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原创 VISAPP 2013

收到通知,得了一篇poster,short paper都不是啊>于是想上网搜搜大家对于这个会的看法,好决定去不去,结果搜到一伙计跟我情况一模一样,这怎么解释呢,可惜人家是09年的会议了,穿越了4年了?!哈哈哈一会儿见老板,听听他老人家的意见吧。希望是positive的,毕竟对于一份正式publication都没有的我来说,这个poster,聊胜于无咩。不过,是要好好反省了

2012-11-26 22:36:09 9140 3

原创 Lecture 1

昨天的presentation告一段落之后,鉴于提问环节中遇到的问题,决定还是要好好学习下矩阵的算法。所以就拿出很久以前就注意到的MIT的线性代数的网上教程开始学习。这个数学老师还蛮有意思的,呵呵。 首先,先摘录下课程中自己觉得比较有收录意义的course note: The fundamenetal problem of linear algebra, which is to s

2010-04-23 22:03:00 13308

原创 MSN网关默认脱机

 让人崩溃,今天明明很忙的,结果搬家之后msn一直登不上去,不解决都没心思做其他的(典型的强迫症患者)。所以就按照网路上的N多种办法把自己的本本折磨了个遍,还是无效。80072×××)(&&%……¥%……(&× 抓狂之后,重启电脑前把防火墙、360、杀毒软件若干东西全部关闭掉,一开机,居然可以登录了,妙哉,接着再把那些卡巴、卫士、防火墙的启用,嘿嘿,可以messenger了,接下来应该做本

2009-11-11 08:47:00 13254

翻译 SIFT进阶

Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoint 之学习笔记 Detection of Scale-Space ExtremaFirst stage of keypoint detection is to identify locations and scales that can be repeataby (repeat

2009-09-25 21:09:00 14306


SIFT featuresScale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) is an approach for detecting and extracting local feature descriptors that are reasonably invariant to change in illumination, image noise, rota

2009-09-17 19:32:00 16313

翻译 osg::Camera的Projection Matrix设置没有效果可能

 最近一直纠结于如何正确取得场景中摄像机的投影矩阵。查了两天的资料,稍微有一些头绪了,先记录下来以供以后方便查找 Don Burns: M.postMult(V)(相当于M*V)是一个令人混淆的运算符,请不要使用它  (那就暂时不使用它吧,呵呵) OpenGL   column major(列主序)              M*VOSG         row major

2009-09-11 03:10:00 16569

翻译 Coordinate Space

The world coordinate system is a special coordinate system that establishes the “global” reference frame for all other coordinate systems to be specified.世界坐标系是一个特别的坐标系统,它为其他的坐标系统建立起了一个全球的参考系。In w

2009-09-11 02:56:00 14646

翻译 glLookAt() 解析

gluLookAt (define a viewing transformation)   定义了视图观测转换void gluLookAt( GLdoble eyex, GLdouble eyey, GLdouble eyez, GLdouble centerx, GLdouble centery, GLdouble centerz, GLdouble upx, GLdouble upy, G

2009-08-19 04:44:00 16708 1

翻译 OpenGL Programming Guide (Red Book)——坐标变换

OpenGL编程指南学习ViewingThis chapter explains how to use OpenGL to accomplish these tasks: how to position and orient models in three-dimensional space and how to establish the location – also in three

2009-08-12 21:40:00 14019

翻译 纹理映射和坐标

Filtering Texture maps are square or rectangular, but after mapped to a polygon or surface and transformed into screen coordinates, the individual texels of a texture rarely correspond to individual

2009-08-12 21:36:00 17983

翻译 5.2 Operations carried out in view space

5.2 Operations carried out in view spaceCulling or back-face eliminationCulling or back-face elimination is an operation that compares the orientation of complete polygons with the view point of c

2009-08-07 03:17:00 16775

翻译 5.1 Coordinate spaces in the graphics pipeline

5.1 Coordinate spaces in the graphics pipelineLocal or modelling coordinate systemsFor ease of modelling it makes sense to store the vertices of a polygon mesh object with respect to some point lo

2009-07-31 05:10:00 16522

翻译 3D Computer Graphics-Alan Watt

 之前一个星期一直在想如何把坐标变换运用到程序中去,昨天做完报告,现在来总结一些再加深一下学习,呵呵 5.1 Coordinate spaces in the graphics pipeline图形管道中的坐标 Introduction The purpose of a graphics pipeline is to take a description of a sc

2009-07-29 05:23:00 19271 2

翻译 NodeVisitor & Picking

  这个星期基本上除了看完快速入门指导的第三章,应该就没做啥了,不知道明天开会说什么了,哈哈哈 3.2.3 NodeVisitors节点访问NodeVisitor is OSG’s implementation of the Visitor design pattern. In essence, NodeVisitor traverses a scene graph and c

2009-07-20 09:49:00 18596

翻译 3.2.1&3.2.2 (Data Variance &Callbacks)

前天晚上忘记更新读书笔记,现在补上,呵呵p.s昨天到OMNIPLEX去看了“Harry Potter & Half-Blood Princes”,感觉还不错,接下来就是赶紧把哈7看完就等着看大结局了,霍霍~言归正传:3.2.1 Data Variance数据变量 The osgViewer library supports threading model that allo

2009-07-17 22:11:00 5852

翻译 The Viewer Class

继续快速入门指导 第三章 Using OpenSceneGraph in Your Application的学习3.1.1 The Viewer ClassViewer类 The Viewer example in this book’s source code demonstrates the minimal code required to render OSG in an

2009-07-15 04:47:00 5244

翻译 Using OpenSceneGraph in Your Application读书笔记

 今天看英文好像怎么都不大看得进去,索性一边看一遍翻译(所以估计很多地方表诉得都不准确),权当增进理解,同时集中注意力了,呵呵 3 Using OpenSceneGraph in Your Application在程序中使用OSG Real applications need to do more than build a scene graph and write it ou

2009-07-14 04:10:00 4329

ProFORMA: Probabilistic Feature-based



the art of computer programming

很好的一本英文书,讲述通俗易懂 比尔盖茨推荐道:如果你认为你是一个真正的程序员,请阅读这本书



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