嵌入式 - 什么是双极晶体管

What is a bipolar transistor?
双极晶体管是一种由 pn 结组成的晶体管,也称为双极结晶体管(BJT)。场效应晶体管是一种单极器件,而双极晶体管之所以叫双极晶体管,是因为它的工作涉及两种电荷载流子--空穴和电子。
Bipolar transistors are a type of transistor composed of pn junctions, which are also called bipolar junction transistors (BJTs). Whereas a field-effect transistor is a unipolar device, a bipolar transistor is so named because its operation involves two kinds of charge carriers, holes and electrons.
由于双极晶体管是最早发明的晶体管,所以当人们简单地说到 "晶体管 "时,有时指的就是双极晶体管。
Since the bipolar transistor was the first transistor to be invented, when one simply says "transistors," it sometimes means bipolar transistors.
根据结的类型,双极晶体管分为 npn 和 pnp 两种类型。双极晶体管的结构看起来是对称的。
Two types of bipolar transistor are available, known as npn and pnp, based on the type of junction. The structure of a bipolar transistor looks symmetrical. 
NPN Transistor:  NPN 晶体管
偏压: 基极需要比发射极更正,晶体管才能导通。通常用于共发射极配置,即发射极接地。
由于电子(NPN 中的多数载流子)与空穴(PNP 中的多数载流子)相比具有更高的迁移率,因此通常速度更快,可处理更大的电流。
NPN 晶体管因其更快的开关速度和更大的电流能力而得到更广泛的应用。它们是大多数数字和开关应用的首选。
The majority charge carriers are electrons. Current flows from the collector to the emitter. The emitter emits electrons into the base, and these electrons are attracted to the collector.
Biasing: The base needs to be more positive than the emitter for the transistor to turn on. Typically used in common-emitter configuration where the emitter is connected to ground.
Generally faster and can handle higher current because electrons (majority carriers in NPN) have higher mobility compared to holes (majority carriers in PNP).
More commonly used in circuits because they are generally more efficient for switching and amplification. Widely used in digital circuits, switching, amplifiers, and other general-purpose applications.
NPN Transistors are more widely used due to their faster switching speeds and higher current capabilities. They are the go-to choice for most digital and switching applications.
Switch Example: 开关应用示例
使用数字信号控制负载(如 LED 或电机)。
集电极: 连接到负载的一个端子(如 LED 的负极)。
发射器: 与地相连。
基极: 通过限流电阻与控制信号连接。
Control a load (e.g., an LED or motor) using a digital signal.
Collector: Connected to one terminal of the load (e.g., the negative side of an LED).
Emitter: Connected to ground.
Base: Connected to the control signal via a current-limiting resistor.
When a positive voltage is applied to the base, the transistor turns on, allowing current to flow from the collector to the emitter, which completes the circuit and powers the load.
When the base is low (grounded), the transistor turns off, cutting off current flow to the load.
       | | Load (e.g., LED)
     /   |
B --|    |
     \   |
Used in circuits where you need to switch the connection to ground. It's commonly used in low-side switching.
PNP Transistor: PNP晶体管
偏压: 基极需要比发射极更负,晶体管才能导通。常用于发射极连接正电源电压的电路中。
与 NPN 晶体管相比,在开关速度和电流容量方面稍慢且效率较低。
PNP 晶体管用于电路设计需要发射极正电压的情况,通常是负载连接到地的情况。
The majority charge carriers are holes. Current flows from the emitter to the collector. The emitter emits holes into the base, and these holes are attracted to the collector.
Biasing: The base needs to be more negative than the emitter for the transistor to turn on. Often used in circuits where the emitter is connected to a positive supply voltage.
Slightly slower and less efficient in terms of switching speed and current capacity compared to NPN transistors.
Used when a circuit requires a positive voltage at the emitter and negative control at the base. Typically found in high-side switching applications, where the switch is between the load and the positive supply. 
PNP Transistors are used when the circuit design requires positive voltage at the emitter, typically in situations where the load is connected to the ground.
Switch Example: 开关应用示例
使用数字信号控制负载(如 LED 或电机)。
集电极: 连接至负载的一个端子(如 LED 的正极)。
发射器: 与正电源电压相连。
基极: 通过限流电阻与控制信号连接。
Control a load (e.g., an LED or motor) using a digital signal.
Collector: Connected to one terminal of the load (e.g., the positive side of an LED).
Emitter: Connected to the positive supply voltage.
Base: Connected to the control signal via a current-limiting resistor.
When a low voltage (close to ground) is applied to the base, the transistor turns on, allowing current to flow from the emitter to the collector, powering the load.
When the base is high (close to the supply voltage), the transistor turns off, cutting off current flow to the load.
     /   |
B --|    |
     \   |
       | | Load (e.g., LED)
Used in circuits where you need to switch the connection to the positive supply voltage. It's commonly used in high-side switching.
Misc / 其他
NPN 型产品的耐压从低到高不等。耐压在 400 V 或以下的 PNP 型产品,尤其是耐压在 200 V 或以下的产品是主流。其具有将小信号转换为大信号的放大功能。集电极电流 IC 与基极电流 IB 之比(IC/IB)称为直流电流增益,用 h(FE) 表示。当小电流(IB)从基极流向发射极时,IB x hFE 的电流从集电极流向发射极。
NPN-type products have low withstand voltage to high withstand voltage. PNP-type products with withstand voltage of 400 V or less, and particularly those with withstand voltage of 200 V or less, are mainstream. There is an amplification function to convert small signals to large signals. The ratio of collector current IC and base current IB (IC/IB) is called DC current gain, denoted as h(FE). When small current (IB) flows from base to emitter, current of IB x hFE flows from collector to emitter.




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