3GPP TS 29244-g30 中英文对照 | 5.24.5 Per GTP-U Path QoS Monitoring


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5.24.5 Per GTP-U Path QoS Monitoring 每个GTP-U路径QoS监控

Stage 2 requirements for support of per GTP-U path QoS monitoring are specified in clause of 3GPP TS 23.501 [28].

3GPP TS 23.501[28]第5.33.3.3条规定了支持每GTP-U路径QoS监控的第2阶段要求。

The UPF shall set the GPQM feature flag in the UP Function Features IE if it supports per GTP-U Path QoS monitoring (see clause 8.2.25).

如果UPF支持每GTP-U Path QoS监控,则应在UP Function Features IE中设置GPQM特性标志。

If the UPF is known to support this feature (e.g. by the UP Function Features IE), the SMF may request the UPF to measure the packet delay for transport paths towards remote GTP-U peers during a PFCP association setup or a PFCP association update procedure, by provisioning GTP-U Path QoS Control Information including:

如果已知UPF支持该特性,则SMF可以通过提供GTP-U Path QoS Control Information来请求UPF在PFCP偶联建立或PFCP偶联更新过程期间测量朝向远程GTP-U对等的传输路径的分组时延,包括:

- the identification of the GTP-U paths to be monitored, i.e.:


- the IP destination address of one or more remote GTP-U peers, and if available, the network instance used to reach each remote GTP-U peer and the DSCP value(s) to measure the packet delay; or


- the interface type(s) (i.e. N9 and/or N3) of the GTP-U paths;


- the values of the DSCP in the TOS/Traffic Class field to measure the packet delay, if available;

-TOS/Traffic Class字段中的DSCP的值,用于测量分组时延(如果可用);

- the conditions and QoS parameters for the UPF to report measurements to the SMF, i.e one or more of:


- immediate report;

- periodic report, with the reporting time period; and/or


- event triggered report, when the average, minimum and/or maximum packet delay on a GTP-U path exceeds corresponding thresholds.


If so instructed, the UPF shall perform an estimation of the RTT for the GTP-U paths requested to be monitored, by sending Echo Request messages (with each requested DSCP value, if any) and measuring the time that elapses between the transmission of the Echo Request message and the reception of the Echo Response message. The UPF shall compute the packet delay by adding RTT/2 and the UPF internal processing time, thus the measured delay represents an estimated elapsed time for the GTP-U path (since a user plane packet entered the UPF and its reception by the next downstreams or upstreams GTP-U peer). The UPF shall send QoS reports to the SMF by including GTP-U Path QoS Report IE(s) in a PFCP Node Report Request message.

如果如此指示,则UPF应通过发送Echo Request消息和测量Echo Request消息的发送和Echo Response消息的接收之间经过的时间来执行对请求被监控的GTP-U路径的RTT的估计。UPF应通过添加RTT/2和UPF内部处理时间来计算分组时延,因此测量的时延表示GTP-U路径的估计经过时间。UPF应通过在PFCP Node Report Request消息中包含GTP-U Path QoS Report IE向SMF发送QoS报告。

If the GTP-U paths to be monitored are identified by their interface types (e.g. N9 and/or N3), the UPF shall monitor all GTP-U paths of all PFCP sessions established with a FAR including a matching Destination Interface Type.

如果要监控的GTP-U路径由其接口类型标识,则UPF应监控使用FAR建立的所有PFCP会话的所有GTP-U路径,包括匹配的Destination Interface Type

For event triggered reporting, the UPF shall send a first report when a reporting threshold is exceeded and a minimum waiting time shall be applied for the subsequent report for the same type of measurement (e.g. maximum packet delay) and the same remote GTP-U peer (if the threshold is exceeded after the waiting time).


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