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原创 Python 使用list实现队列 (基于class, 包含迭代器)

Python 使用list实现队列 (基于class, 包含迭代器)

2015-01-30 17:14:27 1175

原创 Python 使用堆栈验证C文件括号是否匹配

#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2015-1-29@author: beyondzhou@name: test_balancedelimiter.py'''# Implementation of the algorithm for validating balanced brackets in a C+

2015-01-29 14:48:21 1361

转载 Python libraries collection

1) deloreanDolorean is a really cool date/time library. Apart from having a sweet name, it's one of the more natural feeling date/time munging libraries I've used in Python. It's sort of like moment

2015-01-29 11:31:53 744

原创 Python 使用单链表实现堆栈 (基于class, 包含迭代器)

Python 使用单链表实现堆栈 (基于class, 包含迭代器)

2015-01-28 14:42:09 885

翻译 Python 实现简单的加减算数游戏

#! /usr/bin/env pythonfrom operator import add, subfrom random import randint, choiceops = {'+': add, '-': sub}MAXTRIES = 2def doprob(): op = choice('+-') nums = [randint(1,10) for i i

2015-01-28 10:20:54 4726 1

原创 Python 使用list实现堆栈 (基于class, 包含迭代器)

Python 使用list实现堆栈 (基于class, 包含迭代器)

2015-01-27 16:18:34 946

翻译 Python 实现简单的自定义异常类型

#! /usr/bin/env pythonimport os, socket, errno, types, tempfileclass NetworkError(IOError): passclass FileError(IOError): passdef updArgs(args, newarg=None): if isinstance(args, IO

2015-01-27 10:21:21 948

转载 自然语言处理(nlp)的主要范畴

文本朗读(Text to speech)/语音合成(Speech synthesis)语音识别(Speech recognition)中文自动分词(Chinese word segmentation)词性标注(Part-of-speech tagging)句法分析(Parsing)自然语言生成(Natural language generation)文本分类(Text categori

2015-01-26 15:42:33 1599

翻译 Python 使用单链表实现多项式 (Polynomial)

#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2015-1-26@author: beyondzhou@name: linkPolynomail.py'''# Implementation of the Polynomial ADT using a sorted linked listclass linkPolyn

2015-01-26 15:10:06 1703 1

翻译 Python 对文件中合法数字进行求和 (try...except)

def safe_float(obj): 'safe version of float()' try: retval = float(obj) except (ValueError, TypeError), diag: retval = str(diag) return retvaldef data_process_handler

2015-01-26 10:26:41 1413

翻译 Python 使用nltk发掘文本实体间的联系

#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2015-1-26@author: beyondzhou@name: entity_interaction_discovery.py'''import jsonfrom interaction import extract_interactionsBLOG_DATA

2015-01-26 06:31:53 3699 3

翻译 Python 使用nltk提取文本实体 (实体识别)

#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2015-1-26@author: beyondzhou@name: nltk_extract_entity.py'''import jsonimport nltkfrom nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize, word_tokeni

2015-01-26 06:27:25 8130

翻译 Python 对文本汇总产生的文件内容进行可视化 (加粗汇总内容)

#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2015-1-25@author: beyondzhou@name: visualize_document_summary.py'''import osimport jsonfrom IPython.display import IFramefrom IPython

2015-01-25 08:46:25 2593

翻译 Python 基于语句检测和语句频谱分析实现文本汇总算法 (document summary algorithm)

#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2015-1-25@author: beyondzhou@name: document_summarize_algorithm.py'''import jsonfrom summary import summarize# Download nltk packages

2015-01-25 08:22:10 1879

翻译 Python 使用nltk对数据进行自然语言处理(nlp)

#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2015-1-24@author: beyondzhou@name: nltk_process_blog.py'''import jsonimport nltkfrom nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize, word_tokenize

2015-01-24 08:47:56 1033

翻译 Python 收集RSS网站内容并汇聚为Json格式文件

#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2015-1-24@author: beyondzhou@name: harvest_blog_data.py'''import osimport jsonimport feedparserfrom html import cleanHtmlFEED_URL =

2015-01-24 08:40:46 1276

翻译 Python 使用feedparser提取rss内容

#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2015-1-24@author: beyondzhou@name: feedparser_extract_content.py'''import feedparserFEED_URL = 'http://feeds.feedburner.com/oreilly/ra

2015-01-24 08:25:39 5686

翻译 Python 使用单链表实现简单的稀疏矩阵

#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2015-1-23@author: beyondzhou@name: SparseMatrix.py'''# Implementation of the Sparse Matrix ADT using an array of linked listsfrom myarr

2015-01-23 17:35:52 976

原创 Linux 批量修改文件名

build@dev-16-new:~/3922/release/pica8/automation/suite/vxlan_gre$ lspic8OvsL2gre_02_01.tcl pic8OvsL2gre_02_06.tcl pic8OvsL2gre_02_11.tcl pic8OvsVxlan_01_02.tcl pic8OvsVxlan_01_07.tcl pic8OvsVxla

2015-01-23 15:23:53 568

翻译 Natural Language Processing (nlp) 路线图

1. EOS dectection2. Tokenization3. Part-of-speech tagging4. Chunking5. Extraction

2015-01-23 07:32:39 1076

原创 Python 实现有序单向链表

#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2015-1-22@author: beyondzhou@name: test_sortedsinglelinkedlist.py'''def test_sortedsinglelinkedlist(): # import linkedlist

2015-01-22 16:40:48 644

原创 Python 实现带头尾指针的单向链表

#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2015-1-22@author: beyondzhou@name: test_tailsinglelinkedlist.py'''def test_tailsinglelinkedlist(): # import linkedlist from

2015-01-22 15:41:18 822

翻译 Python 调用os执行类似linux/dos常见命令

# delete>>> import os>>> os.remove('2.txt')# rename>>> os.rename('1.txt', '2.txt')# stat>>> os.stat('2.txt')posix.stat_result(st_mode=33204, st_ino=62806910, st_dev=2065L, st_nlink=1, st_uid=

2015-01-22 10:42:37 772

原创 Python 实现简单的单向链表

#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2015-1-21@author: beyondzhou@name: test_singlelinkedlist.py'''def test_singlelinkedlist(): # import linkedlist from singlel

2015-01-21 18:14:54 595

原创 Python 按行读取文件内容

>>> f = open('nihao')>>> for line in f:... print line...fjdkfjfdjkfjfdjkfjddddddddd>>> f.close()>>> f = open('nihao')>>> for line in f:... print line.strip()...fjdkfjfdjkf

2015-01-21 11:30:42 1091

原创 Python 快速读取文件内容到列表中

>>> f = open('nihao')>>> data = [line for line in f.readlines()]>>> f.close()>>> print data['fjdkfj\n', 'fdjkfj\n', 'fdjkfj\n', 'ddd\n', 'ddd\n', 'ddd']>>> f = open('nihao')>>> data = [line.stri

2015-01-21 11:25:47 5746

翻译 Python 使用nltk计算词的搭配

#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2015-1-21@author: beyondzhou@name: nltk_compute_collocation.py'''import jsonimport nltk# Load in human language dataDATA = r'E:\ecli

2015-01-21 06:53:19 2886

原创 Python 对字典元素的赋值 (字典key和value均为组合类型)

>>> doc_title = 'nihao'>>> url = 'www.nihao.com'>>> td_matrix = {}>>> td_matrix[(doc_title, url)] = {}>>> td_matrix{('nihao', 'www.nihao.com'): {}}>>> td_matrix[(doc_title, url)]['good'] = 1>>>

2015-01-21 05:33:58 14799

原创 Python 使用有序list构建简单的set

#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2015-1-20@author: beyondzhou@name: test_sortedlinearset.py'''def test_sortedlinearset(): # import mySet from sortedlinearse

2015-01-20 17:06:32 1856

原创 Python 获取文件中最长行的长度和最长行

# Get the number of lonest linef = open('nihao')longestLine = max(len(line) for line in f)f.close()print longestLine# Get the longest linef = open('nihao')allLines = [line for line in f]f.clo

2015-01-20 11:24:02 6847

原创 Python 获取文件中单词数,字符,字符数

# Get all words listf = open('nihao')wordList = [word for line in f for word in line.split()]# Get number of wordswordListLen = len(wordList)f.close()# Get number of charsf = open('nihao')ch

2015-01-20 10:49:44 2692

原创 Python 快速构建矩阵的索引

>>> [(x, y) for x in range(3) for y in range(5)][(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 4), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4)]

2015-01-20 10:23:41 1588

原创 Python 输出字典中的组合元素

myDict = {('beyond', 'engineer'):('2008', '2015'), ('beyond1', 'author'):('2001', '2002')}for key in myDict: print 'Name: %s\tOccupation: %s' % key print 'Age: %s\tYear: %s\n' % m

2015-01-20 10:18:15 2115

翻译 Python 实现归并排序

# Merges two sorted lists to create and return a new sorted listdef mergeSortedLists(listA, listB): # Create the new list and initialize the list markers newList = list() a = 0 b = 0

2015-01-19 15:53:03 988

翻译 Python 查找有序列表中指定元素所在位置

# Modified version of the binary search that returns the index within# a sorted sequence indicating where the target should be locateddef findSortedPosition(theList, target): low = 0 high =

2015-01-19 15:15:39 7505 1

原创 Python 判断数字是否为素数

def isPrimeNum(num): count = num / 2 while count > 1: if num % count == 0: print '%s is not prime' % num break count -= 1 else: print num, "

2015-01-19 10:21:25 2830

翻译 Python 查找数字的最大因数

def showMaxFactor(num): count = num / 2 while count > 1: if num % count == 0: print 'largest factor of %d is %d' % (num, count) break count -= 1 els

2015-01-19 10:13:18 3840

原创 Python 实现简单的密码判断

passwdList = ("nihao", "nihao1", "nihao2")valid = Falsecount = 3while count > 0: input = raw_input("enter password: ") # check for valid passwd for eachPasswd in passwdList: if

2015-01-19 09:57:26 2703

翻译 Python 使用nltk获取TF-IDF

#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2015-1-19@author: beyondzhou@name: explore_google_tfidf.py'''# Querying Google+ data with TF-IDFimport jsonimport nltk# Load in huma

2015-01-19 06:08:52 7542

翻译 Python 评估字词在文件集的重要程度 (文档频率和逆向文档频率 TF-IDF)

#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2015-1-16@author: beyondzhou@name: tf_idf_sample.py'''from tfIdf import tf, tf_idf, idf# Enter in a query term from the corpus variabl

2015-01-17 08:18:14 1818

Computer Vision PAAL .zip

Computer Vision Principles, Algorithms, Applications, Learning


Practical Python and OpenCV, 3rd Edition.rar



High Performance Python

Chapter 1. Introduction, Section 1.1. The High Performance Buzz-word, Chapter 2. The Theory of Computation, Section 2.1. Introduction, Section 2.2. Problems, Section 2.3. Models of Computation, Chapter 3. Algorithms, Section 3.1. Introduction, Section 3.2. Anatomy of an Algorithm, Section 3.3. Introducing Big O Notation, Section 3.4. Recurrence Relations, Section 3.5. P, NP, and Completeness, Section 3.6. Hall of Fame, Chapter 4. Rules of Optimization, Section 4.1. Rule #1: Plan Ahead, Chapter 5. Optimization for Speed, Section 5.1. Think like a Cheat, Section 5.2. Use Psyco, Section 5.3. Check Your Loops, Section 5.4. Anthony Tuininga's cx_Freeze, Section 5.5. Wait for Moore's Law to Catch Up, Section 5.6. Limit Regular Expressions



Maven项目对象模型(POM),可以通过一小段描述信息来管理项目的构建,报告和文档的软件项目管理工具。 Maven 除了以程序构建能力为特色之外,还提供高级项目管理工具。由于 Maven 的缺省构建规则有较高的可重用性,所以常常用两三行 Maven 构建脚本就可以构建简单的项目。由于 Maven 的面向项目的方法,许多 Apache Jakarta 项目发文时使用 Maven,而且公司项目采用 Maven 的比例在持续增长。 Maven这个单词来自于意第绪语(犹太语),意为知识的积累,最初在Jakata Turbine项目中用来简化构建过程。当时有一些项目(有各自Ant build文件),仅有细微的差别,而JAR文件都由CVS来维护。于是希望有一种标准化的方式构建项目,一个清晰的方式定义项目的组成,一个容易的方式发布项目的信息,以及一种简单的方式在多个项目中共享JARs。





CUDA for Engineers An Introduction to High Performance Parallel Computing

CUDA for Engineers An Introduction to High Performance Parallel Computing


load test for video publish, pull

stress test tool for video publish, pull (hlv, hls, rtmp)


ffmpeg, use to publish stream, play stream



ovirt viewer



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lua5.3.3 win32

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nginx from begin to pro

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Tool to decode flv

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