edition (oppenheim)

Discrete-Time Signal Processing 3rd edition (oppenheim) pdf document, about 70M size.


Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual

Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual pdf document, 33M size.


H264Visa-1.15 cracked version

H264 codec stream analyse softwore version 1.15 cracked


source code of many av codecs

a source code tarball of all kinds of audio/video encode/decode for convenient download, including aacplus, fdk-aac, amrnb, amrwb, ogg, vorbis, xvidcore, vpx, bluray etc.


mpeg4ip source code

mpeg4ip can be used to generate track hint for mp4 file, this is a must for Darwin Streaming Server. mpeg4ip source code and SDL source code for convenient download. The SDL is a must for Configure and compile mpeg4ip. Additionally, The libtool is also a must, but it can be install by apt-get install libtool on ubuntu. For pass the compiling, you need process the compiling error manually when compiling mpeg4ip.


hevc-h265 draft specification

latest HEVC (H265) draft specification pdf document.



HEVC (H265) test model source code 10 for convenient download


HEVC test model source code 1.0

HEVC (h265) test model source code 1.0 for convenient download.


Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision

Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision (Richard Hartley 2nd Edition) clear pdf document


Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision

Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision (Sonka 3rd Edition 2007) clear pdf document


Computer Vision-A Modern Approach

Computer Vision-A Modern Approach (D.A Forsyth) original edition clear pdf document


Computer Vision Algorithms and Applications

Computer Vision Algorithms and Applications (Richard Szeliski 09-2010) original version clear pdf document


The Scientist and Engineer's and Guide to Digital Signal Processing.pdf

Digital Signal Processing is one of the most powerful technologies that will shape science and engineering in the twenty-first century. Revolutionary changes have already been made in a broad range of fields: communications, medical imaging, radar & sonar, high fidelity music reproduction, and oil prospecting, to name just a few. Each of these areas has developed a deep DSP technology, with its own algorithms, mathematics, and specialized techniques. This combination of breath and depth makes it impossible for any one individual to master all of the DSP technology that has been developed. DSP education involves two tasks: learning general concepts that apply to the field as a whole, and learning specialized techniques for your particular area of interest. This chapter starts our journey into the world of Digital Signal Processing by describing the dramatic effect that DSP has made in several diverse fields.


High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) - Algorithms and Architectures

This book provides developers, engineers, researchers and students with detailed knowledge about the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard. HEVC is the successor to the widely successful H.264/AVC video compression standard, and it provides around twice as much compression as H.264/AVC for the same level of quality.


High Efficiency Video Coding - Coding Tools and Specification

The video coding standard High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) targets at improved compression performance for video resolutions of HD and beyond, providing Ultra HD video at similar compressed bit rates as for HD video encoded with the well-established video coding standard H.264/AVC. Based on known concepts, new coding structures and improved coding tools have been developed and specified in HEVC.


Machine Learning - The Art and Science of Algorithms that Make Sense of Data

Machine Learning: Making Sense of Data - Peter Flach (University of Bristol)



Summary Recommendation ITU-T H.264 | International Standard ISO/IEC 14496-10 represents an evolution of the existing video coding standards (ITU-T H.261, ITU-T H.262, and ITU-T H.263) and it was developed in response to the growing need for higher compression of moving pictures for various applications such as videoconferencing, digital storage media, television broadcasting, Internet streaming, and communication. It is also designed to enable the use of the coded video representation in a flexible manner for a wide variety of network environments. The use of this Recommendation | International Standard allows motion video to be manipulated as a form of computer data and to be stored on various storage media, transmitted and received over existing and future networks and distributed on existing and future broadcasting channels.



Rec. ITU-T H.265 v2 (10/2014) i Recommendation ITU-T H.265 High efficiency video coding Summary Recommendation ITU-T H.265 | International Standard ISO/IEC 23008-2 represents an evolution of the existing video coding Recommendations (ITU-T H.261, ITU-T H.262, ITU-T H.263 and ITU-T H.264) and was developed in response to the growing need for higher compression of moving pictures for various applications such as Internet streaming, communication, videoconferencing, digital storage media and television broadcasting. It is also designed to enable the use of the coded video representation in a flexible manner for a wide variety of network environments. The use of this Recommendation | International Standard allows motion video to be manipulated as a form of computer data and to be stored on various storage media, transmitted and received over existing and future networks and distributed on existing and future broadcasting channels. This Recommendation | International Standard was developed jointly with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11 (MPEG) and corresponds in a technically aligned manner to ISO/IEC 23008-2.


Voice over IP Fundamentals

This book is designed to provide information about Voice over IP. Every effort has been made to make this book as complete and as accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied.



ISO the International Organization for Standardization and IEC the International Electrotechnical Commission form the specialized system for worldwide standardization National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest Other international organizations governmental and non governmental in liaison with ISO and IEC also take part in the work In the field of information technology ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee ISO IEC JTC 1 ">ISO the International Organization for Standardization and IEC the International Electrotechnical Commission form the specialized system for worldwide standardization National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical commi [更多]


嵌入式系统Linux内核开发实战指南 ARM平台 王洪辉.7z.002

王洪辉 潜心力作-嵌入式Linux开发 ARM 平台。pdf 文档, 被分割成三部分压缩。这是第二部分。


嵌入式系统Linux内核开发实战指南 ARM平台 王洪辉.7z.001

王洪辉 潜心力作-嵌入式Linux开发 ARM 平台。pdf 文档, 被分割成三部分压缩。这是第一部分。



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