Shortest Cell Path

Algorithms practice:leetcode


In a given grid of 0s and 1s, we have some starting row and column sr, sc and a target row and column tr, tc. Return the length of the shortest path from sr, sc to tr, tc that walks along 1 values only.

Each location in the path, including the start and the end, must be a 1. Each subsequent location in the path must be 4-directionally adjacent to the previous location.

It is guaranteed that grid[sr][sc] = grid[tr][tc] = 1, and the starting and target positions are different.

If the task is impossible, return -1.


grid = [[1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1]]
sr = 0, sc = 0, tr = 2, tc = 0
output: 8
(The lines below represent this grid:)

grid = [[1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1, 1]]
sr = 0, sc = 0, tr = 2, tc = 0
output: -1
(The lines below represent this grid:)


[time limit] 5000ms
[input] array.array.integer grid
1 ≤ arr.length = arr[i].length ≤ 10
[input] integer sr
[input] integer sc
[input] integer tr
[input] integer tc
All sr, sc, tr, tc are valid locations in the grid, grid[sr][sc] = grid[tr][tc] = 1, and (sr, sc) != (tr, tc).
[output] integer


#import <iostream>
#import <vector>
#import <unordered_set>
#include <deque>
using namespace std;

int shortestCellPath(const vector<vector<int>>& grid, int sr, int sc, int tr, int tc)
	// your code goes here
  // use BFS algorithm 
  vector<vector<int>> visited(grid);// value =1 is not visited
  deque<vector<int>> q;
  vector<int> source{sr,sc,0};
  int R=grid.size();
  int C=grid[0].size();
    int size = q.size();
    for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
      vector<int> curNode= q.front();
      if(curNode[0] == tr && curNode[1] == tc)
        return curNode[2];
      vector<pair<int,int>> nextNodes;
      for(auto nextNode:nextNodes)
        int r = nextNode.first;
        int c = nextNode.second;
        if(r>=0&&r<R && c>=0&&c<C && grid[r][c]==1 && visited[r][c]==1)
          vector<int> nextvec{r,c,curNode[2]+1};
  return -1;

int main() 
	return 0;

Oral process of solving problems

Solution: Breadth-First Search

Finding a shortest path is typically done with a breadth first search. Here, nodes are locations on the grid with value 1, and two nodes are neighbors if they are 4-directionally adjacent.

The breadth first search algorithm is given a source in the graph, and it explores all nodes distance 0 from the source, then all nodes distance 1, then all nodes distance 2, and so on. The algorithm records the node’s distance when it visits, and that way we can determine the shortest path in the graph to some target node.

By visiting nodes in order from distance to the source, this ensures that if we find the target word, we found it at the least possible distance and thus the answer is correct.


#import <iostream>
#import <vector>

using namespace std;
bool findMinIndex(const vector<vector<int>>& dist, const vector<vector<int>>& selected, int& r, int& c)
    int aimR, aimC;
    int min = INT_MAX;
    for (int i = 0; i < dist.size(); i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < dist[i].size(); j++)
            if (selected[i][j] > 0 && min > dist[i][j])
                min = dist[i][j];
                aimR = i; aimC = j;
    if (min == INT_MAX)
        return false;
    if (aimR == r && aimC == c)
        return false;
        r = aimR;
        c = aimC;
        return true;

int shortestCellPath(const vector<vector<int>>& grid, int sr, int sc, int tr, int tc)
	// your code goes here
  int   height = grid.size();
  int  width = grid[0].size();
  vector<vector<int>> dist(height, vector<int>(width,INT_MAX ));  // min path value
  vector<vector<int>> selected(grid); // value >0 means position can be selected

  int curRow = sr;
  int curCol = sc;
  dist[curRow][curCol] = 0;
  selected[curRow][curCol] = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++)
        cout << endl;
        cout << "current: " << curRow << " , " << curCol << " cur dist: " << dist[curRow][curCol] << endl;
        // up (curRow-1, curCol)
        if (curRow - 1 >= 0 && curRow - 1 < height && selected[curRow - 1][curCol] > 0)
            dist[curRow - 1][curCol] = dist[curRow][curCol] + 1;
            cout <<"up next: " << curRow - 1<<" , " << curCol << " , " << dist[curRow - 1][curCol] << " cur dist: " << dist[curRow][curCol] << endl;
        //left (curRow, curCol-1)
        if (curCol - 1 >= 0 && curCol - 1 < width && selected[curRow][curCol - 1] > 0)
            dist[curRow][curCol - 1] = dist[curRow][curCol] + 1;
            cout << "left next: " << curRow << " , " << curCol - 1 << " , " << dist[curRow][curCol - 1] << " cur dist: " << dist[curRow][curCol] << endl;
        //right (curRow, curCol+1)
        if (curCol + 1 < width && selected[curRow][curCol + 1] > 0)
            dist[curRow][curCol + 1] = dist[curRow][curCol] + 1;
            cout << "right next: " << curRow << " , " << curCol + 1 << " , " <<dist[curRow][curCol + 1] << " cur dist: " << dist[curRow][curCol] << endl;
        //below (curRow+1, curCol)
        if (curRow + 1 < height && selected[curRow + 1][curCol] > 0)
            dist[curRow + 1][curCol] = dist[curRow][curCol] + 1;
            cout << "below next: " << curRow + 1 << " , " << curCol << " , " << dist[curRow + 1][curCol] << endl;
        selected[curRow][curCol] = 0;
        if (!findMinIndex(dist, selected, curRow, curCol))
                return -1;
            if (curRow == tr && curCol == tc)
                return dist[curRow][curCol];
            cout << "find min " << curRow << " , " << curCol << endl;
        //cout << curRow << " , " << curCol << " , " << dist[curRow][curCol] << endl;

  return dist[tr][tc]==INT_MAX?-1:dist[tr][tc];

int main() 
	return 0;



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以下是将Python代码转换为MATLAB函数代码的示例: ```matlab function [cost_path, cost_distance] = dijkstra(g, start_node, end_node, cost_func, wait_cost_func) % Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path in a graph % g: the graph in adjacency list format % start_node: the starting node % end_node: the ending node % cost_func: a function handle that returns the cost of traversing an edge % wait_cost_func: a function handle that returns the cost of waiting at a node % cost_path: the shortest path from start_node to end_node % cost_distance: the total distance of the shortest path n = numel(g); % number of nodes in the graph dist = Inf(1, n); % initialize the distance vector prev = zeros(1, n); % initialize the previous node vector visited = false(1, n); % initialize the visited vector dist(start_node) = 0; % set the starting node distance to zero while ~all(visited) % loop until all nodes are visited [~, u] = min(dist(~visited)); % find the unvisited node with the smallest distance visited(u) = true; % mark the node as visited for v = g{u} % loop through the neighbors of u if ~visited(v) % if the neighbor is unvisited alt = dist(u) + cost_func(u, v) + wait_cost_func(v, dist(u) + cost_func(u, v)); % calculate the alternative distance if alt < dist(v) % if the alternative distance is smaller than the current distance dist(v) = alt; % update the distance vector prev(v) = u; % update the previous node vector end end end end % construct the shortest path path = end_node; while path(1) ~= start_node path = [prev(path(1)), path]; end % calculate the total distance of the shortest path distance = dist(end_node); % output the results cost_path = path; cost_distance = distance; end ``` 注意:在MATLAB中,您需要声明函数名称以及输入和输出参数。另外,MATLAB不支持Python中的列表(list),因此在MATLAB中使用了单元数组(cell array)来表示邻接表。
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