SAP Note 456691 - FAQ: Price determination in purchasing

SAP Note 456691 提供了关于采购价格确定过程中的常见问题和答案。涉及交易错误、主条件与文档条件的区别、价格更新规则等多个方面。

SAP Note 456691 - FAQ: Price determination in purchasing

Note Language: English Version: 39 Validity: Valid Since 2005.06.06
This note contains questions and answers that are often presented dealing
with price determination. Information on conditions are available in Note
Catalog of questions

1. Problems occur during the price determination in Transaction
2. What does master conditions (time-dependent conditions) distinguish
from document conditions?
3. How does price determination determine the conditions via a 'Last
purchase order'?
4. Why does no price determination occur during the creation of a
scheduling agreement?
5. Rounding errors occur during a price determination with consideration
of conditions in the info record.
6. Why is a condition type not used during the creation of a purchasing
7. When you create a scheduling agreement with reference to a contract,
why are the conditions from the contract not transferred to the
scheduling agreement?
8. Why are no prices found when you post a goods receipt for a scheduling
agreement / during the price simulation for a scheduling agreement
(scheduling agreement was created with reference to a contract)?
9. How can you maintain conditions for a material group item in the
10. A plant-dependent info record and a cross-plant info record exist.They
are both flagged for deletion (EINE-LOEKZ).Why is then the price of
the cross-plant info record still used during the creation of a
purchase order?
11. Why is the 'Update' (update prices) pushbutton not activated on the
header conditions screen in a purchase order?
12. Why are conditions not automatically determined during the maintenance
of a quotation (Transaction ME47)?
13. Why is the price not copied from the purchase requisition to the
purchase order?
14. ME22N. Why is the price of the purchase order not converted to the new
currency when the vendor is changed (other currency)?
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SAP Note 456691 - FAQ: Price determination in purchasing
15. If the data of a purchase order item is changed, for example the
material group, account assignment category and so on, a new price
determination is carried out automatically in the new Enjoy
Transaction (ME21N/ME22N) whereas this does not occur in the 'old'
Transaction ME21/ME22.
16. Why are absolute conditions of a purchasing document are
adjusted/calculated proportionally when posting a goods receipt to the
GR quantity?
17. How does a new price determination affect the values posted during
goods receipt when a goods receipt is cancelled?
18. When are the header conditions updated if a purchase order item is
19. When displaying/changing a purchasing document (scheduling
agreement/contract) a runtime error occurs since the price (net price
or effective price) is negative. How can this problem be solved?
20. Why does the system display different/additional conditions when
displaying/changing a purchase order that were not displayed during
the creation of the document?
Why is the manual gross price (PBXX) suddenly displayed next to the
gross price (PB00) (or vice versa)?
21. Why does the price determination not determine any price although in
the master conditions (info record, contract, scheduling agreement)
valid prices (with scales) exist?
22. In a contract or scheduling agreement (with time-dependent
conditions), currently valid conditions have been maintained.Why does
the system nevertheless display an obsolete price in the item
23. A purchase order item contains a manual gross price (in standard
PBXX). By using Transaction ME21N or ME22N, you can change basic data
such as the plant.
What does it depend on whether the price (the conditions) remain or
whether these are deleted (the system displays message 06 218 "Net
price must be greater than 0")?
24. Why does the system not take into account the better price that
results from the scales for a purchase order (several items for the
same material, scales are maintained in master conditions)?
25. You create a purchase order with reference to a quotation with
document conditions.The quotation contains next to the gross price (in
the standard PBXX) further conditions such as discounts or surcharges.
If you carry out a price determination of type 'C' ("Copy manual
pricing elements and redetermine the others") for the purchase order
item (manually or arranged by the system, for example when changing
the account assignment category's), the system doubles conditions.
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SAP Note 456691 - FAQ: Price determination in purchasing
26. You post a goods receipt for a purchase order item with pricing date
category '5' (new price determination during the goods receipt). Why
are conditions determined twice during pricing?
27. You post a goods receipt for a purchase order item with pricing date
category '5' (new price determination during the goods receipt). Error
message ME573 "The transaction cannot be posted because of an error in
the price determination" is generated.
28. What does it depend on whether the net price on the item overview of a
purchase order is ready for entry?
29. What does it depend on whether the condition value for the condition
of a returns item becomes negative?
30. How is pricing carried out in the info record or contract, if fixed
conditions are taken into account for the net price (calculation rule
'B', fixed amount)?
31. You are using the user exit EXIT_SAPLMEKO_002 and find differences in
pricing between Transaction ME21N and Transactions ME21/ME59.
32. You copy a purchase order item (ME21/ME22 or ME21N/ME22N), the
reference item contains taxes. Why is the corresponding condition
copied but the condition amount/value is not?
33. When posting goods receipt for a scheduling agreement of price date
type '5' (new pricing at goods receipt), how can a price with value
'0' be determined which is reflected in the purchasing history (and in
the GR/IR clearing account)?
34. Can conditions be changed after a goods/invoice receipt or is a new
price determination still possible then?
35. The net price in the contract is to be updated using Report RM06ENP0.
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