3GPP TS 29244-g30 中英文对照 | 5.24.4 Per QoS Flow Per UE QoS Monitoring

本文详细解读了5G技术中per QoS flow per UE QoS Monitoring的关键部分,包括设置监控要求、UPF的功能、SMF的指示和QoS报告流程。通过中文翻译和人工校对,适合初学者理解。


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5.24.4 Per QoS Flow Per UE QoS Monitoring 每个UE QoS监控的每个QoS流 General

Stage 2 requirements for support of per QoS flow per UE QoS monitoring are specified in clause of 3GPP TS 23.501 [28].

3GPP TS 23.501[28]的第5.33.3.2条规定了支持每个UE QoS监控的每个QoS流的第2阶段要求。

The UPF shall set the QFQM feature flag in the Function Features IE if it supports per QoS flow per UE QoS monitoring (see clause 8.2.25). If so, the SMF may request the UPF to perform the per QoS flow per UE QoS monitoring during a PFCP session establishment or a PFCP session modification procedure.

UPF应在Function Features IE中设置QFQM特性标志,前提是它支持每UE QoS监控QoS流。如果是这样,SMF可以请求UPF在PFCP会话建立或PFCP会话修改过程期间执行每UE QoS监控的每QoS流。

The SMF shall provision one or more QoS Monitoring per QoS flow control Information IEs to instruct the UPF to monitor the packet delay(s) of QoS flows as specified in

SMF应根据QoS流Control Information IE提供一个或多个QoS Monitoring,以指示UPF监控QoS流的分组时延

The UPF shall report the QoS monitoring result of the QoS flows to the SMF by sending QoS Monitoring Report IEs to the SMF as specified in

UPF通过向SMF发送QoS Monitoring Report IE,向SMF报告QoS流的QoS监测结果。 QoS Monitoring Control QoS监控控制

If the per QoS Flow per UE QoS monitoring is required, the CP function may provision the following IEs included in the QoS Monitoring per QoS flow Control Information IE:

如果需要每UE QoS监控的QoS流,则CP功能可以提供包括在每QoS流Control Information IE的QoS Monitoring中的以下IE:

- one or more QFI IEs indicating the QoS flow(s) required for the QoS monitoring;

-一个或多个QFI IE,其指示QoS监控所需的QoS流;

- a Requested QoS Monitoring IE indicating a request to monitor the downlink packet delay, uplink packet delay, and/or the round trip packet delay between the UPF (PSA) and UE;

-所请求的QoS Monitoring IE,其指示监视UPF和UE之间的下行链路分时延、上行链路分组时延和/或往返分组时延的请求;

- a Reporting Frequency IE indicating the frequency for the reporting, such as event triggered, periodic, and/or when the PDU Session is released;

-Reporting Frequency IE,指示报告的频率,例如事件触发、周期性和/或PDU Session被释放的时间;

- a Packet Delay Thresholds IE indicating thresholds for the downlink packet delay, uplink packet delay, and/or the round trip packet delay to generate the QoS monitoring reports to the CP function, if the Event Triggered QoS monitoring reporting is required in the reporting frequency.

-如果在报告频率中需要Event Triggered QoS监视报告,则Packet Delay Thresholds IE指示用于生成到CP功能的QoS监视报告的下行链路分组时延、上行链路分组时延和/或往返分组时延的阈值。

- a Minimum Wait Time IE, to indicate the minimum waiting time between two consecutive reports, if the Event Triggered QoS monitoring reporting is required in the reporting frequency;

-Minimum Wait Time IE,如果在报告频率中需要Event Triggered QoS监控报告,则指示两个连续报告之间的最小等待时间;

- a Measurement Period IE, indicating the period to generate periodic usage reports to the CP function if the periodic QoS monitoring reporting is required in the reporting frequency.

-一个Measurement Period IE,如果在报告频率中需要周期性的QoS监视报告,则指示生成给CP功能的周期性使用报告的周期。 QoS Monitoring Reporting QoS监控报告

If the UP function is requested to perform QoS Monitoring (i.e. it receives one or more QoS Monitoring per QoS flow Control Information IEs from the CP function), the UP function shall select one or more downlink packets pertaining to every requested QoS flow(s), and insert the time stamp into the GTP-U PDU Session Container extension header (see 3GPP TS 38.415 [34]) of these downlink packets.

如果请求UP功能执行QoS Monitoring,则UP功能应选择与每个请求的QoS流相关的一个或多个下行链路分组,并将时间戳插入这些下行链路分组的GTP-U PDU Session Container扩展报头中。

When receiving the uplink packet related to the requested QoS flow(s), the UP function shall measure the packet delay(s) based on the time stamp(s) and packet delay(s) included in the GTP-U PDU Session Container extension header (see 3GPP TS 38.415 [34]) of the uplink packet, and generate a QoS monitoring report towards the CP function, if the packet delay(s) exceeds the defined Packet Delay Thresholds and Event Triggered QoS monitoring reporting is required in the reporting frequency. The UP function may send a next report only after the minimum waiting time indicated by the CP function.

当接收到与所请求的QoS流相关的上行链路分组时,UP功能应基于上行链路分组的GTP-U PDU Session Container扩展报头中包括的时间戳和分组时延来测量分组时延,并生成针对CP功能的QoS监控报告,如果数据包时延超过定义的Packet Delay Threshold,则需要在报告频率中报告Event Triggered QoS监控报告。UP功能只能在CP功能指示的最短等待时间之后发送下一个报告。

If the Periodic QoS monitoring reporting is required in the reporting frequency, the UP function shall generate QoS monitoring report based on the Measurement Period.

如果报告频率中需要Periodic的QoS监测报告,UP功能根据Measurement Period生成QoS监测报告。

The UP function shall send QoS Monitoring Report IE to the CP function in PFCP Session Report Request; several QoS Monitoring Report IEs may be present to report the packet delay(s) for multiple QoS flows.

UP功能在PFCP Session Report Request中向CP功能发送QoS Monitoring Report IE,可以存在多个QoS Monitoring Report IE来报告多个QoS流的分组时延

The UP function shall include the delay value (Downlink, Uplink and/or Round trip) in the QoS Monitoring Measurement IE in the QoS Monitoring Report IE.

UP功能应在QoS Monitoring Report IE中包含QoS Monitoring Measurement IE中的时延值。

The UP function shall continue to apply all the provisioned SRR(s) and perform the related QoS monitoring measurement(s), until getting any further instruction from the CP function.


When receiving a new threshold (Packet Delay Thresholds, Minimum Wait Time and/or Measurement Period) from the CP function for a measurement that is already ongoing in the UP function, the UP function shall consider its ongoing measurements against the new threshold to determine when to send its next QoS monitoring report to the CP function.


At the PFCP session termination, the UP function shall include a QoS Monitoring Report IE in the PFCP Session Deletion Response, if the reporting frequency requests a report to be generated at the PFCP session termination.

在PFCP会话终止时,如果报告频率要求在PFCP会话终止时生成报告,则UP功能应在PFCP Session Deletion Response中包括QoS Monitoring Report IE。

If the Event Triggered QoS monitoring reporting is required in the reporting frequency, and no time stamp is received in uplink packet for a delay exceeding the Packet Delay Thresholds, the UP function shall generate a QoS monitoring report indicating a packet delay measurement failure to the CP function.

如果在报告频率中需要Event Triggered QoS监控报告,并且对于超过Packet Delay Threshold时延,上行链路分组中没有接收到时间戳,则UP功能应生成QoS监控报告,指示CP功能的分组时延测量失败。

If the Periodic QoS monitoring reporting is required in the reporting frequency, and no time stamp is received in uplink packet for a delay exceeding the Measurement Period, the UP function shall generate a QoS monitoring report indicating a packet delay measurement failure to the CP function.

如果在报告频率中需要周期性的QoS监测报告,并且对于超过Measurement Period的延迟,上行链路分组中没有接收到时间戳,则UP功能应生成QoS监测报告,指示CP功能的分组延迟测量失败。

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