c++ 中string变量的初始化


libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::logic_error: basic_string::_S_construct NULL





//    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SYMBOL_COUNT; i++)

//    {

//        m_nodePayTable[i] = NULL;

//    }


string m_sName
string a=NULL;

it gives error. Why and how can I initialize string as NULL?

but when I write

string a="foo";

this it works fine.

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string a = ""; –  Borgleader  Dec 16 '12 at 0:04 
try to use pointer, you can assign NULL to it, but dont forget to use properly new and delete –  Zaffy  Dec 16 '12 at 0:18
@Borgleader: What's wrong with string a;? –  sbi  Dec 16 '12 at 0:23
@sbi: Nothing, in fact it's probably better. –  Borgleader  Dec 16 '12 at 0:24

3 Answers

up vote 9 down vote accepted

Actually to get an empty std::string, you just write

std::string a;

std::string's default constructor will give you an empty string without further prompting.

As an aside, using NULL in C++ is generally discouraged, the recommendation would be to either use 0 (which NULL tends to be defined to anyway) or if you have a modern enough compiler, nullptr.

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nullptr will be UB, as it will try to construct a std::string from a null pointer, which is not allowed by the Standard. –  Puppy  Dec 16 '12 at 0:14
@DeadMG I think "as an aside" means it doesn't apply to this situation. –  Mark Ransom  Dec 16 '12 at 0:20
As an aside, I don't see how using NULL is discouraged in pre-nullptr C++... in practice it's the same as 0 (it's guaranteed to be defined as 0), and it makes more clear that we are talking about pointers. –  Matteo Italia  Dec 16 '12 at 0:20 
@MatteoItalia foo(NULL) will it call foo(char*) or foo(int)? You'd say foo(char*) because NULL is used for pointers, but it's actually calling foo(int). Clear code is important. Don't ever use NULL in C++. –  user142019  Dec 16 '12 at 0:21 
@Zoidberg'--: no, I'd say foo(int) because I know that NULL is plain zero. But if I make the mistake and later someone else notices that the wrong overload is called he can immediately understand what I meant and add the relevant cast (otherwise he would have to ask me if I meant "integer zero" or "pointer zero"). I agree that NULL is a botch - nullptr was introduced for a reason, but I feel it's better than using 0 also for pointers. Anyway, all this is both non relevant to the question (I'm sorry for derailing it) and non relevant in general now that nullptr solves this problem. –  Matteo Italia  Dec 16 '12 at 0:27 

There is a difference between null and empty string (an empty string is still a valid string). If you want a "nullable" object (something that can hold at most one object of a certain type), you can use boost::optional:

boost::optional<std::string> str; // str is *nothing* (i.e. there is no string)
str = "Hello, world!"; // str is "Hello, world!"
str = ""; // str is "" (i.e. empty string)
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Let's break down what you are in fact doing:

string a=NULL;

First you execute string a. This creates a new object on the stack, with default value (an empty string). Then you execute a=NULL, which calls the assignment function of the string class. But what is NULLNULL in C++ is macro expanded into just 0. So you are attepting to assign an integer to a string variable, which of course is not possible.

string a="abc"

works, because you want to assign a char array, and the string class has the assignment operator method overloaded for char arrays, but not for integers. That's why NULL doesn't work and "abc" works.

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This is not quite correct - a void* is not an integer. –  Timo Geusch  Dec 16 '12 at 0:11
In C, NULL is defined as ((void*)0) but in C++ its just 0. –  Zaffy  Dec 16 '12 at 0:13 
std::string a = NULL; is an initialization, not an assignment. operator= isn't called (or at least not directly, depending on the implementation). –  user142019  Dec 16 '12 at 0:23 
@Zaffy no. It's an array of chars. It decays to a pointer, and how that pointer is stored (if it is stored at all) is implementation-defined. It may be a floating point number on crazy architectures. –  user142019  Dec 16 '12 at 0:25 
@JakubZaverka, a pointer is convertible to an numerical value like int or long, but it is a distinct type. That's a big difference. –  Timo Geusch  Dec 16 '12 at 0:28
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