
package com.jasongj.kafka.consumer;

import java.io.*;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

public class WriteMerkle {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

     while(true) {

    static File merklerFile = null;
    static List<String> signatures = new ArrayList<String>();
    public static void writeMerkle() throws Exception {
        Date now = new Date();
        long time = 30*60*1000;//2分钟
        Date beforeDate = new Date(now .getTime() - time);//2分钟前的时间
        SimpleDateFormat dateFormatMinute= new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm");
        String  minute = dateFormatMinute.format( beforeDate );
        SimpleDateFormat dateFormatHour= new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HH");
        String  hour = dateFormatHour.format( beforeDate );

        File file = new File("d:\\log_dir\\"+hour+"\\"+minute);
        if (file.exists()) {
            String hashCode = getFileSHA512(file);
            System.out.println(file.getName() +" hash code is:"+hashCode);
                MerkleTree leaf = new MerkleTree(signatures);
                byte[] serializedTree = leaf.serialize();

    public static String getFileSHA512(File file) {
        String str = "";
        try {
            str = getHash(file, "SHA-256");
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return str;
    public static String getHash(File file, String hashType) throws Exception {
        InputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
        byte buffer[] = new byte[1024];
        MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance(hashType);
        for (int numRead = 0; (numRead = fis.read(buffer)) > 0; ) {
            md5.update(buffer, 0, numRead);
        return toHexString(md5.digest());
    public static String toHexString(byte b[]) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (byte aB : b) {
            sb.append(Integer.toHexString(aB & 0xFF));
        return sb.toString();
     * 向文件写入byte[]
     * @param fileName 文件名
     * @param bytes    字节内容
     * @param append   是否追加
     * @throws IOException
    public static void writeFileByBytes(String fileName, byte[] bytes, boolean append) throws IOException {
        try(OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(fileName, append))){


package net.quux00;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.zip.Adler32;

 * MerkleTree is an implementation of a Merkle binary hash tree where the leaves
 * are signatures (hashes, digests, CRCs, etc.) of some underlying data structure
 * that is not explicitly part of the tree.
 * The internal leaves of the tree are signatures of its two child nodes. If an
 * internal node has only one child, the the signature of the child node is
 * adopted ("promoted").
 * MerkleTree knows how to serialize itself to a binary format, but does not
 * implement the Java Serializer interface.  The {@link #serialize()} method
 * returns a byte array, which should be passed to 
 * {@link MerkleDeserializer#deserialize(byte[])} in order to hydrate into
 * a MerkleTree in memory.
 * This MerkleTree is intentionally ignorant of the hashing/checksum algorithm
 * used to generate the leaf signatures. It uses Adler32 CRC to generate
 * signatures for all internal node signatures (other than those "promoted"
 * that have only one child).
 * The Adler32 CRC is not cryptographically secure, so this implementation
 * should NOT be used in scenarios where the data is being received from
 * an untrusted source.
public class MerkleTree {

  public static final int MAGIC_HDR = 0xcdaace99;
  public static final int INT_BYTES = 4;
  public static final int LONG_BYTES = 8;
  public static final byte LEAF_SIG_TYPE = 0x0;
  public static final byte INTERNAL_SIG_TYPE = 0x01;
  private final Adler32 crc = new Adler32();
  private List<String> leafSigs;
  private Node root;
  private int depth;
  private int nnodes;
   * Use this constructor to create a MerkleTree from a list of leaf signatures.
   * The Merkle tree is built from the bottom up.
   * @param leafSignatures
  public MerkleTree(List<String> leafSignatures) {
   * Use this constructor when you have already constructed the tree of Nodes 
   * (from deserialization).
   * @param treeRoot
   * @param numNodes
   * @param height
   * @param leafSignatures
  public MerkleTree(Node treeRoot, int numNodes, int height, List<String> leafSignatures) {
    root = treeRoot;
    nnodes = numNodes;
    depth = height;
    leafSigs = leafSignatures;
   * Serialization format:
   * (magicheader:int)(numnodes:int)[(nodetype:byte)(siglength:int)(signature:[]byte)]
   * @return
  public byte[] serialize() {
    int magicHeaderSz = INT_BYTES;
    int nnodesSz = INT_BYTES;
    int hdrSz = magicHeaderSz + nnodesSz;

    int typeByteSz = 1;
    int siglength = INT_BYTES;
    int parentSigSz = LONG_BYTES;
    int leafSigSz = leafSigs.get(0).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).length;

    // some of the internal nodes may use leaf signatures (when "promoted")
    // so ensure that the ByteBuffer overestimates how much space is needed
    // since ByteBuffer does not expand on demand
    int maxSigSz = leafSigSz;
    if (parentSigSz > maxSigSz) {
      maxSigSz = parentSigSz;
    int spaceForNodes = (typeByteSz + siglength + maxSigSz) * nnodes; 
    int cap = hdrSz + spaceForNodes;
    ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(cap);
    buf.putInt(MAGIC_HDR).putInt(nnodes);  // header

    // the ByteBuf allocated space is likely more than was needed
    // so copy to a byte array of the exact size necesssary
    byte[] serializedTree = new byte[buf.position()];
    return serializedTree;

   * Serialization format after the header section:
   * [(nodetype:byte)(siglength:int)(signature:[]byte)]
   * @param buf
  void serializeBreadthFirst(ByteBuffer buf) {
    Queue<Node> q = new ArrayDeque<Node>((nnodes / 2) + 1);
    while (!q.isEmpty()) {
      Node nd = q.remove();
      if (nd.left != null) {
      if (nd.right != null) {

   * Create a tree from the bottom up starting from the leaf signatures.
   * @param signatures
  void constructTree(List<String> signatures) {
    if (signatures.size() <= 1) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must be at least two signatures to construct a Merkle tree");
    leafSigs = signatures;
    nnodes = signatures.size();
    List<Node> parents = bottomLevel(signatures);
    nnodes += parents.size();
    depth = 1;
    while (parents.size() > 1) {
      parents = internalLevel(parents);
      nnodes += parents.size();
    root = parents.get(0);

  public int getNumNodes() {
    return nnodes;
  public Node getRoot() {
    return root;
  public int getHeight() {
    return depth;

   * Constructs an internal level of the tree
  List<Node> internalLevel(List<Node> children) {
    List<Node> parents = new ArrayList<Node>(children.size() / 2);
    for (int i = 0; i < children.size() - 1; i += 2) {
      Node child1 = children.get(i);
      Node child2 = children.get(i+1);
      Node parent = constructInternalNode(child1, child2);
    if (children.size() % 2 != 0) {
      Node child = children.get(children.size()-1);
      Node parent = constructInternalNode(child, null);
    return parents;

   * Constructs the bottom part of the tree - the leaf nodes and their
   * immediate parents.  Returns a list of the parent nodes.
  List<Node> bottomLevel(List<String> signatures) {
    List<Node> parents = new ArrayList<Node>(signatures.size() / 2);
    for (int i = 0; i < signatures.size() - 1; i += 2) {
      Node leaf1 = constructLeafNode(signatures.get(i));
      Node leaf2 = constructLeafNode(signatures.get(i+1));
      Node parent = constructInternalNode(leaf1, leaf2);
    // if odd number of leafs, handle last entry
    if (signatures.size() % 2 != 0) {
      Node leaf = constructLeafNode(signatures.get(signatures.size() - 1));      
      Node parent = constructInternalNode(leaf, null);
    return parents;

  private Node constructInternalNode(Node child1, Node child2) {
    Node parent = new Node();
    parent.type = INTERNAL_SIG_TYPE;
    if (child2 == null) {
      parent.sig = child1.sig;
    } else {
      parent.sig = internalHash(child1.sig, child2.sig);
    parent.left = child1;
    parent.right = child2;
    return parent;

  private static Node constructLeafNode(String signature) {
    Node leaf = new Node();
    leaf.type = LEAF_SIG_TYPE;
    leaf.sig = signature.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    return leaf;
  byte[] internalHash(byte[] leftChildSig, byte[] rightChildSig) {
    return longToByteArray(crc.getValue());

  /* ---[ Node class ]--- */
   * The Node class should be treated as immutable, though immutable
   * is not enforced in the current design.
   * A Node knows whether it is an internal or leaf node and its signature.
   * Internal Nodes will have at least one child (always on the left).
   * Leaf Nodes will have no children (left = right = null).
  static class Node {
    public byte type;  // INTERNAL_SIG_TYPE or LEAF_SIG_TYPE
    public byte[] sig; // signature of the node
    public Node left;
    public Node right;
    public String toString() {
      String leftType = "<null>";
      String rightType = "<null>";
      if (left != null) {
        leftType = String.valueOf(left.type);
      if (right != null) {
        rightType = String.valueOf(right.type);
      return String.format("MerkleTree.Node<type:%d, sig:%s, left (type): %s, right (type): %s>",
          type, sigAsString(), leftType, rightType);

    private String sigAsString() {
      StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
      for (int i = 0; i < sig.length; i++) {
        sb.append(sig[i]).append(' ');
      sb.insert(sb.length()-1, ']');
      return sb.toString();
   * Big-endian conversion
  public static byte[] longToByteArray(long value) {
    return new byte[] {
        (byte) (value >> 56),
        (byte) (value >> 48),
        (byte) (value >> 40),
        (byte) (value >> 32),
        (byte) (value >> 24),
        (byte) (value >> 16),
        (byte) (value >> 8),
        (byte) value

package net.quux00;

import static net.quux00.MerkleTree.LEAF_SIG_TYPE;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Queue;

import net.quux00.MerkleTree.Node;

 * The Deserialization code was separated from the MerkleTree class.
public final class MerkleDeserializer {
  private MerkleDeserializer() {}
   * Deserialize works from a byte array generated by {@link MerkleTree#serialize()}.
   * Serialization format:
   * (magicheader:int)(numnodes:int)[(nodetype:byte)(siglength:int)(signature:[]byte)]
   * @param serializedTree
   * @return
  public static MerkleTree deserialize(byte[] serializedTree) {
    ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(serializedTree);
    /* ---[ read header ]--- */
    if (buf.getInt() != MerkleTree.MAGIC_HDR) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("serialized byte array does not start with appropriate Magic Header");
    int totnodes = buf.getInt();
    /* ---[ read data ]--- */
    List<String> leafSigs = new ArrayList<>((totnodes / 2) + 1);

    // read root
    Node root = new Node();
    root.type = buf.get();
    if (root.type == LEAF_SIG_TYPE) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("First serialized node is a leaf");
    readNextSignature(buf, root);

    Queue<Node> q = new ArrayDeque<>((totnodes / 2) + 1);
    Node curr = root;
    int height = 0;
    int expNumNodes = 2;
    int nodesThisLevel = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < totnodes; i++) {
      Node child = new Node();
      child.type = buf.get();
      readNextSignature(buf, child);
      if (child.type == LEAF_SIG_TYPE) {
        leafSigs.add(new String(child.sig, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
      // handles incomplete tree where a node has been "promoted"
      if (signaturesEqual(child.sig,curr.sig)) {
        curr.left = child;
        curr = q.remove();
        expNumNodes *= 2;
        nodesThisLevel = 0;

      if (curr.left == null) {
        curr.left = child;
      } else {
        curr.right = child;
        curr = q.remove();
        if (nodesThisLevel >= expNumNodes) {
          expNumNodes *= 2;
          nodesThisLevel = 0;
    return new MerkleTree(root, totnodes, height, leafSigs);
   * Returns two if the two byte arrays passed in are exactly identical.
  static boolean signaturesEqual(byte[] sig, byte[] sig2) {
    if (sig.length != sig2.length) {
      return false;
    for (int i = 0; i < sig.length; i++) {
      if (sig[i] != sig2[i]) {
        return false;
    return true;

  static void readNextSignature(ByteBuffer buf, Node nd) {
    byte[] sigBytes = new byte[buf.getInt()];
    nd.sig = sigBytes;





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