The Viewer Class

继续快速入门指导 第三章 Using OpenSceneGraph in Your Application的学习

3.1.1 The Viewer Class



The Viewer example in this book’s source code demonstrates the minimal code required to render OSG in an application. Viewer instantiates an osgViewer::Viewer object, attaches a scene graph to it, and allows it to render. The source code is effectively three lines long, as Listing 3-1 show.



#include <osgViewer/Viewer>



int main(int, char**)


osgViewer::Viewer viewer;

viewer.setSceneData(osgDB::readNodeFile(“cow.osg”));     //不怎么喜欢这头牛,个人比//较心水robot.osg或者fountain.osg




The similarity is no coincidence. Under the hood, the osgviewer application uses Viewer for its rendering. osgviewer configures its Viewer for additional functionality to do more than the code.

相似并不是巧合。Under the hood, osgviewer程序通过使用Viewer来渲染。Osgviewer配置给其本身Viewer更多附加的功能。


Changing the View



Under the hood, Viewer creates an osg::Camera object to manage the OpenGL model-view matrix. There are two ways you can control the camera.

Viewer通过创建一个osg::Camear对象来管理OpenGL model-view矩阵。可以通过以下两种方式来控制摄像机:


l  Attach a camera manipulator to the Viewer. If your application doesn’t do this, Viewer::run() creates an osgGA::TrackballManipulator to control the Camera. The osgGA library defines several manipulators that you can use. Call Viwer::setCameraManipulator() to specify your own manipulator

l  Set the Camera projection and view matrices to matrices that you define. This gives your application complete control over the view.

l  Viewer定义一个摄像机漫游器。如果你在程序中没有这样做,那么Viewer::run()自动生成一个osgGA::TrackballManipulator来控制摄像机。osgGA库文件中定义了几种漫游器。通过Viewer::setCameraManipulator()来指定你将使用的漫游器

l  设置摄像机投影,并按照你的定义一个矩阵一个矩阵的view。这给了你对于视图的完全控制。


If you choose to set the Camera matrices directly, using Viewer::run() is impractical, because it doesn’t allow view changes per frame. Instead, you’ll need to code a small loop that iteratively updates the view and renders a frame.


Direct view control

This listing demonstrates how to control the Viewer object’s Camera to change the view each frame.




osgViewer::Viewer viewer;

viewer.setSceneData( osgDB::readNodeFile(“cow.osg”));



//create a matrix to specify a distance from the viewpoint.

osg::Matrix trans;



//rotation angle (in radians)

Double angle(0.);

While (!viewer.done())


//create the rotation matrix

osg::Matrix rot;

rot.makeRotate( angle, osg::Vec3(1., 0., 0.));

angle +=0.01;


//set the view matrix (the concatenation of the rotation and translation matrices) 



//Draw the next frame

Viewer.frame();                   //这个很重要!!



Section 2.2 Geodes and Geometry briefly describes OSG’s default world coordinate system orientation. The default Camera matrices orient the world coordinate system with positive x to the right, positive z up, and positive y into the screen. The following text describes how to change the default Camera matrices.



The code below sets the Camera object’s projection matrix once outside the rendering loop. Camera provides several methods for specifying the projection matrix, which should look familiar to most OpenGL programmers.



  void setProjectionMatrix( const osg::Matrix& matrix);  //可以认为是设置照相机镜头


void setProjectionMatrixAsOrtho( double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar);

  void setProjectionMatrixAsOrtho2D( double left, double right, double bottom, double top);


void setProjectionMatrixAsFrustum( double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar);

void setProjectionMatrixAsPerspective( double fovy, double aspectRation, double zNear, double zFar);

Fovy: specifies the field of view angle, in degrees

Aspect: specifies the aspect ratio (屏幕高宽比) that determines the field of view.


Inside the rendering loop, the code updates the Camera object’s view matrix at each frame to increment the rotation angle. Again, Camera provides several entry points that OpenGL developers should be familiar with. The code above sets the view matrix explicitly with the setViewMatrix() method, and Camera also supplies the setViewMatrixAsLookat() method that takes parameters similar to the gluLookAt() entry point.




gluLookAt - define a viewing transformation


void gluLookAt( GLdouble eyex, GLdouble eyey, GLdouble eyez, GLdouble centerx, GLdouble

centery, GLdouble centerz, GLdouble upx, GLdouble upy, GLdouble upz )


eyex, eyey, eyez

Specifies the position of the eye point.

centerx, centery, centerz

Specifies the position of the reference point.

upx, upy, upz Specifies the direction of the up vector.


Setting the Clear Color



The Camera object provides interfaces for several operations besides setting the view. Your application uses Camera to set the clear color. The following code shows how to set the clear color to black.

此外,摄像机对象提供了好几个设置视图之外的接口。在你的程序中,你可以使用Camera来设置clear 颜色,一下代码示范了如何将clear颜色设为黑色:



By default, Camera clears the depth and color buffers. To change this default behavior, use the Camera::setClearMask() method and pass in the appropriate OpenGL buffer flags.


The above code snippet configures the Camera to clear the color, depth, and stencil buffers at the start of each frame.


3.1.2 CompositeViewer


The osgViewer library supplies an additional viewer class that is outside the scope of this book. This section describes it only at a high level.



While Viewer manages a single view into a scene (possibly with a group of Camera objects to support multipipe rendering), CompositeViewer supports multiple views into one or more scenes and allows your application to specify their rendering order. CompositeViewer supports render-to-texture (RTT) operations, which allows your application to use the rendered image from one view as a texture map in a subsequent view.



3.2 Dynamic Modification



OSG allows you to dynamically modify the scene as needed to create animations. This capability is a requirement of any interactive graphics application. You can modify the geometric data, state parameters, Switch node settings, or even the structure of the scene graph itself.



As Chapter 1 explains, the cull traversal stores references to geometry and state in a render graph for processing during the draw traversal. The osgViewer library supports many threading models, some of which run the cull and draw traversals in one or more threads. For optimum performance, OSG doesn’t impose locks for thread safety. Instead, it requires that applications only modify the scene graph outside the cull and draw traversals.



There are a few ways to ensure that your modifications don’t collide with the cull and draw thread. One simple solution- modifying the scene graph outside of the Viewer::frame() call- requires addition code within the main rendering loop. If you desire a more elegant solution, you should perform modifications during the update traversal.



This section covers some basic topics related to dynamic scene graph modification.



l  For optimum performance and thread safety, you need to tell OSG which parts of the scene graph you intend to modify. You do this by setting the data variance for any Object (Node, Drawable, StateSet, etc.).

l  OSG allows applications to assign callbacks to Node and Drawable objects. OSG executes these callbacks during specific traversals. To modify a Node or Drawable during the update traversal, applications set an update callback.

l  Applications don’t always know in advance which parts of a scene graph they’ll modify. They might need to search a scene graph to find the node of interest, or they might allow users to pick a node using the mouse or other input mechanism.

l  要确保性能最优及线程安全,我们需要告诉OSG我们想要修改场景图的哪一部分。可以通过设置各个对象的数据变量来做到

l  OSG允许对节点及Drawable分配回调。在特定的遍历中时,OSG将会执行这些。为了能够在更新遍历中修改NodeDrawalbe,程序应该设置一个更新回调。

l  程序没有必要永远都事先知道场景图的哪一个部分需要修改。他们可以通过搜寻场景图来找到目标节点,或者允许用户使用鼠标或其他输入机制来选择节点。



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