3GPP TS 23502-h20 中英文对照 | NEF service operations information flow

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Figure Nnef_ParameterProvision_Create / Nnef_ParameterProvision_Update / Nnef_ParameterProvision_Delete request/response operations

0. NF subscribes to UDM notifications of UE and/or Group Subscription data updates.

0.NF订阅UE和/或Group Subscription数据更新的UDM通知。

NOTE 1: The NF can subscribe to Group Subscription data from UDM in this step and be notified of Group Subscription data updates in step 7 using the Shared Data feature defined in TS 29.503 [52].

注1:NF可在此步骤中从UDM订阅Group Subscription数据,并在步骤7中使用TS 29.503[52]中定义的Shared Data功能通知Group Subscription数据更新。

0b. [Conditional, on using NWDAF-assisted values] The AF may subscribe to NWDAF via NEF in order to learn the UE mobility analytics and/or UE Communication analytics for a UE or group of UEs by applying the procedure specified in clause of TS 23.288 [50]. The Analytics Id is set to any of the values specified in clause 6.7.1 of TS 23.288 [50].

0b.[有条件地,在使用NWDAF辅助值的情况下]AF可通过NEF订阅NWDAF,以便通过应用TS 23.288[50]第6.1.1.2条中规定的程序学习UE或UE组的UE移动性分析和/或UE Communication分析。Analytics Id设置为TS 23.288[50]第6.7.1条中规定的任何值。

0c. [Conditional, on using NWDAF-assisted values] AF validates the received data and derives any of the Expected UE behaviour parameters defined in clause for a UE or group of UEs.

0c。[有条件地,在使用NWDAF辅助值时]AF验证接收到的数据,并导出第4.15.6.3条中为UE或UE组定义的任何Expected UE行为参数。

1. The AF provides one or more parameter(s) to be created or updated in a Nnef_ParameterProvision_Create or Nnef_ParameterProvision_Update or Nnef_ParameterProvision_Delete Request to the NEF.

1.AF向NEF提供一个或多个要在Nnef_ParameterProvision_Create或Nnef_ParameterProvision_Update或Nnef_ParameterProvision_Delete Request中创建或更新的参数。

The GPSI identifies the UE and the Transaction Reference ID identifies the transaction request between NEF and AF. For the case of Nnef_ParameterProvision_Create, The NEF assigns a Transaction Reference ID to the Nnef_ParameterProvision_Create request.

GPSI标识UE,Transaction Reference ID标识NEF和AF之间的事务请求。对于Nnef_ParameterProvision_Create的情况,NEF将Transaction Reference ID分配给Nnef_ParameterProvision_Create请求。

NEF checks whether the requestor is allowed to perform the requested service operation by checking requestor's identifier (i.e. AF Identifier).

NEF通过检查请求者的标识符(即AF Identifier)来检查是否允许请求者执行请求的服务操作。

For a Create request associated with a 5G VN group, the External Group ID identifies the 5G VN Group.

对于与5G VN组关联的创建请求,External Group ID标识5G VN Group。

The payload of the Nnef_ParameterProvision_Update Request includes one or more of the following parameters:

Nnef_ParameterProvision_Update Request的有效负载包括以下一个或多个参数:

- Expected UE Behaviour parameters (see clause; or

-Expected UE Behaviour参数(见第4.15.6.3条);或

- Network Configuration parameters (see clause; or

-Network Configuration参数(见第4.15.6.3a条);或

- External Group Id and 5G VN group data (i.e. 5G-VN configuration parameters) (see clause, or

-External Group Id和5G VN组数据(即5G-VN配置参数)(见第4.15.6.3b条),或

- 5G VN group membership management parameters (see clause; or

-5G VN组成员管理参数(见第4.15.6.3c条);或

- Location Privacy Indication parameters of the "LCS privacy" Data Subset of the Subscription Data (see clause and clause 7.1 of TS 23.273 [51]); or

-Subscription Data“LCS privacy” Data Subset的Location Privacy Indication参数(见TS 23.273[51]第5.条和第7.1条);或

- MTC Provider Information;

-MTC Provider Information;

- AF provided ECS Address Configuration Information (see clause

-AF提供的ECS Address Configuration Information(见第4.15.6.3d条)。

The AF may request to delete 5G VN configuration by sending Nnef_ParameterProvision_Delete to the NEF.

AF可通过向NEF发送Nnef_ParameterProvision_Delete请求删除5G VN配置。

2. If the AF is authorised by the NEF to provision the parameters, the NEF requests to create, update and store, or delete the provisioned parameters as part of the subscriber data via Nudm_ParameterProvision_Create, Nudm_ParameterProvision_Update or Nudm_ParameterProvision_Delete Request message, the message includes the provisioned data and NEF reference ID and optionally MTC Provider Information.

2.如果AF经NEF授权提供参数,NEF通过Nudm_ParameterProvision_Create、Nudm_ParameterProvision_Update或Nudm_ParameterProvision_Delete Request消息请求创建、更新和存储或删除作为订户数据一部分的提供参数,该消息包括所提供的数据和NEF参考ID以及可选的MTC Provider Information。

If the AF is not authorised to provision the parameters, then the NEF continues in step 6 indicating the reason to failure in Nnef_ParameterProvision_Create/Update/Delete Response message. Step 7 does not apply in this case.

如果未授权AF提供参数,则NEF在步骤6中继续,在Nnef_ParameterProvision_Create/Update/Delete Response消息中指示失败原因。步骤7不适用于这种情况。

If the NEF did not receive DNN and/or S-NSSAI from the AF and such information is configured as needed within 5GC, the NEF determines the DNN and/or S-NSSAI from the AF Identifier.

如果NEF没有从AF接收到DNN和/或S-NSSAI,并且在5GC内根据需要配置了此类信息,则NEF从AF Identifier确定DNN和/或S-NSSAI。

If the NEF receives AF provided ECS Address Configuration Information with Spatial Validity Condition referring to a geographical area, the NEF translates the Spatial Validity Condition into one of a Presence Reporting Area.

如果NEF接收到具有Spatial Validity Condition的AF提供的ECS Address Configuration Information,该Spatial Validity Condition涉及地理区域,则NEF将Spatial Validity Condition转换为Presence Reporting Area之一。

NOTE 2: For non-roaming case and no authorisation or validation by the UDM required and if the request is not associated with a 5G VN group, the NEF can directly forward the external parameter to the UDR via Nudr_DM_Update Request message. And in this case, the UDR responds to NEF via Nudr_DM_Update Response message.

注2:对于非漫游情况,不需要UDM授权或验证,如果请求与5G VN组无关,NEF可以通过Nudr_DM_Update Request消息直接将外部参数转发给UDR。在这种情况下,UDR通过Nudr_DM_Update Response消息响应NEF。

3. UDM may read from UDR, by means of Nudr_DM_Query, corresponding subscription information in order to validate required data updates and authorize these changes for this subscriber or Group for the corresponding AF.


4. If the AF is authorised by the UDM to provision the parameters for this subscriber, the UDM resolves the GPSI to SUPI, and requests to create, update or delete the provisioned parameters as part of the subscriber data via Nudr_DM_Create/Update/Delete Request message, the message includes the provisioned data.

4.如果UDM授权AF为该订阅者提供参数,UDM将GPSI解析为SUPI,并通过Nudr_DM_Create/Update/Delete Request消息请求创建、更新或删除作为订阅者数据一部分的配置参数,该消息包括配置数据。

If a new 5G VN group is created, the UDM shall assign a unique Internal Group ID for the 5G VN group and include the newly assigned Internal Group ID in the Nudr_DM_Create Request message. If the list of 5G VN group members is changed or if 5G VN group data has changed, the UDM updates the UE and/or Group subscription data according to the AF/NEF request.

如果创建了新的5G VN组,UDM应为5G VN组分配唯一的Internal Group ID,并将新分配的Internal Group ID包含在Nudr_DM_Create Request 消息中。如果5G VN组成员的列表被改变或者如果5G VN组数据已经改变,则UDM根据AF/NEF请求更新UE和/或组订阅数据。

UDR stores the provisioned data as part of the UE and/or Group subscription data and responds with Nudr_DM_Create/Update/Delete Response message.

UDR将配置的数据存储为UE和/或Group订阅数据的一部分,并使用Nudr_DM_Create/Update/Delete Response消息进行响应。

When the 5G VN group data (as described in clause is updated, the UDR notifies to the subscribed PCF by sending Nudr_DM_Notify as defined in clause

当5G VN组数据(如第4.15.6.3b条所述)更新时,UDR通过发送第4.16.12.2条中定义的Nudr_DM_Notify通知订阅的PCF。

If the AF is not authorised to provision the parameters, then the UDM continues in step 5 indicating the reason to failure in Nudm_ParameterProvision_Update Response message and step 7 is not executed.

如果未授权AF提供参数,则UDM在步骤5中继续,指示Nudm_ParameterExprovision_Update Response消息中失败的原因,并且步骤7未执行。

The UDM classifies the received parameters (i.e. Expected UE Behaviour parameters or Suggested Number of Downlink Packets or the 5G VN configuration parameters or Location Privacy Indication parameters or ECS Address Configuration Information), into AMF associated and SMF associated parameters. The UDM may use the AF Identifier received from the NEF in step 2 to relate the received parameter with a particular subscribed DNN and/or S-NSSAI. The UDM stores the SMF-Associated parameters under corresponding Session Management Subscription data type.

UDM将接收到的参数(即Expected UE Behaviour参数或Suggested Number of Downlink Packets或5G VN配置参数或Location Privacy Indication参数或ECS Address Configuration Information)分类为AMF相关参数和SMF相关参数。UDM可以使用在步骤2中从NEF接收的AF Identifier来将所接收的参数与特定订阅的DNN和/或S-NSSAI相关联。UDM将SMF-Associated参数存储在相应的Session Management Subscription数据类型下。

Each parameter or parameter set may be associated with a validity time. The validity time is stored at the UDM/UDR and in each of the NFs, to which parameters are provisioned (e.g. in AMF or SMF). Upon expiration of the validity time, each node deletes the parameters autonomously without explicit signalling.


If the ECS Address Configuration Information is provided to any UE in AF request, the UDM updates the UE subscription data of any UE individually.

如果在AF请求中向任何UE提供了ECS Address Configuration Information,则UDM单独更新任何UE的UE订阅数据。

5. UDM responds the request with Nudm_ParameterProvision_Create/Update/Delete Response. If the procedure failed, the cause value indicates the reason.

5.UDM使用Nudm_ParameterProvision_Create/Update/Delete Response响应请求。如果程序失败,则原因值指示原因。

6. NEF responds the request with Nnef_ParameterProvision_Create/Update/Delete Response. If the procedure failed, the cause value indicates the reason.

6.NEF使用Nnef_ParameterProvision_Create/Update/Delete Response响应请求。如果程序失败,则原因值指示原因。

7. [Conditional this step occurs only after successful step 4] UDM notifies the subscribed Network Function (e.g., AMF) of the updated UE and/or Group subscription data via Nudm_SDM_Notification Notify message.

7.[有条件此步骤仅在步骤4成功后发生]UDM通过Nudm_SDM_Notification Notify消息将更新的UE和/或Group订阅数据通知订阅的Network Function(例如,AMF)。

a) If the NF is AMF, the UDM performs Nudm_SDM_Notification (SUPI or Internal Group Identifier, AMF-Associated Expected UE Behaviour parameters, Subscribed Periodic Registration Timer, subscribed Active Time, etc.) service operation. The AMF identifies whether there are overlapping parameter set(s) and merges the parameter set(s) in the Expected UE Behaviour, if necessary. The AMF uses the received parameters to derive the appropriate UE configuration of the NAS parameters and to derive Core Network assisted RAN parameters. The AMF may determine a Registration area based on parameters Stationary indication or Expected UE Moving Trajectory.

a) 如果NF是AMF,UDM执行Nudm_SDM_Notification(SUPI或Internal Group Identifier、AMF-Associated Expected UE Behaviour参数、Subscribed Periodic Registration Timer、订阅的Active Time等)服务操作。AMF识别是否存在重叠的参数集,并在必要时将参数集合并到Expected UE Behaviour中。

b) If the NF is SMF, the UDM performs Nudm_SDM_Notification (SUPI or Internal Group Identifier, SMF-Associated Expected UE Behaviour parameter set, DNN/S-NSSAI, Suggested Number of Downlink Packets, etc.) service operation.

b) 如果NF是SMF,UDM执行Nudm_SDM_Notification(SUPI或Internal Group Identifier、SMF-Associated Expected UE Behaviour参数集、DNN/S-NSSAI、Suggested Number of Downlink Packets等)服务操作。

The SMF stores the received parameters and associates them with a PDU Session based on the DNN and S-NSSAI included in the message from UDM.

SMF存储接收到的参数,并根据UDM消息中包含的DNN和S-NSSAI将其与PDU Session相关联。

The SMF identifies whether there are overlapping parameter set(s) in the Expected UE behaviour and merges the parameter set(s), if necessary. The SMF may use the parameters as follows:

SMF识别Expected UE行为中是否存在重叠的参数集,并在必要时合并参数集。SMF可使用以下参数:

- SMF configures the UPF accordingly. The SMF can use the Scheduled Communication Type parameter or Suggested Number of Downlink Packets parameter to configure the UPF with how many downlink packets to buffer. The SMF may use the parameter Communication duration time to determine to deactivate UP connection and to perform CN-initiated selective deactivation of UP connection of an existing PDU Session.

-SMF相应地配置UPF。SMF可以使用Scheduled Communication Type参数或Suggested Number of Downlink Packets参数来配置UPF,以缓冲多少下行链路分组。SMF可以使用参数“Communication duration time”来确定停用UP连接并执行CN发起的对现有PDU Session的UP连接的选择性停用。

- The SMF may derive SMF derived CN assisted RAN information for the PDU Session. The SMF provides the SMF derived CN assisted RAN information to the AMF as described in PDU Session establishment procedure or PDU Session modification procedure.

-SMF可以为PDU Session派生SMF派生的CN辅助RAN信息。SMF向AMF提供SMF派生的CN辅助RAN信息,如PDU Session建立过程或PDU Session修改过程中所述。

NOTE 3: The NEF (in NOTE 1) or the UDM (in step 3) can also update the corresponding UDR data via Nudr_DM_Create/Delete as appropriate.


NOTE 4: The change of AF provided ECS configuration information is not meant to apply immediately: the UDM interface to the SMF can refer to Shared Data for the Subscription provided ECS configuration information. When such Shared Data has changed for many UE(s) the SMF should apply procedures avoiding peaks of signalling traffic in the network related with the change of Subscription provided ECS configuration information.

注4:AF提供的ECS配置信息的更改并不意味着立即应用:SMF的UDM接口可以引用Subscription提供的ECS配置信息的Shared Data。当多个UE的此类Shared Data发生变化时,SMF应应用程序避免网络中与Subscription提供的ECS配置信息的变化相关的信令流量峰值。


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