Post goods movements with MB_CREATE_GOODS_MOVEMENT


You can use this method to create a material document for a goods movement.

You can only create one material document each time you call up the method.

You can use a simulation function before posting the goods movement to check how the data is updated in the database. The standard system is configured so that the goods movement is posted immediately, without prior simulation.

Ensure that you transfer the data in the same way as it is managed in the database. For example:

  • Material number 18-character with leading zeros
  • Batches with uppercase letters

Ensure that the header data of the material document includes the posting date for all transactions/events listed below. Populate the PSTNG_DATE field (import structure GOODSMVT_HEADER) in the interface BAPI2017_GM_HEAD_01 for this purpose.


From Release ERP2005 onwards, it is possible to populate customers' own fields in database tables using the BAPI, without carrying out a modification.

The enhancements are passed on to the BAPI in a container and can be processed within the BAPI function module.

Technically, this is realized via an extension parameter (ExtensionIn) (see below or tab page 'Tables -> Long Text') .

Authorization check check

In the MM Inventory Management component, the method does not perform any authorization checks.

Note that the system can also check authorization objects of other applications during the posting of a goods movement, depending on the business transaction.


The following information about the material document that is to be created is passed on to the method:

  • A structure with the header data
  • A structure with the code for the movement
  • A table with the item data
  • A table with the serial numbers

The posting is made by the function module MB_CREATE_GOODS_MOVEMENT.


Messages are returned in the Return parameter. The parameter documentation shows the return codes and their meanings.

Further information

The method can only perform your function if no error messages were generated in the Return table. This is the case if the header data and all the items were processed successfully.

Transaction control is not implemented. The calling program therefore has to execute the Commit Work itself after this method has been successfully invoked (in other words, if no errors were reported in the Return parameter).

Which fields must be populated during the various transactions/events?

The following example scenarios illustrate which fields have to be populated for which business transactions/events (code).

There are the following types of transactions/events:

  1. 1. GM_Code 01: Goods receipt for purchase order
  1. 2. GM_Code 02: Goods receipt for production order
  1. 3. GM_Code 03: Goods issue
  1. 4. GM_Code 04: Transfer posting
  1. 5. GM_Code 05: Other goods receipt
  1. 6. GM_Code 06: Reversal of goods movements
  1. 7. GM_Code 07: Subsequent adjustment with regard to a subcontract order

Entering the movement indicator

Depending on the transaction, you must enter the following in the movement indicator field:

  • GM_Code 01 (Goods receipt for purchase order): B
  • GM_Code 02 (Goods receipt for production order): F
  • For all other transactions, leave the field blank.

For 1: GM_Code 01: Goods receipt for purchase order

  • Purchase order known
  • The following fields must be populated:
  • Purchase order
  • Purchase order item
  • Movement type
  • Movement indicator
  • Quantity in unit of entry
  • ISO code unit of measurement for unit of entry or
    quantity proposal
  • The following fields may have to be populated (this is not a complete list):
  • Minimum shelf life expiration date (if set up in the system)
  • Reason for movement (if set up in the system)
  • Batch (if the material is handled in batches and no automatic batch assignment has been set up)
  • Storage location (if no storage location us specified in the purchase order item)
  • The following fields can be populated (this is not a complete list):
  • Stock type
  • Item text
  • Unloading point
  • Delivery completed indicator
  • The following fields must not be populated (this is not a complete list):
  • Account assignment fields (the account assignment is adopted from the purchase order)
  • Reservation
  • Receiving/issuing material
  • Receiving/issuing plant
  • Receiving/issuing storage location
  • In the case of a purchase order item with the item category "subcontracting", only the GR item is to be passed on in the interface. The GI items are determined automatically in the system.
  • Purchase order unknown: Shipping notification known
  • The following fields must be populated:
  • Delivery
  • Delivery item
  • Movement type
  • Other fields as under "Purchase order known". The system determines the relevant purchase order item via the delivery/delivery item.
  • Purchase order unknown: Purchase order is to be created automatically
  • The following fields must be populated:
  • Material number
  • Plant
  • Storage location
  • Vendor
  • Movement type
  • Movement indicator
  • Quantity in unit of entry
  • ISO code unit of measurement for unit of entry
  • The following fields may have to be populated (this is not a complete list):
  • Minimum shelf life expiration date (if set up in the system)
  • Reason for movement (if set up in the system)
  • Batch (if the material is handled in batches and batches are not assigned automatically)
  • The following fields can be populated (this is not a complete list):
  • Stock type
  • Item text
  • Unloading point
  • You cannot populate the following fields (this is not a complete list):
  • Account assignment fields (automatic creation of purchase order items with account assignment is not supported)
  • Reservation
  • Receiving/issuing material
  • Receiving/issuing plant
  • Receiving/issuing storage location
  • Purchase order unknown: A purchase order is not to be created
  • The following fields must be populated:
  • Material number
  • Plant
  • Storage location
  • Vendor
  • Movement type
  • Movement indicator
  • Quantity in unit of entry
  • ISO code unit of measurement for unit of entry
  • The following fields may have to be populated in some cases (this is not a complete list)
  • Minimum shelf life expiration date (if set up in the system)
  • Reason for movement (if set up in the system)
  • Batch (if the material is handled in batches and automatic assignment of batch numbers is not set)
  • The following fields can be populated (this is not a complete list)
  • Special stock indicator
  • Item text
  • Unloading point
  • Goods recipient
  • The following fields cannot be populated (this is not a complete list)
  • Account assignment fields (automatic creation of purchase order items with account assignment is not supported)
  • Reservation
  • Receiving/issuing material
  • Receiving/issuing plant
  • Receiving/issuing storage location
  • Receiving/issuing batch
  • The input combinations listed above for the GM_CODE 01 can be combined within an input table so that they can be posted in a material document. Items can also be posted for different purchase orders, provided that all the purchase orders relate to the same vendor.
  • Transfer of subcontracting components
  • When the end product (ordered material of a subcontract order) is posted using movement type 101, the populated unique identification of the document line (LINE_ID) is additionally needed for the transfer of the subcontracting components.
    More information on LINE_ID and PARENT_ID
  • The following fields must be populated for the components:
  • Unique identification of the document line
  • Identification of the immediately superordinate line
  • Material number
  • Plant
  • Storage location
  • Quantity in unit of entry
  • The following fields can be filled for the components:
  • All other fields in the method that are included in this list.
  • The following fields cannot be populated for the components:
  • All fields that are not included in the list above. The movement indicator must be initial.
  • Additional fields in goods-receipt-based invoice verification
  • When you post a goods receipt to purchase order with movement type 102, an issue with reference to a previously posted goods issue, the following fields must also be transferred:
  • REF_DOC_IT (LFPOS): Item of a reference document
  • REF_DOC (LFBNR): Document number of a reference document
  • REF_DOC_YR (LFBJA): Fiscal year of a reference document
  • Only if you transfer these fields can you be sure that the link to the original goods movement is retained.

For 2 GM_Code 02: Goods receipt for production order

  • The following fields have to be populated:
  • Order
  • Movement type
  • Movement indicator
  • Quantity in unit of entry
  • ISO code unit of measurement for unit of entry or
    quantity proposal
  • The following fields may have to be populated in some cases (this is not a complete list):
  • Minimum shelf life expiration date (if set up in the system)
  • Reason for movement (if set up in the system)
  • Batch (if the material is handled in batches and automatic batch number assignment is not set)
  • Storage location (if storage location has not been specified in the order)
  • The following fields can be populated (this is not a complete list):
  • Order item (co-product)
  • Stock type
  • Item text
  • Unloading point
  • "Delivery completed" indicator
  • The following fields cannot be populated (this is not a complete list):
  • Account assignment fields (the account assignments are adopted from the purchase order)
  • Reservation
  • Receiving/issuing material
  • Receiving/issuing plant
  • Receiving/issuing storage location
  • Receiving/issuing batch

For 3 GM_Code 03: Goods issue

  • Goods issue without reference to a reservation
  • The following fields must be populated:
  • Material number
  • Plant
  • Storage location
  • Movement type
  • Movement indicator
  • Quantity in unit of entry
  • ISO code unit of measurement for unit of entry
  • The following fields may have to be populated in some cases (this is not a complete list):
  • Special stock (e.g. sales order, project, vendor etc.)
  • Minimum shelf life expiration date (if set up in the system)
  • Reason for movement (if set up in the system)
  • Batch (if the material is handled in batches and automatic batch number assignment is not set)
  • Account assignment fields
  • The following fields can be populated (this is not a complete list):
  • Special stock indicator
  • Item text
  • Unloading point
  • Goods recipient
  • The following fields cannot be populated (this is not a complete list):
  • Reservation
  • Receiving/issuing material
  • Receiving/issuing plant
  • Receiving/issuing storage location
  • Receiving/issuing batch
  • Goods issue with reference to a reservation
  • The following fields must to be populated:
  • Reservation number
  • Reservation item
  • Record type of the reservation
  • Movement indicator
  • Quantity in unit of entry
  • ISO code unit of measurement for unit of entry
  • The following fields may have to be populated in some cases (this is not a complete list):
  • Minimum shelf life expiration date (if set up in the system)
  • Reason for movement (if set up in the system)
  • Batch (if the material is handled in batches and automatic batch number assignment is not set)
  • Storage location (if not planned in the reservation)
  • The following fields can be populated (this is not a complete list):
  • Special stock indicator
  • Item text
  • Unloading point
  • Goods recipient
  • The following fields cannot be populated (this is not a complete list):
  • Movement type
  • Material
  • Plant
  • Account assignment fields

For 4 GM_Code 04: Transfer posting

  • Transfer posting without reference to a reservation
  • The following fields must be populated:
  • Material number
  • Plant
  • Storage location
  • Movement type
  • Movement indicator
  • Quantity in unit of entry
  • ISO code unit of measurement for unit of entry
  • The following fields may have to be populated in some cases (this is not a complete list):
  • Receiving material
  • Receiving plant
  • Receiving storage location
  • Receiving batch (if material is handled in batches and you want to change batches)
  • Receiving/issuing special stock (e.g. sales order, project, vendor etc.)
  • Minimum shelf life expiration date (if set up in the system)
  • Reason for movement (if set up in the system)
  • Batch (if the material is handled in batches and automatic batch number assignment is not set)
  • The following fields can be populated (this is not a complete list):
  • Special stock indicator
  • Item text
  • Account assignment fields (for automatic posting lines: expense/income from stock transfer)
  • The following fields cannot be populated (this is not a complete list):
  • Reservation
  • Transfer posting with reference to a reservation
  • See goods issue with reference to a reservation

For 5 GM_Code 05: Other goods receipts

  • Other goods receipt without reference to a reservation
  • See goods issue without reference to a reservation
  • Other goods receipt with reference to a reservation
  • See goods issue with reference to a reservation

For 6 GM_Code 06: Reversal of goods movements

  • You can use the Cancel method to reverse goods movements. But you may also want to cancel a goods movement without referring to a material document (see the Cancel method).
  • If you want to work without referring to the document, you have to populate the BAPI_GM_ITEM_CREATE-XSTOB field in the interface (import table GOODSMVT_ITEM). In this case, the system converts the movement type assigned in the interface to the reversal movement type. Alternatively, you can set the reversal movement type in the interface. In this case, the BAPI_GM_ITEM_CREATE_XSTOB field must be transferred blank.
  • If you want to cancel a goods movement with reference to a reservation (without using the Cancel method) you can only transfer the BAPI_GM_ITEM_CREATE_XSTOB field if it is populated. Movement types are not transferred when you post with reference to a reservation, as the movement type is contained in the reservation item.

For 7. GM_Code 07: Subsequent adjustment with regard to a subcontract order

  • Ordered material of subcontract order
  • The following fields must be populated:
  • Unique identification of document line (can be freely assigned)
  • Posting date in document header
  • Document number of purchasing document
  • Item number of purchasing document
  • Material number check
  • Plant check
  • Movement type (select movement type 121)
  • Movement indicator (must be O)
  • Further entries are not allowed. The entry quantity for the ordered material of a subcontract order must be zero.
  • Components
  • The following fields must be populated:
  • Unique identification of document line (can be freely assigned)
  • Identification of the immediately superordinate line
  • Plant
  • Material number check
  • Quantity in unit of entry; can also be negative
  • The following fields can be populated:
  • Storage location
  • All other fields in the method that are included in this list.
  • The following fields may not be populated:
  • All fields that are not in the list above. The movement indicator must be blank.
  • Additional fields in goods-receipt-based invoice verification
  • When you post a subsequent adjustment, the following fields must also be transferred:
  • REF_DOC_IT (LFPOS): Item of a reference document
  • REF_DOC (LFBNR): Document number of a reference document
  • REF_DOC_YR (LFBJA): Fiscal year of a reference document
  • Only if you transfer these fields can you be sure that the link to the original goods movement is retained.




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