Omnifocus - Reference Manual for V4 - 2

3, Perspectives

视角是查看 OmniFocus 中的操作和项目的不同方式。每个视角都有特定的目的,当它们一起使用时,可以让你计划并完成目标。OmniFocus 包含七个内置视角,可帮助您组织、优先排序、安排和审查操作和项目。还有两个视角用于查看已完成或已更改的项目。OmniFocus Pro 还包括自定义视角。

Perspectives are different ways of viewing the actions and projects in OmniFocus. Each perspective has a specific purpose, and when used together they allow you to plan and accomplish your goals. OmniFocus includes seven built-in perspectives to help you organize, prioritize, schedule, and review your actions and projects. There are also two perspectives for viewing completed or changed items. OmniFocus Pro also includes custom perspectives.

3.1 Built-In Perspectives

3.1.1 Default Perspectives


  • 收件箱--用于快速捕捉和处理操作。

  • 项目--用于将行动汇集到项目中,并确定下一步行动。

  • 标签--用于添加有关人员、地点、事物、精神状态、能量水平或任何影响工作时间和地点的信息。

  • 预测 - 用于查看将来到期或推迟一段时间的所有行动和项目,并与日程表一起查看。

  • 标记 - 将所有标记的行动集中在一处。

  • 附近 - 在列表或地图上查看有指定位置标签的所有行动或项目。您可以在您所在的位置或附近做什么?

  • 回顾 - 用于查看迄今为止的进度,确定项目状态,并找出下一步该做什么。

The perspectives for planning and completing items are:

* Inbox — for quickly capturing and processing actions.

* Projects — for gathering actions into projects, and figuring out what comes next.

* Tags — for adding information about people, places, things, states of mind, energy level, or anything that affects when or where you work.

* Forecast — for viewing all of your actions and projects that have related due or defer until dates, and viewing them alongside your schedule.

* Flagged — for gathering all of your flagged actions in one place.

* Nearby — for seeing all actions or projects that have a tag with an assigned location, either in a list or on a map. What can you do where you are, or nearby?

* Review — for checking on your progress so far, determining the status of projects, and figuring out what to do next.

3.1.2 Completed and Changed


  • 已完成 - 用于查找已完成的操作和项目。

  • 已更改 - 用于查找已更改的操作和项目。

The perspectives for viewing completed or changed items are:

* Completed — for finding completed actions and projects.

* Changed — for finding changed actions and projects.

3.2 Perspectives Bar

视角栏是 Mac 和 iPad 屏幕左侧的一排标签,或 iPhone 屏幕底部的一排标签。默认情况下,首次安装 OmniFocus 时,视角栏是可见的,每个选项卡都包含一个图标和标题;点击图标将访问相关视角。如果你愿意,可以隐藏视角栏,或者只隐藏标题。

The perspectives bar is a row of tabs down the left side of the screen on a Mac and iPad, or across the bottom of the screen on an iPhone. By default, it is visible when OmniFocus is first installed, with each tab containing an icon and title; tapping on an icon will visit the related perspective. If you’d like to, you can either hide the perspectives bar, or just hide the titles.

3.3 Quick Open

无论您使用的是 Mac、iPhone 还是 iPad,快速打开功能都能帮助您在 OmniFocus 中快速导航。

Quick Open is designed to help you quickly navigate wherever you need to go in OmniFocus, whether you are using a Mac, an iPhone, or an iPad.

3.4 Perspectives List

在 Mac 上,"视角列表 "用于选择最喜欢的视角、分配自定义键盘快捷键或重新排列视角栏的顺序。使用 OmniFocus Pro,视角列表还可用于创建新的自定义视角。此功能在 iPhone 和 iPad 上也有提供,但属于快速打开的一部分。

On Mac, the Perspectives List is used for selecting favorite perspectives, assigning custom keyboard shortcuts, or reordering the Perspectives Bar.  With OmniFocus Pro, the Perspectives List can also be used to create new custom perspectives. This functionality is also available on iPhone and iPad, but is part of Quick Open.

3.5 View Options

点击或单击工具栏中的眼球图标,从视图菜单中选择显示视图选项,或使用键盘快捷键 Shift-Command-V,都可以显示视图选项。

View Options can be shown by tapping or clicking the eyeball icon in the toolbar, selecting Show View Options from the View menu, or using the keyboard shortcut Shift-Command-V.


View Options allow you to customize which actions or projects appear in the Outline for the current perspective, based on their status and availability, in addition to perspective-specific options.


3.5 Inbox

收件箱是你的起点,在这里你可以记录下你想要完成的一切:你所有的希望、梦想和目标。要在收件箱中添加项目,可使用视角栏或快速打开导航到收件箱,然后从文件菜单中选择新建操作(Command-N),点击 Mac 工具栏中的新建操作按钮(加号图标),或轻点 iPhone 或 iPad 右下方的新建项目按钮(加号图标)。

The Inbox is your starting place, where you can capture everything that you want to accomplish: all of your hopes, dreams, and goals. To add an item to the Inbox, navigate there using the Perspectives Bar or Quick Open, and choose New Action (Command-N) from the File menu, click the New Action button (plus icon) in the Mac toolbar, or tap the New Item button (plus icon) in the lower right of your iPhone or iPad.


Many people use the Inbox as a landing place for new ideas, allowing them to quickly capture all the thoughts in their mind. While it is possible to work out of the Inbox, it’s often a temporary place for those ideas to live. Adding a project or tags to an item turns it into an action, and converting it into a project allows you to add even more actions… all in the interest of moving towards your goals.

虽然每个人的工作流程不同,但很多人都会尽量保持收件箱为空,定期处理收件箱中的所有项目。这种做法通常被称为 "收件箱清零",在 OmniFocus 中,当收件箱中没有项目时,背景中会出现一个图形,以示奖励。

Though every workflow is different, many people try to keep their Inbox empty, processing all the contained items on a regular basis. This practice is often referred to as “Inbox Zero”, and is subtly rewarded in OmniFocus by the appearance of a graphic in the background of the Inbox when no items are present.

  • 收件箱概要(Inbox Outline)


Once you have an item in your Inbox, what do you do next? In the simplest workflow, you can accomplish the action that you have captured in your Inbox, and then mark it complete by clicking or tapping the Status Circle next to the item.

在处理第一项操作之前,您是否需要再做一些整理?收件箱 "大纲 "包含一个各个条目的列表,您可以选择将其整理为行动组。要做到这一点,可以将一个条目拖到另一个条目的顶部 (Mac、iPhone 或 iPad),选择一个条目并使用“Add Inside”部命令 (Mac、iPhone 或 iPad),或者从屏幕右下方拖动新建操作按钮,将其悬停在大纲中的某个操作(Action)上 (iPhone 或 iPad)。

Do you need to do a little more organizing, before tackling that first action? The Inbox Outline contains a list of individual items, which you can choose to organize into action groups. This can be accomplished by dragging one item on top of another (Mac, iPhone, or iPad), selecting an item and using the Add Inside command (Mac, iPhone, or iPad), or dragging the New Action button from the lower right of your screen to hover over an action in the Outline (iPhone or iPad).


You can also add tags to an item, by clicking or tapping into the Tags fields, and beginning to type; you can either select existing tags, or create new ones.


Since the Inbox is most often a temporary place for capturing ideas, it only supports very simple organization. If you need more complexity, or are working on a project with many related actions, then it’s time to either add the Inbox item to an existing project, or convert it into a project, and continue planning. Clicking or tapping into the Project field will allow you to either select an existing project, or create a new project.

一旦您在收件箱条目中添加了项目或标签,它很可能会从视图中消失,这取决于您对清理收件箱项目的设置。您的条目仍然安全!它们现在已经归档,可以进行下一步操作。不完全确定你的收件箱条目去了哪里?请参阅 "默认杂项 "项目。

Once you have added a project or tags to an Inbox item, it will likely disappear from view, depending on your settings for Clean up inbox items which have. Your items are still safe! They’re now filed, and ready for your next steps. Not entirely sure where your Inbox item just went? Please see read about the default Miscellaneous project.


If you convert an Inbox item to a project, it will immediately reopen in the Projects perspective, ready for further planning.

  • 收件箱侧边栏(Inbox Sidebar)

收件箱视图在视图中是独一无二的,因为它没有侧边栏。侧边栏通常用于导航到大纲的一部分,或过滤以只查看大纲的特定部分。导航和筛选都需要收件箱条目通常不具备的附加信息,如分配的项目或标签;在收件箱中,添加这些信息通常会将项目从收件箱中完全移除,这是基于你的 "清理收件箱 "项目设置。

The Inbox perspective is unique among perspectives, as it doesn’t have a Sidebar. The Sidebar is normally used for navigating to part of the Outline, or filtering to only see a specific section of the Outline. Both navigation and filtering require additional information which Inbox items don’t typically have, such as an assigned project or tags; in the Inbox, adding that information normally removes the item from the Inbox entirely, based on your Clean up inbox items which have setting.

  • 条目状态(Item Status)


As you discovered above, clicking or tapping on the Status Circle next to an item will mark it completed, one of several status options that can be applied to actions, groups, projects, folders, and even tags. Other status options include active (the default), on hold, and dropped. More information about status options can be found in the glossary.

  • 清理已解决的项目(Cleaning Up Resolved Items)

单击项目状态圆圈标记项目已完成后,项目可能不会立即从大纲中消失。如果您设置了在更改视角时清理项目,则这些项目会一直保留,直到您导航到其他地方或使用 "清理 "命令手动清理为止。您可以通过更改 "清理已解决项目 "的设置来选择 OmniFocus 的清理时间。

When you mark an item complete by clicking its status circle , the item may not immediately disappear from the Outline. If you have set items to clean up when changing perspectives, they remain until you navigate elsewhere or clean up manually by using the Clean Up command. You can choose when OmniFocus cleans up by changing the setting for Clean up resolved items

如果在清理当前视图后,已完成的项目仍未消失,请检查视角的 "视图选项",因为您很可能将 "视图选项 "的 "可用性 "部分设置为 "全部"。更改为任何其他可用性选项,以隐藏已完成项目。

If a completed item doesn’t disappear even after you’ve cleaned up your current view, check your View Options for the perspective, as you likely have the availability section of View Options set to All. Change to any of the other availability options, to hide completed items.

要查看隐藏的项目,请将当前视角的 "视图 "选项更改为 "全部 "*。

To see those hidden items, change the current perspective’s View options to All*.







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