


Welcome to ASP.NET 2.0 Everyday Apps For Dummies,the book that teaches ASP.NET 2.0

 Web programming by example.In the book that you'll find eight complete ASP.NET applications.

We're not talking trivial(平庸) Hello-World-type applications here.

Instead,they're real-world applications like shopping carts and discussion(讨论) forums(论坛).

You can use any of them as-is,or modify them as you see fit.So you're got workable stuff(原料)

already included,(What a concept)(概念)


About This Book
This book is a practical(实用) introduction to ASP.NET 2.0 Web programming.
It provides you with actual(实际) working code to build the most popular
types of applications on the Web.These applications enable you to:
*Restrict(限制) access(存取)(权限) to registered users,
 for all or part of your Web site
*Sell products online via(通过) your Web site
*Provide back-end functions for your public Web site,such as file
 maintenance(维护) and reporting
*Let users manage specific types of online content
*Create discussion forums and blogs

ASP.NET 2.0 Everyday Apps For Dummies doesn't pretend to be a
comprehensive(全面) reference(参考) for every detail of ASP.NET
programming.Instead,it takes a learn-by-example approach(步骤),
under the assumption(假设) that you are already
a pretty competent(胜任) programmer who can
best learn by seeing real-world examples.Designed using the
easy-to-follow For Dummies format,this book helps you get the
information you need without laboring(劳累) to find it.


 Conventions(约定,体例) Used in This Book
This book has a lot of code in it,You'll find complete listing of ervery
line of code,both C# and Visual Basic,for each of the eight applications
presented(礼物,赠送) in this book,you'll also find listings for supporting files such
as SQL scripts to generate databases and web.config files that provide
configuration information for the applications.

Most of these listings include reference numbers that correspond(相当于) to
numbered explanations(解释) in the text.In most cases,these explanations apply
to both the C# and the Visual Basic versions of the code,(For example,the code
explanation identified(标识) with reference number 3 applies to the line
indicated(象征) with reference number 3 in both the C# and the Visual Basic
versions of the listing.)

To keep page-flipping(翻动) to a minimum,I always present the C# version of a listing
first,followed by the text that explains it,followed by the Visual Basic listing.
Thus,if you're a C# programmer,you can flip forward from your listing to the
text that explains it,And if you're a Visual Basic programmer,you can flip
backward from your listing to the corresponding blow-by-blow(吹) description.
On occasion(时候),I'll show a console prompt(即时) along with commands you need to enter.
In that case,the command is presented as follows:

a discussion of design issues(发行) for the application
an overview(概述) of the application's user interface,including a diagram(图解)
that shows the flow of the application's pages,along with images
of each page
a description of the design for the database used by the application,
along with listings of the scripts(手稿) used to create the database and
populate(移植) it with sample test data
listings of the .aspx files for each of the application's pages.
where appropriate,listings of the code-behind file in both C# and vb
explanations of the key parts of the listings

If you're for a quick summary,the following sections offer a bird's-sye
view of what you can find in each part of the book.
Chapter 1 in this part is a general introduction to application
development.It explains bedrock(床岩,根底) concepts such as the system-development
life cycle,using layered architectures(结构,建筑) in applications,and
designing relational databases.Then Chapter 2 presents a quick introduction
to building applications using Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Web
Developer 2005 Express Edition.
Building E-Commerce(贸易) Applications
This part provides two complete e-commerce applications.The first
is an online product catalog(一览表) that lets users view your
products via a Web site.The second is a shopping-cart
application is an extension(扩展) of the product-catalog
application;It lets users purchase(购买) products they're
had a chance to view via the online catalog.

Part IV:Building Back-End Applications
Just about all public Web applications have a back end that isn't visible
to the general public.This part presents two applications you'll often
need in the back end.The first is a file-maintenance(维持) application that lets
you add,update,or delete records in a products database,And the second
is a report application that generates reports based on data gathered
from Web visitors.

Building Community(社区) Applications
The three applications in this part let users create Web-based communities.
Chapter 9 presents a content-management system for user's Web sites;
Chapter 10 presents a forum application for posting messages and replies.
And Chapter 11 presents a blog application that lets users create blog
articles that visitors cant then read and comment upon.

No For Dummies book would be complete without a Part of Tens.
In Chapter 12,you get an overview of the most important new features
of ASP.NET 2.0.If you're an experienced(经验) ASP.NET programmer but
haven't worked with version 2.0 yet,you may want to read this chapter
first to see what new features(特色) have been added for this version.
Next Chapter 13 describes ten-or-so rookie(新兵) mistakes that(with any luck)
you can avoid(回避),And finally,Chapter 14 presents ten-or-so tips for
designing your databases.

About the CD
The CD that's glued(胶水,粘贴) into the back of this book contains all
the source code for the applications presented in this book.
You'll find two versions of each appliction:a C# version and
a Visual Basic version.The CD lets you choose which versions
of the applications to install.If you want,you can install
both versions of the applications;C# and VB can easily coexist(共存)
within the same ASP.NET system.(Although it's uncommon(不常见),C# and VB
can even coexist within the same ASP.NET application)

Icons(圣像,偶像,怎么这么解释?图标嘛) Used in This Book
Like any For Dummies book,this book is chock-full(习语,装得满满的) of helpful
icons that draw your attention to items of particular importance.
You find the following icons throughout this book.
Pay special attention to this icon;it lets you know that some
particularly useful tidbit(花絮,趣闻) is at hand(不远,在身边).





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