
Caffe源码(caffe version commit: 09868ac , date: 2015.08.15)中有一些重要的头文件,这里介绍下include/caffe/net.hpp文件的内容:

1.      include文件:






2.      类Net:


Net是由一系列层组成的有向五环(DAG)计算图,Caffe保留了计算图中所有的中间值以确保前向和反向迭代的准确性。一个典型的Net开始于data layer------从磁盘中加载数据,终止于loss layer------计算分类和重构这些任务的目标函数。












Loss weights:对于含有多个损失层的网络(例如,一个网络使用一个softMaxWithLoss输入分类并使用EuclideanLoss层进行重构),损失权值可以被用来指定它们之间的相对重要性。

按照惯例,有着Loss后缀的Caffe层对损失函数有贡献,其它层被假定仅仅用于中间计算。然而,通过在层定义中添加一个loss_weight:<float>字段到由该层的top blob,任何层都可以作为一个loss。对于带后缀Loss的层来说,其对于该层的第一个top blob含有一个隐式的loss_weight:1;其它层对应于所有top blob有一个隐式的loss_weight: 0。






#ifndef CAFFE_NET_HPP_
#define CAFFE_NET_HPP_

#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "caffe/blob.hpp"
#include "caffe/common.hpp"
#include "caffe/layer.hpp"
#include "caffe/proto/caffe.pb.h"
#include "caffe/layer_factory.hpp"

namespace caffe {

// 在图论中,如果一个有向图从任意顶点出发无法经过若干条边回到该点,则这个图是一个有向无环图(DAG图)
 * @brief Connects Layer%s together into a directed acyclic graph (DAG)
 *        specified by a NetParameter.
 * TODO(dox): more thorough description.
template <typename Dtype>
class Net {
// 显示构造函数,内部调用Init函数
  explicit Net(const NetParameter& param, const Net* root_net = NULL);
  explicit Net(const string& param_file, Phase phase, const Net* root_net = NULL);
// 虚析构函数
  virtual ~Net() {}

  /// @brief Initialize a network with a NetParameter.
// Net初始化:创建blobs和layers以搭建整个网络DAG图,以及调用layer的SetUp函数,
// 初始化时也会做另一些记录,例如确认整个网络结构的正确与否等,
// 另外,初始化期间,Net会打印其初始化日志到INFO信息中
  void Init(const NetParameter& param);

   * @brief Run Forward with the input Blob%s already fed separately.
   * You can get the input blobs using input_blobs().
// 前向传播,以下相关的前向传播函数,内部最终均会调用ForwardFromTo函数
  const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& ForwardPrefilled(Dtype* loss = NULL);
   * The From and To variants of Forward and Backward operate on the
   * (topological) ordering by which the net is specified. For general DAG
   * networks, note that (1) computing from one layer to another might entail
   * extra computation on unrelated branches, and (2) computation starting in
   * the middle may be incorrect if all of the layers of a fan-in are not
   * included.
  Dtype ForwardFromTo(int start, int end);
  Dtype ForwardFrom(int start);
  Dtype ForwardTo(int end);
  /// @brief Run forward using a set of bottom blobs, and return the result.
  const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& Forward(const vector<Blob<Dtype>* > & bottom, Dtype* loss = NULL);
   * @brief Run forward using a serialized BlobProtoVector and return the
   *        result as a serialized BlobProtoVector
  string Forward(const string& input_blob_protos, Dtype* loss = NULL);

   * @brief Zeroes out the diffs of all net parameters.
   *        Should be run before Backward.
// 对Net中的所有diff_数据清零
  void ClearParamDiffs();

   * The network backward should take no input and output, since it solely
   * computes the gradient w.r.t the parameters, and the data has already been
   * provided during the forward pass.
// 反向传播,以下相关的反向传播函数,内部最终均会调用BackwardFromTo函数
  void Backward();
  void BackwardFromTo(int start, int end);
  void BackwardFrom(int start);
  void BackwardTo(int end);

   * @brief Reshape all layers from bottom to top.
   * This is useful to propagate changes to layer sizes without running
   * a forward pass, e.g. to compute output feature size.
// 调整layes shape
  void Reshape();

// 前向反向传播
  Dtype ForwardBackward(const vector<Blob<Dtype>* > & bottom) {
    Dtype loss;
    Forward(bottom, &loss);
    return loss;

  /// @brief Updates the network weights based on the diff values computed.
// 更新Net权值和偏置
  void Update();
   * @brief Shares weight data of owner blobs with shared blobs.
   * Note: this is called by Net::Init, and thus should normally not be
   * called manually.
// 共享权值和偏置数据
  void ShareWeights();

   * @brief For an already initialized net, implicitly copies (i.e., using no
   *        additional memory) the pre-trained layers from another Net.
// 从另一个Net拷贝train layers
  void ShareTrainedLayersWith(const Net* other);
  // For an already initialized net, CopyTrainedLayersFrom() copies the already
  // trained layers from another net parameter instance.
   * @brief For an already initialized net, copies the pre-trained layers from
   *        another Net.
// 从另一个Net拷贝train layers,加载已训练好的模型
  void CopyTrainedLayersFrom(const NetParameter& param);
  void CopyTrainedLayersFrom(const string trained_filename);
  void CopyTrainedLayersFromBinaryProto(const string trained_filename);
  void CopyTrainedLayersFromHDF5(const string trained_filename);
  /// @brief Writes the net to a proto.
// 写Net到NetParameter
  void ToProto(NetParameter* param, bool write_diff = false) const;
  /// @brief Writes the net to an HDF5 file.
// 写Net weights到HDF5文件
  void ToHDF5(const string& filename, bool write_diff = false) const;

  /// @brief returns the network name.
// 获得Net名
  inline const string& name() const { return name_; }
  /// @brief returns the layer names
// 获得所有layer名
  inline const vector<string>& layer_names() const { return layer_names_; }
  /// @brief returns the blob names
// 获得blob名
  inline const vector<string>& blob_names() const { return blob_names_; }
  /// @brief returns the blobs
// 获得blob
  inline const vector<shared_ptr<Blob<Dtype> > >& blobs() const { return blobs_; }
  /// @brief returns the layers
// 获得layer
  inline const vector<shared_ptr<Layer<Dtype> > >& layers() const { return layers_; }
  /// @brief returns the phase: TRAIN or TEST
// 获得Net phase状态:train or test
  inline Phase phase() const { return phase_; }
   * @brief returns the bottom vecs for each layer -- usually you won't
   *        need this unless you do per-layer checks such as gradients.
// 获得每一个layer的bottom vector
  inline const vector<vector<Blob<Dtype>*> >& bottom_vecs() const { return bottom_vecs_; }
   * @brief returns the top vecs for each layer -- usually you won't
   *        need this unless you do per-layer checks such as gradients.
// 获得每一个layer的top vector
  inline const vector<vector<Blob<Dtype>*> >& top_vecs() const { return top_vecs_; }
  inline const vector<vector<bool> >& bottom_need_backward() const { return bottom_need_backward_; }
  inline const vector<Dtype>& blob_loss_weights() const { return blob_loss_weights_; }
  inline const vector<bool>& layer_need_backward() const { return layer_need_backward_; }
  /// @brief returns the parameters
// 获得各种参数值
  inline const vector<shared_ptr<Blob<Dtype> > >& params() const { return params_; }
  inline const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& learnable_params() const { return learnable_params_; }
  /// @brief returns the learnable parameter learning rate multipliers
  inline const vector<float>& params_lr() const { return params_lr_; }
  inline const vector<bool>& has_params_lr() const { return has_params_lr_; }
  /// @brief returns the learnable parameter decay multipliers
  inline const vector<float>& params_weight_decay() const { return params_weight_decay_; }
  inline const vector<bool>& has_params_decay() const { return has_params_decay_; }
  const map<string, int>& param_names_index() const { return param_names_index_; }
  inline const vector<int>& param_owners() const { return param_owners_; }
  /// @brief Input and output blob numbers
// input blob数目
  inline int num_inputs() const { return net_input_blobs_.size(); }
// output blob数目
  inline int num_outputs() const { return net_output_blobs_.size(); }
  inline const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& input_blobs() const { return net_input_blobs_; }
  inline const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& output_blobs() const { return net_output_blobs_; }
  inline const vector<int>& input_blob_indices() const { return net_input_blob_indices_; }
  inline const vector<int>& output_blob_indices() const { return net_output_blob_indices_; }
  bool has_blob(const string& blob_name) const;
  const shared_ptr<Blob<Dtype> > blob_by_name(const string& blob_name) const;
  bool has_layer(const string& layer_name) const;
  const shared_ptr<Layer<Dtype> > layer_by_name(const string& layer_name) const;

// 设置是否显示debug info
  void set_debug_info(const bool value) { debug_info_ = value; }

  // Helpers for Init.
   * @brief Remove layers that the user specified should be excluded given the current
   *        phase, level, and stage.
// 移除指定的layers
  static void FilterNet(const NetParameter& param, NetParameter* param_filtered);
  /// @brief return whether NetState state meets NetStateRule rule
  static bool StateMeetsRule(const NetState& state, const NetStateRule& rule, const string& layer_name);

  // Helpers for Init.
  /// @brief Append a new input or top blob to the net.
// 追加top blob
  void AppendTop(const NetParameter& param, const int layer_id,
                 const int top_id, set<string>* available_blobs,
                 map<string, int>* blob_name_to_idx);
  /// @brief Append a new bottom blob to the net.
// 追加bottom blob
  int AppendBottom(const NetParameter& param, const int layer_id,
                   const int bottom_id, set<string>* available_blobs,
                   map<string, int>* blob_name_to_idx);
  /// @brief Append a new parameter blob to the net.
// 追加blob参数
  void AppendParam(const NetParameter& param, const int layer_id, const int param_id);

// 显示debug info
  /// @brief Helper for displaying debug info in Forward about input Blobs.
  void InputDebugInfo(const int layer_id);
  /// @brief Helper for displaying debug info in Forward.
  void ForwardDebugInfo(const int layer_id);
  /// @brief Helper for displaying debug info in Backward.
  void BackwardDebugInfo(const int layer_id);
  /// @brief Helper for displaying debug info in Update.
  void UpdateDebugInfo(const int param_id);

// Caffe中类的成员变量名都带有后缀"_",这样就容易区分临时变量和类成员变量
  /// @brief The network name
  string name_; // Net名
  /// @brief The phase: TRAIN or TEST
  Phase phase_; // Net Phase状态:train or test
  /// @brief Individual layers in the net
  vector<shared_ptr<Layer<Dtype> > > layers_; // layers
  vector<string> layer_names_; // layers名
  map<string, int> layer_names_index_; // layers 索引
  vector<bool> layer_need_backward_; // 指定layers是否需要backward
  /// @brief the blobs storing intermediate results between the layer.
  vector<shared_ptr<Blob<Dtype> > > blobs_; // 存储每一个layer产生的中间结果
  vector<string> blob_names_; // blobs名
  map<string, int> blob_names_index_; // blobs 索引
  vector<bool> blob_need_backward_; // 指定blobs是否需要backward
  /// bottom_vecs stores the vectors containing the input for each layer.
  /// They don't actually host the blobs (blobs_ does), so we simply store pointers.
  vector<vector<Blob<Dtype>*> > bottom_vecs_; // 存储每一个layer input bottom blobs 指针
  vector<vector<int> > bottom_id_vecs_; // 存储每一个bottom blobs id
  vector<vector<bool> > bottom_need_backward_; // 指定bottom blobs是否需要backward
  /// top_vecs stores the vectors containing the output for each layer
  vector<vector<Blob<Dtype>*> > top_vecs_; // 存储每一个layer output top blobs 指针
  vector<vector<int> > top_id_vecs_; // 存储每一个layer output top blobs id
  /// Vector of weight in the loss (or objective) function of each net blob,
  /// indexed by blob_id.
  vector<Dtype> blob_loss_weights_; // layer 的loss函数值
  vector<vector<int> > param_id_vecs_; // 
  vector<int> param_owners_;
  vector<string> param_display_names_;
  vector<pair<int, int> > param_layer_indices_;
  map<string, int> param_names_index_;
  /// blob indices for the input and the output of the net
  vector<int> net_input_blob_indices_;
  vector<int> net_output_blob_indices_;
  vector<Blob<Dtype>*> net_input_blobs_;
  vector<Blob<Dtype>*> net_output_blobs_;
  /// The parameters in the network.
  vector<shared_ptr<Blob<Dtype> > > params_; // 
  vector<Blob<Dtype>*> learnable_params_;
   * The mapping from params_ -> learnable_params_: we have
   * learnable_param_ids_.size() == params_.size(),
   * and learnable_params_[learnable_param_ids_[i]] == params_[i].get()
   * if and only if params_[i] is an "owner"; otherwise, params_[i] is a sharer
   * and learnable_params_[learnable_param_ids_[i]] gives its owner.
  vector<int> learnable_param_ids_;
  /// the learning rate multipliers for learnable_params_
  vector<float> params_lr_;
  vector<bool> has_params_lr_;
  /// the weight decay multipliers for learnable_params_
  vector<float> params_weight_decay_;
  vector<bool> has_params_decay_;
  /// The bytes of memory used by this net
  size_t memory_used_;
  /// Whether to compute and display debug info for the net.
  bool debug_info_; // 是否显示debug info
  /// The root net that actually holds the shared layers in data parallelism
  const Net* const root_net_;

// 禁止使用Net类的拷贝和赋值操作

}  // namespace caffe

#endif  // CAFFE_NET_HPP_
在caffe.proto文件中,主要有一个message是与net 相关的,如下:

message NetParameter { // Net参数
  optional string name = 1; // consider giving the network a name,Net名
  // The input blobs to the network.
  repeated string input = 3; // Net的输入blobs
  // The shape of the input blobs.
  repeated BlobShape input_shape = 8; // 输入blobs的shape

  // 4D input dimensions -- deprecated.  Use "shape" instead.
  // If specified, for each input blob there should be four
  // values specifying the num, channels, height and width of the input blob.
  // Thus, there should be a total of (4 * #input) numbers.
  repeated int32 input_dim = 4; // 输入blobs的维度,已被废弃,推荐用BlobShape代替

  // Whether the network will force every layer to carry out backward operation.
  // If set False, then whether to carry out backward is determined
  // automatically according to the net structure and learning rates.
  optional bool force_backward = 5 [default = false]; // 是否每一层都需要执行反向操作
  // The current "state" of the network, including the phase, level, and stage.
  // Some layers may be included/excluded depending on this state and the states
  // specified in the layers' include and exclude fields.
  optional NetState state = 6; // Net三种状态:Phase、level、stage

  // Print debugging information about results while running Net::Forward,
  // Net::Backward, and Net::Update.
  optional bool debug_info = 7 [default = false]; // 是否打印Net的前向、反向、更新的结果

  // The layers that make up the net.  Each of their configurations, including
  // connectivity and behavior, is specified as a LayerParameter.
  repeated LayerParameter layer = 100;  // ID 100 so layers are printed last. layer参数

  // DEPRECATED: use 'layer' instead.
  repeated V1LayerParameter layers = 2; // 已被废弃,用LayerParameter代替
net 的测试代码如下:

#include "funset.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include "common.hpp"

int test_caffe_net2()
	caffe::Caffe::set_mode(caffe::Caffe::CPU); // set run caffe mode

	// reference: caffe/src/caffe/test/test_net.cpp
	std::string prototxt{ "E:/GitCode/Caffe_Test/test_data/model/test_net_8.prototxt" };
	caffe::Phase phase = caffe::Phase::TRAIN;

	// 1. Net(const string& param_file, Phase phase, const Net* root_net = NULL)
	boost::shared_ptr<caffe::Net<float>> net(new caffe::Net<float>(prototxt, phase, nullptr));


		std::vector<caffe::Blob<float>*> bottom;
		// 2. Dtype ForwardBackward(const vector<Blob<Dtype>* > & bottom)
		float loss = net->ForwardBackward(bottom);
		fprintf(stderr, "loss: %f\n", loss);

		// 3. Dtype ForwardFromTo(int start, int end)
		float loss = net->ForwardFromTo(0, net->layers().size() - 1);
		// 4. void BackwardFromTo(int start, int end)
		net->BackwardFromTo(net->layers().size() - 1, 0);
		fprintf(stderr, "loss: %f\n", loss);

		// 5.  Dtype ForwardTo(int end)
		float loss = net->ForwardTo(net->layers().size() - 2);
		// 6. void BackwardFrom(int start)
		net->BackwardFrom(net->layers().size() - 2);
		fprintf(stderr, "loss: %f\n", loss);

		// 7. Dtype ForwardFrom(int start)
		float loss = net->ForwardFrom(1);
		// 8. void BackwardTo(int end)
		fprintf(stderr, "loss: %f\n", loss);

		// 9. vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& ForwardPrefilled(Dtype* loss = NULL)
		float loss;
		std::vector<caffe::Blob<float>*> net_output_blobs = net->ForwardPrefilled(&loss);
		// 10. void Backward()
		fprintf(stderr, "net output blobs size: %d; loss: %f\n", net_output_blobs.size(), loss);

		// 11. string Forward(const string& input_blob_protos, Dtype* loss = NULL)
		std::string input_blob_protos{ " " };
		float loss;
		std::string output = net->Forward(input_blob_protos, &loss);
		fprintf(stderr, "output string: %s; loss: %f\n", output.c_str(), loss);

		// 12. vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& Forward(const vector<Blob<Dtype>* > & bottom, Dtype* loss = NULL)
		std::vector<caffe::Blob<float>*> bottom;
		float loss;
		std::vector<caffe::Blob<float>*> net_output_blobs = net->Forward(bottom, &loss);
		fprintf(stderr, "net output blobs size: %d; loss: %f\n", net_output_blobs.size(), loss);

	// 13. void ShareWeights()
	// 14. void Update()
	// 15. void Reshape()
	// 16. void ClearParamDiffs()

	// 17. void CopyTrainedLayersFrom(const NetParameter& param)
	caffe::NetParameter net_param;
	net->ToProto(&net_param, false);

	// 加载已训练好的模型
	// 18. void CopyTrainedLayersFrom(const string trained_filename)
	std::string trained_filename{ " " };
	// 19. void CopyTrainedLayersFromBinaryProto(const string trained_filename)
	// 20. void CopyTrainedLayersFromHDF5(const string trained_filename)

	// 21. void ShareTrainedLayersWith(const Net* other)
	caffe::Net<float> net1(prototxt, phase, nullptr);

	// 22. static void FilterNet(const NetParameter& param, NetParameter* param_filtered)
	caffe::NetParameter param1, param2;
	net->FilterNet(param1, ¶m2);

	// 23. static bool StateMeetsRule(const NetState& state, const NetStateRule& rule, const string& layer_name)
	const caffe::NetState state;
	const caffe::NetStateRule rule;
	const std::string layer_name;
	bool ret = net->StateMeetsRule(state, rule, layer_name);
	fprintf(stderr, "state meet rule: %d\n", ret);

	return 0;

int test_caffe_net1()
	caffe::Caffe::set_mode(caffe::Caffe::CPU); // set run caffe mode

	// reference: caffe/src/caffe/test/test_net.cpp
	std::string prototxt{"E:/GitCode/Caffe_Test/test_data/model/test_net_8.prototxt"}; // 1~8
	caffe::NetParameter param;
	caffe::ReadNetParamsFromTextFileOrDie(prototxt, ¶m);

	// 1. Net(const NetParameter& param, const Net* root_net = NULL)
	boost::shared_ptr<caffe::Net<float>> net(new caffe::Net<float>(param, nullptr));

	// 2. const string& name()
	std::string name = net->name();
	fprintf(stderr, "Net name: %s\n", name.c_str());

	// 3. const vector<string>& layer_names()
	std::vector<std::string> layer_names = net->layer_names();
	fprintf(stderr, "print all layer names: layer size: %d\n", layer_names.size());
	for (auto layer_name : layer_names) {
		fprintf(stderr, "    %s\n", layer_name.c_str());

	// 4. const vector<string>& blob_names()
	std::vector<std::string> blob_names = net->blob_names();
	fprintf(stderr, "print all blob names: blob size:  %d\n", blob_names.size());
	for (auto blob_name : blob_names) {
		fprintf(stderr, "    %s\n", blob_name.c_str());

	// 5. const vector<shared_ptr<Blob<Dtype> > >& blobs()
	std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<caffe::Blob<float>>> blobs = net->blobs();
	fprintf(stderr, "print all blobs dim: blob size: %d\n", blobs.size());
	for (auto blob : blobs) {
		std::vector<int> shape = blob->shape();
		fprintf(stderr, "blob dim: %d, ", shape.size());
		for (auto value : shape) {
			fprintf(stderr, "  %d  ", value);
		fprintf(stderr, "\n");

	// 6. const vector<shared_ptr<Layer<Dtype> > >& layers()
	std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<caffe::Layer<float>>> layers = net->layers();
	fprintf(stderr, "print all layers bottom and top blobs num: layer size: %d\n", layers.size());
	for (const auto layer : layers) {
		fprintf(stderr, "layer type: %s, bottom blob num: %d, top blob num: %d\n",
			layer->type(), layer->ExactNumBottomBlobs(), layer->ExactNumTopBlobs());

	// 7. Phase phase()
	caffe::Phase phase = net->phase();
	fprintf(stderr, "net phase: %d\n", phase);

	// 8. const vector<vector<Blob<Dtype>*> >& bottom_vecs()
	std::vector<std::vector<caffe::Blob<float>*>> bottom_vecs = net->bottom_vecs();
	fprintf(stderr, "print layer bottom blob: layer size: %d\n", bottom_vecs.size());
	for (auto layer : bottom_vecs) {
		for (auto blob : layer) {
			fprintf(stderr, "layer blob shape: %s\n", (blob->shape_string()).c_str());

	// 9. const vector<vector<Blob<Dtype>*> >& top_vecs()
	std::vector<std::vector<caffe::Blob<float>*>> top_vecs = net->top_vecs();
	fprintf(stderr, "print layer top blol: layer size: %d\n", top_vecs.size());
	for (auto layer : top_vecs) {
		for (const auto blob : layer) {
			fprintf(stderr, "layer top shape: %s\n", (blob->shape_string()).c_str());

	// 10. const vector<vector<bool> >& bottom_need_backward()
	std::vector<std::vector<bool>> bottom_need_backward = net->bottom_need_backward();
	fprintf(stderr, "print bottom need backward info: layer size: %d\n", bottom_need_backward.size());
	for (auto layer : bottom_need_backward) {
		for (auto flag : layer) {
			fprintf(stderr, "  %s  ", flag ? "true" : "false");
		fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");

	// 11. const vector<Dtype>& blob_loss_weights()
	std::vector<float> blob_loss_weights = net->blob_loss_weights();
	fprintf(stderr, "print blob loss weights: blob size: %d\n", blob_loss_weights.size());
	for (auto weight : blob_loss_weights) {
		fprintf(stderr, "weight: %f\n", weight);

	// 12. const vector<bool>& layer_need_backward()
	std::vector<bool> layer_need_backward = net->layer_need_backward();
	fprintf(stderr, "print layer need backward: layer size: %d\n", layer_need_backward.size());
	for (auto flag : layer_need_backward) {
		fprintf(stderr, "layer need backward: %s\n", flag ? "true" : "false");

	// 13. const vector<shared_ptr<Blob<Dtype> > >& params()
	std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<caffe::Blob<float>>> params = net->params();
	fprintf(stderr, "print net params info: blob size: %d\n", params.size());
	for (auto blob : params) {
		fprintf(stderr, "blob shape: %s\n", blob->shape_string().c_str());

	// 14. const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& learnable_params()
	std::vector<caffe::Blob<float>*> learnable_params = net->learnable_params();
	fprintf(stderr, "print learnable params info: blob size: %d\n", learnable_params.size());
	for (const auto blob : learnable_params) {
		fprintf(stderr, "blob shape: %s\n", blob->shape_string().c_str());

	// 15. const vector<float>& params_lr()
	std::vector<float> params_lr = net->params_lr();
	fprintf(stderr, "print learnable rate info: size: %d\n", params_lr.size());
	for (auto value : params_lr) {
		fprintf(stderr, "learnable rate: %f\n", value);

	// 16. const vector<bool>& has_params_lr()
	std::vector<bool> has_params_lr = net->has_params_lr();
	fprintf(stderr, "print has learnable rate info: size: %d\n", has_params_lr.size());
	for (auto flag : has_params_lr) {
		fprintf(stderr, "has learnable rate: %s\n", flag ? "true" : "false");

	// 17. const vector<float>& params_weight_decay()
	std::vector<float> params_weight_decay = net->params_weight_decay();
	fprintf(stderr, "print weight decay info: size: %d\n", params_weight_decay.size());
	for (auto value : params) {
		fprintf(stderr, "weight decay: %f\n", value);

	// 18. const vector<bool>& has_params_decay()
	std::vector<bool> has_params_decay = net->has_params_decay();
	fprintf(stderr, "print has decay info: size: %d\n", has_params_decay.size());
	for (auto value : has_params_decay) {
		fprintf(stderr, "has decay: %s\n", value ? "true" : "false");

	// 19. const map<string, int>& param_names_index()
	const std::map<std::string, int> param_names_index = net->param_names_index();
	fprintf(stderr, "print param names index info: size: %d\n", param_names_index.size());
	auto it = param_names_index.begin();
	while (it != param_names_index.end()) {
		fprintf(stderr, "param names index: %s : %d\n", it->first.c_str(), it->second);

	// 20. const vector<int>& param_owners()
	std::vector<int> param_owers = net->param_owners();
	fprintf(stderr, "print param owers info: size: %d\n", param_owers.size());
	for (auto value : param_owers) {
		fprintf(stderr, "param owers: %d\n", value);

	// 21. int num_inputs() const
	int num_inputs = net->num_inputs();
	fprintf(stderr, "num inputs: %d\n", num_inputs);

	// 22. int num_outputs() const
	int num_outputs = net->num_outputs();
	fprintf(stderr, "num outputs: %d\n", num_outputs);

	// 23. const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& input_blobs()
	const std::vector<caffe::Blob<float>*> input_blobs = net->input_blobs();
	fprintf(stderr, "print input blobs info: %d\n", input_blobs.size());
	for (auto blob : input_blobs) {
		fprintf(stderr, "input blob shape: %s\n", blob->shape_string().c_str());

	// 24. const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& output_blobs()
	const std::vector<caffe::Blob<float>*> output_blobs = net->output_blobs();
	fprintf(stderr, "print output blobs info: %d\n", output_blobs.size());
	for (auto blob : output_blobs) {
		fprintf(stderr, "output blob shape: %s\n", blob->shape_string().c_str());

	// 25. const vector<int>& input_blob_indices()
	std::vector<int> input_blob_indices = net->input_blob_indices();
	fprintf(stderr, "print input blob indices info: size: %d\n", input_blob_indices.size());
	for (auto value : input_blob_indices) {
		fprintf(stderr, "input blob indices: %d\n", value);

	// 26. const vector<int>& output_blob_indices()
	std::vector<int> output_blob_indices = net->output_blob_indices();
	fprintf(stderr, "print output blob indices info: size: %d\n", output_blob_indices.size());
	for (auto value : output_blob_indices) {
		fprintf(stderr, "output blob indices: %d\n", value);

	// 27. bool has_blob(const string& blob_name)
	bool has_blob1 = net->has_blob("data");
	bool has_blob2 = net->has_blob("loss");
	fprintf(stderr, "net has blob data: %d, has blob loss: %d\n", has_blob1, has_blob2);

	// 28. const shared_ptr<Blob<Dtype> > blob_by_name
	const std::vector<std::string> blob_by_names{ "innerproduct", "loss" };
	for (auto name : blob_by_names) {
		const boost::shared_ptr<caffe::Blob<float>> blob = net->blob_by_name(name);
		if (blob != nullptr)
			fprintf(stderr, "blob shape: %s\n", blob->shape_string().c_str());
			fprintf(stderr, "unknown blob name: %s\n", name.c_str());

	// 29. bool has_layer(const string& layer_name)
	const std::vector<std::string> has_layers{"innerproduct", "top_loss"};
	for (auto name : has_layers) {
		bool has_layer = net->has_layer(name);
		fprintf(stderr, "has layer %s: %d\n", name.c_str(), has_layer);

	// 30. const shared_ptr<Layer<Dtype> > layer_by_name
	const std::vector<std::string> layer_by_names{ "data", "top_loss" };
	for (auto name : layer_by_names) {
		const boost::shared_ptr<caffe::Layer<float>> layer = net->layer_by_name(name);
		if (layer != nullptr)
			fprintf(stderr, "layer type: %s\n", layer->type());
			fprintf(stderr, "unknown layer name: %s\n", name.c_str());

	// 31. void set_debug_info(const bool value)

	// 32. void ToHDF5(const string& filename, bool write_diff = false)
	// std::string hdf5_name{"E:/GitCode/Caffe_Test/test_data/hdf5.h5"};
	// net->ToHDF5(hdf5_name, false); // Note: some .prototxt will crash

	// 33. void ToProto(NetParameter* param, bool write_diff = false)
	caffe::NetParameter param2;
	net->ToProto(¶m2, false);
	fprintf(stderr, "new net name: %s\n",;

	return 0;


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