torque 网络部分(二)

Network Ghosts and Scoping网络复制和范围
The NetObject class is a derivative of SimObject that can replicate (ghost) itself across a network connection.  All world object classes are subclassed from NetObject (the superclass of SceneObject).  In order to best utilize the available bandwidth, the NetConnection attempts to
determine which objects are "interesting" to each client - and among those objects, which ones are most important.  If an object is interesting to a client it is said to be "in scope" - for example, a visible enemy to a player in a first person shooter would be in scope.


Each NetConnection object maintains a scoping object - responsible for determining which objects are in scope for that client.  Before the NetConnection writes ghost update information into each packet in NetConnection::ghostWritePacket, it calls the scope object's onCameraScopeQuery function which performs two services: first, it determines which objects are "in scope" for that client and calls NetConnection::objectInScope for each object on that client.  Second, the onCameraScopeQuery call fills in the CameraScopeQuery structure which is then used to determine the priority of object updates.
每个NetConnection 对象保持了一个范围内的对象-负责检测哪些对象是在客户端需要的范围内。在NetConnection把对象更新信息通过NetConnection::ghostWritePacket写入网络包之前,它调用了范围内对象的onCameraScopeQuery函数来进行以下两个方面的工作:首先,它确定哪些对象在客户端的“范围”里面然后调用对象的NetConnection::objectInScope函数。第二,这个onCameraScopeQuery调用填充CameraScopeQuery结构,这个结构用来确定更新对象的优先级。
The default NetObject::onCameraScopeQuery function scopes everything in the world, but the V12 game example overrides this in ShapeBase::onCameraScopeQuery.  ShapeBase calls the server SceneGraph::scopeScene function to traverse the scene from the client's point of view and scope all potentially visible objects.  Each scoped object that needs to be updated is then prioritized based on the return value from the NetObject::getUpdatePriority function, which by default returns a constant value.  This function is overridden in ShapeBase::getUpdatePriority to take into account the object's distance from the camera, its velocity perpendicular to the view vector, and other factors.

Rather than always sending the full state of the object each time it is updated across the network, the V12 supports only sending portions of the object's state that have changed.  To facilitate this, each NetObject can specify up to 32 independent sub-states that can be modified individually.  For example, a player object might have a movement state, detailing its position and velocity, a damage state, detailing its damage level and hit locations, and an animation state, signifying what animation, if any, the player is performing.  Each state data group is assigned a bit position in the class.  When an object's state changes, the object notifies the network system with the NetObject::setMaskBits function.  When the object is to be written into a packet in NetObject::packUpdate, the object's current state mask is passed in.  The object's state mask is NOT written into the packet directly - it is the responsibility of the pack function to accurately encode which states are updated.

Initially an object's state mask is set to all 1's - signifying that all the object's states need to be updated.
An example NetObject:

class SimpleNetObject : public NetObject
   char message1[256];
   char message2[256];
   enum {
      Message1Mask = (1 << 0),
      Message2Mask = (1 << 1),
      // in order for an object to be considered by the network system,
      // the Ghostable net flag must be set.(Ghostable表示这个对象能被网络系统传输数据)
      // the ScopeAlways flag indicates that the object is always scoped
      // on all active connections.(ScopeAlways表示这个对象总是能被在所有的激活连接范围之内)
      mNetFlags.set(ScopeAlways | Ghostable);
      dStrcpy(message1, "Hello World 1!");
      dStrcpy(message2, "Hello World 2!");
   U32 packUpdate(NetConnection *, U32 mask, BitStream *stream)
      // check which states need to be updated, and update them
      if(stream->writeFlag(mask & Message1Mask))
      if(stream->writeFlag(mask & Message2Mask))
      // the return value from packUpdate can set which states still
      // need to be updated for this object.
      return 0;
   void unpackUpdate(NetConnection *, BitStream *stream)
      // the unpackUpdate function must be symmetrical to packUpdate
         Con::printf("Got message1: %s", message1);
         Con::printf("Got message2: %s", message2);
   void setMessage1(const char *msg)
      dStrcpy(message1, msg);
   void setMessage2(const char *msg)
      dStrcpy(message2, msg);


ConsoleMethod(SimpleNetObject, setMessage1, void, 3, 3, "obj.setMessage1(msg)")
   ((SimpleNetObject *) object)->setMessage1(argv[2]);

ConsoleMethod(SimpleNetObject, setMessage2, void, 3, 3, "obj.setMessage2(msg)")
   ((SimpleNetObject *) object)->setMessage2(argv[2]);

GameConnection, Moves and the Control Object游戏连接,移动和控制对象
The GameConnection class is the game-specific subclass of NetConnection.  Applications can subclass NetConnection to directly write and read data from packets, as well as hook into the notify mechanism.  The NetConnection::allocNotify function is called at the beginning of a packet write and is used to allocate a NetConnection::PacketNotify structure.  This structure is used to store information about the data written into the network packet.  When the packet is either acked or nacked, this notify structure is passed into the NetConnection::handleNotify
function.  Subclasses of NetConnection can subclass the PacketNotify structure and override the allocNotify method to add custom data to the packet tracking record.

The GameConnection in the V12 example introduces the concept of the control object.  The control object is simply the object that the client associated with that network connection controls.  By default in the example the control object is an instance of the Player class, but can also be an instance of Camera (when editing the mission, for example).

The V12 example uses a model in which the server is the authoritative master of the simulation.  To prevent clients from cheating, the server simulates all player moves and then tells the client where his player is in the world.  This model, while secure, can have problems - if the network latency is high, this round-trip time can give the player a very noticeable sense of movement lag.  To correct this problem, the example uses a form of prediction - it simulates the movement of the control object on the client and on the server both.  This way the client doesn't need to wait for round-trip verification of his moves - only in the case of a force acting on the control object on the server that doesn't exist on the client does the client's position need to be forcefully changed.

To support this, all control objects (derivative of ShapeBase) must supply a writePacketData and readPacketData function that send enough data to accurately simulate the object on the client.  These functions are only called for the current control object, and only when the server can determine that the client's simulation is somehow out of sync with the server.  This occurs usually if the client is affected by a force not present on the server (like an interpolating object) or if the server object is affected by a server only force (such as the impulse from an explosion).

The Move structure is a 32 millisecond snapshot of player input, containing x, y, and z positional and rotational changes as well as trigger state changes.  When time passes in the simulation moves are collected (depending on how much time passes), and applied to the current control object on the client.  The same moves are then packed over to the server in GameConnection::writePacket, for processing on the server's version of the control object.

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