Omnifocus - Reference Manual for V4 - 1

1, Welcome to OmniFocus

OmniFocus 4 以你的任务大纲为中心,为你所有的 Apple 设备带来一致的体验,并针对每种设备类型进行了优化。

Centered around your task outline, OmniFocus 4 brings a consistent experience, optimized for each device type, to all of your Apple devices.

OmniFocus 是一款功能强大、可高度定制的个人任务管理器,适合忙碌的专业人士使用。OmniFocus 帮助忙碌的人们控制混乱,在正确的时间专注于正确的任务。

OmniFocus is a powerful and highly-customizable personal task manager for busy professionals. OmniFocus helps busy people to tame the chaos, and focus on the right tasks at the right time.

当你将 OmniFocus 简化到其本质时,你会发现一些简单的概念:

  • 大项目可以分解成更小的任务,使其更容易处理。

  • 可以对这些任务进行分类,帮助你更高效地完成任务。

  • 我们的电子设备可以跟踪任务的执行条件何时满足和任务到期时间,从而减轻我们不堪重负的工作负担。

  • 当这种可信赖的系统能够快速、轻松地捕捉到你所想的任何事情时,它就能发挥最大的作用,同时还能为你提供工具,让你重新审视自己的系统,从而重新获得控制力和专注力。

When you strip down OmniFocus to its essence, you’ll find a few simple concepts:

* That big projects can be broken down into smaller tasks to make them easier to tackle.

* That those tasks can be categorized to help you tackle them more efficiently.

* That our computing devices can take some of the load off our overwhelmed minds by tracking when tasks will become available and when they’re due.

* And that this sort of trusted system works best when it can quickly and easily capture whatever is on your mind, while also giving you tools to review your system to regain control and focus.

OmniFocus 4 在功能强大与平易近人之间取得了非凡的平衡。当我们决定使用苹果公司的新 SwiftUI 技术重建应用程序界面时,我们对一切都进行了全新的审视,并在密切关注数千名测试者反馈的基础上进行了频繁的迭代。最终,我们设计出了一个平易近人、易于使用的界面,同时还能在客户需要深入了解时提供他们所期望的深度、强大功能和令人惊叹的可定制性。

OmniFocus 4 strikes a remarkable balance between power and approachability. When we decided to rebuild the app interface with Apple’s new SwiftUI technologies, we took a fresh look at everything and iterated often—based on paying close attention to feedback from thousands of testers. The result is a design which is approachable and easy to use at a light level, while still providing the depth, power, and stunning customizability our customers expect when they need to go deep.

OmniFocus 4 可跨平台通用购买:只需购买或订阅一个许可证,即可在 Mac、iPhone、iPad 和 Apple Watch 上全面访问 OmniFocus 4。

OmniFocus 4 is a universal cross-platform purchase: get full access to OmniFocus 4 on your Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch with a single license purchase or subscription.

2,Getting Started

OmniFocus 可以让您捕捉在您漫游世界时想到的一系列想法、行动项目和项目,有时甚至是无穷无尽的想法、行动项目和项目......然后为您提供工具,让您无论走到哪里,每天都能取得更大的成就!

OmniFocus allows you to capture the sometimes endless series of ideas, action items, and projects that come to mind as you wander through the world… and then provides you with the tools to Accomplish more every day — anywhere you go!


This documentation can certainly be read from start to finish, but it is intended to serve as a reference manual, allowing you to learn more about topics that catch your interest, when needed.

2.1 A Trusted System


Life is complicated. We each have a mix of plans, commitments, goals, priorities, and ideas jumbled up in our heads, all competing for time and attention. Sometimes these ideas push to the forefront unbidden, or fall out of our mind just when we need them most.


Many of us are pretty good at managing our lives in our heads most of the time. But what if we didn’t have to?


What if we had a trusted system where we could capture flashes of inspiration, sketch out long term goals, build healthy habits, and house a literally photographic memory?

OmniFocus 就是这样一个值得信赖的系统:一个 "第二大脑",它的强大取决于你的选择。它可以快速捕捉灵感,然后帮助你组织和连接它们,建立多步骤项目或使用标签对共同主题进行分组。

OmniFocus is that trusted system: a “second brain that is as powerful as you choose to make it. It’s designed to rapidly capture ideas on the fly, then help you organize and connect them, building multi-step projects or grouping common themes using tags.

OmniFocus 可以让你知道自己位于杂货店附近,并提醒你的聚会计划和蛋糕的所有配料。或者提示您查看天气,为下个月的满月观赏拿出望远镜。或者,如果你觉得自己很有创造力,也可以给你建议一份需要你发挥艺术细胞的任务清单。

OmniFocus can let you know when you’re near the grocery store, and remind you of your party plans and all the ingredients that go into that cake. Or prompt you to check the weather and get out the telescope for next month’s full moon viewing. Or if you’re feeling creative, suggest a list of tasks that require your artistic attention.

无论你最喜欢的是没有分类的清单,还是多步骤项目中复杂的嵌套步骤,或者是介于两者之间的清单,OmniFocus 都能支持你的思维方式。OmniFocus坚持使用您需要的片段来帮助您完成工作,并随着您不断变化的工作流程开发新的功能--所有这些功能都具有强大的端到端加密数据同步功能,可帮助您保持对系统的信任。

Whether you’re most comfortable with an unsorted checklist, a complex set of nested steps that are part of a multi-step project, or somewhere in the middle, OmniFocus is there to support the way you think. It sticks with the pieces you need to help you get stuff done, unfolding new functions along with your changing workflows — all with powerful, end-to-end encrypted data syncing to help you keep trust in the system.


Before we look at the road ahead, it’s sometimes useful to glance behind us, to see where we’ve come from.

2.2 Capturing Ideas

OmniFocus 4 的设计初衷是让您能够在不同设备之间轻松移动,因此无论您身在何处,您的数据都已准备就绪。当您与 Omni Sync Server(或其他支持 WebDAV 的服务器)同步数据时,您所做的最新更改可在所有设备上使用。在 iPhone 上捕捉想法,在 iPad 上充实内容,在 Mac 上深入整理细节......然后在 Apple Watch 上收到提醒!

OmniFocus 4 is intentionally built for you to be able to move easily between devices, so your data is ready for you wherever you are. When you sync your data with the Omni Sync Server (or another WebDAV-enabled server), the latest changes you make are available on all of your devices. Start capturing a thought on an iPhone, flesh it out on an iPad, and really get into the details of organizing on your Mac… then get reminders on your Apple Watch!

要让 OmniFocus 有效地充当您计划的可信系统,首先您需要将这些知识从您的头脑中提取出来并输入到应用程序中。OmniFocus 通过提供一个直观的界面,让您尽可能直接地开始使用。

For OmniFocus to effectively serve as a trusted system for your plans, first you’ll need to get that knowledge out of your head and into the app. OmniFocus makes this as straightforward as possible by presenting an intuitive interface with just the things you need to get started.

OmniFocus 中的项目代表您想做的事情、更大计划中的片段,或者任何可操作的数据。使用统一的语法来命名项目可能会有帮助,但不要因此而裹足不前--现在,我们的目标是尽可能多地将想法、计划和待办事项从头脑中提取出来,并记录到 OmniFocus 中。

Items in OmniFocus represent things that you’d like to do, pieces of larger plans, or really any sort of data that’s actionable in some way. It can be helpful to use a consistent syntax in naming your items, but don’t let that get in your way — for now, the goal is to get as many ideas, plans, and to-dos out of your head and captured in OmniFocus as you can.


You’ll notice as you add items to the Inbox that there are additional details you can set, such as due date, note, and flag, that can provide more information about the work that each item represents. These bits of additional information are purely optional; don’t feel like you have to fill them all out for every item you add. (In the future, you’ll be able to experiment with even more rich data associated with your tasks, but for now we’re keeping it simple.)

2.3 Organizing Your Thoughts

你可能会发现,你所捕捉到的想法有些简单明了("为明天准备午餐"),有些则比较复杂("明年的预算")。你可以选择将其中一些留在收件箱中,就像处理简单的核对表一样,完成后点击状态圆圈标记完成......或者你也可以大胆地跳出收件箱,看看 OmniFocus 会为你带来什么。

You will likely discover that some of the ideas you have captured are quick and straightforward (“make lunch for tomorrow”), and some are more complex (“budget for next year”). You can choose to leave some of these in the Inbox and treat them like a simple checklist, tapping the status circle to mark them complete when they’re finished… or you could venture out of the Inbox, and see what OmniFocus holds in store.

  • 在项目视角中进一步整理你的想法,并开始添加所有相关的行动和项目。

Organize your ideas further in the Projects perspective, and start adding all of the related actions and projects.

  • 在 "标签 "视角中轻松查看所有相关的行动或项目,这样你就能看到需要在特定地点完成的所有行动、需要特定人员参加的议程会议主题,或者只应在精力充沛时处理的项目。

Easily see all related actions or projects in the Tags perspective, so that you can see all actions that need to be completed in a specific place, agenda meeting topics that require a certain person to attend, or projects you should only tackle when you’re feeling high energy.

  • 使用 "预测 "计划未来几天和几周的工作,这样你就不会感到意外,也不会忘记日程表上的某些事情。

Plan the days and weeks ahead using Forecast, so that you’re never surprised, or forget something on your schedule.


2.4 Before You Go

对于 OmniFocus 的所有功能,我们建议您给自己一个机会来适应这个新系统。从简单的功能开始,使用能为您的任务管理增添价值的功能,其余的功能可以随意忽略......直到需要更多。我们祝您在提高工作效率的道路上一帆风顺,只要您有需要,我们随时恭候您的光临--还有一个由 OmniFocus 用户组成的充满活力的社区。祝您好运,OmniFocusing 快乐!

With all of OmniFocus’s features, we recommend giving yourself a chance to get used to this new system. Start simple, use the features that add value to your task management, and feel free to ignore the rest… until more is needed. We wish you the best on your productivity journey, and we’re here whenever you need us — alongside a vibrant community of your fellow OmniFocus users. Good luck, and happy OmniFocusing!

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