知识见闻 - 个人防护装备

Personal Protective Equipment
工作场所的物理伤害屡见不鲜。当我们发现物理危险时,我们会使用分层控制措施来尝试消除危险。工程控制措施为第一步,因为我们可以尝试消除危险,或者从工作环境中隔离危险 。如果工程控制措施还不足够,下一步就是使用管理控制措施,这涉及到更改员工工作方式 ,以最大限度减少员工暴露于危险。但有时,不管是工程控制措施还是管理控制措施,都不足以应对工作场所的危险,这时候就需要引入个人防护装备。个人防护装备也称为 PPE,是穿戴以用于防止暴露于工作场所危险的装备,并可降低工作场所受伤或患病的几率。即使是基本着装也能起到一些防护作用,但是很多工作都需要穿戴特定的 PPE,以便您正确使用,以保护自己免遭工作场所的危险。 
美国职业安全与健康管理署或 OSHA 要求员工穿戴必要的 PPE,以安全地完成工作。个人防护装备包括眼睛防护装备、头部防护装备、听力防护装备,或者针对身体任何其他部位的防护装备,这取决于您的工作职能。OSHA 要求您的大多数 PPE 都必须获得美国国家标准协会或 ANSI 的批准,包括眼睛防护装备、头部防护装备和脚部防护装备。您的雇主应当为您提供工作所需的大多数 PPE,并培训您如何使用和保养这些装备,包括如何穿戴、何时穿戴,以及如何进行清洁和保养。您还应当知道 PPE 的局限所在。尽管良好的 PPE 能起到很多防护作用,但这些装备也并非坚不可摧。 
本课程旨在让您了解需要使用 PPE 的工作场所危险,以及您可用于防范这些危险的不同类型的 PPE。当我们完成本课程学习后,您将能够确定 PPE 的普通类型及其用途,以及 PPE 的专用类型及其用途,以及您使用和维护这些个人防护装备时承担的责任。 
第 1 课:确定 PPE 的常用类型及其用途。
正如我们先前所说,即使普通衣物也是某种类型的 PPE:他们能够为您防范热、冷和困窘局面。但是也有一些类型的衣物专门设计用于全身性 PPE,您之前可能没有想到过这点。例如 ,在普通工作服或特定类型的制服外再穿一件围裙,可防止您和您的衣服沾上污渍、污垢、油脂甚至腐蚀性化学清洁剂等有害物质。如果您长时间在湿冷环境下工作,工装外罩是一件良好装备。实验服能够很好地防范化学品暴露,而皮革装备则能够抵御干热和火焰。橡胶服能够帮助防范化学品危险和电气危险。手术服可有效防范血液和其他体内物质。其他全身性防护装备可抵御辐射、火灾,或者抛射危险。如果您在工作中需要穿戴特殊类型的全身性PPE,您的主管应当通知您需要何种类型的装备。 
您的双腿和双脚对于所有类型的危险都特别脆弱:可能踩到尖锐物体上、被很重的物体碾压 、暴露于过热或过冷环境、暴露于电气危险,以及可能面临滑倒、绊倒和摔倒危险。根据您面临的具体危险不同,您可以穿着各种不同类型的鞋子、靴子和其他装备来保护自己。很多类型的靴子都具有抗撞击护趾和抗热鞋底。某些类型的鞋子不导电,可防范电气危险,而其他鞋子则可以在存在爆炸危险的环境中帮助分散静电。某些鞋子还可以防滑并更好地抓地,这对于湿滑区域很有帮助。在很多工作环境下,您需要穿不露趾的鞋子,并且您需要定期清洁和保养鞋子,以确保它们能够起到防护作用。 
您的双手可能是您使用的最重要的工具,它们也是您身体比较脆弱的部位之一。为您要执行的工作选择恰当的手套非常重要。并非每种手套都适合每项工作。皮革手套和帆布手套能很好地防止割伤、烧伤和高温。织物手套能有效防止污垢、碎屑和擦伤,并能够在搬运物品时有效维持抓握力。氯丁橡胶或腈橡胶等防化学品手套正如其名称所指的那样,能有效防范特定化学品,但是大多数防化学品手套仅额定用于防护特定类型的化学品。ANSI 并没有针对手套的特定标准,但是 OSHA 建议您和您的雇主根据您所做的工作、您的工作环境,以及手套材料的性能和结构特性来选择手套。 
头部受伤尤为危险,因为这些伤害经常会造成永久性削弱性伤害或死亡。幸运的是,安全帽和安全头盔都易于佩戴。安全帽不仅能够防止工人头部受到撞击和穿透,同时还有部分安全帽可额定用于防止电击和烧伤。如果您在有坠物危险、架空电气危险或头顶空间受限的区域工作,则您应当佩戴头部防护装备。您的头部防护装备需要佩戴合适,并能够保护您免遭工作场所中的危险。在对安全帽进行装饰或涂色前,务必先查看制造商说明,因为该举动可能会影响安全帽的防护性能。请勿存放在阳光直晒的环境下,因为这可能会让安全帽外壳变脆 。如果您注意到安全帽的任何部位破裂或受损,或者如果安全帽承受过任何类型的撞击,则您需要更换安全帽。即使安全帽看起来并没有受损,其防护功能也可能已减弱。 
第 2 课:确定 PPE 的专用类型及其用途。
您的双眼是身体中最易受损伤的部位之一,因此眼部危险和面部危险是工作场所中最常见的危险,这一点毫不奇怪。如果您的工作会将您暴露于飞溅颗粒、熔融金属、液态化学品、酸液或碱液、化学气体或蒸汽,或者可能有害的光辐射等,OSHA 要求您的雇主为您提供眼部保护装备。您将需要的眼部防护设备取决于您的工作职责,防护装备的范围可从焊接作业或化学品作业使用的侧护板安全护目镜到全面部防护罩。如果您佩戴隐形眼镜或处方眼镜,则您仍然需要额外的眼部防护装备;您需要将超大尺寸的安全护目镜戴在处方眼镜外,或者佩戴符合 ANSI 标准的处方安全护目镜。不管您佩戴何种眼睛防护装备,都应当让装备舒适地贴合您的面部,且不会阻挡您的视野。 
您在参加音乐会或其他音量较大的活动后,或者在操作重型机械后,是否出现过耳朵内有嗡嗡作响的情况?这种嗡嗡声称为耳鸣,是某种程度听力受损的征兆。如果这种噪音级别持续,则可以引起永久性听力受损。如果您工作场所中的噪音水平超过 85 分贝,或者如果工作场所过于嘈杂,以致无法进行正常交谈,且您的雇主无法降低噪音水平,则您需要听力防护装备。您可以使用的听力防护装备有三种主要类型:泡沫耳塞、 模压硅胶耳塞或者耳罩。将泡沫耳塞搓细滑入您的耳道,用完后即可丢弃。模压耳塞旨在贴合到您的耳道内,并可以重复使用,因此您需要定期进行清洗。耳罩可以像耳机那样贴合您的耳廓,但是它们的区别是,前者能够阻挡声音进入耳朵,而后者则是传递声音。耳罩通常是最舒适的听力防护装备类型,但有可能妨碍其他类型的 PPE。不管您使用哪种类型的听力防护装备,都将需要确保该装备能够为您的工作环境提供充分保护,并保持装备干净及保养良好。 
考虑到一些极为特殊的危险,某些工作需要比其他装备更复杂的 PPE。如果您在没有护栏或栅栏的高空区域作业,则您可能需要防坠落 PPE,例如人员坠落制动系统。在某些工作中,发生火灾的几率极高,您可能需要穿戴防火服。某些工人可能需要化学服或防化服、硫化氢和其他空气监测报警器等形形色色的 PPE,甚至是您不得不穿戴的辐射 PPE,而这不过是刚刚开始。还有很多我们尚未提及的 PPE,您的工作越危险,则您的 PPE 就可能越专用且越复杂。如果您需要任何这些类型的 PPE,您的雇主将确保您获得恰当的装备,并就如何使用这些装备提供培训。 
第 3 课:确定您在使用和保养 PPE 方面的责任。
最重要的一件事就是要记住,对于 PPE 而言,只有当您正确穿戴时才有效。您的雇主可能会为您提供装备,但如果将安全护目镜锁在储物柜中,不会给您带来任何好处。在必要时穿戴PPE 最终是您的责任。如果您不按要求穿戴 PPE,您的雇主可能会对您进行纪律处分,但更重要的是,如果您不穿戴个人防护装备,您会为自己的健康和福祉带来风险。承担没必要的风险毫无意义,这可能会影响到您的生活,而不仅仅是您的工作。 
不管您使用何种 PPE,都需要能够恰如其分地贴合身体部位。过于松弛的 PPE 有可能来回滑动,不在适当位置,因而产生气泡或擦伤,或者完全跌落,使设备的所有预期效果完全无效。另一方面,过于紧绷的 PPE 可能会阻断或限制身体各部位的血液循环,并造成身体不适 ,让您不愿穿戴。舒适合体的 PPE 穿戴起来要容易得多,也因此有效得多。尽管如此,PPE 仍然要按其设计宗旨来穿戴,即使某种类型的 PPE 穿戴起来很舒适,但也不能导致无法正确穿戴其他 PPE。例如,如果您同时需要头部防护装备和听力防护装备,且您想为了听力保护而佩戴耳罩,则您的安全帽需要能够容纳耳罩,并且仍然能够恰当地贴合头部。如果您无法以这种方式佩戴耳罩完成工作,则您可能需要改为使用耳塞。 
不管您将需要使用何种 PPE,都务必确保对其恰当进行护理。当您收到装备后,您的雇主应当就装备的正确保养对您进行培训,但是您需要确保正确遵守这些保养说明。查看装备本身,并查看制造商的护理和保养说明,也是个不错的主意。如果您的任何 PPE 受损,那么它就不能按预期方式有效保护您,因而需要进行更换。如果您能够自行更换 PPE,请自行更换。否则,应通知主管立即进行更换。 
很多工作场所会随时间而改变。新的员工、新的设备和新的政策可能会改变您的工作方式,或者您在执行工作时需要遵循的特定流程。同样,随着时间推移,您的工作场所中可能出现新危险,或者已有的危险可能减少,或变得更为显著。您的雇主应当在您的工作场所中定期进行危险评估,以确定您需要哪一类控制措施和 PPE,但是由于您将在该环境中工作,因此最好能够记住工作场所中事物变化的时间,以及工作环境中的危险是否会变化。如果您注意到需要解决的任何新的危险,或者需要尚未从雇主那里获得的 PPE,请务必与您的主管或安全经理讨论,让他们了解您的顾虑。这不仅能够让您的雇主遵守 OSHA 规定,还能够帮助维持您和同事的安全。 
现在您已学完本课程,应当能够确定 PPE 的常见类型及其用途、PPE 的专用类型及其用途 ,以及您在使用和保养 PPE 方面的责任。 
When workplace hazards cannot be eliminated or reduced to a safe level through other methods,your employer will use personal protective equipment or PPE to create a personal barrier between you and the hazard.After completing this course, you should be able to identify common types of PPE and their uses.You should also be able to identify OSHA's requirements for PPE and the responsibilities you and your employer have for selecting,using, and maintaining PPE.  
Lesson 1: PPE Standards, Use, and Maintenance.Click the "Next" button to continue.
The Occupational Safety and HealthAdministration, or OSHA, maintainsa set of standards for your employer and PPE.For many types of PPE such as respiratoryprotection and hard hats, OSHA providesadditional requirements that can vary dependingon both the workplace and the hazard.Generally, your employer must provide theappropriate PPE at no cost to you.The PPE must be in good condition, andyour employer is responsible for replacing anydamaged PPE.Your employer must also train you over anynecessary PPE, as wellas ensuring that you properly wear and care forit. 
PPE does not remove or reducehazards; it only provides a barrierbetween you and the hazard.Your employer must perform a hazard assessmentto determine your levels of exposure andany PPE you will need.In some cases, you must be assessed by aqualified physician or have the PPEfit specifically to you.In most cases, your employer will selectand provide your PPE at no cost to you,they must train you on its limitations,how to properly maintain it, put it onadjust and properly removeit.If an incident occurs or an employeeis found to be using PPE incorrectly,your employer must retrain that employee.In a few cases, you may be required to provideyour own protective clothing items like winterjackets or safety toed shoes.Occasionally, employers allow workers to supplytheir own upgraded, custom-fit orprescription PPE, if it meetscompany guidelines.In these cases, your employer is typicallynot required to pay for the items, butis still responsible for making sure any PPEyou provide is safe and appropriate. 
While your employer will provide you with specific instructions for cleaning and caring for any PPE you're provided, there are some general best practices that you canapply to caring for any PPE.Store your PPE out of extreme conditions,especially sunlight and extreme cold.Regularly clean your PPE and do notalter or add to your PPE unlessallowed by your employer and the manufacturersguidelines.Before you use your PPE visually,inspect it for damage or significant wear,and notify your supervisor of any holes,cracks, or other damage.You should also notify your supervisor if yourPPE has protected you in an incident,as it may need to be replaced.One-time-use or disposable PPEmust never be reused, evenif it has been cleaned.Reusable PPE can be cleaned and usedmore than once but must be disposed ofwhen it no longer provides appropriateprotection due to damage or wear and tear. 
Lesson 2: Protection For Your Limbs and Head
You use your hands constantly,both at work and in life, and protectingthem is important.Wearing gloves can help protect your hands fromcuts, scrapes, burns,fractures, and amputations.Gloves are situation-specific,and the type of glove you use will depend onwhat you're being exposed to, like hotor cold temperatures, abrasivesurfaces, dirt, sharp materialsor machines, chemicals, germs,and electricity.In addition, you may wear more than one pair ofgloves. For example, this may be necessaryif you are handling chemicals in a walk-inrefrigerator and need to wear a glove forcold temperatures with a chemical-resistantglove over it.You may also use a glove that serves multiplepurposes.For example, coated fabric gloves canprotect against dirt and abrasion, butalso provide grip for heavy-duty handling.Your employer should provide one or more typesof gloves approved for the task or performing. 
Types of foot protection include leggings,metatarsal guards, toe guards,combination foot and shin guards,and safety shoes.If you are at risk of injuries to your feet orlower legs, you may use metatarsal guardswhich protect the top of the foot toeguards, foot and shin guards or safetyshoes.While guards protect against impact,they generally don't provide heat protection.However, if you're exposed to high heat througha task like welding, leggingsmay provide enough protection.Some safety shoes can provide both heat andimpact protection, as can metalinsoles, which protect your foot if you step onsomething sharp, like a nail.If you work around or with electrical hazards,certain safety shoes can offer protectionagainst a buildup of static electricity.There are also safety issues that arenonconductive, preventing the employeefrom creating a complete circuit.To get the most out of your foot and leg PPE,make sure it fits you correctly, andthat you wear it according to your training. 
Hard hats can offer protection against overheadhazards such as dropped objects,low clearance, and electricity.All hard hats must meet ANSI’srequirements to be OSHA-compliant.ANSI divides hard hats into two primarycategories: Type I and Type II.Type I protects the top of the head and TypeII protects both the top and sides of the head.In addition, there are three classes thatdefine the level of protection againstelectrical hazards: Class G,E and C.Class G, or general has voltageprotection up to 2,200 volts;Class E, or electrical hasvoltage protection up to 20,000 volts;and Class C or conductive, doesnot provide any electrical protection.You may also be familiar with bumphats, commonly used for working in spaces withlow clearances.Bump hats provide only minimal protectionand do not meet OSHA or ANSI standards.Make sure your hard hat fits you exactlyand isn't too snug or loose.Adding things like stickers or paint canaffect the protection the hard hat offers.Never alter your hard hat unless your employerand the manufacturer allow it.Hard hats require a hard outer shelland a shock-absorbing lining.The lighting should incorporate a head band andstraps that suspend the shell from 1 to 11/4 inches (2.54 cm to 3.18 cm) away from theuser's head.This design provides shock absorption duringimpact and ventilation during wear.Always wear a chin strap if the hard hat hasone and never use a hard hat that has damageto the suspension system or outer shell. 
In some workplaces, regular clothinglike a t-shirt and jeans is enough protection.But in others, you'll need to wear eitherspecial clothing or layer other protectionover your regular clothing.If you're at risk of being splashed withfluids, you might wear an apron,lab coat or surgical gown.Welding aprons, sleeves, bibsand coats offer protection against splashesfrom molten metals.If you will be exposed to fire or electricalhazards, you may need to wear flame resistantclothing or FRC, whichcan significantly reduce both the extentand severity of burn injuries.You may also be required to wear arc flashrated clothing made of special materialsthat resist ignition, melting, anddripping and provide a barrier betweenyour skin and the heat.If you are exposed to hazardous waste andmaterial, there are four levels of PPErequired based on different types of siteconditions.In workplaces where you are exposed toextremely high or low temperatures,like a foundry or a freezer, you mayneed to wear extreme temperature protectiveclothing.This can include full suits, coveralls,and coats, depending on the temperature andtask.Depending on the type of clothing, it may bedisposable, require decontamination,or need specialized cleaning and repair.For example, FRC can lose itseffectiveness if laundered incorrectly. 
Lesson 3: PPE for the Eyes, Ears, and Lungs.Click the "Next" button to continue.
You may be exposed to high levels of noise on many worksites.This can cause irreversible hearing impairment or loss,as well as physical and psychological stress.Your exposure to excessive noise depends on several factors including loudness,which is measured in decibels, the duration of your exposure,changing noise levels, and the source.Generally, the louder the noise,the sooner you will need to use hearing protection.Any protection you use should have a noise reduction rating,or NRR, which rates its effectiveness.Even if you have two similar sets of hearing protection,they can still have different NRRs.There are several types of ear protection,and you may use one or more on a worksite.Expandable foam ear plugs can be reusable or disposable,and form to fit your ear canal.Molded, reusable ear plugs are available both in custom and general fitsand should be cleaned after each use.Canal caps only cover the opening of the ear canalbut are often available on a flexible band and can easily be put on and taken off.Earmuffs provide protection by covering the entire ear,but aren't ideal for all employees,especially those wearing glasses or protective headgear such as hard hats.
Hard hats alone do not offer face protection,especially from flying objects or sparks.Some hard hats are designed for attachments that can protect the neckand sides of the face from sparks, debris, or sun exposure.Face shields can offer protection from dust, debris, sparks, and bodily fluids,but for maximum protection will typically require other PPE.For example, you may also wear eye protection, a mask or respirator,as well as head protection.Common forms of eye protection are spectacles and goggles,both of which you're probably familiar with.Safety spectacles primarily offer protection from flying fragments,chips, sand, and dirt.Goggles provide the wearer with a seal around the eyeand are better than spectacles for things like dust and mists.Helmets and face shields can also be used to protect the eyesand are often used during arc welding. 
Respirators protect against a variety ofhazards, including everything from irritatingdusts to atmospheres that are immediatelydangerous to life and health.All respirators must be NIOSH-certifiedand must fit the employee correctly.The most common are air-purifying respirators,which must be rated for the type of atmospherichazards present.If this type of respirator does not provideappropriate protection, an employee mayneed to use an atmosphere-supplying respirator,such as a self-contained breathing apparatus.While all PPE should fit the user correctly,respiratory protection requires some additionalpreparation.If you are required to wear a respirator atwork, you must be evaluated by amedical professional for physical andpsychological fitness.Each new tight-fitting respirator mustbe fit tested, even if it is the sametype you've worn before.If you have a significant change to facialcharacteristics, like getting braces ordentures, you will also need to be fit tested.Before using a respirator, you must alwaysperform a manufacturer-approved sealcheck to ensure a tight seal.If you wear glasses or other PPE,they may interfere with a proper fit or seal,so make sure to perform these checks with allother PPE in place; notifyyour supervisor immediately of any issues.You should consult the Safety Data Sheet(SDS) to learn about contaminantsprior to entering an area that requiresrespiratory protection.Always leave an area if you experienceany warning signs that your respirator is notfunctioning properly.Warning signs could include an abnormaltaste in your mouth, a smell or odor,burning eyes, headache, blurred vision,feeling ill, stomach ache and/or vomiting,or labored breathing. 
Now that you've completed this course, youshould be able to identify common types of PPEand their uses.You should also be able to identify OSHA'srequirements for PPE andthe responsibilities you and your employerhave for selecting, using, andmaintaining PPE. 
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